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Greatest Force User Duelist


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So I was reading the Wookiepedia today and I was learning about the various members of the Sith and Jedi. Then a interesting question came to mind. Many of these Sith and Jedi were became famous or infamous for that matter because of the connection to the force as well as many other personal traits. But what I have yet to discover is who exactly was greatest pure duelist. What I mean is, who out of both the Sith and Jedi were the greatest lightsaber wielder? Who mastered a form to perfection?


After some further reading a couple of names came to mind these were:


Anakin Skywalker

Master Yoda

Darth Maul

Exar Kun

Darth Tarynaus (otherwise known as count (Dooku)

Mace Windu.


So now I pose the question to you guys. Who do you think were the greatest lightsaber duelists?


Ps: Sorry about my bad grammer.

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way to end the discussion :p


Forgive my naivitee but isn't the entire list primarily lightsaber duelists? Besides Yoda, most of the list uses the lightsaber mostly during combat


True, they all focus more on lightsaber dueling, but Luke beats them all in every area of battle. That's why I said Luke. He's the best duelist and most powerful Jedi of all time.

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True, they all focus more on lightsaber dueling, but Luke beats them all in every area of battle. That's why I said Luke. He's the best duelist and most powerful Jedi of all time.


in this game especially sage and sorc mirror. you pretty much never use your lightsaber, it's nearly all force attacks. Are there "true Force duelists" in the canon, besides sidious i mean?

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in this game especially sage and sorc mirror. you pretty much never use your lightsaber, it's nearly all force attacks. Are there "true Force duelists" in the canon, besides sidious i mean?


As in people who only use the Force? Sure. Not many, but there are. I can't name any off the top of my head, but there are some out there.

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Someone needs to tell this Luke guy to get lost and stop ruining vs. threads - GO TAKE YOUR SUPERPOWERS SOME PLACE ELSE! :D


Well if Disney does something drastic with post-ROTJ EU, Luke wont be superpowerful. He'd still end up beating everyone because he's a main character, but he probably wont be the beast we know now.


This depends on when the new trilogy takes place, but I don't want to derail this thread with another discussion about Disney. :p

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Mace Windu.


Luke? Pffft, couldn't even block force lightning from an older emperor while Windu held it and redirected it back to a younger/arguably more powerful emperor AFTER beating him/disarming him. Master of the Vaapad form, able to see shatter points in any situation/opponent? Only beat due to treachery from Anakin?

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Mace Windu.


Luke? Pffft, couldn't even block force lightning from an older emperor while Windu held it and redirected it back to a younger/arguably more powerful emperor AFTER beating him/disarming him. Master of the Vaapad form, able to see shatter points in any situation/opponent? Only beat due to treachery from Anakin?


yeah but even windu is primarily a saber user. he doesn't use a lot of TK, or force pushes/waves, force lifts, etc when he fights.

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yeah but even windu is primarily a saber user. he doesn't use a lot of TK, or force pushes/waves, force lifts, etc when he fights.


OP said greatest DUALIST, not force wielder. However....


1. Windu defeats a squad of droid attackers without his lightsaber, using only his fists (unknown clone wars episode).

2. Defeats/nearly kills General Grevious with a chest force crush before Grevious escapes to his command ship (clone wars episode that immediate prequels Revenge of the Sith).

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Well if Disney does something drastic with post-ROTJ EU, Luke wont be superpowerful. He'd still end up beating everyone because he's a main character, but he probably wont be the beast we know now.


This depends on when the new trilogy takes place, but I don't want to derail this thread with another discussion about Disney. :p


Hopefully they do something drastic. The whole LUKE IS THE MOST POWERFUL EVER, END OF STORY BECAUSE I SAID SO - George Lucas - is old hat. Same with Palpatine. It's why Superman is boring and Batman is interesting. Stories about an invincible guy that beats everyone are not good.

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OP said greatest DUALIST, not force wielder. However....


1. Windu defeats a squad of droid attackers without his lightsaber, using only his fists (unknown clone wars episode).

2. Defeats/nearly kills General Grevious with a chest force crush before Grevious escapes to his command ship (clone wars episode that immediate prequels Revenge of the Sith).


The title does say Force user Duelist, so i was going by the force dueling :p


Both those examples with Windu are against a non force user(s) , I"m just wondering unarmed, hand to hand, force to force combat.

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Well if Disney does something drastic with post-ROTJ EU, Luke wont be superpowerful. He'd still end up beating everyone because he's a main character, but he probably wont be the beast we know now.


This depends on when the new trilogy takes place, but I don't want to derail this thread with another discussion about Disney. :p


Speaking of DIsney and their new movies (off topic I know :p), is there a period of time involving Luke that isnt already covered in the EU? In other words, does Disney have room to come up with an original story that involves Luke? Or will they have to borrow a story from the already existing EU? probably a dumb question I know, but Im not too well versed in the EU, having never really took notice of it aside from a few games :D

Edited by Meepbot
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Some of you need to understand that a force user always use the force while fighting.

Not lire in the epic fail fighting in rule of two novel by Drew were the jedi is fighting the twilek

and he cant winn lol, so nice someone set Drew straight by the time Revan came out.


Plenty of evidense for this in the movies, everytime yoda fights, dooku bvs obi wan, dooku vs anakin,vader vs luke both time and more.This is why yoda just rips both lightsabers from bventress in the clonewars and she can do anything about it. Sadly some of the EU authors is a little clueless, but they do make great stories.


