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Spoiler Warning: Sith Warrior Sevasht Warwiggins (3SWar)


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- On board the Fury. Jaesa approaches Sevasht. -

Jaesa: Hel-lo, master. *eyebrow waggle*

Sevasht: Whoa. Where did you find that lipstick?

Jaesa: On our way to the spaceport back on Hutta. I dropped by the cantina, murdered one of the dancers, stole her stuff.

Sevasht: I…I'm sorry I asked.

- frame: Jaesa tugs at her neckline. -

Jaesa: Would you like to see more of what I–

Sevasht: NO.





- On board the Fury. Sevasht's dueling leathers are worn down to plain padding, frayed edges, and several stained cuts. -

Vette: Sevasht? You’re looking a little, uh...

Sevasht: I know. I can’t afford to repair all this. Blew my last credit on killing-people lessons.

Vette: Okay. Well, I meant to tell you, I got word about my long-lost sister...

- Frame: Pleasure barge on Nar Shaddaa. Sevasht, Vette, and Vette's sister Tivva present. -

Vette: You’re a slave?

Tivva: Yeah. Didn’t go great for me after we split up.

Vette: Sevasht, can't we do anything?

- Frame: Sevasht grabs a card from his pocket. -

Sevasht: Yeah, sure. - Hey, droid, take this to your master. Should more than pay for Tivva.

Vette: Weren’t you too poor to fix your pants an hour ago? Where did that even come from?

Sevasht: I...I’m not sure.

Sister: Not arguing. Let’s go.




- Sevasht sits with Vette and Tivva in a cantina. -

Sevasht: So are you gonna be okay, Tivva? I would buy you some clothes, but, well, destitute.

Tivva: No, should be fine. Thanks for buying me.

Sevasht: Sure. You could come with us for a –

Vette: No.

Sevasht: Huh?

Vette: Tivva can have a full and happy career at a safe distance.

Sevasht: One of those sister things, huh?

Tivva and Vette: One of those sister things.

Tivva: I do appreciate it, Sevasht.

- frame: Tivva smiles sweetly. -

Tivva: I don't know how you ended up with my sister, but…well, it…well, better you than me.

- frame: Tivva sprints in a cloud of dust. -





- A cantina on Nar Shaddaa. Vette and Sevasht sit across from one another. -

Vette: So! My lord! Since I haven't dragged you into any near-death situations lately…

Sevasht: We've been boozing it up in the nice parts of Nar Shaddaa. I should hope near-death wasn't involved.

Vette: I was thinking maybe you could take the collar off?

Sevasht: I did, Vette. You're not wearing the collar.

Vette: *blink blink*

Vette: Right, sorry. Habit.





Baras: There are six targets in the plan I am sending you to execute…PLAN ZERO.

- Music: Duh-duh DUUUUH! -

Baras: Go to Taris and meet with Moff Irrelevant and Lieutenant Pierce. They will direct you to the four Republic generals of the Republic Strategic Command. You will destroy them.

Sevasht: The entire leadership of the Republic Army is hanging out in the bombed-out rakghoul capital of the galaxy?

Baras: There's a reason for it. But it's a secret.

Sevasht: Right, then. I'll just go get the exposition in the right order.

Baras: Good man.





- The command center on Taris. Sevasht & co. enter to face Moff Irrelevant and Pierce. -

Moff Irrelevant: My lord! Hello! I'm sort of useless so I'll leave now.

Sevasht: Uh, good.

Pierce: Milord. Lieutenant Pierce, black ops and freelance demolitionist.

Sevasht: I'm Lord Sevasht Warwiggins.

- frame: Pierce looks at Sevasht & co. with a very straight face. -

- frame: Vette moves slightly. -

Vette: No, go ahead and laugh, he won't choke you or anything.

- Arcing over the rest of the strip: HAHAHAHAHAHA-

Sevasht: VETTE!

Vette: Whatcha gonna do, shock me?





- The Imperial command bunker. -

Pierce: Up first: General Frellka. I'll get you his location and then do important-sounding things back here while I wait.

