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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Legacy Datacrons


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I agree, it would be nice to have them unlock on all the toons, at least of the same faction, but account wide would be better. I don't want to have to spend 8 hours riding that jawa balloon to get the one on tattoine on all my toons, and the one on belsavis that requires keys to unlock, yeah that would be a nice account wide unlock too.


Really, some of them are easy to get, others are just a pain, take a lot of time, and it would be nice to not have to go through that with every toon.

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So, unsure if it's been made into an actual suggestion thread (couldn't find it if it has), but I know I've seen support for it around the forums in the past and thought it couldn't hurt to suggest it - Legacy Datacron unlocks.


Instead of having to gather all the Datacrons for every toon, why not make the Datacrons legacy unlocks so that when you gather it the first time, it's then unlocked across all your other characters. Exceptions would likely have to be made for ones that only Imperial or Republic characters have access to, but that doesn't seem like it should be a deal breaker in being able to implement such a system. It could be a higher legacy level only unlock (lvl 30-40?) or maybe a Cartel store purchase as a quality of life thing.


The Datacrons can be fun to grab the first time around, but having to do them multiple times starts losing out on the fun factor and just gets tedious - at least for me.;)


Sorry m8 but this is a bad idea searching for datacrones is part of the content experience , you can get them easy while lvling a lot of people enjoi searching for them me included, so dont get me wrong i dont mean to insult but what you sugested its just lazy get up and go exlpore the world

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I like the idea of applying datacrons to legacy. It would certainly push more people to bother to get them. Then again the downside is once so many people have it less players will need to go and get the +10 fleets datacron which means new players who join may have a harder time going to get them. I think if they do implement it that would be great but i think it should only apply if you unlock every datacron on imp and rep side and then it be given to you gradually, i mean that by level. So for each planet you complete your class quest or when your level surpasses the recommended level requirement you have them granted to you so no one starts at lvl 1 with a bunch of stats thrown on top.


Maybe even a extra datacron which only unlocks after getting every single datacron/matrix shard in the game on imp and rep side which would be called the legacy datacron and it would take a while to get like fleet datacron (but obviously a lot harder then the fleet datacron). In this case you would need a legacy datacron everytime a new expansion came out which means new planets = new datacrons so the legacy datacron would apply the latest crons to your toons.


Maybe a planet by planet legacy datacron so you would only unlock after getting all the datacrons/matrix shards then only apply to legacy after putting in some hard effort with some guildies or friends. It would take a while but it would be worth it and people would make the effort to do it. I would like to see it because it is getting annoying having to farm them from every char.


Also i think legacy level should apply so it becomes a real achievement once you have it because it takes it bit more preparation to get it. Then again it may even be thrown in the CM so people can pay for it which i think would be a real shame. It should be available to players who make the effort for it.


More importantly what do you guys think about legacy datacron by planet or 1 per expansion? This is totally discussion because we don't even know if it is going to happen so i am interested to see what others think.

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I like the idea of applying datacrons to legacy. It would certainly push more people to bother to get them. Then again the downside is once so many people have it less players will need to go and get the +10 fleets datacron which means new players who join may have a harder time going to get them. I think if they do implement it that would be great but i think it should only apply if you unlock every datacron on imp and rep side and then it be given to you gradually, i mean that by level. So for each planet you complete your class quest or when your level surpasses the recommended level requirement you have them granted to you so no one starts at lvl 1 with a bunch of stats thrown on top.


Maybe even a extra datacron which only unlocks after getting every single datacron/matrix shard in the game on imp and rep side which would be called the legacy datacron and it would take a while to get like fleet datacron (but obviously a lot harder then the fleet datacron). In this case you would need a legacy datacron everytime a new expansion came out which means new planets = new datacrons so the legacy datacron would apply the latest crons to your toons.


Maybe a planet by planet legacy datacron so you would only unlock after getting all the datacrons/matrix shards then only apply to legacy after putting in some hard effort with some guildies or friends. It would take a while but it would be worth it and people would make the effort to do it. I would like to see it because it is getting annoying having to farm them from every char.


Also i think legacy level should apply so it becomes a real achievement once you have it because it takes it bit more preparation to get it. Then again it may even be thrown in the CM so people can pay for it which i think would be a real shame. It should be available to players who make the effort for it.


More importantly what do you guys think about legacy datacron by planet or 1 per expansion? This is totally discussion because we don't even know if it is going to happen so i am interested to see what others think.



While I am against the stat bonuses for datacrons being unlocked for characters that did not actually EARN those bonuses, if BW decides to cater to the "lazy, have to have it now and for as little effort as possible" crowd I hope they do it this fashion.


Each faction must be unlocked separately. Unlocking each faction would require finding ALL the datacrons on a SINGLE character. Finding some on one character and others on different characters would not count. The stat bonuses would be applied only after a character reaches max level, since they would be "gifted" for free and not actually earned by that character. If a player wants a specific stat bonus for a character prior to reaching max level, the player can find the specific datacron with that character. Since we are talking about giving stat bonuses for no effort, unlocks should carry a hefty price tag, such as 5,000,000 credits, and should not be available via the CM.

Edited by Ratajack
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While I am against the stat bonuses for datacrons being unlocked for characters that did not actually EARN those bonuses, if BW decides to cater to the "lazy, have to have it now and for as little effort as possible" crowd I hope they do it this fashion.


