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Legacy Datacrons


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This would be a fantastic quality of life improvement. Many people do not enjoy gathering the datachrons but do enjoy min maxing their characters. Having datachrons as an account wide legacy item will make other classes much more accessible to them, expanding their opportunity to enjoy the game.
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any news? is someone from bioware reading this anyway?


I point you to this link:




Which includes the following:


-I asked if datacrons/codex etc. will be added to legacy in future. Datacrons no, achievements yes.


I also believe that Eric Musco has made a statement that legacy datacrons are highly unlikely as they would likely require the a compete redesign of the datacron system.

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  • 1 month later...

Here we go again, I guess it's been at least 29.2 days.


How many times must Musco say that Legacy Datacrons will NOT be happening since it would require completely re-designing them from the ground up before you guys "get it"? He said it directly to me last week at the Vancouver Cantina Tour to add to the many times he's said it before. I was able to look him in the eye, shake his hand, and when I said "Please don't ever do them" he looked very happy and said "Don't worry, we won't."


There's no point to this discussion any longer. Calling each other names and passive-aggressive nonsense can just stop. Reasons and ideas FOR Legacy Datacrons aren't going to sway any developers into doing what would be necessary to get them done. All the two sides of this battle seem to do is upset each other.


It's time to just let it go and find something else to do.

Edited by PetFish
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  • 11 months later...
So, unsure if it's been made into an actual suggestion thread (couldn't find it if it has), but I know I've seen support for it around the forums in the past and thought it couldn't hurt to suggest it - Legacy Datacron unlocks.


Instead of having to gather all the Datacrons for every toon, why not make the Datacrons legacy unlocks so that when you gather it the first time, it's then unlocked across all your other characters. Exceptions would likely have to be made for ones that only Imperial or Republic characters have access to, but that doesn't seem like it should be a deal breaker in being able to implement such a system. It could be a higher legacy level only unlock (lvl 30-40?) or maybe a Cartel store purchase as a quality of life thing.


The Datacrons can be fun to grab the first time around, but having to do them multiple times starts losing out on the fun factor and just gets tedious - at least for me.;)

great idea but if they do tihis theyl probobly charge us Cartel coins.. just like they do to unlock vehicles./ armor/ weapons through legacy:eek:

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  • 4 months later...


Thank you for proving my point.


Allow me to quote your "source".


Hey folks!


I wanted to pass on a little tidbit that I heard this morning. We are very actively looking to put Legacy-wide Datacrons into Knights of the Fallen Empire! We know this has been widely requested for many years and so the Design team is working as we speak to get it in.


As always, this is not a guarantee that it will make it in, but the team is hard at work to make it happen :rak_03:.






Notice the part in bold?

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