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The Future of SWTOR


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Star Wars: What we need, open world PvP structures that player's characters can build and protect in-game.


An idea like this gives our toons true "Purpose".



I'm just going to jump straight into my idea with very little side discussion.



Stage 1: Open World Structure Creation.


What if we could train or chars to build different structures out in the real-time game world. These structures would be everything from weaponized PvP vehicles to small guild based customizable PvP armor shops run by players or player owned NPC's.



The idea looks something like this. (Class-1 Hangar, single manned Weaponized PvP Ground Vehicles, Barricades, short range transporters and shuttles, Exo-BattleSuits(ground) for trained Commando class toons, Walkers, Troop ships(ground) for ground assaults)


(Class-2 Hangar, Class A carriers, single manned Weaponized PvP air assault vehicles of all types)


(Class-3 Hangar, Class B + C carriers, Planet orbiting Weaponized PvP Ships(single manned) Fueling Ships)




Structure Name: Class-1 Hangar (Small Terrain Ground Vehicles) used for open travel and PvP battling weapon equipped park-able mounts. These mounts are more vehicle in design with the purpose of ground travel and open world patrol between PvP structures and base assaults.


Cost : ???? credits to pay for specific building plans from a special crew skills trainer


Build Cost : ???? Credits to pay an NPC Building Crew (each unit has a cost) and ???? Credits to pay for construction estimated time (Job-Build-Time)


Creation : After a selectable open world area has been selected by the "Foreman" (player) the NPC's will begin working on the structure


once construction begins the NPC's cannot be stopped unless attacked and killed by opposing factions or guilds.


Each structure has its own build-time from 1min-48 hrs depending on the class, size, and NPC Crew Size used in building the structure.




Seizing : Opposing factions or guilds can seize enemy structures or destroy them for huge amounts of Warzone tokens.


When seizing, all the foreman's NPC crew must be killed, then the seizing player must assign his own NPC crew to take over construction


After original foreman's NPCs r killed seizing is performed with one button click as long as the new foreman has the minimum crew size requirements met, (no cost is paid for the project).





Objective : Needless to say the whole idea is designed to give PvP Battle a more "Real-world" fluidity, not fixed and altered stat designs.


The vision for this whole idea is the creation of a fully operational "Ground Base" or Guild Command Center ran by players and player assigned NPC's


These bases and command centers will not only have fully customize-able tiles, and walls, but will also be lined with guild or base banners and have screenshot potraits of player's in-game characters to deck the halls.


They will also be ran and operated by actual players or player owned NPC's. What that will mean is it in itself will become a PvP Battleground. Open World Battle-Grounds built and designed by the players through in-game achievements. For clarification each individual structure will have its own structure class, and when another structure is built onto an existing structure its class will change upon completion of the new structure. A command center will be a class that consists of combined structures that meet the minimum classification of a command center.


Each skirmish from the opposing faction or guilds will yield ranked and unranked warzone comms for defending and attacking players. Attackers will earn comms for kills and destroyed or seized areas and defenders can earn them for kills and repaired areas. A multiplied bonus could be applied when all hostiles are clear from the immediate area of the base or structures for say 30 secs which would result in a sustained defended bonus for all defending players of combat. And maybe even an added hero bonus for the foreman and guild members of the structures who knows.




Vision : The start of this will probably be a small implementation without the actual ideas of the visionary if its even implemented at all, however


the endgame for this idea is the eventual implementation of short range multi-class space stations that will spawn customize-able multi-class ships owned


by players. The ships will be used to thwart incoming PvP attacks on the space stations as well as manual travel from space to the surface bases hangars and structures on the orbiting planets. Without a space station or in space fueling station fuel can be depleted every hour when in certain zones of free space for PvP ships, and the ships should be fully customize-able color, guild emblems, weapons and interior. These ships can also be destroyed in space battles and will need repairs after being damaged by battle or terrain (Asteroid Fields, Crashes, Collisions) . The PvP ships can be used for protecting space stations and can also be used to manually travel between space structures and orbiting planets. However in order to travel to other systems u will need hyper drive capacity which will be a very expensive upgrade for both the ship and the space-station that will buy the technology to install the hyper drive cores in independent ships. In essence it will truly become Star-Wars with full freedom given to those who choose to be apart of this world. Of course this is the shortened version of my idea but i have no idea how to talk to an actual developer to help give my ideas to them. I love when real developers put this much time into their creation as they have done with SWTOR and people like me only want to see it get better if that's even possible without messing up the original idea.


So there u go guys i've followed ur in-game advice and tried to give my idea to the game designers. Its up to them now.



