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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Windows 8 SWTOR


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I am the one that mentioned PC sales. While they they are not that bad yet, what I read says that tablets are taking the casual users. THat's why I brought them up. Eventually, we may need to use them. W8 is a step in that direction.


Some of us go back to when 16K was a roomful monster. My cell is an 8G handful, and could be a 72G handful if I added the right card. I bet the hardware could take it if the code was done right.


Snapping my whip again: built my own analog computer in 1960. Wrote my first FORTRAN (and dropped the OS tray) in 1963. And I remember Lash LaRue.


Where's my Lifeboat.


And I bet MS is still on 80% of the worlds computers. The Schwartz is still with'em.


Aside from the usual anti MS blather, I did not see anything significant during beta. Since most of the logic should be server side, I don't think there will be anything significant with the client. But ask again in a couple of months, maybe.

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I never said anything about PC sales, so no, I am not being facetious about anything. As far as whippersnappers go, sorry, I also learned on punch card PC's with printer output. Don't want to burst your bubble, but my opinions are pretty well informed, and based on actual observations.


Didnt quote you, dude... might wanna read closer and stop making assumptions... dont want to burst your bubble, but not everything is about you.

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The people who complain are the people who don't handle change well. Windows 8 runs fine on desktops but as someone who uses keyboard shortcuts it easy for me. That is something MS does well is shortcuts. If you've seen/heard of the Microsoft development staff they hardly ever use a mouse, every thing for them is done by keyboard shortcuts.


But new peripherals are making all of that moot. Logitech has made a multi-touch trackpad and a multi-touch surface mouse design for windows 8 gestures. You don't need a touchscreen for a desktop. I myself will be getting the touchpad for working in windows while also keeping my gaming mouse hooked up for games.

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Personally I find Windows 8 perfectly fine. The only ones complaining about it are the people who don't like the fact they haven't got a start menu. Others are the "Notch" fanboys who worship everything he say's and if he say's Windows 8 is a disaster then in their world..... it must be a disaster. It's no different to Windows 7, performs the same just a different look and faster booting.
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The people who complain are the people who don't handle change well..



I'm not so sure, MS have basically rammed a tablet interface into a Desktop environement.


Is it usable? Yes.

It is intuiative with a mouse and keyboard? No, it's built for touch screens and the new limited desktop seems forced together with it.



The reason for this is tablet sales are the new growth market, so MS is taking a risk honking off it's desktop users to crack that market. Now that may well be great for MS (if it works), but it's no boon to the consumer.


Engineering-wise Win 8 seems to be a decent progression, but UI-wise? No, it's a tablet/phone UI.

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After 2 days using and discovering Windows 8, I can say it really grows on you.

As for SWTOR, it runs GREAT.

I used to have a loss of FPS when using Windowed Mode Fullscreen (as compared to real full screen), and it's not the case anymore.

And you should see the smoooooooooth transition you get to start screen when hitting the Windows button in windowed mode...

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You're upgrading your new OS because of your processor and motherboard? That makes 0 sense as it gives no performance increase in gaming whatsoever.


Don't upgrade to Windows 8 - if you know Microsofts pattern you'd know every 2nd OS they release is utter garbage. Cue Vista, ME, and Windows 2000 (non-server)


If you give someone an advice regarding buying an OS, at least make sure it's correct. Windows 8 uses less system ressources than Win7 and offers better threading support. As you can see in these benchmarks, Win8 actually does give a performance increase in games, even if a minimal one.


I run Win8 Pro myself and SWTOR works just fine. I advise you to do a clean install of the OS, just in case. Installing it ontop of an existing Windows install might cause some issues.

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Let's see:


1. Win8 will be 40$(US) until January 2013. Then bumps up significantly(99.00 US). for digital downloads, so for the wait guys.. will cost you money.


2. Win8 is just lipstick on Win7. Yep that's right.


3. You can already download mods to boot directly to your standard Win7 screen, and get your start stuff etc.


4. the only question remaining: will SWTOR support Win8, or will the CSRs use it as ANOTHER excuse that the problems are YOUR computer or YOU. :(



1. Win8 will be 40$(US) until January 2013. Then bumps up significantly(99.00 US). for digital downloads, so for the wait guys.. will cost you money.

--Jumping in too soon can also "cost". Perhaps not in money but in a lot of frustration. I would rather wait and make sure W8 shakes out for running games (or anything esle) before jumping in too soon.


2. Win8 is just lipstick on Win7. Yep that's right.

--This is actually true. I have seen writeups on how you can make W8 look just like W7.

3. You can already download mods to boot directly to your standard Win7 screen, and get your start stuff etc.

--See above.

4. the only question remaining: will SWTOR support Win8, or will the CSRs use it as ANOTHER excuse that the problems are YOUR computer or YOU.

--That is true and why I won't run out and upgrade for awhile....if ever.


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