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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Legacy Wide datacrons


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I think people should just learn to play the game and stop begging for free stuff because they are lazy..


If you want an upgrade or something then your need to put out the effort and go get it.. If you are to lazy to get the datacrons then you are to lazy for the stats they give you..


Don't even think about saying that you have a million alts and tired of getting them.. That is the lamest excuse ever.. Are you tired of leveling said alts as well?? Sound to me like you are just tired of playing the game..


No to legacy datacrons and no to anything that enables people to sit and be lazy.. I pay to play this game.. Not sit around and demand that everything be given to me.. Perhaps some of you are playing the wrong game?? :rolleyes:


Still calling people lazy, I see. You do realize that is the only argument you actually have and it is extremely weak, right? Face it, Myst, you have lost this debate. You will never convince anyone to play the game they way you THINK it should be played. Just give it up and admit defeat. It's not lazy, nobody is asking for "free" datacrons and it does not ruin the gameplay of others.


Legacy wide datacrons are not being given to anyone. You still have to earn them in some form. For instance, all +2 datacrons require level 20 Legacy and 200k credits PER CHARACTER in your legacy. The +3s require level 30 and 300k a piece, per character. All +4s are level 40 and 400k each. The +10s would be level 50 and 1 million each. You will also need to have unlocked them on at least one other character first. Explain how that is being given something for free? And considering some are fairly easy to get who would pay for them?


Not once have I seen anyone "beg for free stuff because they were lazy" in regards to this. Just let it go and move along. It is not up to you to decide what is best for the game. You have no idea what the devs intended for the legacy system when they implemented it or what their plans are now. If the devs do add the datacrons to the system are you going to quit playing? No, you won't. You will keep playing, never knowing how people collected their datacrons.

Edited by Kilikaa
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Then you need to go mouse over Willpower on a Jedi Knight (it enhances force ability damage and crit like force sweep's damage), or Strength on a shadow (It enhances your saber strikes crit and damage).

On a trooper, cunning adds to crit and damage for tech abilities.

On a smuggler, aim adds to primary weapon damage.

Granted, it's not as useful as main stat, but it is still useful enough to pick up the datacrons.

If you don't believe me, go mouse over the stat, on a particular class. You will see what I am saying.

FYI, collecting the +40 cunning on a trooper boosts you from 0.80% tech crit (for the non-collected cunning) to a bit over 1.00% tech crit.

Same with willpower (for JKs), strength (for Consulars), and aim (for smugglers).

It's not much, but it does affect it enough to consider that secondary stat as a viable alternative, once you reach the "soft cap" for main stat. Don't know what it is for 55, but at 50 it was set between 2k and 2100.


Yes Really. When the question was asked repeatedly in beta and game start yellow names at the time all confirmed that the only stat that improves your character are it's main stat and endurance and presence for the companions. Nothing else regardless of how it might be worded in tool stats needed to be acquired.


Now if you do a clinical trial and prove that the other stats do have a positive affect on classes that don't use them as a main stat I will stand corrected but until that time I will rely on the answers given in the past by official BW personnel. And no don't ask for a link to those posts as I have no idea if they even exist anymore and I never saw a need to save them.

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I think people should just learn to play the game and stop begging for free stuff because they are lazy..


If you want an upgrade or something then your need to put out the effort and go get it.. If you are to lazy to get the datacrons then you are to lazy for the stats they give you..


Don't even think about saying that you have a million alts and tired of getting them.. That is the lamest excuse ever.. Are you tired of leveling said alts as well?? Sound to me like you are just tired of playing the game..


No to legacy datacrons and no to anything that enables people to sit and be lazy.. I pay to play this game.. Not sit around and demand that everything be given to me.. Perhaps some of you are playing the wrong game?? :rolleyes:


Stop telling people how to play the game, you don't pay their sub.


Nice job insulting everyone though and being a troll.


Also you are telling people to leave the game, that's bad for business on bioware's part. Good job trying to make the game fail!

Edited by TridusSWTOR
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Yes Really. When the question was asked repeatedly in beta and game start yellow names at the time all confirmed that the only stat that improves your character are it's main stat and endurance and presence for the companions. Nothing else regardless of how it might be worded in tool stats needed to be acquired.


