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I love getting post warzone whisper/ignores


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So an imp was about to score in huttball just as I was coming out of spawn. Force pull into spawn for the insta kill. After the war zone I get a message telling me how bad I was that I could only kill someone with cheap moves.


I needed a good laugh tonight, and after the warzone I get the nerd rage whisper then ignore. Instantly picked up my spirits.


So I pose the question to you. What is your best whisper/ignore moment post war zone?

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I had someone say I cost our team the victory in Huttball because I had low scoreboard DPS as a Marauder. Yet he conveniently neglected the part where I scored twice and passed the ball into the endzone for 2 more scores.


But yeah, that 1 point loss was ALL my fault. :p The guy did have 400k, but he had only 1-2k objective points. He wasn't even targeting worthwhile opponents, just hunting for medals.

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I killed this gunslinger twink on my vanguard he was good killed me a few times but I was able to dot and Los him to death Game ends and I get a whisper "you're are nothing more than a pest" then /ignored me Lol

We're the also the same faction

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So an imp was about to score in huttball just as I was coming out of spawn. Force pull into spawn for the insta kill. After the war zone I get a message telling me how bad I was that I could only kill someone with cheap moves.


I needed a good laugh tonight, and after the warzone I get the nerd rage whisper then ignore. Instantly picked up my spirits.


So I pose the question to you. What is your best whisper/ignore moment post war zone?


gonna be honest, I think that is a bs move. oh, I know ppl will do w/e they can. that's why the QQ thread over /stuck is laughable. there's no honor in pvp. be that as it may, it's utter bs that you can stand in a safe zone that is instadeath for your opponent yet you can still influence the match. it reflects poor map design.

Edited by foxmob
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gonna be honest, I think that is a bs move. oh, I know ppl will do w/e they can. that's why the QQ thread over /stuck is laughable. there's no honor in pvp. be that as it may, it's utter bs that you can stand in a safe zone that is instadeath for your opponent yet you can still influence the match. it reflects poor map design.


I put it right up there with pulling them into the fire. While I think it would be cheap to just camp on the ledge and keep doing it over and over again, I happened to just spawn and come out of the area and continued on out of the safe zone afterwards. I would never stay up there and register kills all warzone like that, but im not gonna let some one have a free score if i can do something to prevent it.

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gonna be honest, I think that is a bs move. oh, I know ppl will do w/e they can. that's why the QQ thread over /stuck is laughable. there's no honor in pvp. be that as it may, it's utter bs that you can stand in a safe zone that is instadeath for your opponent yet you can still influence the match. it reflects poor map design.


Remember in huttball there are no rules!


Thats a risky move I've leaped to people in the end safe zone on my guard with ball

Yes I died but I also scored did the player you pulled into the zone score also?

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Remember in huttball there are no rules!


Thats a risky move I've leaped to people in the end safe zone on my guard with ball

Yes I died but I also scored did the player you pulled into the zone score also?


No Its an instant kill and turns the ball over to the closest person not in the safe zone. if no one is around it resets the ball.

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I had someone say I cost our team the victory in Huttball because I had low scoreboard DPS as a Marauder. Yet he conveniently neglected the part where I scored twice and passed the ball into the endzone for 2 more scores.


But yeah, that 1 point loss was ALL my fault. :p The guy did have 400k, but he had only 1-2k objective points. He wasn't even targeting worthwhile opponents, just hunting for medals.


The best Mara in my guild has a lower dps than the other 2 in most WZs, why? Cause he kills his enemies before they get any (or at least more than 1-2) heals. A lower dps often means your enemies aren't escaping.

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gonna be honest, I think that is a bs move. oh, I know ppl will do w/e they can. that's why the QQ thread over /stuck is laughable. there's no honor in pvp. be that as it may, it's utter bs that you can stand in a safe zone that is instadeath for your opponent yet you can still influence the match. it reflects poor map design.


