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Can you accept the recast of Luke, Leia and Han?


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I don't think it would be neccessary to recast them. My money's on ~40 years in the future.


Intro scroll, something like:


Episode 7

Return of the Sith

It is a time of peace in the galaxy.

Skywalkers new Jedi Order has finally

helped secured a tentative peace after numerous

trials, fully demonstrating their value as

peacekeepers and defenders.


Taking advantage of this peace, Jedi Ambassador

Leia Organa-Solo, is on route to deliver

a most precious cargo to Tenel Ka,

Queen mother of of the Hapes Consortium.


End text, camera scrolls to show Millenium Falcon racing away from some sort of Dreadnaught that's firing on it. Cockpit scene: Han's flying, Leia's copilot. Transmission comes on: "This is so-an so, of the sith tribe such and such. Power down your weapons and shields, and prepare to be boarded"


Leia picks up the Mike and replies: "This is Jedi Ambassador Leia Organa-Solo. Cease your attack, or we will be forced to retaliate."


The reply over the speaker "Retaliate? With what? This is your last warning. Power down your weapons and shields."


Leia (mindspeak): Sorry Luke, I tried.

Luke (mindspeak): Very well, Jaina, Ben, Fire on 3. 1...2...3...


Switch to bridge of Dreadnaught. Sparks, alarm sirens going off.

Crewman (panicked): Sir: Both shield generators have both been destroyed. We're complete defenseless, but scanners still only show that one ship, and it hasn't fired anything capable of that!

*small light appears in forward view port, growing larger*

Captain: Damn Jedi. So they weren't as vulnerable as we had been told.


Exterior view of ship, fireball erupts from bridge. All laser fire from ship cuts out, and it begins to drift. Camera pans to the Falcon, in time to see three StealthX's fly into formation behind it.

Luke (mindspeak): Good shooting Ben.

Ben (mindspeak): Thanks Dad


Scene switches to inside Falcon's passenger compartment, Leia walks in and checks on the lone visible passenger, a young girl.

Girl: "Grandmommy, is everybody Ok?"

Leia: "Yes Alanna. Master Skywalker, Ben, and Aunt Jaina are all just fine".

Man climbing down ladder from gun turret: "Somehow, I'm not surprised. But wasn't 3 shadow bombs just a little bit overkill?"

Leia: "We didn't want to take chances, Jagged. They identified themselves as Sith, which means it's possible someone onboard could have detected and deflected just a single Bomb. It is a bit worrisome though, It's has been some time since Vestara dissapeared, but how could she have built up Sith forces enough for an ambush like this?

Jagged: "Maybe I should switch with Ben? If there's actual Sith tracking us down, skill may be more important than force-enhanced stealth. I can't use the force to communicate and control shadowbombs, but Ben isn't really trained for starfighter combat.

Leia (musing): Hmm... No, let's leave it as is for now. We don't know if there's any real sith, that could have been just a bluff. And Luke and your wife should be able to handle the brunt of it if stealth fails. *sigh* So much for a peaceful family get-together.



Or something like that. Does a relatively good job of intruducing the main characters. (which, incidentally, are NOT Luke, Leia, Han. Their part pretty much is just a means of introducing the "new" characters) You don't really *need* to go in depth with everything that's happened in the 40 year interval. In fact, it's probably better if you don't. Gives the movie goer incentive to buy/read the books, as long as enough is explained so they don't feel *completely* lost. Whose that guy? Oh, Jaina's wife. Whose Jaina? Leia/Han's daughter. Whose Ben? Luke's son. Remember, at the beginning of most new movies, you don't know who ANYBODY is.


The moviegoer doesn't *really* need to know that Allana's dad (Leia/Han's son) became a sith lord and killed Luke's wife. That there was a massive interstellar war of an invading alien species. That Jagged is Wedge's nephew.


(Though, of course, as a nod to fans it could be touched on... ghost apparition of Mara at some point, or maybe a holo of her taped to the dash of Luke's xstealth... or Luke asking Jagged if he's heard anything about how Uncle Wedge is enjoying his retirement)

Edited by GnatB
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umm there is no reason to recast any of them.


1. IF and thats a big IF they decided to the Thrawn trilogy they will use computers to make them look younger like in Benjermen Button.


2. Most likely they will just create a new story set 40 years after Episode 6


I'm thinking #2. They can't use the Sith as an enemy unless time has passed and a new Sith emerges. Although 40 years might be a bit much. It might be the main Jedi is an offspring of Han and Leia with maybe Luke being the leader of the Jedi Council aka the new Yoda. So, I'd say about 20-30 years instead of the 40 you said.