Now if you do a clinical trial and prove that the other stats do have a positive affect on classes that don't use them as a main stat I will stand corrected but until that time I will rely on the answers given in the past by official BW personnel. And no don't ask for a link to those posts as I have no idea if they even exist anymore and I never saw a need to save them.


A friend convinced me to run my own test.


Powertechs mainstat is Aim. I first did 20 rocket punches on the training dummy(no stim) then I used a strength stim and did another 20 rocket punches. I did more damage overall with the extrra strength and more max damage with the extra strength.


I would never give up any Aim for strength but I am convinced that getting datacrons other than mainstat/endurance will give my characters a slight edge.

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Yes Really. When the question was asked repeatedly in beta and game start yellow names at the time all confirmed that the only stat that improves your character are it's main stat and endurance and presence for the companions. Nothing else regardless of how it might be worded in tool stats needed to be acquired.


Now if you do a clinical trial and prove that the other stats do have a positive affect on classes that don't use them as a main stat I will stand corrected but until that time I will rely on the answers given in the past by official BW personnel. And no don't ask for a link to those posts as I have no idea if they even exist anymore and I never saw a need to save them.


A friend convinced me to run my own test.


Powertechs mainstat is Aim. I first did 20 rocket punches on the training dummy(no stim) then I used a strength stim and did another 20 rocket punches. I did more damage overall with the extrra strength and more max damage with the extra strength.


I would never give up any Aim for strength but I am convinced that getting datacrons other than mainstat/endurance will give my characters a slight edge.

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Still calling people lazy, I see. You do realize that is the only argument you actually have and it is extremely weak, right? Face it, Myst, you have lost this debate


How can I have lost the debate?? People like you have yet to even make a valid point!! All you do is whine about legacy this or legacy that.. You don't want to play the game.. You just want everything given to you..


How about you people stop attempting to ruin the game for everyone else by making it so darn easy!!!


If you want the stats that datacrons give then go get them.. If are to lazy to get them then you don't deserve the stats.. Bioware shouldn't just and give them to people for nothing;..


Don't even start the "But I did them on 1000 characters before..' The datacrons are per character.. You either make the effort on all your toons or live without the stats on the toons that didn't get them.. That be the way it is and the way it should be..


If you want the really nice PVP gear then you are going to grind the valor for them.. The is the entire point of an MMO.. Playing the game to earn upgrades.. If you don't like that model of play then don't play an MMO..


There is no debate here.. So seriously dude.. Get over yourself.. There is no argument.. If you want the datacrons then go get them.. If you don't then don't.. But don't cry to Bioware about making them legacy because it is to hard for someone like you to get them.. If this game is to hard for you to play then perhaps you should try something else.. Don't attempt to ruin it for the rest of us.. You know.. The people that actually like playing the game.. Who da thunk it?? :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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Stop telling people how to play the game, you don't pay their sub.


Nice job insulting everyone though and being a troll.


Also you are telling people to leave the game, that's bad for business on bioware's part. Good job trying to make the game fail!


You are barely worth responding to.. You falsely claim I insulted everyone and insulted me in the same sentence..


How about you just do us all a favor and find a point and make it..


I have told nobody to leave the game.. Do you need reading lessons too?? Seriously dude.. Participating in a forum means you have to have something intelligent to say.. That doesnt' include calling someone a troll and making BS claims about nothing..


You are the one attempting to make the game fail.. You easy mode folks are killing a lot of games.. All you do is comnplain something is to hard and you want it made easier... Legacy this and legacy that.. Legacy was not intended to be an excuse for those that don't actually want to play the game..


If you have so many alts that you are tired of collecting the datacrons.. Then either don't collect the datacrons or stop making alts.. Simple as that.. Don't come to the forums and cry about making them legacy.. Making them legacy will ruin the game.. Leave the stats they provide for those that are actually willing make the effort to get them... Don't whine about getting them for free..


So why don't you actually come up with a response instead of calling people a troll.. :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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You are barely worth responding to.. You falsely claim I insulted everyone and insulted me in the same sentence..


How about you just do us all a favor and find a point and make it..


