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Disney to aquire Lucasfilm!


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You can't say aside from something and then list ALL the good qualities of a movie you liked. That's making a backwards argument.


I won't get into it here, but as far as good story telling, decent acting and genuine emotion goes, episode 4 is still leagues beyond 1,2 and 3. And if episode 4 was "bad" the Star Wars universe would have died right there.


And mark Hamil was an unknown actor (basically). Pretty damn good for someone that no one even knew.


Yes, because you can't have a good story with bad acting or vice versa... Please keep up with the conversation if you're going to chime in. I said I like them all ( I NEVER said E4 was BAD) but that doesn't mean I can't put them in order of my perceived quality of them.

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Yes, because you can't have a good story with bad acting or vice versa... Please keep up with the conversation if you're going to chime in. I said I like them all ( I NEVER said E4 was BAD) but that doesn't mean I can't put them in order of my perceived quality of them.


Way to ruin a decent conversation.


I never said you couldn't . I was poking at your grievances with 4 because, IMO they are hardly worth it. Episode 4 pretty much said set the bar. As far as the classical view of all the movies, and one I agree with, episode 4 is still leagues beyond the prequels. I can disagree with you and tell you why. "Try and keep up."

Edited by Arkerus
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Way to ruin a decent conversation.


I never said you couldn't . I was poking at your grievances with 4 because, IMO they are hardly worth it. Episode 4 pretty much said set the bar. As far as the classical view of all the movies, and one I agree with, episode 4 is still leagues beyond the prequels. I can disagree with you and tell you why. "Try and keep up."


I take you back to my original thought since you came in late to the game and didn't feel like reading the thread at all.


I probably watched Star Wars for the first time ~1984 when my uncle got it on VHS. I didn't really understand it right way but I liked it non the less. One thing you knew, even at such a young age (~6 years old), was that Darth Vader was a very bad evil 'man'. Even then I wondered was it a single choice or a series of choices that got him to that point or was he born so evil. It was hard to imagine such a man as a scared child at any point in his life.


I was please when the prequels launched all those years later and I'm probably one of the few that grew up in that time to say that I enjoyed them. You can say what you like about the characters or some of the dialog but it was the rest of the story and the part I enjoyed the most. We got to see some of those choices that got Anakin to that point and to understand that it wasn't malice that drove it but passion. It was the flawed beliefs of the order that pushed him on that path with gentle nudges of Palpatine.


Order of quality

Episode 5,3,1,6,2,4

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Frankly, i'm glad this is happening. The more Lucas tightened his grip, the more good ideas slipped through his fingers. Ep 1, 2 and 3 were terrible and I knew that he would NEVER let the story continue. Of course, this couldn't go on forever. Now i'm happy to see the inevitable finally come pass....ole George is letting go! Lucas lost a lot of the magic he had when he made the OT. It's time to pass the torch. Maybe....just maybe....things will work out.


You can bet the farm that ALL the toy/game manufacturers are happy about this one!

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Dos this mean Mickey will be able to use a lightsaber now? kind of an expensive (4 billion) toy.:rak_03:


of course,,he is disneys frontline champion,,he gets the best gear,,donald as off tank, tinkerbelle as healer


he cannot drive AT-AT though,,for obvious reasons

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By buying Lucasfilm they are buying rights to the Star Wars IP, among others. Complete rights. That means they have rights over Star Wars use in ALL products. Including this one.


Here's to hoping for a Star Wars themed section in one of their parks. Now THAT would be awesome :)


Is LucasArts still a thing? Or does LucasFilm really encompass everything? I thought LucasFilm was just the movies.

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Is LucasArts still a thing? Or does LucasFilm really encompass everything? I thought LucasFilm was just the movies.


Apperently LucasArts is part of the deal and will be focusing on mobile/social junk and dropping their console dev biz...somone here posted a link somewhere but I can't be arsed to find it for you :D Just looki around it''s on the forums somewhere.

Edited by LrdRahvin
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Well episode 7 cant be worse than 1-3 right?


Now you see why Lucas ended up selling it. So yeah a guy who protects his films realizes that the 90% of populace who paid to see it and buy its dvds, bluesrays, etc 30 years after writing the 6 episode stories and still gets flak of criticism who think they can do better.


