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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I'm a Jedi and I wear a Brown Robe.


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Need a dye system, this would solve ALL color problems for people.


We've been asking for one since Beta. So far, all they seem capable of doing is the craptastic 'match to chest' system we have now.


It sucks so bad they actually took it out, because even they didn't like it, then just put it back rather than expend the effort to give us what we've been asking for and gave them feedback on.


With all the resources they had available, there's no excuse for not having done it. Trion and others managed to do it, and got it right, with fewer resources available.

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BW does need to add more types of skirts if they are going that route... I mean come on why they all gotta be floor length ones? can we get some mini skirts up in here?


I'd like to see more options that don't include skirts. Vote for the pants!

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Leia was the only person that took a shot to her body (Luke took one to his artificial hand) and survived. Well that I can remember at least.


If you're talking about the shot she took on the Tantive IV in A New Hope, that was a stun bolt, which is why she survived the shot. If you watch that sequence again, you'll note that Vader gave instructions to bring prisoners back alive, and the squad leader specifically stated weapons should be set to stun prior to shooting her.

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I luckily saved Centurion light armor chests. These look really good I think.


In general, though, BW would be fools not to address this problem in the cartel shop. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there willing to buy empty shells that look more appropriate, though it's a shame they should have to with the budget TOR had for development.


I'm glad BW is at least adding in the campaign armorings in 1.5.


As far as brown Jedi robes go, there are a few sets in the lower and mid levels that look great if you roll a Knight. Sometimes you have to go out of your way to find them, but they are in the game.

Edited by arunav
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If you're talking about the shot she took on the Tantive IV in A New Hope, that was a stun bolt, which is why she survived the shot. If you watch that sequence again, you'll note that Vader gave instructions to bring prisoners back alive, and the squad leader specifically stated weapons should be set to stun prior to shooting her.


she also got shot in the shoulder on Endor... Which Han used to score a free grope



Edited by Liquidacid
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she also got shot in the shoulder on Endor... Which Han used to score a free grope




A blaster to the shoulder would not necessarily be lethal, however. Torso shots would be more likely to be lethal due to the potential damage to major organs.


It does leave you wondering how much Han paid the Imp to shoot her, so he'd have an excuse to score that grope. :D

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A blaster to the shoulder would not necessarily be lethal, however. Torso shots would be more likely to be lethal due to the potential damage to major organs.


It does leave you wondering how much Han paid the Imp to shoot her, so he'd have an excuse to score that grope. :D


This Star Wars.

Blasters only kill badguys.

Light travels slower than bullets, or even arrows for that matter.

Badguys die from harsh looks.

Heroes are immortal.

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I'd really like something along the lines of Luke's Return of the Jedi outfit. A form fitting combat suit without armor because as a Jedi you don't need it.

Oh my goodness, yes, this exactly! My sentinel is currently in smuggler gear because it's the closest she can get to something like this.

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I hate the look of the gear in this game. I wear gear that lets me look as close to a real Jedi as possible. I know this doesn't allow me to be the best of the best and I haven't really spent the time to gear up much. All my current gear is Orange mod-able gear so I have room for improvement. But I am not impressed or really excited to get the higher tier gear.


My Jedi

Edited by Sol-Ra
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Do you also think Pepsi is in a completely different ballpark than Coke?


Please address my post in whole or not at all.


A more accurate analogy would be comparing a bathtub brew cola that some guy shares with a few friends to Coca-Cola. Aside from a nearly universal combat system, EQ and WoW were nothing alike, even at launch (obviously considering that they fall within the same genre). Levelling structures were different. Learning skills, different. Quests were completely different (could you imagine walking up to an NPC in WoW and manually typing into chat "Hail" and having to figure out the "right" words to say to get the quest assigned?). High end content was open world vs. WoW's closed, personal spaces.


WoW simply borrowed a lot of concepts from other games (everything from EQ to CoH) and made them incredibly accessible. That accessibility is WoW's niche, and nothing is going to take them down because an accessible MMO is a populated one. It is completely asinine for any company to attempt to take down WoW on WoW's own terms.

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I'd really like something along the lines of Luke's Return of the Jedi outfit. A form fitting combat suit without armor because as a Jedi you don't need it. Furthermore in the movies anyone that was ever shot and had armor on still died...


