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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Quit teasing us and give us f2p/1.5 already!


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Am I the only one tired of waiting for this! Come on, I want to spend Cartel Coins and buy stuff with cash! Give us more info on release timeframes at least Bioware. :eek:


We know they're aiming at releasing patches approximately every 6 weeks. The last patch was at the end of September. So if 1.5 doesn't hit this week, chances are high it'll hit in the upcoming week.

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Am I the only one tired of waiting for this! Come on, I want to spend Cartel Coins and buy stuff with cash! Give us more info on release timeframes at least Bioware. :eek:


I'm excited for it, but I also don't mind waiting for a less buggy 1.5. Cool your jets it will come when it comes.

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What I don't get is why they havent announced a release date yet. I mean, it's F2P so that's probably something they would like people to know about before it drops. It's not exactly like this "soon" thing has worked out for them in past. I think it's weird how they're handling it. When every other company on he planet is trying to build hype BW/EA are the complete opposite with swtor. Not knowing =/= building hype.


And they're going to lose even more players tomorrow when H4 hits.

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What I don't get is why they havent announced a release date yet. I mean, it's F2P so that's probably something they would like people to know about before it drops. It's not exactly like this "soon" thing has worked out for them in past. I think it's weird how they're handling it. When every other company on he planet is trying to build hype BW/EA are the complete opposite with swtor. Not knowing =/= building hype.


And they're going to lose even more players tomorrow when H4 hits.


H4? Never heard of it.


Im guessing you won't see any f2p announcements until after it hits because if you have them before it hits people aren't likely to wait to play it and will forget. If you announce it as its available they will jump on download and play it asap if they are interested.


EDIT: Oh wait HALO 4, doubt a console game will draw many people away from a computer game. Halo 4 isn't an mmo so it will draw people away but not for very long. Maybe a few hours a day, or more hours a day but for about a week.

Edited by Xenirath
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Am I the only one tired of waiting for this! Come on, I want to spend Cartel Coins and buy stuff with cash! Give us more info on release timeframes at least Bioware. :eek:


Yeah... people were tired of waiting for TOR to release then look what happened. :S We don't need anything rushed. Besides, the store doesnt really have alot in it

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My subscription is up in 9 days so it most likely be this week or next, but the week after. They want to save on Cartel Coins and don't want to give out the 250 extra that they are going to give when F2P goes live. I've had a sub since the beginning, so I figure it's around this time when it goes free to play.
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Halo 4. Swtor has a good deal of new MMO'ers, I am one of them, so I expect quite a few of them to go back to Halo and other games this fall/winter when the new titles are released.


Yea I edited my post right after the name clicked in my head after posting. I can see the new MMOers leaving for a bit. But seriously I enjoy Fpses but I can only play so much Halo Reach or CoD or BF3 before it becomes the same thing blurred together.


I left this game for about a week in september to play Planetside 2 non-stop, and despite it being an amazing game it is a shooter so now I play it but not as much.

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Am I the only one tired of waiting for this! Come on, I want to spend Cartel Coins and buy stuff with cash! Give us more info on release timeframes at least Bioware. :eek:


Patience is the jewel in the crown of wisdom.


It'll be out this month. Just take it easy.

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yea give us something!!

trow in cathar in this next patch.

or something..........................

getting bored of this great game.


Well they are giving us Hk-51, New Daily Zone, New world boss and stuff. So I mean its not empty.


Cathar likely won't be until january(ish) maybe in patch 1.6 in december/january. Reason for this I'm hoping at least is modifying language options especially for missions where the Imperials bash Cathar. It'd suck if you couldn't punch the guy in the face for calling your race mindless vermin.

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Am I the only one tired of waiting for this! Come on, I want to spend Cartel Coins and buy stuff with cash! Give us more info on release timeframes at least Bioware. :eek:


Dude, while I want more info and ETA on the new content I don't want 1.5 to arrive in its currrent PTS state, come on! Sorry, I just want at least one patch to arrive without ruining more things than it fixed! ETA for 1.5 is "this fall" that means any date before 21st December!

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Well they are giving us Hk-51, New Daily Zone, New world boss and stuff. So I mean its not empty.