PSH, whatever preety fun to watch it happen to them so im in no rush to change it. :cool:

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I put it right up there with pulling them into the fire. While I think it would be cheap to just camp on the ledge and keep doing it over and over again, I happened to just spawn and come out of the area and continued on out of the safe zone afterwards. I would never stay up there and register kills all warzone like that, but im not gonna let some one have a free score if i can do something to prevent it.


meh. I would take issue with that. the fire hazard is a part of the game. the spawn point is only a safe zone/insta-kill so that respawned players can re-enter play. there is a semantic difference there. that said, the map doesn't play that way. so be it. i'm sure they didn't intend for /stuck to help pvpers relocate faster in CW/VS, but it does, so ppl use it. I have no delusions about it. it's not cheating. it's not an exploit. it's poor game design.


the funny thing is that the person has to cross over the goal before he reaches the instant death area, so theoretically, he should score every time that you do that. the fact that he doesn't score just kind of reinforces my opinion that we're talking about a failure on the game design end of things.


mind you, I do think hb is a great map. that one aspect, though, is not "working as intended" imo.

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I was pvping on my scoundrel back in January or February. Pulling 200K-300K in WZs easy. (was before the split of pre and post 50. I'm pretty sure I was 39 or 40 ish) anyway, I tell one person that they should call out incoming before they die in void star. And then get a 15+ min rage about how I'm just a scrub and how his wife is the one doing 'all the healing' (she was on a commando doing less then 50k each match). I called them on that, got told I was a waist of human life and that I should go die. Got ignored. And then, to top it all off, they started trying to be all buddy buddy with one of my good friends and guildies I was running with.
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Earlier this week there was this fresh fotm powertech who reached 50 on the Begeren Colony. His main was a merc, so he threw all his gear onto his pt cuz he had about 17k hp. The first time we were in the same match was a hutball, and he would always ignore our ball carrier and waste his grapple on me, only for me to give him a quick ticket to the respawn room each time. He even failed at fire-pitting me. Im a vanguard, so when he pulled me i immediately used my aoe cc and it locked him in there for 2.5 secs, i walk out and cryo him and watched him roast like the chicken he was :p


After the match he created a level 1 scoundrel and started whispering me saying that I sucked as a vanguard and that for 1 mil credits he will teach me how to play better. I just ignored him the whole time but he went on to write quite a few paragraphs telling me that I am not reaching the potential of the class :rolleyes:

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So an imp was about to score in huttball just as I was coming out of spawn. Force pull into spawn for the insta kill. After the war zone I get a message telling me how bad I was that I could only kill someone with cheap moves.


I needed a good laugh tonight, and after the warzone I get the nerd rage whisper then ignore. Instantly picked up my spirits.


So I pose the question to you. What is your best whisper/ignore moment post war zone?


I'm gonna go ahead and call BS on this unless it was back in February. It has not been allowing us to do this for a long time now. I remember when they changed it. The PvP section is toward the bottom.



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I play MM sniper as my main. I was on the defending part on Voidstar, peeps decided to rush all on the left door like lemmings leaving the right door open, so I went to do the duty solo on the right door and got two assasins on me, called it, no one comes, i die, they cap it. Then the healer on the other door angrily asks "What are you doing!?!" I asked the same question and the answer was "I'm healing on the door they are focusing on, besides you were way too far to defend the door". Edited by Beansoup
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i'm sure they didn't intend for /stuck to help pvpers relocate faster in CW/VS, but it does, so ppl use it. I have no delusions about it. it's not cheating. it's not an exploit. it's poor game design.


Just a question : what is an exploit for you ?


In my definition of an exploit, it means "using a feature or a failure in game security in order to do something that the devs didn't intend to allow", so according to my definition, if the devs didn't intend it like you think, it's an exploit. For me, if using a game feature in an unintended way isn't an exploit but poor game design, then nothing can be labelled as an exploit because apart from obvious cheats with a third part application everything left are game features.