- An underground facility. Sevasht & co. walk in on General Frellka and guards. -

Frellka: Ah-ha! I have captured you!

Sevasht: No, you haven't.

Frellka: Did so.

Sevasht: Did not.

Quinn: You're under arrest, General.

Sevasht: Yeah, what he said.

Frellka: No, you're under arrest!

Sevasht: I said it first.

Frellka: Did not. That was your mook.

Sevasht: It counts.

Jaesa: We could just kill them all instead.

Sevasht: Not helping. – Look, General, I can take you into custody or just let her at you.

- frame: Jaesa smiles. -

Frellka: …I surrender.





-The underground bunker. Frellka is in handcuffs. Sevasht goes to a side console where Quinn is working. -

Quinn: My lord? Superweapon files of some sort.

Sevasht: …And you found that in three seconds of looking?

Quinn: Certain industry standards in file marking, my lord. It was simple, really, I go through a dozen of these a day.

Sevasht: Could've gone without knowing that, captain. Let's just take these and go.





- A power plant. Sevasht & co. approach the Rodian General Minst and his guards. -

Text overlay: The second general, Minst…

Sevasht: Surrender, General, I-

Minst: OKAY. please don't hurt me

- Everyone stands around awkwardly. Sevasht's people look flabbergasted. -

Sevasht: What is this I don't even

Minst: Oh, I'm not the general. I'm just bait. This place is going to blow up any second now.

Sevasht: But if you're about to die anyway, why do you care if I hurt you?

Minst: I hear Sith can be very creative about it. I'd rather just blow up.

Jaesa: Oh, you're no fun.





- The power plant. Sevasht & co. face fake-Minst and his guards. -

Fake-Minst: There's a panic room nearby that'll survive the blast.

Sevasht: Shall we just go?

Fake-Minst: Yeah, let's.

- The whole party runs into a vault where General Minst awaits. -

General Minst, yelling at Fake-Minst: Ned?! You had one job! One job!

- The door slams shut. A solid wall of BOOM happens on the other side. -

Ned: I'd rather live long enough to look for a different job, sir.

- frame: Sevasht claps his arm around Ned's shoulders. -

Sevasht: How does 'POW' sound?

Ned, cringing: I'll take it.





- The smoking planet's surface. Sevasht & co. take a holocall from Pierce. A bound General Minst stands to one side. -

Sevasht: Sending General Minst to you. Lock him up good.

Pierce: Can do, milord. Just a question, aren't you supposed to be killing these guys?

Sevasht: Gotta catch 'em all, Pierce.

General Minst: THAT'S A SECRET.

Sevasht: Come on, that was indirect enough!

Pierce: What was that?

Sevasht and General Minst: Nothing.





Another bunker elsewhere. Sevasht & co. find a wounded Pierce in the hallway.

Pierce: Went in ahead. Thought I'd clear out General Durant's battalion for you.

Sevasht: Wait, one of these generals has actual troops?

Pierce: Had.

Sevasht: Good job, then. Get yourself a medpac.

- frame: A room deeper in the bunker. General Durant faces Sevasht & co. -

Durant: You've come too late, Sith. Our superweapon is powering super weapony things as we speak.

Sevasht: Hm. Want to surrender anyway?

Durant: Not particularly, no.

Sevasht: You're going to lose this fight.

Durant: Still gotta fight it.

Sevasht: Oh. One of those 'principle' things.

Durant: Yeah. Sorry.

Sevasht. But you can't fight me to the death. I've gotta catch 'em all.

Durant: Sorry, kid.

- frame: Durant raises his weapon. Sevasht strikes Durant down. -

Sevasht: Spoilsport.




- The Imperial command bunker. Quinn stands to brief Sevasht, Vette, Jaesa, and Pierce. -

Quinn: Our final general, Faraire, is hiding deep in his command center. There will be three avenues of attack. One, we must disable a forcefield whose control is hidden behind a series of traps; two, we must smash through the Republic fortifications to destroy the base's power station; and three, we must find some psychological insight to force the main body of the conscripted men to flee.