I have told nobody to leave the game.. Do you need reading lessons too?? Seriously dude.. Participating in a forum means you have to have something intelligent to say.. That doesnt' include calling someone a troll and making BS claims about nothing..


You are the one attempting to make the game fail.. You easy mode folks are killing a lot of games.. All you do is comnplain something is to hard and you want it made easier... Legacy this and legacy that.. Legacy was not intended to be an excuse for those that don't actually want to play the game..


If you have so many alts that you are tired of collecting the datacrons.. Then either don't collect the datacrons or stop making alts.. Simple as that.. Don't come to the forums and cry about making them legacy.. Making them legacy will ruin the game.. Leave the stats they provide for those that are actually willing make the effort to get them... Don't whine about getting them for free..


So why don't you actually come up with a response instead of calling people a troll.. :rolleyes:


You told people to leave the game if you don't get your way. Sounds rather childish, oh wait that shouldn't be a surprise coming from you.


You take offense to the word troll very easily, it means that you truly are one afterall.


Stop crying that people don't agree with you and get over it, you are are whining and acting childish.


Why don't you stop insulting people and stop telling them to leave the game? :rolleyes:


Legacy datacrons are in.


Last note- You have been debunked.

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You told people to leave the game if you don't get your way.


Here is my quote..


Perhaps some of you are playing the wrong game?? :rolleyes:



Read much?? :rolleyes:


I never told anyone to leave the game if I didn't get my way.. That is a lie on your part.. Probably why you failed to actually quote me..


Why don't you stop insulting people and stop telling them to leave the game? :rolleyes:.


Why don't you take reading lessons?? Why don't you stop insulting everyone's intelligence with your lies??


I haven't been debunked.. There is nothing to debunk.. That is your problem.. You all know I am right.. There is no reason to make the datacrons legacy.. None.. The entire point of an MMO is to play the game to get stuff.. Be it dailies for credits and rep, PVP and ops for gear, or datacrons for stats.. What you are asking for go against the entire point of playing an MMO.. If you don't want to put forth the effort, then why should someone get the stats and rewards anyways??


Nothing has been debunked.. There is nothing to debunk.. Some people just don't want to play the game.. If you don't want to play it then perhaps this isn't the game for you.. Simple logic.. Something you lack..

Edited by MajikMyst
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You told people to leave the game if you don't get your way. Sounds rather childish, oh wait that shouldn't be a surprise coming from you.


You take offense to the word troll very easily, it means that you truly are one afterall.


Stop crying that people don't agree with you and get over it, you are are whining and acting childish.


Why don't you stop insulting people and stop telling them to leave the game? :rolleyes:


Legacy datacrons are in.


Last note- You have been debunked.


I have yet to see anything from the devs stating that legacy wide datacrons will be implemented. In fact, everything I have seen indicates that they do not plan to implement legacy wide datacron bonuses.

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How can I have lost the debate?? People like you have yet to even make a valid point!! All you do is whine about legacy this or legacy that.. You don't want to play the game.. You just want everything given to you..


How about you people stop attempting to ruin the game for everyone else by making it so darn easy!!!


If you want the stats that datacrons give then go get them.. If are to lazy to get them then you don't deserve the stats.. Bioware shouldn't just and give them to people for nothing;..


Don't even start the "But I did them on 1000 characters before..' The datacrons are per character.. You either make the effort on all your toons or live without the stats on the toons that didn't get them.. That be the way it is and the way it should be..


If you want the really nice PVP gear then you are going to grind the valor for them.. The is the entire point of an MMO.. Playing the game to earn upgrades.. If you don't like that model of play then don't play an MMO..


There is no debate here.. So seriously dude.. Get over yourself.. There is no argument.. If you want the datacrons then go get them.. If you don't then don't.. But don't cry to Bioware about making them legacy because it is to hard for someone like you to get them.. If this game is to hard for you to play then perhaps you should try something else.. Don't attempt to ruin it for the rest of us.. You know.. The people that actually like playing the game.. Who da thunk it?? :)


First off, I love how you quoted the first two sentences and then went on a rant. Second, You made your entire post about me "whining" "crying" and "wanting" Bioware to "give" me the datacrons. Not once in my post did I ever say I wanted them handed to me. You still have not made a valid argument against the datacrons becoming part of the legacy system. You actually ignored everything I said and focused on only two sentences.


