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Interview with Timothy Zahn - November 2 2012


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Star Wars was in a black hole.


The beloved original franchise had ended with Return of the Jedi in 1983, and as the kids of that generation grew up, leaving their toys to gather dust in the attic or garage, no one was giving much thought to what was next.


Star Wars was over. Nostalgia had yet to kick in. Then, suddenly, three more stories appeared.


That was 1991, when sci-fi author Timothy Zahn popularized the so-called “Expanded Universe” with The Thrawn Trilogy – a series of novels about Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Princess Leia that was set five years after the end of Jedi. As the books rose on The New York Times best-seller list, Star Wars climbed back to the top of the pop-culture mountain.


As word spread this week that The Walt Disney Co. had purchased Lucasfilm with the intention of making Episodes VII, VIII and IX, many fans began repeating something they’ve been saying for 21 years: Make the Zahn books!


Entertainment Weekly reached the author in his Oregon lair to find out what he knew about Lucas’ plans for the post-Jedi chronology, and what he hopes those films might take from his still-beloved books.




Although no one outside of Lucas and Disney executives know the content of the planned movie sequels, the first of which would come out in 2015, they will more than likely be original tales.


That means Zahn’s books won’t be directly adapted, but the author says that was always the case: “The books were always just the books.”


But years ago, he was briefed on Lucas’ plans for sequels, and how the Thrawn books would fit in. “The original idea as I understood it— and Lucas changes his mind off and on, so it may not be what he’s thinking right now – but it was going to be three generations. You’d have the original trilogy, then go back to Luke’s father and find out what happened to him [in the prequels], and if there was another 7th, 8th, or 9th film, it would be Luke’s children. The Thrawn Trilogy really would have fit into the gap,” the author said.


However, his books remain so popular they could still have a Force-like pull on the movies.


In many ways, they already have.




Zahn’s trilogy gets it’s name from the central villain, a blue-skinned, red-eyed Imperial general who cobbles together the remains of the vast, evil army after Vader and the Emperor are killed in Return of the Jedi.


The author gave a name to the galaxy’s capital planet – Coruscant – which Lucas kept for the prequels, and he introduced some beloved figures that any later Star Wars movie would be wise to remember.


Foremost among them was the femme fatale Mara Jade, an Imperial assassin who becomes a love interest for Luke Skywalker. (No more kissing your sister, bub.) And Han Solo and Princess Leia give birth to twins in the third Thrawn book, The Last Command.


“Another thing in the Thrawn trilogy was the catching of Force lightning with a lightsaber blade. Apparently, George thought that was a cool visual and put it in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, so he has been keeping a close eye on what has been done,” Zahn says.


“It could be an entirely new storyline, but if he picks and chooses bits and pieces from the expanded universe, we’d all be thrilled to death.”




As Lucas slips into retirement and hands Star Wars off to new filmmakers, Zahn hopes the movies will do the same.


“I’d like to see the original characters in perhaps smaller roles, handing the mantle of adventure to the next generation. Luke would be like Obi-Wan, but not quite the same because he will have raised his children and Obi-Wan was more standing off, watching and protecting,” Zahn says.


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“I’d love to see a good father-son, or mother-son, or daughter story. I’d like to see family. We haven’t seen a lot of good family stuff in Star Wars. A lot of it has been dysfunctional, and driven by somebody else. Anakin was a slave and manipulated all his life. Luke and Leia never knew each other…”


Zahn says his favorite of the Indiana Jones movies was The Last Crusade, pairing Harrison Ford with Sean Connery as the archaeologist’s father. Even parents who aren’t monsters like Darth Vader have trouble with their kids, and the new Star Wars movies could explore than with Luke, Han and Leia.


“Some family interaction would be something different for the new movies to do – against the backdrop of excitement and adventure that forms the basis of Star Wars,” Zahn says. “There are a lot of directions you can go with the Skywalker families and really kick some serious butt.”




Whatever Disney decides to do with the Star Wars sequels, fans are going to insist on having the original characters appear in some capacity. It’s just a question of how – and when.


“Frankly, I’m interested to see what they’re going to do,” Zahn says. “Is Lucas going to skip a generation so that Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher can do their roles at the proper age? Or would they try some CG ‘youthing,’ like the filmmakers did with [Jeff Bridges] in Tron: Legacy? Could they reboot and use different actors? That sounds like it would be a horrible sacrilege, but Star Trek got away with it.”


