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Legacy Wide datacrons


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2) HK was introduced WITH the legacy unlock available. Even though I'm still not really happy with the legacy-wide option for it, the high unlock price and it being a legacy-accomplishment somewhat justifies it.



Less to do on future alts = less time having fun playing = more quiters = less customers = less Cartel sales = less income from TOR. There is already too little content in game, and the Legacy Reward Unlocks just render more of that little content we have obsolete.


At least you are honest in what you want. The difference between what you want and what others are asking is you want to remove the option of choice all together. After you get HK-51 once, you are provided with a choice- Either pay a large sum of credits to unlock him or do the quest.


You don't want to give anyone a choice and force them to play the game the way YOU want it to be played. That is arrogant and until you admit that, you have zero creditability in every post you make. Why do you want to force people to do what you want?


I on the other hand, want options. That work for both sides, much like the way HK is setup now. I am not forcing people to play my way and give people a chance to improve their QoL in the game if they choose.


As for the presence thing, the troll(not you) wanted to know how legacy provides stats across characters. He has been told and debunked.

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Its a great idea to save time... its a boring process after 5 times now... and I really don't want to have to keep doing it but I'd love to obtain the stats without having to go planet hopping.


If your not tired of 'hunting' then by all means keep doing it, but if you are, get the perk. It's a win win, stop being whiny little snots and go cry about rocket boosts or something else. It's just another perk so cry me a river because more will come whether you like it or not.


If you are tired, then dont do it, simple as that. The cosmetic stat change makes close to zero difference in your playing experience (unlike rocket boots, speeders etc.).

Edited by zzoorrzz
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I support Legacy Wide data crons as an option to buy with Cartel coins.


This is a game and it would be nice for players to choose to focus on what they enjoy. If we complete the datacron experience once and don't enjoy it, we could have the option of buying the legacy option with cartel coins for our alts (just like HK51). If players enjoy getting datacrons, they could do them on every alt.

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If you could elaborate on how working on your jumping skills would help you get, say, the Aim datacron on Tatooine with a Republic character, I would love to be elucidated; the problem with that one isn't jumping, but the fact that two of the three routes to the datacron force you to run a gauntlet of level-50 Imperial NPCs, and the third runs right through the PvP zone.


I'm not sure which datacron is where, but I've gotten all the datacrons on Tatooine. By far the longest is the baloon and that's only about a half hour or so, depending how long you have to wait for it to arrive.


There is the one in the heroic area where you have to run through the gold elites, drop down the cliff to the datacron on the wreckage. You rarely have to fight in that one. If you are careful in picking your route, you can usually avoid all combat.


There is the one that requires you to drop down the cliff and enter the cave. That one can be a pain. Just come back when you are high enough level to handle it, or bring a friend. Doesn't really take more than 10 minutes or so.


The two that are at the space ports require jumping skills. But if you only take one pass, you can get them in less than 5 minutes.


that's 4 datacrons... trying to recall there the last one is...

Edited by Glowrod
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As for the presence thing, the troll(not you) wanted to know how legacy provides stats across characters. He has been told and debunked.


Nothing has been debunked.. Presence is not a stat that effects your toon.. To say otherwise is simply wrong.. So stop trolling this thread and get with the program.. There is no reason for legacy datacrons.. Period..


Before you go mouthing off about someone.. I suggest you have all your facts.. Presence has no impact on your character.. It is a lame example.. 9 billion presence isn't going to give you any advantage in PVP, an Op, or a flashpoint.. It will not give you any advantage over other players.. So seriously.. Stop calling others a troll when all you are doing is trolling.. :rolleyes:

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Yes, there's a tunnel between the outlaws' den and that imperial base nearby in the open passage to the Dune Sea. You should be directed to that very tunnel for that Gree quest where you have to travel across a lot of planets.

Mind you, that tunnel IS pretty obscure, it's very easy to walk right past it and think it's only a shallow cave. It's actually even a pain to find it back the first few times. But the west entrance is a few clicks north of the imperial base, in an area crawling with sandpeople.


If it's the tunnel where the gree droids are, it just leads to Dune sea, and in order to get where the smuggler/trooper companion quests are, you still have to go through the nearby imperial post?

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If it's the tunnel where the gree droids are, it just leads to Dune sea, and in order to get where the smuggler/trooper companion quests are, you still have to go through the nearby imperial post?

It's not that tunnel. It's just north of Zaroshe in the sand people camp, and it lets out just outside the southern part of Outlaw's Den.

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Are you just upset because you've grinded out the datacrons on all your alts and feel that everyone should have to do it this way? I can't find any meat in any of your statements. Everyone that says this is a bad idea just posts their (biased) opinions on the matter, insults people(I'm looking at Majik the troll), or says it's a terrible idea and moves on.


So you don't have a real argument so you just call me a troll.. How typical..