Quinn: I must stand here where it's safe and look important. Now. Which of your crew do you choose for these tasks?

Sevasht: So. Advanced sneaky robbery, blowing up Republic facilities, and having psychological insight?

Quinn: Yes, my lord.

Sevasht: …Is this a trick question?

Quinn: No, my lord.

Sevasht: So how about I put Lieutenant Smashalot on the sneaky forcefield run?

- frame. Quinn twitches. -

Quinn: Yes, my lord.

Sevasht: And if we're going for psychological warfare, I can think of no one more qualified than Vette.

Jaesa: Hey!

Vette: Oh heck yes.

- frame. Quinn twitches. -

Quinn: That…I…you know, in a twisted way…*sigh* yes, my lord.

Sevasht: That leaves Jaesa and me on demolitions.

Quinn: My lord, you are all going to die out there.

Sevasht: I'll leave a note for Baras giving you credit for the plan.





- A large scene. A room deep within a base has gaping holes blown in three of the walls. From varying levels of the building revealed by those holes, Sevasht, Jaesa, Vette, and Pierce, all in varying degrees of bloody grime, face each other. General Faraire and a big droid observes from the floor. -

Sevasht & co.: Everything went terribly wrong.

- frame -

Sevasht: You all still good to go?

Pierce: Oh hell yes.

Jaesa: Ready to kill.

Vette: …yup.

- frame -

Sevasht: So! General! You can surrender with your big bad superweapon droid, or we can smash you, too.

- frame: Back at the Imperial cantina. Sevasht & co, still looking pretty ragged, are lined up on barstools. -

Sevasht: Well, that was easy.

- frame: Jaesa tilts over and falls. -

Sevasht: …Okay, we're done here.

Edited by bright_ephemera
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- frame: Jaesa thwacks Nomen Karr with a lightsaber. -


Sevasht: I'm pretty sure that's not what I said at all.


Sevasht: I…I screwed this up somehow. Hold on, if I hit esc in-

- On board the Fury. Jaesa approaches Sevasht. -

Jaesa: Hel-lo, master. *eyebrow waggle*

Sevasht: Whoa. Where did you find that lipstick?

Jaesa: On our way to the spaceport back on Hutta. I dropped by the cantina, murdered one of the dancers, stole her stuff.

Sevasht: I…I'm sorry I asked.

- frame: Jaesa tugs at her neckline. -

Jaesa: Would you like to see more of what I–

Sevasht: NO.




I love your take on DS Jaesa. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for someone who's not evil like me to get this nymphomanic murder moppet instead of the light-side version. :D

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I'm so glad you're all enjoying :D


I love your take on DS Jaesa. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for someone who's not evil like me to get this nymphomanic murder moppet instead of the light-side version. :D


DS Jaesa is my experiment because I haven't played her past conversation 6 or so. But I feel like my third fic warrior should probably take her on for variety's sake.


And man, she is a maniac. My LS Warriors feel sorry for themselves because LS Jaesa is a hippie political activist who smells faintly of patchouli...no, LS warriors, you actually get off easy in the "awkward personality conflict" department.


Thanks for reading, all! More adventures to come... :rak_03:

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The Taris spaceport. Moff Irrelevant and Pierce are present with Sevasht & co. -

Moff Irrelevant: As a gesture of goodwill, I'd like you to take Lieutenant Pierce off my hands. Please.

Pierce: Feeling's mutual, sir. So, milord. Can I come with?

Sevasht: I have this strange, overwhelming feeling I don't have a choice.

- frame: Pierce grins. -

Pierce: You're not wrong.

Quinn: Hmph. Fine. If you're coming, you get to be the bottom of the totem pole.

Sevasht: I don't know, he –

Quinn: He's a Lieutenant! I'm Captain! It's a rule!

Sevasht: Fine. But Vette still outranks you.

- Quinn sulks. -





- The medbay on the Fury. Jaesa corners Sevasht. -

Jaesa: The Dark Side is glorious. I have slept with and murdered everybody who crosses my path. Truly I am free.