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I can accept a recast of Luke, Han and Leia since the original actors look terrible. The bottom line is they are too old at this point to reprise those roles.


I think they will either do a recast or do characters other than Luke, Leia and Han. Which is totally feasible because you could have each trilogy be about a different set of main characters which is what they have done with the original trilogy and the prequils.

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Why not consider the legacy series, after all its still loosely based on the same characters from OT Luke even makes an appearance, though I doubt it, my bet would be they create their own story, since characters from OT, PT and KOTOR series have been done to the death, if you consider all cannon (books, comics, games, movies).


In regards to comments about the "use CGI to make the OT cast look younger", I seriously doubt it, for one it would cost a fortune, highring the original cast and another fortune for the 100s of artists and the massive amounts of manpower required, much cheaper by far to recast, also knowing Disney there going to aim it at the younger audiences, if so the younger fans are not going to care if they are recast, hell some kids won’t even see a difference, if they cast them well. Another reason would be the difficulty in doing so, in films where it’s been done in the past, a good eye can easily spot the change, it’s also never been done for any long onscreen appearance, in regards to Tron Legacy, count how much screen time Clue has with his face visible, it’s quite short.



For the the part where it would cost a fortune to to use CGI you have to remember. disney bought the leading company in special effects not just the star wars and indiana jones series. because lucasfilm is now under there wing they dont have to worry about money on special effects. its theirs to do with it what the please. the plot od the story for the new triligy will not be based on the legacy story. soon those wont be cannon. there are stories going around that disney is makeing a whole complete story. i wouldnt mind the recasting of the luke, Han and leia if the charecters are spot on the dot. people are saying that the PT sucks and that george lucas only made them for money and i respect peoples opinion but i firmly beleive that the prequals are AS good as the originals. george based those movies on the old classic tales of greek mythology hercules, the oddesy, the Iliad, the roman tale the Aeneid and countless others. for anyone thats interested in news in star wars come check out Alex's Empire on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/pages/Alexs-Empire/294316580679404

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I would rather they make a movie about far future rather than recasting Luke,Leia and the rest; But if they would recast them, then it wouldn't bother me.


A movie about Star wars: legacy would be nice.

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It's not Luke, Leia and Han if it's different people.


This might work for Dr. Who, James Bond, and Batman, but not for Star Wars.


yea they will just make new main characters. why?


because, if they do ANYTHING with the original characters, there would be *****TORM


of rage from angry fans,,,like the "han shot first" incident


the OT characters are holy untouchables now,,,guarded by bloodthirsty fans


and yes,,han DID shoot first,,,he was a drugrunner for jabba then,,NOT a "good guy"

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I got to thinking about the thought of Episode 8,9,10 and remembered reading that Lucas had stories written for an episode 8-12! Now here is something to think about what if Joss Whedon directs them? I mean hell everything else this guy touches turns to gold why not right?
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yea they will just make new main characters. why?


because, if they do ANYTHING with the original characters, there would be *****TORM


of rage from angry fans,,,like the "han shot first" incident


the OT characters are holy untouchables now,,,guarded by bloodthirsty fans


and yes,,han DID shoot first,,,he was a drugrunner for jabba then,,NOT a "good guy"


Amen, brother. Han shot first, last, and only one shot was fired during that incident. Good to see someone else who knows what really went down before the "remakes" of the OT. :D

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Anyone who thinks they can make these guys-

Mark: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2173229/Comic-Con-2012-Luke-Skywalker-actor-Mark-Hamill-60-looks-weathered-worn.html

Carrie: https://live.staticflickr.com/8011/7601382226_b0c9ebd709_b.jpg

Harrison: http://www.zimbio.com/pictures/KhxdGWS0Y3p/American+Society+Cinematographers+26th+Annual/ojVYCu7uqe3/Harrison+Ford

-look like this:http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/images/0553404717/ref=dp_image_text_0/277-7813345-2298428?ie=UTF8&n=266239&s=books

Is a moron, Am sorry but it won't work. Blame Lucas for havin to make frikin prequels not me for tellin it like it is.

Edited by Beans_of_steel
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Brolin is a terrible actor.