Yup.. The fact remains.. There is no logical argument for legacy datacrons.. Calling me or anyone else a troll doesn't change that fact.. But it does show the extreme weakness in your own opinions and views..


How can I be biased?? Do even understand the meaning of the word?? What am I bias of?? Seriously there dude.. Get a clue will you.. I haven't insulted anyone.. You on the other hand.. In the same sentence no less..


Let me know when you actually have something constructive to add to the discussion.. Please keep your rudeness and name calling to yourself..


Thanks.. :rolleyes:

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Nothing has been debunked.. Presence is not a stat that effects your toon.. To say otherwise is simply wrong.. So stop trolling this thread and get with the program.. There is no reason for legacy datacrons.. Period..


Before you go mouthing off about someone.. I suggest you have all your facts.. Presence has no impact on your character.. It is a lame example.. 9 billion presence isn't going to give you any advantage in PVP, an Op, or a flashpoint.. It will not give you any advantage over other players.. So seriously.. Stop calling others a troll when all you are doing is trolling.. :rolleyes:


That's not true, presence makes a difference in open world PvP and non-Operations/WB PvE.

Edited by AshlaBoga
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That's not true, presence makes a difference in open world PvP and non-Operations/WB PvE.


Don't sink to his level.


MajikMyst's only arguments are out of context points. That presence is one of several buffs that cross legacy is another point that he is conveniently ignoring as he usually does. Anytime anyone debunks him, he only takes points out of context to continue the argument or ignores the posts till he finds someone else he can take out of context to rehash the same old arguments he has failed to justify all along.


He doesn't like the idea and is arguing only because he is too elitist to accept any way for others to do it other than the way he has been doing it.

Edited by odonoghuet
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Nothing has been debunked.. Presence is not a stat that effects your toon.. To say otherwise is simply wrong.. So stop trolling this thread and get with the program.. There is no reason for legacy datacrons.. Period..


Before you go mouthing off about someone.. I suggest you have all your facts.. Presence has no impact on your character.. It is a lame example.. 9 billion presence isn't going to give you any advantage in PVP, an Op, or a flashpoint.. It will not give you any advantage over other players.. So seriously.. Stop calling others a troll when all you are doing is trolling.. :rolleyes:


I see I hit a soft spot, perhaps too close to home? You just confirmed that you are in fact a troll, by you're own admittance.


Moving on.


You asked to be provided with a legacy wide character stat. Presence is a stat that is offered legacy wide. You failed to ask for a stat that only effects PVP, Ops and flashpoints. So you have been debunked, twice now, for not stating specifics.


I challenge you to prove that you aren't trying to enforce you're opinion on other gamers by being against this.


Since many posters already provided a two-sided option and a win-win scenario for each party. You have failed to do so.


If you can't provide proof, then I will accept you're concession.

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I see I hit a soft spot, perhaps too close to home? You just confirmed that you are in fact a troll, by you're own admittance.


Moving on.


You asked to be provided with a legacy wide character stat. Presence is a stat that is offered legacy wide. You failed to ask for a stat that only effects PVP, Ops and flashpoints. So you have been debunked, twice now, for not stating specifics.


I challenge you to prove that you aren't trying to enforce you're opinion on other gamers by being against this.


Since many posters already provided a two-sided option and a win-win scenario for each party. You have failed to do so.


If you can't provide proof, then I will accept you're concession.


I am not sure what your issue is.. Your post contain no points that pertain to the discussion at hand.. You seem to love insulting me.. Which just goes to show that you have no point..


Nothing in my words has been proven wrong and I have admitted nothing..




There is no logical or intelligent reason to have legacy datacrons..


Nobody has the right to demand a change in the game to accommodate them..


Legacy datacrons will effect everyone.. To say otherwise is actually quite stupid..


Those aren't opinions.. Those are indisputable facts.. I am not forcing my opinion.. I am not the one asking for a change.. You are demanding a change that would adversely effect the game for everyone.. You do not have that right..


There has been no valid reason presented to justify legacy datacrons.. You make the claim there has been, yet fail to present them on your own.. How typical..


Seriously.. Stop trying to put other down in attempt to win points for your cause.. It doesn't work for children either.. If you have a point to make then make it.. Otherwise you have nothing to say.. :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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That's not true, presence makes a difference in open world PvP and non-Operations/WB PvE.


What open world PVP??


Oh right.. I forgot..


So basically it doesn't effect your character.. Yes.. I said that..


Even still. This is no reason to demand legacy datacrons. If this is your only argument then you have no argument.. :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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Don't sink to his level.


MajikMyst's only arguments are out of context points.


At least I have arguments.. Laziness is not an argument.. But please.. Prove my point further by insulting me.. Like I said.. You have no arguments.. Just lame insults.. That is all you people can do.. You can't make an intelligent point so you will just insult me and hope that works..