Setting the sequels after the Thrawn series, but following the direction it set out in its conclusion, would be Zahn’s preference. “It would also be a little less likely to run roughshod all over the books,” Zahn says. “On the other hand, it’s George Lucas’ property and if he wants to ignore the books and comics, that’s his perfect right.”


Fans might have other feelings about that, although Lucas has shown with the prequels that he doesn’t always consider their wishes.




When Marvel Studios announced at Comic-Con this year that its Captain America sequel would be subtitled The Winter Soldier, comic-book scribe Ed Brubaker, who created that particular character, found out about it via Twitter.


Despite playing in a company’s mythological sandbox, authors aren’t always told whether their creations are being adapted. The same is true of Zahn, whose books could very well be a major influence on whatever treatment Lucas has outlined — without any of the author’s knowledge.


“It certainly could be happening,” the author says. “They have no obligation to touch base. As with any other franchise, once we write something, it’s owned by Lucasfilm, as it should be. It’s their property. “


He has been surprised before. “I’ve had conversations with friends over the years and they’d say, ‘Oh, Thrawn is in a new video game,’ and that would be the first I heard about it. So they could film the whole Thrawn trilogy without me ever knowing until I sat down in the theater!”




Zahn has penned several other Star Wars books, including one debuting in January called Scoundrels, set just after the events in the original 1977 movie, now known as A New Hope. (You can find out more about his current work on his Facebook page.)


“It’s a couple of weeks after the first Death Star has been destroyed, and Han, Lando and Chewie are going to collect eight other scoundrels for a heist,” Zahn says. “They’re going up against a criminal who has a supposedly impregnable vault where they are going to try to steal 163 million credits.”


He says he took inspiration from a familiar kind of team caper. Think The Dirty Dozen, The Expendables or the Frank Sinatra and George Clooney heist films. “This is the Star Wars version of Ocean’s 11,” Zahn says. “In fact, my original title was Solo’s 11, but they decided that might be a little too close to the trademark.”


One thing Lucasfilm knows well is trademark violations.


So Zahn is still close with the company, obviously. And if they want his input on the movies, he’s eager to participate. “I will be on the first plane to California,” the author says. “As I said on Facebook, I will hire a charter if I have to!”


Fans would urge him to find one that can make the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs.





Just thought of throwing this out here, since I didn't see a thread already dedicated to it.

Edited by Morlaak
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I honestly believe 7-9 should skip some events, but throw in easter eggs and hints or them happening, so that the orginal cast can still pass the torch sort of speak at the correct ages. Maybe the older Skywalker and Solo children?
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I honestly believe 7-9 should skip some events, but throw in easter eggs and hints or them happening, so that the orginal cast can still pass the torch sort of speak at the correct ages. Maybe the older Skywalker and Solo children?


I wouldn't get your hopes up on seeing any Skywalker kids

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And why not?


I wouldn't get your hopes up on seeing any Jar Jar love stories.


oh you are refering to my name. Yeah I dont' like jarjar it was supposed to be Jarjarlovestotroll but it got cut off. I see JarJar as Lucas's way of trolling everyone. There is even that scene in Episode 2 where Jarjar is walking he turns to the camerea and actually smiles. Just a huge middle finger to everyone who hated him in Episode 1.



The reason being Lucas has never liked the idea of Luke getting married and having kids.

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Very interesting. It got me thinking. If the new films are about the Skywalker (and maybe Solo) kids then they could introduce a new main cast of actors like in the prequels. That way the old team, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford can either me omitted, or recasted as older characters. This recasting wouldn't be so bad as they'd be a lot older (so appreances wouldn't be a problem) and could play a minor role. But either way, having the big 3 play a minor role makes it a lot easier to get these characters into the films without causing a ruckus.


I like the idea of it being about the next generation, flows nicely. Prequels being about the first generation of Skywalkers, the Originals the second, and the sequels the third. Also give Star Wars a 'Skywalker' focus. It would work with EU as well, as the EU covering the events of Luke Skywalker and co right after the events of ROTJ could be left to The Thrawn Trilogy and other EU titles.


So this would be about Ben Skywalker then? He is the only child of Luke and Mara, but I suppose they could introduce others. Quick check on Wookiepedia and he seems to have quite a story fleshed out, but a lot of it looks retconnable (I for one, would be happy to see the Yuuzhan Vong business go) or avoidable.


Anyways that was just a bit of a stream of conciosuness of what was going on in my head - all just speculation really. :D

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Very interesting. It got me thinking. If the new films are about the Skywalker (and maybe Solo) kids then they could introduce a new main cast of actors like in the prequels. That way the old team, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford can either me omitted, or recasted as older characters. This recasting wouldn't be so bad as they'd be a lot older (so appreances wouldn't be a problem) and could play a minor role. But either way, having the big 3 play a minor role makes it a lot easier to get these characters into the films without causing a ruckus.