Trophy Room : I think a nice touch would be for players to be able to add a trophy room dedicated to their guild members and honored squads, battalions, and mercs who help defend their structures and bases. The room of course would be fully customize-able with actual statuettes of real player's in-game chars of that guild or PvP squad, battalion, etc... build-able by the foreman of the trophy room or the base commander. Each persons trophy would be click-able and other players can follow all their leader's and hero's real-time achievements from the trophy room on the base. Not to mention it gives new guildies a vision to strive for within their guild. Having a system like this lets u see ur guild's strength in the physical gaming world and credits are used by the whole guild for the guild's development, the stronger the base the stronger the guild. And eventually ur guild will become an actual army or Council or Order with emissaries and senate meetings between opposing guilds and even opposing factions. Imagine creating a Treaty that allows signed members of the Sith to represent Jedi members or bases in PvP battles. Its an idea...


Well if u've read down this far thank you for reading the post and good luck out there:wea_03:

Edited by SDGIEST
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Why did you put this in both general and community?


Because as i have stated in the post, I DON'T KNOW WHERE TO PUT IT!!!!!!!!

I'm only posting because i wanted to share the idea i normally DON'T POST I'm too busy playing:eek:.

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TBH Nice ideas but this game is not in a postion to take hints from its subscribers next few months

are about keeping its head above the water with subs down to 425k in the newest ( 01/11/12) report

F2P needs to work orthis game will be dead in less then 2 years maybe less


again gr8 ideas but its not going to happen

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the idea of having personal (or guild based) structures to defend isn't entirely out of the question, the idea of it being open world, however, is. There's just not enough of the worlds to allow something like this. That being said they could do something along the lines of allowing you to pick a planet, which determines the environmental palette, then let you build up defenses and add rooms, etc. Then they could have various HQ points around the world that people to go to to try to invade other peoples stuff. They could even make it so you can't invade peoples stuff till your stuff is open to being invaded which means you gotta get ur stuff ready.


but again. theres no way, not a chance in hell, that they'd do it out in the world.

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despite what pvpers think, most players dont pvp. so pvp anything wont save this game if that is what you are inferring. also the LARGEST obstacle to open world pvp has been and still is the lag issue. before anything can be done where a large group of people are close together spell affects blazing, THAT issue FIRST needs to be resolved. the coolest mechanics are worthless when played as a slide show by the majority.


there are problems to adding other mmos' features since there has yet to been built any foundation for so many of them in this game. sadly when f2p hits very little such "features" will be added unless the token store can make money from it some way. this is what one must now think when posting such ideas. how they can make money from it. posters now need to elaborate on how bioware can make money from their ideas in order for bioware to truly listen and take them seriously.


i am not saying your ideas are bad but rather the lag issue needs to be eliminated, fixed or worked around some how. and that you need to show some arguments as to how they can make money from it. the "build it and they will come" argument has already been used by bioware so please don't use that one as it didn't work too well.

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OP, I definatly like your ideas about Open World PvP. Who knows, maybe one day BW will actually do something about implementing Open World PvP content for people in this game, based around idea's like yours.


I am however not holding my breath that BW will come to the party, and play ball on giving people a reason to be involved in Open wolrd pvp. Miracles have been known to happen though. As for the lag though....lag is always going to be a factor when a large amount of people, and NPC's get togather to whale on each other.

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OP, I definatly like your ideas about Open World PvP. Who knows, maybe one day BW will actually do something about implementing Open World PvP content for people in this game, based around idea's like yours.


I am however not holding my breath that BW will come to the party, and play ball on giving people a reason to be involved in Open wolrd pvp. Miracles have been known to happen though. As for the lag though....lag is always going to be a factor when a large amount of people, and NPC's get togather to whale on each other.


My group of guildies (we have a guild both sides) already does open world PvP. Baiting people to play open world PvP will not solve any problems, nor improve the game. Besides, its already possible to do. Its not EAware's fault most PvPers are too lazy and competitive to cooperate and make open world PvP happen.

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1-roleplaying and pvp DO NOT co-exist for a normal person..


2-this game CANT handle large scale pvp



3-PVP needs WAY more stuff to be fixed before even thinking about something like this//



4-"this is what swtor pvp needs" wow.......just wow..



5-Swtor needs to first fix pvp in general(balance..bugs..classes...rating sistem..etcetc..and THEN they should add small deathmatch type of competitive pvp, best known as arenas. To promote real competitive pvp.