I would expect them to keep the same cast as the OT and they'll skip the story forward say 40 years. That makes the most sense in my head. Luke would be the Obi-Wan type character who is focused on training new jedi and removing the remnants of the Empire, Leia would be a senator building the new republic and Han would be Han, just older (think Sully from Uncharted). Han and Leia would have the twins and they'd probably be in training with Luke.


They could recast the roles and I'd honestly be fine with that, but I don't think I could ever accept anyone other than Ford as Han Solo. It'd be like recasting Indy. You just don't do that.


U forgot to explain why you think Brolin is a bad actor, u also forgot to grow the balls to make a suggestion of your own. U also forgot to say why they would ignore Thrawn when the only decisive thing Lucas said about 7,8,9 is if they were made theyd be based off Zahns Thrawn trilogy n Disney said theyd use Lucas idea for it. Tho I agree about ur idea working with the old ppl, it's most likely nothing like the story they are doing so it won't work.

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U forgot to explain why you think Brolin is a bad actor, u also forgot to grow the balls to make a suggestion of your own. U also forgot to say why they would ignore Thrawn when the only decisive thing Lucas said about 7,8,9 is if they were made theyd be based off Zahns Thrawn trilogy n Disney said theyd use Lucas idea for it. Tho I agree about ur idea working with the old ppl, it's most likely nothing like the story they are doing so it won't work.


Until you learn to spell I'm not going to bother trying to have a conversation with you.

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Until you learn to spell I'm not going to bother trying to have a conversation with you.


Ya I think Beans wins then, what he wrote is not difficult to understand, and at least he made a suggestion of his own. You only seem to be following the crowd on this.


Edit: Also just for the record Brolin rules, have u not seen W? The way he gets Bush's body language, expressions, tone of voice right down to near perfect imitation is amazing and because of that he's for sure worth noting as an option to play Han. Not to mention his performances in the Coen brothers films True Grit, and No country for Old men? The Coens are hardcore filmmakers and wouldn't put Josh Brolin in two of there films if he really was a terrible actor. So you just spouted a bunch of bs you can't back up at all, congrats. Personally I'd rather suck at spelling like Beans than be as ignorant as you are buddy.

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Ya I think Beans wins then, what he wrote is not difficult to understand, and at least he made a suggestion of his own. You only seem to be following the crowd on this.


There's no winner or loser here, except the American education system.


I don't like Brolin, he's bland and forgettable, which is the polar opposite of Han Solo. Maybe he'd do ok, who knows? I haven't been impressed with anything he's done so far.


I've already said I don't think I could get behind any actor to be re-cast and I don't think there's any reason to recast him. Depending on the story they come up with, this could be Han Solo's last Star Wars movie. I just don't see the need to try and find somebody to step in those shoes, and I don't think anyone really could.


If I was forced to make a suggestion, I'd say that Nathan Fillion was channeling Han Solo pretty hard core as Mal Reynolds, but I don't think he would do it for me either. I like the previous suggest of Aaron Eckhart too. He might be able to pull it off.

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Josh Hartnett ........................................Han Solo

Joseph Gordon-Levitt ...........................Luke Skywalker

Scarlett Johansson ...............................Princess Leia


Guy Pearce ...........................................Thrawn


Unless they do Ep.7 totally CG , I do not think they should use the original cast for anything but maybe for little parts that are not anything to do with the three characters . Ford is the only one of the three cast members who is still decently in shape


/reported for such a horrible idea.


Lol seriously though. I am not against re-casting these characters, but I am glad that you are not casting this.

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Ya I think Beans wins then, what he wrote is not difficult to understand, and at least he made a suggestion of his own. You only seem to be following the crowd on this.


Edit: Also just for the record Brolin rules, have u not seen W? The way he gets Bush's body language, expressions, tone of voice right down to near perfect imitation is amazing and because of that he's for sure worth noting as an option to play Han. Not to mention his performances in the Coen brothers films True Grit, and No country for Old men? The Coens are hardcore filmmakers and wouldn't put Josh Brolin in two of there films if he really was a terrible actor. So you just spouted a bunch of bs you can't back up at all, congrats. Personally I'd rather suck at spelling like Beans than be as ignorant as you are buddy.


Ya n that's why, best serious imitation iv ever seen, who else would play Solo exactly as good as Ford if Ford can't do it? N sorry bout spell in I got a crappy no name tablet, ud shorten it too man.

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Why not? Characters get recast all the time. In the grand scheme of things does it really change your day to day life?


Also, Carrie Fisher gained a lot of weight. imagine her in that bikini NOW...

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