Edited by Altheran
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Just a question : what is an exploit for you ?.


taking advantage of a predictable glitch. it's not hacking. you didn't create the issue or alter the code or manipulate the stream in any way. but if there's no light on you when you carry the ball in hb...oh well. sucks to be the other team. I didn't do anything wrong. rofl-score.


or if you're dying and have discovered a reliable way to fall through the floor. oops! I pressed up up, down down, left right select start and poof! I fell through. sorry you 3 guys who are confused, targeting me, but can't kill me.


that doesn't mean I think /stuck should be allowed in wzs, but it is. I definitely think this pull tactic from an area that isn't even a playable part of the map is bs, but that's the way the map is designed. they redesigned CW to prevent this kinda stuff. they could do the same in hb and vstar. no. they prolly couldn't do it in vstar. anything they do to that wz breaks the map for weeks/months.

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Mine would be some nutcase that in most WZs spent more time standing still cursing out our team and insulting people for every little thing he perceived as bad, than he did playing.


After a few days of noticing this I told him in WZ ops chat to quit clogging up the chat box insulting people like a jerk.


Every WZ we'd be in together after that, and after in fleet, said nutcase would whisper "You're an IDIOT, a retarded CHILD, UNSUB", etc. ad nauseum. And for whatever reason obnoxious tools like that get support from like-minded tools, so he'd blather in WZ ops chat with snide comments. Usually some other player did something he disapproved of but he'd attach my name to it :rolleyes: , and other self-loathing types would chime in with him. Per the norm, their scores and teamplay were mediocre.


Dude would usually end his rants with /ignore. Since the guy was so persistent and annoying I dipped into my my /b/ag of tricks and had a bit of fun at his expense. With cleverness rather than replying in kind of course, and before long his toon stopped appearing in WZs and on fleet. Hopefully because in a fit of nerdly rage he face smashed his mobo.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I've had more than a few of these incidents in my time here in a galaxy far far away. You evern notice the people doing the most QQ and insulting are the ones who performed the absolute worst in warzones?


I had one in a huttball doing that very thing. At the end of the match I pointed out he had less than 50k damage, no healing, protection, and under 2000 objective points. His response was " you're truly an idiot who has no idea how the game is played. " when I tried to respond, he had already set me to ignore.

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Playing as infiltration shadow

Far node in Novare i was trying to ninja it

I killed the guy guarding then asked for help while capping.

One sage healer came to give a hand (NICE!!!)

3 imps showed up from the spaw while the rest of our team were licking their keyboards

I taunted and keeped up to whipe one of them then the healer is down and 20 seconds later im down, of course noone showed up and we los t the node



Then he left the WZ

/w = ur the worst pvp'er i have ever seen bla bla bla bla........

the moment i was going to answer him=im ignored


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I put it right up there with pulling them into the fire.


I would not equate this in anyway to pulling to a firetrap. Firetraps are not instant kills, more than once, I managed to walk out of it even after being pulled. In fact, firetraps have a good fail chance if you do not stun or root the ball carrier. Knowing the next step is to actually get me pinned there, my reaction to being pulled is immediately spam the aoe mezz to throw the puller off balance and step out of the trap (or pass the ball if there is someone closeby).


So, firetraps give a fighting chance. For full success, it requires a pull and a root/stun to be used and still, the ball carrier may come out of it if he has cc breaker available.


Pulling into safe zone? It is just one skill and it is instant death. No fighting chance. It is nowhere close to being pulled into the fire. This is probably why it was removed from the PVP. If it is still available, probably BW messed up something with the last patch as usual. Nothing surprising when the game developers are incompetent monkeys.


But OP, I think your move was pretty cheap and it was an exploit. While anything you do to win could be categorized as "legit", I would put this next to "If you stand on the console, you don't get targeted and you can cap" exploit (which is also taken from the PVP).

Edited by Ghostuka
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