Honestly, he probably thought: lets see how much the films can be ****ed up when they are in the hands of Disney.

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that was fast,,so funny, and yet so painful,,but i feel safe with mickey,,he is one of the good guys


You did not see the Jonas brothers parady from South Park? Um.... buckle up and tell me how safe you are with mickey behind the wheel.


I think the best comment ever made was about the star wars episode where the galactic empire gets bought out by a bigger empire.

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You did not see the Jonas brothers parady from South Park? Um.... buckle up and tell me how safe you are with mickey behind the wheel.


I think the best comment ever made was about the star wars episode where the galactic empire gets bought out by a bigger empire.


they make fun of everything,,its their job


yes i have more confidence in disney, than in ANY other "world brand"


i know theyre businessmen too, and try to make $, but theyre motivated and competent people


thats enough for me

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So what's happening with the 3D re-releases now?


Not 3D moron, its all holograms now. :p


they make fun of everything,,its their job


yes i have more confidence in disney, than in ANY other "world brand"


i know theyre businessmen too, and try to make $, but theyre motivated and competent people


thats enough for me


I was making a joke their but seems to have fallen over your head. But yes I have confidence in the Disney empire and it makes sense that Lucas would dedicate his empire to something he can trust. Hell I am pretty sure this has been in the works for some time now since his 50's where he was wondering where his empire would go to and who would take better care of it.


Better to go with Disney then Fox right?

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Not 3D moron, its all holograms now. :p




I was making a joke their but seems to have fallen over your head. But yes I have confidence in the Disney empire and it makes sense that Lucas would dedicate his empire to something he can trust. Hell I am pretty sure this has been in the works for some time now since his 50's where he was wondering where his empire would go to and who would take better care of it.


Better to go with Disney then Fox right?


sorry missed that one:w_confused:


i dont watch fox, but from comedy side, they seem to be right wing spin doctors,,so yea disney is good


and look at wallee,,,now imagine the same quality of STAR WARS,,,im optimistic about this


and we can hope for them to save this game too,,it has a big price tag on it afterall

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All EU post-ROTJ including Yuuzhan Vong are about to be completely retconned


I hope so. I hope the retcon the EU like Joan Rivers' face.


There are a number of book cycles I like, but the Vong series was Bantha Pudo. Not even Bantha Pudo, but the greese that oozes from the stuff stuck to the bottom of your shoe after stepping in it.

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Star Wars canon is pretty complicated; there's one set for the movies, and another for the EU. Leyland Chee is the Keeper of Canon, for want of a better term, and organises content by category for the various divisions of LFL. The wikipedia article does a fair job of explaining it, but here's the relevant summary:



  • G-canon is absolute canon; the movies (their most recent release), the scripts, the novelizations of the movies, the radio plays, and any statements by George Lucas himself. G-canon overrides the lower levels of canon when there is a contradiction. Within G-canon, many fans follow an unofficial progression of canonicity where the movies are the highest canon, followed by the scripts, the novelizations, and then the radio plays.


  • T-canon refers to the canon level comprising only the two television shows: Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the Star Wars live-action TV series.


  • C-canon is primarily composed of elements from the Expanded Universe including books, comics, and games bearing the label of Star Wars. Games and RPG sourcebooks are a special case; the stories and general background information are themselves fully C-canon, but the other elements such as character/item statistics and gameplay are, with few exceptions, N-canon.


  • S-canon is secondary canon; the story itself is considered non-continuity, but the non-contradicting elements are still a canon part of the Star Wars universe. This includes things like the online roleplaying game Star Wars: Galaxies and certain elements of a few N-canon stories.


  • N-canon is non-canon. "What-if" stories (such as stories published under the Star Wars: Infinities label), crossover appearances (such as the Star Wars character appearances in Soulcalibur IV), game statistics, and anything else directly contradicted by higher canon ends up here. N-canon is the only level that is not considered official canon by Lucasfilm. A significant amount of material that was previously C-canon was rendered N-canon by the release of Episodes I–III.



I assume new movies will all be G-canon, and can run roughshod over T, C, S and N canon. So, in that sense, the EU is canon, but the films override it and don't have to incorporate it.


You missed out clone wars vol 1 and vol 2 , which is different from the newer tv series. Also what is the star wars tv series you speak of ? Underworld ?


Cheers ,



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