If you read my post you would have seen that I proposed both legacy level and credit requirements for each datacron. Each character would have to pay that amount for each one. You would also need to have unlocked datacrons before they ever become available through legacy. Did you comment on that? No, you ignored it because it defeats your arguments.


You also refuse to give a real to this question...How would this idea ruin your gameplay, or anyone elses, when you will never know who has used legacy to gather a few datacrons on some alts? As it is right now you have no idea who has collected them all and who hasn't. I pvp, run heroics andflashpoints with all my toons. I have no clue who in my groups has collected datacrons or how many. It only tuins your gameplay because you believe it does. Get over myself? Perhaps you should get over yourself. Who are you to call people asking for this, not demanding it, lazy whiners? Who are you to tell people how to play the game? There are many differant ways to play this game. They are called options. This is another option people are asking for.


The fact that you refuse to acknowledge all the valid points for this option and continue to push your opinion as the only one that matters shows that you really the one whining here. You won't see it that way, however. We know your position, the majority disagree. Stop trolling this thread and let the people who want and support legacy datacrons discuss it.

Edited by Kilikaa
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First off, I love how you quoted the first two sentences and then went on a rant. Second, You made your entire post about me "whining" "crying" and "wanting" Bioware to "give" me the datacrons. Not once in my post did I ever say I wanted them handed to me. You still have not made a valid argument against the datacrons becoming part of the legacy system. You actually ignored everything I said and focused on only two sentences.


If you read my post you would have seen that I proposed both legacy level and credit requirements for each datacron. Each character would have to pay that amount for each one. You would also need to have unlocked datacrons before they ever become available through legacy. Did you comment on that? No, you ignored it because it defeats your arguments.


You also refuse to give a real to this question...How would this idea ruin your gameplay, or anyone elses, when you will never know who has used legacy to gather a few datacrons on some alts? As it is right now you have no idea who has collected them all and who hasn't. I pvp, run heroics andflashpoints with all my toons. I have no clue who in my groups has collected datacrons or how many. It only tuins your gameplay because you believe it does. Get over myself? Perhaps you should get over yourself. Who are you to call people asking for this, not demanding it, lazy whiners? Who are you to tell people how to play the game? There are many differant ways to play this game. They are called options. This is another option people are asking for.


The fact that you refuse to acknowledge all the valid points for this option and continue to push your opinion as the only one that matters shows that you really the one whining here. You won't see it that way, however. We know your position, the majority disagree. Stop trolling this thread and let the people who want and support legacy datacrons discuss it.


Did you find the datacron with alt? Did you EARN the bonus for that alt, or are you asking that your alt be given a bonus the alt has not earned?


We've seen how legacy requirements can be BYPASSED, so putting a legacy level requirement on legacy datacrons would be pointless as those unlocks would simply end up on the CM after the "have to have it now" crowd complains that "it's not fair" if they do not have the required legacy level to purchase the unlock.


It has been suggested that if they implement legacy wide datacron bonuses, the bonus from any given datacron should not be given until that character reaches max level, unless that character finds the datacron. If a player wants a particular datacron bonus for a certain character prior to that character reaching max level, they can find the datacron with that character.


I think the best thing to do, though, is to leave it as it is with datacrons being a per character bonus.

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First off, I love how you quoted the first two sentences and then went on a rant. Second, You made your entire post about me "whining" "crying" and "wanting" Bioware to "give" me the datacrons. Not once in my post did I ever say I wanted them handed to me. You still have not made a valid argument against the datacrons becoming part of the legacy system. You actually ignored everything I said and focused on only two sentences.


If you read my post you would have seen that I proposed both legacy level and credit requirements for each datacron. Each character would have to pay that amount for each one. You would also need to have unlocked datacrons before they ever become available through legacy. Did you comment on that? No, you ignored it because it defeats your arguments.