Each faction must be unlocked separately. Unlocking each faction would require finding ALL the datacrons on a SINGLE character. Finding some on one character and others on different characters would not count. The stat bonuses would be applied only after a character reaches max level, since they would be "gifted" for free and not actually earned by that character. If a player wants a specific stat bonus for a character prior to reaching max level, the player can find the specific datacron with that character. Since we are talking about giving stat bonuses for no effort, unlocks should carry a hefty price tag, such as 5,000,000 credits, and should not be available via the CM.


That does seem fair. Maybe it being something which costs alot more so it isn't easy for everyone to get. I kinda like the legacycron idea. Fleet datacron style but harder. Maybe it would cost that much for the key or crystal to unlock the door to the legacycron. ]


So it takes money and then some actually effort/tactic to unlock it. In any case i think unlocking every datacron and matrix shard should be the first step. Maybe you would get a special message through your holoterminal on the ship from a faction leader saying something like "you have found all the datacrons and matrix shards and now we wold like you to find one which has been missing for..." So it is more like a chain quest? Which would unlock a achievement for your legacy on completion? What do you guys think?

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Well i think we should get some new matrix shard recipes for crystals. I just like the idea of a chain quest with rewards that help your legacy. Obviously making it a challenge to get so it's not something pointlessly easy which everyone will grab in an hour. Maybe BW will see this and think it is a good idea :)
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They are, in fact, TERRIBLE. One of my favorite examples of this is if you are standing near the edge of the object, you are best pressing jump and then immediately pressing forward; if you try to press both at the same time, about 50% of the time you'll make a very short jump, and about 30% of the time the game doesn't even register that you've pressed jump.


The jumping physics aren't even consistent in how they mess up! And you want to blame the players?


I would argue against you on this. The servers are 100% consistent. By your own descriptions, you say that it's the player skill that affects how the mechanics work, then you go off and imply that it's the game's fault.


Back to the original point of the thread... I'm of two minds on this whole issue. On one hand, I don't feel that Datacron stats should be free. I think you should have to work for the bonus for each toon. But that being said, the game already gives you free stuff if you got it once. It's called Collections. And I use collections a lot! Mostly for armor sets, but also an occasional crystal and weapon. So even though I don't agree with the free datacrons, I could get behind them being added to the collections. So there would be an Empire Datacron set and a Republic datacron set. If you get the whole set, then they would unlock and for a small fee, you could get them for the entire account.

Edited by Glowrod
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I am for legacy datacrons, but there should be systems.


EX: Starting worlds, the datacrons unlock for everyone.

For the next set, when two characters unlock them, they unlock for everyone.

Etc, etc.


This would be a server by server basis.


That way it isn't perfectly easy, but not annoying either.

I mean, technically, alts are "legacy", which means odds are you are sharing your knowledge with your legacy [unless your a greedy sith who NEVER tells others your secrets for fear of losing your power :)]

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Any news from the devs about this one? I would LOVE to have those for my other chars.


You can have those bonuses for your other characters any time you want them. You have only to find the datacrons on your other characters and EARN those bonuses.

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One more thing to add: I cant see which datacron I already have since the achievements for the title are made for the legacy. I cant keep track which datacron I already have on my alt chars.


This I can understand. They could add a tab to the codex and achievements sections to let you see only those codex entries and/or achievements completed by whichever character you are currently playing. They could also make it so that clicking on a codex entry or achievement would show us which characters have completed that achievement or codex entry and when they completed it.

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/Signed, but with restrictions.


I agree that all datacrons should be unlocked manually on a single toon (per faction) before this legacy perk becomes available (so, only available to Datacron Masters), and with a substantial cost attached to it.


Also, for everyone arguing that unlocking HK via legacy has no real effect on the character, I beg to differ. Having a companion from level 1 is silly, but that only cost a million credits.

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/Signed, but with restrictions.


I agree that all datacrons should be unlocked manually on a single toon (per faction) before this legacy perk becomes available (so, only available to Datacron Masters), and with a substantial cost attached to it.


Also, for everyone arguing that unlocking HK via legacy has no real effect on the character, I beg to differ. Having a companion from level 1 is silly, but that only cost a million credits.


That companion does NOT give your character any permanent stat increases and does not benefit you at all in WZ's, OPS, or full groups.


Apples and oranges.

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That companion does NOT give your character any permanent stat increases and does not benefit you at all in WZ's, OPS, or full groups.


Apples and oranges.


Then class buffs. They are free, affect every aspect of the ground game, and with a little work, grant effectively a +5% bonus across the board, including (iirc) damage, critical, damage resists, armour, and stats. Sure, it's technically not permanent, but all you've got to do is remember to press a single button once per hour.


And this is already part of legacy

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Then class buffs. They are free, affect every aspect of the ground game, and with a little work, grant effectively a +5% bonus across the board, including (iirc) damage, critical, damage resists, armour, and stats. Sure, it's technically not permanent, but all you've got to do is remember to press a single button once per hour.


And this is already part of legacy



That "having to remember to press a button once per hour" takes those buff out of the realm of PERMANENT stat boosts, such as legacy datacrons would grant.



Apples and oranges, again.

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