- frame: Sevasht edges along the wall toward the door. -

Sevasht: Jaesa, that's really TMI.


- frame: Sevasht nervously lifts a warning finger. -

Sevasht: Actually, Jaesa, the Dark Side is more about, um, observing local ordinances and not being a dick. The dark part specifically is really more about, uh, being kind of sullen sometimes.

- frame: Jaesa blinks. Repeatedly. -

Sevasht: And dressing in black. That's about it.

Jaesa: I don't believe you, master.

Sevasht: …well, you can't blame a guy for trying.





- The Fury. Sevasht approaches Pierce. -

Sevasht: So! Welcome aboard.

Pierce: Settled in. Good ship. Hate the captain.

Sevasht: Yeah, he's actually Darth Baras's personal spy. None of us really take him seriously.

Pierce: Noted.

Sevasht: You can pretend to listen to him if that amuses you.

Pierce: I probably won't.

Sevasht: You'll fit right in.





- The Fury. Baras is briefing Sevasht & co. -

Baras: I have located another of the targets for…PLAN ZERO.

- Music: Duh-duh DUUUUH! -

Baras: My master Darth Vengean is terrorizing the Outer Rim. The Republic's Admiral Monk is now pursuing his flagship. We must close and take down Admiral Monk.


Baras: Yes, thank you for that contribution.

Jaesa: Happy to KILL KILL KILLETY…um, help.





- Darth Vengean's flagship under the command of Moff Masken. Sevasht & co. approach. -

Sevasht: I'm here to help!

Moff Masken: YOU.

Sevasht: Me?

Moff Masken: You and your master sold us out to undercut Vengean! How else could Admiral Monk have known where to find us?

Sevasht: How did he find you? Uh, maybe the path of terror and destruction you've been cutting around the Outer Rim?

- frame: Moff Masken pouts. -

Moff Masken: Shut up and go away.





- A hiding place on Quesh. Sevasht & co. approach a knot of Republic officers. -

Text overlay: Sevasht finds Admiral Monk's escape pod on Quesh…

Admiral Monk: What's your problem?

Sevasht: Um, you're a Republic admiral and I'm a Sith Lord?

Admiral Monk: I'm a spy for Darth Baras, you moron.

Quinn: Oh, hi.

Sevasht: Real subtle, captain.

- frame: Quinn looks clueless. -

Quinn: My lord?

Sevasht: Never mind. Anyway, Monk, killing fellow agents of Baras is my full-time job. Nothing personal.

Admiral Monk: You'd think working for Republic High Command would make me sufficiently hard to shiv.

Sevasht: Sorry.





Admiral Monk's holdout on Quesh. -

Admiral Monk: No one's safe with Baras…not even you.

Sevasht: Like I could leave.

Admiral Monk: You will if you want to live, fool.

Sevasht: Come on. You know I'm stuck with this plotline.

Admiral Monk: What?

Sevasht: …You're not going to yell at me to keep the secret?

Admiral Monk: Not only are you an idiot, you're insane.

Sevasht: …How did you not get this memo? You're not recruitable, are you?

Pierce: Milord?

Sevasht: Uh, nothing. Let's just kill him and go, guys.



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- The Fury. Sevasht approaches Vette. -

Sevasht: Veeeeette?

Vette: Yeeeees?

Sevasht: Did you slice my holomail signature to read "His Lord High Sithitudinousness, Sevasht War-to-the-wiggins"?

Vette: It wasn't slicing. It was walking up and typing into your console after you failed to lock it.

Sevasht: If you hadn't shot that slave collar out the airlock…

Vette: I know, I know.

Sevasht: I could just buy a new one.

Vette: Oh, but you won't.

- frame: Vette grinningly blows Sevasht a kiss on her way by. -

- frame: Sevasht is really, really confused. Also still annoyed. -





- The Fury. Baras is briefing Sevasht & co. -

Baras: I have located the last of the targets for…PLAN ZERO.

