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Legacy Wide datacrons


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That's why noone is suggesting anything like that, hence why it's ridiculous.


The thing is though, you are the only one bringing up that line of thought. :D


Actually, no, many of us have this line of thought. It's the same as "I just got a BiS headpiece so now all my characters should get a mail with an equivalent class-specific item."


I really wish you'd stop trying to "case closed" just cuz you think what you say is the bottom line, cuz it is absolutely not.

Edited by PetFish
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Actually, no, many of us have this line of thought. It's the same as "I just got a BiS headpiece so now all my characters should get a mail with an equivalent class-specific item."


I really wish you'd stop trying to "case closed" just cuz you think what you say is the bottom line, cuz it is absolutely not.


I wish you would stop comparing something that requires 8 people compared to something that mostly soloable.


These are the extremes I'm talking about, it's black and white for you when it's a grey area. Show me a thread that wants BiS legacy gear and the majority of posters agreeing with it.


The reason why I say case closed because you keep trying to impose you're will on other gamers. Last time I checked I pay the same for my sub as anyone else. Stop trying to limit my options when I'm not limiting yours.

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I wish you would stop comparing something that requires 8 people compared to something that mostly soloable.


These are the extremes I'm talking about, it's black and white for you when it's a grey area. Show me a thread that wants BiS legacy gear and the majority of posters agreeing with it.


The reason why I say case closed because you keep trying to impose you're will on other gamers. Last time I checked I pay the same for my sub as anyone else. Stop trying to limit my options when I'm not limiting yours.


Exactly, 100% agree! And that's the bottom line right there!

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I wish you would stop comparing something that requires 8 people compared to something that mostly soloable.


These are the extremes I'm talking about, it's black and white for you when it's a grey area. Show me a thread that wants BiS legacy gear and the majority of posters agreeing with it.


The reason why I say case closed because you keep trying to impose you're will on other gamers. Last time I checked I pay the same for my sub as anyone else. Stop trying to limit my options when I'm not limiting yours.


No one arguing against this will bother with the fact that this doesn't affect them in the slightest.


They will just come up with more asinine apples-to-oranges comparisons to support their "views".


I have NEVER seen a LOGICAL argument against legacy datacrons, and I sincerely doubt I ever will. If anyone can enlighten me by providing solid(not your biased opinions) reasons why this would be a game-breaking perk(Don't try too hard, I really don't expect it), then I will be happy to switch my stance on the issue.


9/10 people want this feature. Those who don't want it don't have to use it. I fail to see the problem.

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No one arguing against this will bother with the fact that this doesn't affect them in the slightest.


It will affect me cuz I'll be forced to buy the Legacy Datacron perk in order to stay competitive with the people who already bought it. Either that or I won't be at a disadvantage until I manually collect them all.

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It will affect me cuz I'll be forced to buy the Legacy Datacron perk in order to stay competitive with the people who already bought it. Either that or I won't be at a disadvantage until I manually collect them all.


Competitive? If datacrons make that much of a difference for you, and you cant afford them using Credits or CC then do them manually... just because you don't know how to save credits shouldn't be considered a negative towards a good idea.

Edited by chriscshunter
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Competitive? If datacrons make that much of a difference for you, and you cant afford them using Credits or CC then do them manually... just because you don't know how to save credits shouldn't be considered a negative towards a good idea.


Approximately 50 Endurance (500 health) is a big deal or else people wouldn't be spending the time and effort earning hundreds and thousands of credits to buy the mods to get it. It's a free 500 health that anyone can get while they are leveling, they just have to pick them up, but that's not "free enough" apparently so now once they get them for free on one character now they want them to be free'er and given to all characters even though Datacron stat boosts are consumed on a per-character basis and are not the same thing as a piece of gear and have a different set of rules.


Don't insult me by saying I don't know how to save credits.


Just cuz you and others think it's a good idea doesn't automatically mean it is. Some of us who think it isn't are making valid points only to have them shot down with dismissive comments by those who do want it.


I think a lot of people who want this are upset that not everyone is high-fiving them and saying how great it is. There are people like me who don't want it and we're not just letting you steamroll over us in these threads.

