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Apparently now that we're all consolidated down to just a few servers, every reasonable name in the world seems to be unavailable. I'm trying to create a bounty hunter and I've tried at least 50 names so far and all of them are unavailable. What the hell do I have to do to get a decent name? I'm about down to using random characters (or using one of those horrendously, god-awful random names from the in-game name generator :( ).
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use apostrophes, dashes and ASCII characters usually helps. But I don't know, I just make up names and generally get them. If they're common names or famous names, they'll probably be taken.


Wish they could do what TSW did and let everyone have whatever surname and last name they want, but have a unique username.

Edited by chuixupu
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I know how you feel, you have to constantly try new things in order to get something to work, Unfortunately, the names that do work, sound terrible haha. Eventually we'll haave to go with things like "weifho9hidhwohi". Very annoying, Same thing with Guild Wars 2, most names are taken.
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for what it's worth, this is what I did to create my character names. Before actually getting to the creation screen, I spent time looking at various name databases, or went through even some character names I really liked. I copied them down and then started tweaking them to make them as unique a possible. A lot of Star Wars names in general are like that. They're names that sound *almost* normal.
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Free for you.





























Try one of those. Hope it helps you keep from naming him something like, Ghgftrghftry.



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I was able to use most of my original names just by inserting an apostrophe at an appropriate syllable break. It actually looks kinda coolish. But I do understand your pain. If I'd lost "Alexandrite" I'da been ticked because it's my fave for multiple personal reasons.
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I have never had to use an apostrophe or diacriticals (é, å, etc.) to create a name that was unique on my server, pronounceable and "Star Wars-y". And yes, I did have to rename characters when I transferred from Lord Ieldis to Begeren Colony and no, so far as I am aware, no one moved there later by forced transfers had and lost those names. Be creative. Edited by Uluain
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Apparently now that we're all consolidated down to just a few servers, every reasonable name in the world seems to be unavailable. I'm trying to create a bounty hunter and I've tried at least 50 names so far and all of them are unavailable. What the hell do I have to do to get a decent name? I'm about down to using random characters (or using one of those horrendously, god-awful random names from the in-game name generator :( ).


I kinda had this problem when I choose my Legacy name a while back. What I did was walk over to my large movie collection and started looking at movie titles and trying to remember character names.


My Legacy name is " The Lethal Weapon Legacy"


Character Names were a little harder, I would suggest a 2 word name.

The first Character I made was a Jugg and I wanted to name him "Havoc" but, The name had been taken. So, I changed it Dark-Havoc and it worked out. a week ago I created my first ALT ( a sniper) and wanted to Call him "Striker" but, the name was taken. So, I changed "Agent-Striker" and it worked out.


Their are still some good names out. That being said, if people are inactive for over a year they should free-up thoughs name.

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I have never had to use an apostrophe or diacriticals (é, å, etc.) to create a name that was unique on my server, pronounceable and "Star Wars-y". And yes, I did have to rename characters when I transferred from Lord Ieldis to Begeren Colony and no, so far as I am aware, no one moved there later by forced transfers had and lost those names. Be creative.



Some times, being creative doesn't help. I always try to come up with names that aren't common and some times, it simply doesn't help.

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I kinda had this problem when I choose my Legacy name a while back. What I did was walk over to my large movie collection and started looking at movie titles and trying to remember character names.


My Legacy name is " The Lethal Weapon Legacy"


Character Names were a little harder, I would suggest a 2 word name.

The first Character I made was a Jugg and I wanted to name him "Havoc" but, The name had been taken. So, I changed it Dark-Havoc and it worked out. a week ago I created my first ALT ( a sniper) and wanted to Call him "Striker" but, the name was taken. So, I changed "Agent-Striker" and it worked out.


Their are still some good names out. That being said, if people are inactive for over a year they should free-up thoughs name.

You're just the epitome of originality aren't you?

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Apparently now that we're all consolidated down to just a few servers, every reasonable name in the world seems to be unavailable. I'm trying to create a bounty hunter and I've tried at least 50 names so far and all of them are unavailable. What the hell do I have to do to get a decent name? I'm about down to using random characters (or using one of those horrendously, god-awful random names from the in-game name generator :( ).


Out of curiousity, what gender and race is your BH going to be? I might be able to come up with a good name for you, if you don't mind a little help.:o

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I used the built-in name generator for a few toons I couldn't think of names for.


True story. I was messing around in character creation and trying different looks, logging them in to see how they looked in the game world. I randomed 6 names in a row, all taken.

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This really needs to be addressed ASAP.


Bioware took over 100 US servers and condensed them into about 10?


When F2P rolls, imagine how many players will be disenfranchised over how diffucult it will be to find a unique name among millions already taken.


Making a name for you character should not be overly challenging. This will drive away new F2P'ers after spending 30 minutes of trying to create a name they find favorable.

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alt codes are pretty lame, but then again, so is having all your names taken and trying 50 times.


Sorry, bud, theres no elegant solution here aside from creative thinking for a real name, or being a toolbox and using alt codes that no one can type on the fly.


When the name I wanted, Tim for example, for RP purposes is taken by a level 1 toon that has never been played this is an acceptable work around. Tiim or Timm was something I was doing before and it didn't really suit me. When we got moved last time I decided to learn the alt codes.


Now I am Tîm (large sized to see the difference) and it looks perfectly normal when you glance at it. It has an added bonus too, I get a lot less random tells. Most people have to click on my name to send me one.

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Now I am Tîm (large sized to see the difference) and it looks perfectly normal when you glance at it. It has an added bonus too, I get a lot less random tells. Most people have to click on my name to send me one.


And that is what most people dislike. I don't want others to resort to clicking my name for group invites and tells.


This may be a viablel solution for you, but not for the majority of players.

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Actually use racial naming conventions?


Not aware of all of them, but Twi'lek's, for instance, as long as they are still on good terms with their clan they supposedly combine their name & clan name together with a ' between them (not neccessarily at the junction though. IIRC when Wedge was on ryloth, they combined it as Wedgeant'illes, since combining it as Wedge'antillies would have a negative meaning.)


The Chiss, as I understand it, do a similar thing, but include clan & family.


(so, if you really want a "surname" different from your legacy name, for many TOR species, sticking a ' in there and doing both of them w/ no space would actually be fictionally accurate)

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