You also refuse to give a real to this question...How would this idea ruin your gameplay, or anyone elses, when you will never know who has used legacy to gather a few datacrons on some alts? As it is right now you have no idea who has collected them all and who hasn't. I pvp, run heroics andflashpoints with all my toons. I have no clue who in my groups has collected datacrons or how many. It only tuins your gameplay because you believe it does. Get over myself? Perhaps you should get over yourself. Who are you to call people asking for this, not demanding it, lazy whiners? Who are you to tell people how to play the game? There are many differant ways to play this game. They are called options. This is another option people are asking for.


The fact that you refuse to acknowledge all the valid points for this option and continue to push your opinion as the only one that matters shows that you really the one whining here. You won't see it that way, however. We know your position, the majority disagree. Stop trolling this thread and let the people who want and support legacy datacrons discuss it.


Ok.. Here is your entire post.. Still no point to acknowledge..


It is lame to attempt to justify a bad idea by saying it won't effect anyone else.. If you seriously don't understand how legacy datacrons effect everyone.. Then you are simply not qualified to have this discussion..


In the simplest of terms, it will effect everyone because people will no longer have to make the effort to get the stats.. Which is very bad for any MMO.. The entire point of an MMO is to play the game.. Not beg for ways of getting things without earning them..


You stop trolling.. Your best argument is calling other folks a troll.. Which means you have no argument.. I think I said that earlier..


You are not asking for an option.. An option is what speeder you want to use.. What planet you want to do dailies on.. What OP you want to do.. What flash point, what race to make your character, what hair style to use, what color dye to add to your clothes, and so on.. Those are options.. Demanding legacy datacrons because you are tried of getting them is not an option.. It is a fundamental change in the game.. You want the stats on your toon.. Then you need to get the datacrons.. Asking for legacy datacrons is not an option.. It is called laziness.. That is it.. There is no other word for it.. If you want something special then you have to earn it and take the time to get it.. Just giving it away would be a very bad move for this game.. This isn't rocket science..


I am sorry you are against collecting the datacrons.. But there is no reason you can give that would justify you getting them for free and ending the need for people to put forth the effort to get them.. At that point they may as well just take them out of the game and just make those stats part of our base character stats.. But I would guess you would be ok with that wouldn't you?? It is what you are asking for... :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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Here is my quote..





Read much?? :rolleyes:


I never told anyone to leave the game if I didn't get my way.. That is a lie on your part.. Probably why you failed to actually quote me..




Why don't you take reading lessons?? Why don't you stop insulting everyone's intelligence with your lies??


I haven't been debunked.. There is nothing to debunk.. That is your problem.. You all know I am right.. There is no reason to make the datacrons legacy.. None.. The entire point of an MMO is to play the game to get stuff.. Be it dailies for credits and rep, PVP and ops for gear, or datacrons for stats.. What you are asking for go against the entire point of playing an MMO.. If you don't want to put forth the effort, then why should someone get the stats and rewards anyways??


Nothing has been debunked.. There is nothing to debunk.. Some people just don't want to play the game.. If you don't want to play it then perhaps this isn't the game for you.. Simple logic.. Something you lack..


It seems I have to explain what you actually typed to you. Which is sad, because I mean....you typed it yourself. :rolleyes:


Anyways, you suggested people should leave the game because you want to enforce your rules on them. The end.


So even though there have been suggestions(which you obviously missed because of reading comprehension problems on your part) that offer something to work toward too, you just throw insults there way instead.


How are people not playing the game by getting this? Are they going to quit as soon as they get all the datacrons? Oh wait, they aren't? Well I guess they'll do something else while still playing the game, oh lord it's like explaining things to a child.


How much easier do you want me to explain this to you? :rolleyes:


So stop trolling and actually read suggestions that have been offered. Until then, you have been debunked, again.

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I have yet to see anything from the devs stating that legacy wide datacrons will be implemented. In fact, everything I have seen indicates that they do not plan to implement legacy wide datacron bonuses.


Bioware posted there thoughts on this and said they are strongly considering it will happen. Go search for it and you'll find it.


You have been debunked.

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Ok.. Here is your entire post.. Still no point to acknowledge..


It is lame to attempt to justify a bad idea by saying it won't effect anyone else.. If you seriously don't understand how legacy datacrons effect everyone.. Then you are simply not qualified to have this discussion..