Edited by PetFish
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Approximately 50 Endurance (500 health) is a big deal or else people wouldn't be spending the time and effort earning hundreds and thousands of credits to buy the mods to get it. It's a free 500 health that anyone can get while they are leveling, they just have to pick them up, but that's not "free enough" apparently so now once they get them for free on one character now they want them to be free'er and given to all characters even though Datacron stat boosts are consumed on a per-character basis and are not the same thing as a piece of gear and have a different set of rules.


Don't insult me by saying I don't know how to save credits.


Just cuz you and others think it's a good idea doesn't automatically mean it is. Some of us who think it isn't are making valid points only to have them shot down with dismissive comments by those who do want it.


I think a lot of people who want this are upset that not everyone is high-fiving them and saying how great it is. There are people like me who don't want it and we're not just letting you steamroll over us in these threads.

Nobody said you have to purchase it, don't be a downer bro... this is a good idea, if you don't agree then you don't have to invest your crummy credits in it anyway. Have fun doing the same stupid treasure hunt until your fingers fall off for all I care LOL!

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Approximately 50 Endurance (500 health) is a big deal or else people wouldn't be spending the time and effort earning hundreds and thousands of credits to buy the mods to get it.


Big LOL.


Seriously back in the day of 1.1/1.2, maybe yes, the extra 50 end + 50 whatever main stat you had was a big bonus. But now with the current gear mods getting crazier and crazier 500 hp, or 50ish power bonus isn't really making as much of an impact.


Sure, more hp and stats is ALWAYS good, but it's wouldnt affect competition anymore.


I have 6 lvl55s, only my main has all the datacrons and I pvp with all of them. Right now with partisan/conqueror (augmented), I can't really tell a difference between either of them. Besides the fact that they are of different classes lol.


The lack of datacrons haven't met them any "weaker". I think if you have a toon who has collected of of them, then you should be able to unlock them for other alts through legacy/CC fee.


But believe me , if it DID affect competiveness when I'd be with you all the way. But the matter of the fact is, right now, it's just like that annoying itch that could do with a little scratch. It won't make or break you. If it was the case, datacron hunting WOULD BE a requirement of HM or NiM ops. And it ain't.


Datacrons are just gravy on top, if BW doesn't see a problem with making it a bit easier to access for those who've already done it before then I'm cool with it too.


Besides...I ain't doing the jawa balloon another 5 times. Never again. xD

Edited by Alkazarr
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Nobody said you have to purchase it, don't be a downer bro... this is a good idea, if you don't agree then you don't have to invest your crummy credits in it anyway. Have fun doing the same stupid treasure hunt until your fingers fall off for all I care LOL!


No it isn't a good idea. I still fail to see why would somebody even come up with this idea. If you not interested in hunting datacrons, don't do it. No big deal.

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No it isn't a good idea. I still fail to see why would somebody even come up with this idea. If you not interested in hunting datacrons, don't do it. No big deal.


Its a great idea to save time... its a boring process after 5 times now... and I really don't want to have to keep doing it but I'd love to obtain the stats without having to go planet hopping.


If your not tired of 'hunting' then by all means keep doing it, but if you are, get the perk. It's a win win, stop being whiny little snots and go cry about rocket boosts or something else. It's just another perk so cry me a river because more will come whether you like it or not.

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BW laughs at the people that think this has a chance of ever happening.


Most likely lol.


Like I said before, datacron stats aren't a big deal. They haven't been for a long time now. But it'd be nice if it ever happened hehe.

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Its a great idea to save time... its a boring process after 5 times now... .


So is leveling... So is running the same op over and over again.. So is the same warzone.. MMO's are about repetition.. If that bores you then don't play MMO's.. Simple as that.. ;)

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Big LOL for not knowing how to get the datacrons on the sand crawler without waiting on the balloon.. Google is your friend.. :rolleyes:


...you mean the force push + sage pull ? Yeah I know dude.

No need to get condescending for the thrill of it, unless you're into that kinda of thing :rolleyes:

Nice to see that's all you retained from my post, but hey, to each his own.