I like the idea of it being about the next generation, flows nicely. Prequels being about the first generation of Skywalkers, the Originals the second, and the sequels the third. Also give Star Wars a 'Skywalker' focus. It would work with EU as well, as the EU covering the events of Luke Skywalker and co right after the events of ROTJ could be left to The Thrawn Trilogy and other EU titles.


So this would be about Ben Skywalker then? He is the only child of Luke and Mara, but I suppose they could introduce others. Quick check on Wookiepedia and he seems to have quite a story fleshed out, but a lot of it looks retconnable (I for one, would be happy to see the Yuuzhan Vong business go) or avoidable.


Anyways that was just a bit of a stream of conciosuness of what was going on in my head - all just speculation really. :D


And now there have been novels about the events after Episode VI, which isn't at all what I would have done with it. The Star Wars story is really the tragedy of Darth Vader. That is the story. Once Vader dies, he doesn't come back to life, the Emperor doesn't get cloned and Luke doesn't get married..."

George lucas in an interview in 2008


So yeah he isn't happy with Luke getting married and the Post ROTJ universe.


Combine that with what they have said about this being and original story and I wouldnt' get my hopes up for seeing Skywalker kids or much of anything that is in the current EU Post ROTJ universe.

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George lucas in an interview in 2008


So yeah he isn't happy with Luke getting married and the Post ROTJ universe.


Combine that with what they have said about this being and original story and I wouldnt' get my hopes up for seeing Skywalker kids or much of anything that is in the current EU Post ROTJ universe.

Maybe Luke forgot to use a Galactic Condom :p

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George lucas in an interview in 2008


So yeah he isn't happy with Luke getting married and the Post ROTJ universe.


Combine that with what they have said about this being and original story and I wouldnt' get my hopes up for seeing Skywalker kids or much of anything that is in the current EU Post ROTJ universe.


I wouldn't dismiss the skywalker kids so quickly. Lucas would want it to be a story about the Skywalkers, but seeing as their is only one - maybe he'll retcon the whole story and remake the family tree, we can't really be sure of anything.

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I wouldn't dismiss the skywalker kids so quickly. Lucas would want it to be a story about the Skywalkers, but seeing as their is only one - maybe he'll retcon the whole story and remake the family tree, we can't really be sure of anything.


oh I agree that anything can happen. However given George's sort of dislike for the EU as a whole and that he always seems to ignore it when making new stuff I wouldn't count on it.


The current rumours about the movie suggest it will be about Luke has fallen to the dark side and a new group is going to have to stop him. again just rumours. We should probably know more about the plot by this summer.

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oh I agree that anything can happen. However given George's sort of dislike for the EU as a whole and that he always seems to ignore it when making new stuff I wouldn't count on it.


The current rumours about the movie suggest it will be about Luke has fallen to the dark side and a new group is going to have to stop him. again just rumours. We should probably know more about the plot by this summer.


Really? Interesting arc, I always thought the opening of Return of the Jedi was a bit dark. Luke chokes those gamorreans, threatens jabba, and when he's taken away does that stereotypical 'your making a big mistake' line that reeks of evil. And then, he goes and blows up Jabba's barge, evil! What about that nice ortulan musician? He had a family too!

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Really? Interesting arc, I always thought the opening of Return of the Jedi was a bit dark. Luke chokes those gamorreans, threatens jabba, and when he's taken away does that stereotypical 'your making a big mistake' line that reeks of evil. And then, he goes and blows up Jabba's barge, evil! What about that nice ortulan musician? He had a family too!


well that's the whole flaw with the jedi saying "use the force only for defense never to attack"


yet they seem to only use it to attack.

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“The original idea as I understood it— and Lucas changes his mind off and on, so it may not be what he’s thinking right now – but it was going to be three generations. You’d have the original trilogy, then go back to Luke’s father and find out what happened to him [in the prequels], and if there was another 7th, 8th, or 9th film, it would be Luke’s children. The Thrawn Trilogy really would have fit into the gap,” the author said.


I think this would be the best thing to do.

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“The original idea as I understood it— and Lucas changes his mind off and on, so it may not be what he’s thinking right now – but it was going to be three generations. You’d have the original trilogy, then go back to Luke’s father and find out what happened to him [in the prequels], and if there was another 7th, 8th, or 9th film, it would be Luke’s children. The Thrawn Trilogy really would have fit into the gap,” the author said.