Anyways best dualist of all time, here is my top 10.


1- Luke (of course)



4-Obi Wan


6-Mace Windu


8-Tyranus aka Dooku



Edited by Lord_Karsk
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Speaking of DIsney and their new movies (off topic I know :p), is there a period of time involving Luke that isnt already covered in the EU? In other words, does Disney have room to come up with an original story that involves Luke? Or will they have to borrow a story from the already existing EU? probably a dumb question I know, but Im not too well versed in the EU, having never really took notice of it aside from a few games :D


Luke's life is pretty much covered. I think the only thing that isn't covered is his childhood, but there really isn't much excitement to be had then. :p


I'm hoping they borrow some story elements from the EU, but it seems most likely that they will either start shortly after ROTJ or make movies thirty years later so they can use the original actors.

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Hopefully they do something drastic. The whole LUKE IS THE MOST POWERFUL EVER, END OF STORY BECAUSE I SAID SO - George Lucas - is old hat. Same with Palpatine. It's why Superman is boring and Batman is interesting. Stories about an invincible guy that beats everyone are not good.


I think that's what Abeloth was meant to do. Try to push Luke to his limits. But what it did do was tell us that only a creature on god-like levels can hope to be a match for him.


Personally, I find Luke's character interesting, but I'm not a fan of the DBZ turn the EU took. It makes for some good stories, but my favorite stories are about the people that aren't OMG powerful.

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Hopefully they do something drastic. The whole LUKE IS THE MOST POWERFUL EVER, END OF STORY BECAUSE I SAID SO - George Lucas - is old hat. Same with Palpatine. It's why Superman is boring and Batman is interesting. Stories about an invincible guy that beats everyone are not good.


Superman boring and invincible?....Right...

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Hopefully they do something drastic. The whole LUKE IS THE MOST POWERFUL EVER, END OF STORY BECAUSE I SAID SO - George Lucas - is old hat. Same with Palpatine. It's why Superman is boring and Batman is interesting. Stories about an invincible guy that beats everyone are not good.


True say.

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Someone needs to tell this Luke guy to get lost and stop ruining vs. threads - GO TAKE YOUR SUPERPOWERS SOME PLACE ELSE! :D


Finally someone told that guy to go somewhere else :D. No offense Aurbere, you have some really good analytical skills when it comes down to analyzing Star Wars history but your "Luke/Sidious owns all. End of discussion" attitude is annoying sometimes, well most of the times actually.

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Finally someone told that guy to go somewhere else :D. No offense Aurbere, you have some really good analytical skills when it comes down to analyzing Star Wars history but your "Luke/Sidious owns all. End of discussion" attitude is annoying sometimes, well most of the times actually.


I think the post you were replying to was sarcastically saying that Luke should go away because his clear superiority ruins "vs." threads.


Luke and Sidious are the most powerful Jedi and Sith respectively. That's not an attitude...that's what canon says. I'm sorry if that annoys you, but it's still the truth.

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way to end the discussion :p


Forgive my naivitee but isn't the entire list primarily lightsaber duelists? Besides Yoda, most of the list uses the lightsaber mostly during combat


Hey guys, it seems this thread has turned into a bit of a argument. It also seems there is a bit of confusion I was actually talking about pure lightsaber duelists, when I said force user I meant which of the well known force sensitives are the greatest pure duelists.


Luke Skywalker. That is all.


Please don't ruin my discussion with that type of answer.




Again i'm sorry for the confusion I should have worded it better.

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Luke is most likely the best.


If Khem isn't exaggerating, Tulak Hord ranks up there. Mace and Kas'im do as well.


Jaina is starting to creep up that list, and will probably be near the top once it's all said and done.


I'd probably rank the Hero of Tython and the Emperor's Wrath on there as well, for argument's sake let's just make them equal.


Also all of these threads should pretty much have an automatic "No Luke" rule. It would make them funner because he really is #1 in most things.

Edited by Stncold
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Hey guys, it seems this thread has turned into a bit of a argument. It also seems there is a bit of confusion I was actually talking about pure lightsaber duelists, when I said force user I meant which of the well known force sensitives are the greatest pure duelists.


That's not really a question that can be answered. Every Jedi uses the Force in battle, it is natural. Simply predicting the actions of an enemy or sensing an incoming blaster bolt, is using the Force. It is always in play in a duel. Lightsaber duels are a struggle. Not just who can gain the upper hand in the duel, but who is also the more powerful in the Force.


A pure duelist, strictly lightsaber dueling, is not possible. The Force is always in play. So the answer to your question is Luke Skywalker.

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Luke is most likely the best.


If Khem isn't exaggerating, Tulak Hord ranks up there. Mace and Kas'im do as well.


Jaina is starting to creep up that list, and will probably be near the top once it's all said and done.


I'd probably rank the Hero of Tython and the Emperor's Wrath on there as well, for argument's sake let's just make them equal.


Also all of these threads should pretty much have an automatic "No Luke" rule. It would make them funner because he really is #1 in most things.


If we're going to do a "no Luke/Sidious" rule, then that would be slightly tougher. I could see a good number of people ranking in the number two spot. My number two spot would be a tough call, but I would have to give it to Yoda. His size gives him a big advantage, strictly from a dueling perspective. I think Mace, Jaina, Kyp Durron, and Kyle Katarn would get a piece of the number two spot as well. It's really tough to call, imo.

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