In the simplest of terms, it will effect everyone because people will no longer have to make the effort to get the stats.. Which is very bad for any MMO.. The entire point of an MMO is to play the game.. Not beg for ways of getting things without earning them..


You stop trolling.. Your best argument is calling other folks a troll.. Which means you have no argument.. I think I said that earlier..


You are not asking for an option.. An option is what speeder you want to use.. What planet you want to do dailies on.. What OP you want to do.. What flash point, what race to make your character, what hair style to use, what color dye to add to your clothes, and so on.. Those are options.. Demanding legacy datacrons because you are tried of getting them is not an option.. It is a fundamental change in the game.. You want the stats on your toon.. Then you need to get the datacrons.. Asking for legacy datacrons is not an option.. It is called laziness.. That is it.. There is no other word for it.. If you want something special then you have to earn it and take the time to get it.. Just giving it away would be a very bad move for this game.. This isn't rocket science..


I am sorry you are against collecting the datacrons.. But there is no reason you can give that would justify you getting them for free and ending the need for people to put forth the effort to get them.. At that point they may as well just take them out of the game and just make those stats part of our base character stats.. But I would guess you would be ok with that wouldn't you?? It is what you are asking for... :rolleyes:


So when a person collects the datacron on hutta. How can you tell? Please inform me. Tell me in detail how you can tell.


This should be funny.


Good job trolling still and not offering any points and only offering insults. You have been debunked.

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I agree with you ashiaboga,

I too don't want to have to get all datacrons 5 times because I have 5 characters.


however as stated earlier in the thread it is also true that this will reduce the amount of exploring and game-play that people need to do.


though as long as you do all missions on a planet you automatically come past almost every datacron hiding place.


there are pros and cons to this idea, however I agree with the base for your idea, the implement a legacy perk/datacron upon completing a planet/all datacrons as a reward

Edited by Red-Dawn
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So when a person collects the datacron on hutta. How can you tell? Please inform me. Tell me in detail how you can tell.


I agree that I've löost track of what I've found and what not.


Yes, the entries but there - but nowhere in-game it is told to me which entry came from which datachron.


My solution to this is far too simple - far too simple so that you WILL reject it all :


- Make the Datachron Entries - I mean the stories they tell - Legacy

- Make the effects they give to the characters "bound on aquire", so to say

- Make separate entries telling the player which Datachron was visited by the player - and which gave what kind of effect.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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It is lame to attempt to justify a bad idea by saying it won't effect anyone else.. If you seriously don't understand how legacy datacrons effect everyone.. Then you are simply not qualified to have this discussion..


In the simplest of terms, it will effect everyone because people will no longer have to make the effort to get the stats.. Which is very bad for any MMO.. The entire point of an MMO is to play the game.. Not beg for ways of getting things without earning them..


How exactly would legacy datacrons effect everyone? It could be an unlock in the legacy menu, same as other legacy unlocks you have to pay credits / cc for.


The legacy travel perks are constrained by the character level, and there is no reason why a legacy datacron perk could not be constrained by both levels of the planets the datacrons are to be found, as well as having a minimum legacy level involved (say 35-40).


So for those players who have been playing the game for a longer period of time, and have numerous alts can spend more time playing the game. Perhaps their time would be better spent joining groups for heroic missions, instead of hunting that aim datacron for the 20th time? Making the game better for others?


Let alone it gets tedious getting all of the datacrons over and over again. Once is more than enough. Although there is no reason why Bioware couldn't add in an achievement for getting all of the datacrons on x amount of characters without using the legacy perk. By doing so they could also add another +10 all stats to those players and give them a legacy title for not using the shortcut.


Then it would be a choice, allowing those who want to use the perk use it. Those that don't want to use it and want to be completionist can gain more base stats as well as a title.


Win win for both sides of the fence.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Yes Really. When the question was asked repeatedly in beta and game start yellow names at the time all confirmed that the only stat that improves your character are it's main stat and endurance and presence for the companions. Nothing else regardless of how it might be worded in tool stats needed to be acquired.