Cathar likely won't be until january(ish) maybe in patch 1.6 in december/january. Reason for this I'm hoping at least is modifying language options especially for missions where the Imperials bash Cathar. It'd suck if you couldn't punch the guy in the face for calling your race mindless vermin.


as a casual player with my main at lev 34 after the very start of the release, i whould have to say thats like 3 out of 4 things i never gonna see for myself.

i need a new race so i can make new alts lol.

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Sorry guys but the longer it takes, the better it is imho. Recent patches have hit the servers with a incredible amount of bugs. F2P patch is going to change something in EVERY SINGLE SYSTEM in the game. I'd prefer to wait one more week than have it deploy early and then have to wait one more week for fixes because the game is totally unplayable (say, F2P restrictions applied to subscribers, people unable to equip purples, or do FPs, or join Operations... The list can go on forever). At least I can play (kinda) during this week. Edited by GeckoOBac
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The problem is most players know the game is going free to play. What's the point in me leveling up my alt at 11 for hours with endless grinding. If I know in a week or two. I could use my Cartel Coins and buy the Legacy Perks for it. After playing it on the test server. It's much much easier to wait for the store.


So we have wait for it. Everything looked good on my end. I hope they realize how long we've waited already. I haven't even logged in till the game goes free to play. Everything will change. No more grinding credits, just use the coins.

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The only reason why I'm excited about 1.5 is to get more players into the game. Some days I spend an hour or so in the gorup finder waiting for Flash Points. The sadest thing about this game is that it has no real depth.


This game will always be compared to Star Wars Galaxies. In Galaxies, You had your own house(s), you can decorate, drop furniture, etc. It also had a real space simulator where again, if you get one of the end tier ships, you could decorate the crap out of it with tech consoles, droids, etc.. You even could have multiple people be turrett gunners! Plus let's not forgot how amazing the crafting and harvesting of resources was..


So, hopefully these F2P people will stick around.

Edited by Ejied
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The only reason why I'm excited about 1.5 is to get more players into the game. Some days I spend an hour or so in the gorup finder waiting for Flash Points. The sadest thing about this game is that it has no real depth.


This game will always be compared to Star Wars Galaxies. In Galaxies, You had your own house(s), you can decorate, drop furniture, etc. It also had a real space simulator where again, if you get one of the end tier ships, you could decorate the crap out of it with tech consoles, droids, etc.. You even could have multiple people be turrett gunners! Plus let's not forgot how amazing the crafting and harvesting of resources was..


So, hopefully these F2P people will stick around.


I loved SWG but if you were mostly combat oriented, it really didnt have that much to do ind the end, even the heroics were getting a little tired after a while. How ever space combat was epic and i loved it.


I am guessing you are dps when you wait in group finder.?? if you dont feel like waiting make a tank i hardly never have to wait for anything in group finder unless i am q as a dps. Lets face it most people seem to wanna only play their dps toons for some reason.

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We know they're aiming at releasing patches approximately every 6 weeks. The last patch was at the end of September. So if 1.5 doesn't hit this week, chances are high it'll hit in the upcoming week.


Yeah, I would actually be surprised if it doesn't come out tomorrow. We actually know for a fact that 1.5 is this month for sure, barring any delays.

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Yeah, I would actually be surprised if it doesn't come out tomorrow. We actually know for a fact that 1.5 is this month for sure, barring any delays.


Prepare to be SUPRISED then.


And for a fact, we have no idea if it will hit this month, likely, but not a sure bet.

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as a casual player with my main at lev 34 after the very start of the release, i whould have to say thats like 3 out of 4 things i never gonna see for myself.

i need a new race so i can make new alts lol.


New race isn't gonna happen until Makeb patch most likely. So according to Biowares "Teaser Trailer" and timeframes maybe 6-12 weeks?


How long have you been playing? I play "casually" when leveling, I don't spacebar, I take my time, I level about 5 hours a week if that anymore and I get to 50 in about 4 weeks. And that's slow for me tbh.


I've got four 50's and not one has taken longer than 4 weeks if I play them regularly. :confused:

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Prepare to be SUPRISED then.


And for a fact, we have no idea if it will hit this month, likely, but not a sure bet.


/Agree Nov 6th downtime has yet to be announced as 1.5, and with only 4 hours downtime I don't expect it to be even a minor patch.


It will LIKELY hit this month if EA investor reports are anything to go by. The stated in them that they will be launching it in November but that was in an October quarterly report. Things may have changed.

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