World pvp,besides the fact that this game cant handle it (i.e ilum)...its more and more pointless..people used to do it in old mmos because there was no other kind of pvp.Its not competitive and barely requires any skill,if any whatsosver( lol zergs etc..)...you DO have the chance to go outthere lookking for people to pvp with outside of the instanced pvp and thats all the world pvp you will get, basicaly because people DONT want world pvp, it berings nothing, no rewards, no fun, no skill play, nothing compared to instanced pvp.And adding some sort of incnetive will only make real pvpers grudge it even more since they will be obligated to do it...(i.e ilum..or wintergrasp/baradin hold in wow)


ever wondered why world pvp died in every current mmos?mmos offer what the demand...well...demands!


if you want big world pvp battles..organize them on your own(if u can get people for it..)....anyother way it wont work

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My group of guildies (we have a guild both sides) already does open world PvP. Baiting people to play open world PvP will not solve any problems, nor improve the game. Besides, its already possible to do. Its not EAware's fault most PvPers are too lazy and competitive to cooperate and make open world PvP happen.


yeah i hear ya. Unfutanelyas you have already said..... most people are way to lazy to co-operrate....or to be more Persise....to lazy to get off their backsides and organise a group of peeps for Open world pvp.

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1-roleplaying and pvp DO NOT co-exist for a normal person..


2-this game CANT handle large scale pvp



3-PVP needs WAY more stuff to be fixed before even thinking about something like this//



4-"this is what swtor pvp needs" wow.......just wow..



5-Swtor needs to first fix pvp in general(balance..bugs..classes...rating sistem..etcetc..and THEN they should add small deathmatch type of competitive pvp, best known as arenas. To promote real competitive pvp.



World pvp,besides the fact that this game cant handle it (i.e ilum)...its more and more pointless..people used to do it in old mmos because there was no other kind of pvp.Its not competitive and barely requires any skill,if any whatsosver( lol zergs etc..)...you DO have the chance to go outthere lookking for people to pvp with outside of the instanced pvp and thats all the world pvp you will get, basicaly because people DONT want world pvp, it berings nothing, no rewards, no fun, no skill play, nothing compared to instanced pvp.And adding some sort of incnetive will only make real pvpers grudge it even more since they will be obligated to do it...(i.e ilum..or wintergrasp/baradin hold in wow)


ever wondered why world pvp died in every current mmos?mmos offer what the demand...well...demands!


if you want big world pvp battles..organize them on your own(if u can get people for it..)....anyother way it wont work


I played SWG when WZ's (Battlegrounds in that game) were launched. They didn't kill Open world pvp in that game. The vast majority of people did Warzones (in SWG) for the Gear/Weapons. Once I had the gear I stopped doing them as much as I once did, and focused back on open world Pvp. I liked the fairly large scale battles (with the oposing faction) that Open world pvp offered in that game. The Battles could go on for several hours at a time, or over the course of a morning/afternoon. It was very cool. The vast majority of people in that game, (that did pvp), prefered Open world pvp. But like myself they also liked WZ's, cause of the gear/Weapons.


The rewards in Tor for OW-PvP atm is valor? In SWG it was called GCW. anyways thats my 5 cents.

Edited by Tiberians
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World pvp,besides the fact that this game cant handle it (i.e ilum)...its more and more pointless..people used to do it in old mmos because there was no other kind of pvp.Its not competitive and barely requires any skill,if any whatsosver( lol zergs etc..)...you DO have the chance to go outthere lookking for people to pvp with outside of the instanced pvp and thats all the world pvp you will get, basicaly because people DONT want world pvp, it berings nothing, no rewards, no fun, no skill play, nothing compared to instanced pvp.And adding some sort of incnetive will only make real pvpers grudge it even more since they will be obligated to do it...(i.e ilum..or wintergrasp/baradin hold in wow)


ever wondered why world pvp died in every current mmos?mmos offer what the demand...well...demands!


if you want big world pvp battles..organize them on your own(if u can get people for it..)....anyother way it wont work


Actually some open world pvp can be far more competitive and challeging than say a game of huttball.


I used to get 48 pug side fighting elite pvpers in aoc sieges, and sieges was a huge part of what kept that game going when everything else sucked.


World pvp implimented correct can be an amazing aspect in a game even to people that dont pvp much or not at all normally. ive seen some die hard pve players become heavily involved in world pvp but not pvp matches and love it.


Proper open world pvp, with proper objectives, guild bases etc is something that would keep alot of people here and bring new ex players back. Two most important things in a mmo is pvp and raids, dress anything else up how u want but thats where a game really comes down to it. add a raid great thats majority pleased, add a open world pvp objectives yet again majority pleased, add a new looking social armour,... 5% pleased lol.

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TBH Nice ideas but this game is not in a postion to take hints from its subscribers next few months

are about keeping its head above the water with subs down to 425k in the newest ( 01/11/12) report

F2P needs to work orthis game will be dead in less then 2 years maybe less


again gr8 ideas but its not going to happen


Can you post a link to the source of this information? Are there really only 425K subs total?

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according to this interview with Gabe Amatangelo (lead pvp designer) they've been working on something programmed for january 2013. No idea what it is exactly, he just says he wants to revitalize world pvp.


interview 5th of september (about two months old)


Edited by Oggthebase
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