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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Updated! BOOM! Awesome clothing on the Cartel shop.


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I was hoping for the existing npc clothing to be added into cartel shop. They requested us to tell them which we want in the thread in the suggestion box... But none of what we asked for made it into cartel shop.


Not true though mostly true. My jedi is wearing the infiltration suit I requested in that thread. It's a start.

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Well it depends - because this armor can be unlocked and used by ANY class... including companions ;) think about it for a minute. Companions like Quinn and Vector not having to wear those silly skirts or merc gear :p you can spiff them up with stuff like this


That piecemeal merc armor will look SA-WEET on Kaliyo :)


For some classes it could be cool. I'd prefer sticking to the traditional style armor tbh. WOuld sort of bother me if i saw a Trooper in Consular armor :)

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All of this crap looks terrible. Theres nothing enticing in the cash shop for my tastes at all and thats a very bad thing.


Probably going to unsub and not bother with f2p

I am honestly considering this.. I will sub back for the hood toggle. There was a lot of cool armor sets in the game but they all have hoods up. You've had enough time to deal with it, bioware.

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I am honestly considering this.. I will sub back for the hood toggle. There was a lot of cool armor sets in the game but they all have hoods up. You've had enough time to deal with it, bioware.


Let me get this straight...



You will quit if they don't have a hood toggle, even though there are new armor sets with the hood down? I think you might want to reevaluate your priorities a bit. The game could be the best thing since sliced bread but you would quit over a hood toggle.



I think you just don't like the game and are trying to justify your leaving in front if everyone else. Why don't you just man up and quit? Because if you pay, that's telling people you like the game in its current format.

Edited by Arkerus
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A friggin' hood toggle is the only and last thing i want from this game. Or proper hood-down Jedi sets. Character appearance does matter to some greatly. And I pay because I there is always something new promised that is to come but it's not making it and I am just getting tired of it. Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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All of this crap looks terrible. Theres nothing enticing in the cash shop for my tastes at all and thats a very bad thing.


Probably going to unsub and not bother with f2p


If they released tons of awesome looking gear in the cash shop today, people would be complaining that BW was saving all of the good designs. Since that does not seem to be the case, now people are complaining there isn't enough cool gear on the shop?


That's pretty strange to have your sub be decided on not being able to buy cool looking cash shop gear.

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I was pretty underwhelmed by the clothing options, tbh. Reskins... ? Why?


On a universe so widely loved for it's aesthetics, you'd figure that they'd take advantage of the gold mine that they're sitting on and capitalize on detailed, "iconic" and just plain badarse-looking armor exclusive to the CS.


Just my two cents!

Edited by Lazirus-
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Rare Bonus Items found Nowhere else?!




That's what I was afraid of when they announced these box packs. The first time I see some newbie F2P moron running around with something that I will never get because I am not lucky enough, I'm gone.


Everything in a "Pack" should be something that you can get some other way. Doing this "if you're lucky" **** just pisses people off.




Seriously, why do folks make this same complaint in every single F2P conversion? Look, you might as well quit now if that's how you feel. While market items will be tradeable after a few days, there are absolutely going to be things in the market that can't be earned in game (other than buying from someone who did get it from the market). Your $15 a month does not now, nor did it ever entitle you to everything in the game.

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Seriously, why do folks make this same complaint in every single F2P conversion? Look, you might as well quit now if that's how you feel. While market items will be tradeable after a few days, there are absolutely going to be things in the market that can't be earned in game (other than buying from someone who did get it from the market). Your $15 a month does not now, nor did it ever entitle you to everything in the game.


Yes it does. I dont remember seeing anywhere that my subscription didnt give me the TOTAL product.

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I was pretty underwhelmed by the clothing options, tbh. Reskins... ? Why?


On a universe so widely loved for it's aesthetics, you'd figure that they'd take advantage of the gold mine that they're sitting on and capitalize on detailed, "iconic" and just plain badarse-looking armor exclusive to the CS.


Just my two cents!


Some of those reskins are now adaptive armor any class can use (including companions) that previously was class locked. This aspect is a great move on Bioware's part, and I'm sure they will do more of it.

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Some of those reskins are now adaptive armor any class can use (including companions) that previously was class locked. This aspect is a great move on Bioware's part, and I'm sure they will do more of it.


QFE. One of the good points about the new armor. I wish all the armor was like that in-game and that they weren't locked to faction also.

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Some of those reskins are now adaptive armor any class can use (including companions) that previously was class locked. This aspect is a great move on Bioware's part, and I'm sure they will do more of it.
Yeah, I realize that and appreciate it. I've always wanted the level 40 Knight PvP robes on my Shadow. I just thought that there would be more items similar to Nihilus' Mask... I guess that those will come in future updates.
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Seriously, why do folks make this same complaint in every single F2P conversion? Look, you might as well quit now if that's how you feel. While market items will be tradeable after a few days, there are absolutely going to be things in the market that can't be earned in game (other than buying from someone who did get it from the market). Your $15 a month does not now, nor did it ever entitle you to everything in the game.


Dude, I understand that there will be things in the store that are not available in the game. That's fine. It's putting the things that everybody will most assuredly want into those boxes and not giving any other way to purchase or earn it without being "one of the lucky ones". There are a number of F2P games (DDO, Champions Online, etc.) that have these kind of boxes and the items in them can be purchased separately for a higher price tag. They don't have to make them exclusive to the grab bags (like STO, Perfect World, etc.). Doing it this way means that being lucky is the only way to get the items, which means the unlucky people (like me) will never ever get them unless they spend hundreds of dollars on CCs to buy those freaking boxes or hundreds of millions of credits for them in the game.


This is the reason I quit playing STO (even though I have a Lifetime sub) and I will quit this game for the same reason if they go through with this ****. The exclusivity of those packs needs to be removed, that's all. And if they did that it would give them 8 more items to put in their store for higher prices.



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The exclusivity of those packs needs to be removed, that's all. And if they did that it would give them 8 more items to put in their store for higher prices.




But you DO have a way to get those items - people buy the stuff, the timer runs out and they can sell it on the GTN. Yeah, it's pricier, but it's a perfectly viable way to get alternate coloration and gear set ups

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The exclusivity of those packs needs to be removed, that's all. And if they did that it would give them 8 more items to put in their store for higher prices.




Everything in those packs has a binder count down on it (much shorter for subscribers) and then player can sell them, give them away, or use them.


So, you are complaining that they inject some much desired items into the free market economy on the servers via their premium coin purchase channel.


Don't like to buy /random lootz.... then wait a bit until the GTN gets swampped with people under-cutting each other. Got lots of coins you don't know what to spend them on.... buy some loot bags and have at it. The point being, they are giving all the power to the players effectively.


In case you have not figured it out yet... this mechanism allows players to essentially use the server economy channel and real money for coins to convert RL currency into in game credits. pretty much like every other MMO with shops in them. There is some risk involved to the loot bag buyers... but there is risk in everything in an MMO right. Most players will just monitize the risk through the GTN.

Edited by Andryah
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