Leia was the only person that took a shot to her body (Luke took one to his artificial hand) and survived. Well that I can remember at least.


I might be in the minority but if they ever allow us to mod many of those clothes we see on NPC's that look cool without any type of armoring or 3D parts stuck to them I'll be using them.


I agree completely. Most robes - in both trilogies - were basically thigh length, with fitting pants, and knee-high boots. They usually wore a heavier, floor-length outer robe over that, which they threw off during combat. I'd like to look like that. I think an outer robe that we could throw off during combat. Maybe if we carried some kind of box, and the robe could be unboxed before combat, and then boxed during combat, and then unboxed...


For those who say that "this is a different era, clothing changes over time" - I just found a hologram on Tython from (I think) 20,000 years earlier, and he dressed EXACTLY like our toons, so I think there's evidence that - at least for force users - Jedi robes didn't change over time.

Edited by DPCummerbund
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I agree completely. Most robes - in both trilogies - were basically thigh length, with fitting pants, and knee-high boots. They usually wore a heavier, floor-length outer robe over that, which they threw off during combat. I'd like to look like that. I think an outer robe that we could throw off during combat. Maybe if we carried some kind of box, and the robe could be unboxed before combat, and then boxed during combat, and then unboxed...


For those who say that "this is a different era, clothing changes over time" - I just found a hologram on Tython from (I think) 20,000 years earlier, and he dressed EXACTLY like our toons, so I think there's evidence that - at least for force users - Jedi robes didn't change over time.


There were classic Jedi robes in KotOR 2. White "kimono" with a brown robe over it.


ALSO why the heck all robes have SHORT SLEEVES?!

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Please address my post in whole or not at all.


A more accurate analogy would be comparing a bathtub brew cola that some guy shares with a few friends to Coca-Cola. Aside from a nearly universal combat system, EQ and WoW were nothing alike, even at launch (obviously considering that they fall within the same genre). Levelling structures were different. Learning skills, different. Quests were completely different (could you imagine walking up to an NPC in WoW and manually typing into chat "Hail" and having to figure out the "right" words to say to get the quest assigned?). High end content was open world vs. WoW's closed, personal spaces.


WoW simply borrowed a lot of concepts from other games (everything from EQ to CoH) and made them incredibly accessible. That accessibility is WoW's niche, and nothing is going to take them down because an accessible MMO is a populated one. It is completely asinine for any company to attempt to take down WoW on WoW's own terms.


You're joking right?


Your defence of WoW's interface/gameplay is that it is "nearly universal"? Well, it wasn't universal till EQ invented it.


Everything else you describe are minor tweaks on formula, usually for the sake of simplifying.


You might as well be saying...


Duke Nukem is not a copy of Wolfenstein 3d. Yes they share exactly the same gameplay, interface, controls, and concepts, but Duke Nukem is funny and has aliens instead of nazis so it's a completely different game.

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You're joking right?


Your defence of WoW's interface/gameplay is that it is "nearly universal"? Well, it wasn't universal till EQ invented it.


Everything else you describe are minor tweaks on formula, usually for the sake of simplifying.


You might as well be saying...


Duke Nukem is not a copy of Wolfenstein 3d. Yes they share exactly the same gameplay, interface, controls, and concepts, but Duke Nukem is funny and has aliens instead of nazis so it's a completely different game.


Reply reasonably without reductio ad absurdium and I'll be glad to continue this discussion. If you're not capable of doing so, good day.

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Oh my goodness, yes, this exactly! My sentinel is currently in smuggler gear because it's the closest she can get to something like this.


Have you checked out the pilot sets that the fleet commendation vendor has? It would require you to do some space combat but they are very much what you are talking about.

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Reply reasonably without reductio ad absurdium and I'll be glad to continue this discussion. If you're not capable of doing so, good day.


Your assertion that WoW was not a copy of EQ is an absurd premise not supported by facts. It requires absurd comparisons to illustrate the absurdity of it.


Klaatu Verada Nicto to you too. ;)

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There were classic Jedi robes in KotOR 2. White "kimono" with a brown robe over it.


ALSO why the heck all robes have SHORT SLEEVES?!


Clipping issues. It's not just robes. All armor is short sleeved for this reason. They must have designed it to avoid clipping. It's either form fitting or if it's some type of chest piece it's going to have a cut off at the shoulder.

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