Now if you do a clinical trial and prove that the other stats do have a positive affect on classes that don't use them as a main stat I will stand corrected but until that time I will rely on the answers given in the past by official BW personnel. And no don't ask for a link to those posts as I have no idea if they even exist anymore and I never saw a need to save them.


reven are you that ignorant?


go make a smuggler level 1 is fine no leveling needed to prove your ignorant thoughts wrong


hover over aim stat, and it will show you that aim does indeed give you a slight dmg/crit to tech attacks


same with jedi knights with willpower


same with consulars with strength(melee only)


troopers with cunning, want me to take a screenshot of my gunlinger that has all the aim datacrons and i get around 1% +/-


this games been out for well over a year


these things have been proven day in and day out


the devs are right in the sense that smugglers use cunning as there main stat as it effects everything that class uses for abilities

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How exactly would legacy datacrons effect everyone? It could be an unlock in the legacy menu, same as other legacy unlocks you have to pay credits / cc for.


The legacy travel perks are constrained by the character level, and there is no reason why a legacy datacron perk could not be constrained by both levels of the planets the datacrons are to be found, as well as having a minimum legacy level involved (say 35-40).


So for those players who have been playing the game for a longer period of time, and have numerous alts can spend more time playing the game. Perhaps their time would be better spent joining groups for heroic missions, instead of hunting that aim datacron for the 20th time? Making the game better for others?


Let alone it gets tedious getting all of the datacrons over and over again. Once is more than enough. Although there is no reason why Bioware couldn't add in an achievement for getting all of the datacrons on x amount of characters without using the legacy perk. By doing so they could also add another +10 all stats to those players and give them a legacy title for not using the shortcut.


Then it would be a choice, allowing those who want to use the perk use it. Those that don't want to use it and want to be completionist can gain more base stats as well as a title.


Win win for both sides of the fence.


The suggestion has been made that if legacy datacrons were to be introduced, BW could do it in such a way that the codex entries be made legacy wide, but that the stat bonuses not be "gifted" until a character reaches max level. If a player wants a particular datacron's stat bonus for a certain character before reaching max level, they can find that particular datacron with that character.

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reven are you that ignorant?


go make a smuggler level 1 is fine no leveling needed to prove your ignorant thoughts wrong


hover over aim stat, and it will show you that aim does indeed give you a slight dmg/crit to tech attacks


same with jedi knights with willpower


same with consulars with strength(melee only)


troopers with cunning, want me to take a screenshot of my gunlinger that has all the aim datacrons and i get around 1% +/-


this games been out for well over a year


these things have been proven day in and day out


the devs are right in the sense that smugglers use cunning as there main stat as it effects everything that class uses for abilities


Apparently I am Trunk. Before I shot off my mouth in reply I did pull up a character and moused over the stat descriptions. You are correct the other stats do give minor bonuses to our characters. I accepted the developers words as accurate and never bothered to dig deeper for that I apologize. The bonuses from other stats are not enough to be worth stacking but are worth it to find and get the datacrons for them.


However that just means that the Datacrons absolutely should not be legacy wide. If you want those stat bonuses on a character that character should go to the datacrons to get them. And I say this knowing I have 5 characters I now need to go back and get them all on.

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So when a person collects the datacron on hutta. How can you tell? Please inform me. Tell me in detail how you can tell.


This should be funny.


Good job trolling still and not offering any points and only offering insults. You have been debunked.


Well.. There is this thing called the internet.. Have you heard of it?? I am guessing you haven't.. All the codexes for the datacrons come with a number.. Countless websites that have walk throughs for getting the datacrons can tell you where each datacron is by their number.. So you can tell which ones you are missing, which ones are repub or imp side, and where they are.. Imagine that..


Websites like this have been around since shortly after launch..


How can you debunk someone with a question?? Dude.. You are so funny it is scary..:rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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I don't understand why when you unlock something there isn't something listing them legacy wide. This is not to say you get the bonus just a list of the datacrons you have unlocked on a previous character and telling you what planet.


Yea I know you can check the internet but that doesn't always help. There is nothing wrong with unlocking just the codex. It could be very simple.


Codex unlock that gives you the place and date you accessed it.

Codex unlock the tells you this certain datacron has not been accessed by this particular character.


This could be something very simple and this in no way means you get the stats it just states which ones your previous character accessed for your information.


My two cents.

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