I said that as an example just to highlight the fact that it can be pretty boring at times. Are you against it simply because you already done it for all your alts ? In which case, kudos to you, you have more patience than me.


But here are the facts, this game is gone mostly freemium, and some things are not going to be "fair" for those not willing to partake in the credit sink/CC features of the game. It was BW's call, not ours.

All we're doing is proposing an idea to EA/BW and from there, it's their call.


Whether it happens or not, it's no skin off my back. However I can't lie it would make my live easier and I'd be able to focus on aspects of the game I enjoy more than datacron hunting. Not that I didn't enjoy it the first time around :p

Edited by Alkazarr
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BW laughs at the people that think this has a chance of ever happening.


JesseSky doesn't seem to be laughing.


We would really like to allow players to unlock datacrons at the Legacy level, and it's pretty high on my personal wishlist. We're still investigating the technical feasibility, so I can't make any promises.




Petfish, your arguement that to be competitive you will have to spend money holds no water for use against this idea, only for how it is implimented. It can't affect Warzone PVP because the bolster covers it already, and it affects PVE no more than gear so you have the same time to get them the long way as earn gear. THe only part of the game that would be affected as you say is in open world pvp which isn't in this game in any meaningful way and skill plays more than stats even then.


THis thread and others have put forward a plethora of ways this could be done without being a simple level 1 stat dump, but you have remained only with one arguement. You don't want an any possible way because you are selfish.

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So is leveling... So is running the same op over and over again.. So is the same warzone.. MMO's are about repetition.. If that bores you then don't play MMO's.. Simple as that.. ;)


Dearie...they are called opinions. Not all people think that leveling is boring. Not all people think that running the same op many times is boring. Not all people think that doing same warzones multiple times is boring. Some people think so, some people don't, and they have the right to play MMO whatever your opinion is.




Where/when is that post from. I am actually excited now. Wish devs would post that in this topic.



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It will affect me cuz I'll be forced to buy the Legacy Datacron perk in order to stay competitive with the people who already bought it. Either that or I won't be at a disadvantage until I manually collect them all.


This is one of the most ridiculous arguments ever. You already need to do hours worth of tedious datacron gathering to stay "competetive"(optimal stats ARE important).


So the implementation of another option to get these stat boosts and be competitive would harm you...how? I don't understand your line of reasoning, unless you think that you'll be forced to buy the perk because your guild will call you broke if they catch you manually gathering datacrons?


Are you just upset because you've grinded out the datacrons on all your alts and feel that everyone should have to do it this way? I can't find any meat in any of your statements. Everyone that says this is a bad idea just posts their (biased) opinions on the matter, insults people(I'm looking at Majik the troll), or says it's a terrible idea and moves on.


No one is providing LOGIC on why this shouldn't happen.


And bytheway, EAware is apparently working on making this happen. Which is what should happen when 9/10 players want something and the other 1/10 come up with poor excuses for reasons why they shouldn't get it.

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Everytime you have to jump on pipes it's like jump of faith (character doesn't always even jump).


Although a good part of the annoyance with the platforming could be dealt with by removing any variation in jumping. Let the client decide whether the character is on a surface or in the air, and if they're on a surface when the jump key is pressed, the character's vertical speed is set to a fixed value that will carry them up a fixed height and have them in the air for a fixed time (assuming taking off and landing at the same height). That reduces the platforming puzzles to being in the correct startigng position, being aimed in the correct direction, and moving at the right speed, without throwing what appears to be a completely random die roll as to whether you jump at all into the mix.

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No one is providing LOGIC on why this shouldn't happen.


Many people *are* providing LOGIC, you just read what you want to read or have skipped almost everything in these threads, but whatever the reason here is my logic again:


Datacrons are CONSUMED upon activating just like a stim or health pack. So how can something that is CONSUMED be granted to anyone else?


Codex entries are no problem as they are written stories that can be told to anyone I want so go ahead and share those but in no way can I make anyone else in my Legacy stronger cuz I already consumed a strength Datacron or I injected myself with a might stim.

Edited by PetFish
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