I think this would be the best thing to do.

agreed, I'd like to see a whole new batch of skywalkers.

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NJO was more star trek than star wars. I don't want to see it, or a time jump.


If Disney has any brains they'll stay the hell away from the OT and take it to the Old Republic which is basically a sandbox where they can make their own stories without pissing off the fanbase.

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NJO was more star trek than star wars. I don't want to see it, or a time jump.


If Disney has any brains they'll stay the hell away from the OT and take it to the Old Republic which is basically a sandbox where they can make their own stories without pissing off the fanbase.


We both know the fanbase will be pissed whatever happens, following the next generation after ROTJ makes the most sense in my opinion, it will be more comprehensible for the less enthusiastic fans, we get to use the original cast in a time fitting with their appearance, might do some necessary house cleaning in that particularly messy time of the EU


One personal reason is that I feel it wouldn't be a Star Wars movie without R2D2 and C3PO, I read about how Lucas regarded them as the witnesses and the storytellers of what's happening, and I would like it if they played a part in what's to come

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Stop saying Lucas ignore the EU, there are plenty of things from the EU he have brought in.

Like coruscant,almost hadd both revan and kun in clonewars, catching lighting on lightsabers.

And much more.


People only notices when he contradicts the EU, they don't remember that the prequels were fan service to EU fans that followed closely

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If the rumors are right about Lucas sitting down with Mark and Carrie to discuss doing another 3 films, then he had some thought to include them in some way. Now he has flip-flopped on many things before, so the directions he would take are upredictable at best.


If somehow Mark, Carrie, and Harrison are recast it would be a 31 year difference in age (RotJ began filming in Jan. of 1982. The new movies would probably start sometime in 2013). So rather than spend millions age regressing the trio, it would make sence to go with the next gen. Passing the baton, as they say.


To ignore the EU would not be out of the question, but again thanks to George's flip-flopping, you never know what he may do. There are plenty of examples of George using EU cannon. Then again, there are plenty of times where he totally disregards it as well. Ultimatly George is considered a "consultant" for Disney and Lucasfilm. How much they will follow his vision is hard to say.


Adding 31 years to the last movie would put it somewhere around 35 ABY. This would put it after the Yuuzhan Vong war and prior to the Legacy Era. The original movies spanned 4 years so the new ones could fit in before the Legacy Era begins (@ 40 ABY). We can't rule out that they put it further into the Legacy Era either. That way completely bypassing Mara Jade as she dies in 40 ABY. This would be consistent with George's vision of not wanting Luke married. Since this is also the time where Jacen becomes Darth Caedus, it could make for a convenient villain.


Then again, they could go a bit earlier playing in the 30-35 ABY. This would put Jacen and Jaina around 21 yrs old, Anikin around 20 and Ben a toddler of 4. This area has not been expanded on so it also is a nice fit, and more likely fit for the timeline. This would not disrupt the EU, not that George wouldn't do it though.


Perhaps Disney will be the moderate for the gap between the fans love of the EU and George's vision of the Star Wars universe. Only time will tell. I'm sure the web will be abuzz with "leaked" info on the story, but I'll wait to see what the movies reveal.


Maybe that fan trailer of the prequels that featured Christopher Walken as a possible Miraluka Dark Jedi could be realized.


Just a thought. ;)

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Well I was reading the Star Wars.com blog by J.W. Rinzler (heh, wanna-be Tron. jk. That's his real name) and in the blog he discussed with Mark Hamill a few things said in the past.


“You know, when I first did this, it was four trilogies,” Mark Hamill recalled in 2004, speaking of their conversation in 1976. “Twelve movies! Out on the desert, any time between setups… lots of free time. And George was talking about this whole thing… ‘Um, how’d you like to be in Episode IX?’ ‘When is that going to be?’ ‘2011.’ […] I said, ‘Well, what do you want me to do?’ He said, ‘You’ll just be like a cameo. You’ll be like Obi-Wan handing the lightsaber down to the next new hope.’”


Well that was back in 1976, so since George is famous for changing his mind, we don't know, but it certainly seem viable. Considering they kinda missed the window for the third trilogy, they certainly have the context for the fourth.


We shall see.


Lucasfilm executive editor J. W. Rinzler is the author of The Making of Star Wars and The Complete Making of Indiana Jones. He is now writing The Making of Return of the Jedi (and really looking forward to finishing it) for a fall 2013 release. You can visit jwrinzler.com for more info.


Here is the full article.

Edited by Thylbanus
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