Well.. I am going to call you out for it.. Let me know when you actually want to discuss the issue, instead of insulting people.. :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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So not only did you fail to take me up on my challenge but you failed to provide a reason why you are doing anything but forcing players to do what you want.


Since you failed to provide proof, you admit that I am in the right and that you concede on all points. Thanks for that.


There is no logical or intelligent reason to have legacy datacrons..

Opinion, since there has been reasons stated many times over. Reread the thread if you need those reasons. ;)


Legacy datacrons will effect everyone.. To say otherwise is actually quite stupid..

Prove it. This should be interesting. :rolleyes:


Nobody has the right to demand a change in the game to accommodate them..

Which is what you are doing in the first place. ;)


Once again, you have just offered insults and no proof to your claims. Like I said before, since you didn't provide proof to my challenge you admitted that I am correct. I gave you a chance to prove you had something to say and I was left...disappointed. ;)


You have been debunked.

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What open world PVP??


Oh right.. I forgot..


So basically it doesn't effect your character.. Yes.. I said that..


Even still. This is no reason to demand legacy datacrons. If this is your only argument then you have no argument.. :rolleyes:


Ilum world pvp and healer companions. Presence helps with that.


You have been debunked. :rolleyes:

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At least I have arguments.. Laziness is not an argument.. But please.. Prove my point further by insulting me.. Like I said.. You have no arguments.. Just lame insults.. That is all you people can do.. You can't make an intelligent point so you will just insult me and hope that works..


Well.. I am going to call you out for it.. Let me know when you actually want to discuss the issue, instead of insulting people.. :rolleyes:


You have called people lazy based upon no evidence, therefore an insult.


You have yet to provide any "arguments" so far. This post alone is an example of that.


You have failed to provide proof to your claims.


You have been debunked. ;)

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Nobody has the right to demand a change in the game to accommodate them..


Which is why we are in the suggestion forum ASKING for a feature that is not nessicary but would be nice. A lot of people think this would be a good feature. Several have stated they would not like such a feature. Only a few have demanded anything, and generally it is that the developers should never consider this idea in any form or with any restrictions.


Datacrons stand alone in this game as not being story based content. They make no sense and thier placement is rediculous. Most are puzzels of being able to be seen from a distance but misleading on how to reach them. The rest are either stumbled over or placed with zero logic. But that drives most players more to reading spoiler sites than actually working them out, and once the puzzel is known once, it has no replayability value to most players, it is just busy work that takes you away from enjoying the story based content.


This is why people and even developers apparently have been interested in this idea, so we continue to ask for Bioware to consider it, while you are Demanding the idea never be considered, and with no arguements other than name calling.

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Nobody has the right to demand a change in the game to accommodate them.


Which is what you are doing in the first place. ;)


Actually, the people that want Legacy-wide Datacrons are the ones who are demanding changes to the game to accommodate them. Those of us who are against it are the ones who want this aspect of the game to stay the way it is.

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There is the one in the heroic area where you have to run through the gold elites, drop down the cliff to the datacron on the wreckage. You rarely have to fight in that one. If you are careful in picking your route, you can usually avoid all combat.


Is this judgement made from your experience getting it on the Imperial side or on the Republic side? On the Imperial side, it's just a matter of sneaking through the heroic area. Unfortunately, on the Republic side, the choices you have for even getting to the heroic area are 1) Run the gauntlet of level 55 NPCs to get past Mos Anek, 2) Run the gauntlet of level 55 NPCs to get past Outpost Zaroshe, or 3) Run the gauntlet of the PVP zone. The point I was making was that "working on your jumping skills" doesn't do you a bit of good for a Republic player trying to get this datacron, since the trick isn't being able to make the jumps, but in making it to the area in the first place.


that's 4 datacrons... trying to recall there the last one is...


Cunning+3 in Anchorhed for the Republic side -- which I've done twice without getting off my speeder -- and in Mos Ila for the Imperial side, with which I've spent too much time cursing the jump variability.

Edited by DmdShiva
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Is this judgement made from your experience getting it on the Imperial side or on the Republic side? On the Imperial side, it's just a matter of sneaking through the heroic area. Unfortunately, on the Republic side, the choices you have for even getting to the heroic area are 1) Run the gauntlet of level 55 NPCs to get past Mos Anek, 2) Run the gauntlet of level 55 NPCs to get past Outpost Zaroshe, or 3) Run the gauntlet of the PVP zone.

Or, you can use the Bantha Drifts Tunnel and completely bypass the Outlaw's Den and the Imperial bases.

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Actually, the people that want Legacy-wide Datacrons are the ones who are demanding changes to the game to accommodate them. Those of us who are against it are the ones who want this aspect of the game to stay the way it is.


They do want changes put in the game, but they aren't forcing their option as the only means to get datacrons.


You are.


That's the point you seem to miss.

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