- Music: Duh-duh DUUUUH! -

Baras: Jedi Knight Xerender is a cunning leader of the Republic, a symbol of inspiration, and he stole my lunch money once. Kill him. That will complete…PLAN ZERO.

- Music: Duh-duh DUUUUH! -

- frame: The holo goes out. Pierce turns to Sevasht and jerks his thumb at the holo. -

Pierce: That's the guy you agreed to take orders from?

Sevasht, glumly: It seemed like a good idea at the time.





- The Imperial base on Hoth. Sevasht & co. stand on the shuttle pad as the shuttle departs again. -

Jaesa is still wearing her recruitment gear, purple cloth wrappings that leave her midriff and arms exposed.

Jaesa, shivering: I hate this place.

Sevasht: There's a life lesson somewhere in there, I'm sure.

- frame: Jaesa perks up. -

Jaesa: Ooooh. Care to explain it to me while we warm up someplace…private?

Sevasht: NO.





- The Imperial base on Hoth. Sevasht & co. approach an ensign. -

Sevasht: Hello, ensign! Uh, where's my contact?

Ensign Slinte: Dead. In the snow.

Sevasht: …Oh.

Ensign Slinte: That's just about all that ever happens around here.

Sevasht: So, um…

- frame: Ensign Slinte jerks his thumb out the door. -

Ensign Slinte: You can check out thataway, just in case.





- In a pirate base on Hoth. Sevasht & co. have located a trapped Commander Lanklyn. -

Sevasht: Whoa. Lanklyn? Aren't you the guy who couldn't get a block of carbonite from Point A to Point B without a Sith escort back on Dromund Kaas?

Commander Lanklyn: You're the cannibal, aren't you? Please, there are people here much more edible than I am. Really plump bad guys.

Jaesa: Sevasht, you've been holding out on me?

Vette: Yup, he used to have cannibal dinner parties every week.

Sevasht: Not helping, Vette.

Commander Lanklyn: Yes, she never is.




Commander Lanklyn: So, my scouting mission was a total failure, except I think your Xerender is getting help from Talz. Talz are the native species: huge, white, silent.

Vette: So, indistinguishable from the rest of the planet.

Commander Lanklyn: Correct. I figure if you find one you can interrogate him.

Sevasht: If I find a silent white object on Hoth.

Commander Lanklyn: Yes.

Sevasht: I can interrogate it.

Commander Lanklyn: Yes.

Sevasht: This is your plan.

Commander Lanklyn: Yes.

Sevasht: I should've eaten you with the rest of them.





- An abandoned Talz campsite. Sevasht & co. are combing it for clues. -

- frame: Sevasht opens a tent flap. -

Padawan, from within the tent: EEEEEK

- frame: The padawan shoots out and looks around wildly. -

Sevasht: Uh…hi?

Padawan: Xerender left me behind. I told him I would stop fighting with Fetzellen as soon as Fetzellen stopped poking me, but he didn't listen! He pulled the speeder over and just left me here…

Sevasht: Um. Sorry?

Pierce: Don't suppose Mom told you where he an', uh, Fetzellen, were going?

- frame: The padawan has curled up on the floor. -

Padawan: *sniffle* Xerender always liked him better...





- An abandoned Talz campsite. Sevasht is awkwardly patting the padawan's back while his crew looks on. -

Sevasht: There, there. I'm sure Xerender really loves you, and he'll be back to-

- frame: A Talz slides out of a stealth field and stabs the padawan in the back. -

Sevasht: - and that is not where I was going with that sentence.

Broonmark: KILL

Sevasht: Oh, not you too.

Broonmark: KILL KILL. Wish to KILL Fetzellen.

Sevasht: Huh. Well, I'm actually after his mom or whatever, Xerender. Any idea where they are?

Broonmark: No KILLING Fetzellen. KILLING Fetzellen is mine. KILL

Jaesa: I like this guy.

- frame: Broonmark rounds on Jaesa. -


Jaesa: Catch me if you can, big boy.

Sevasht: Jaesa…don't ever say that again.





- The Imperial base. Baras is on holo, in an isolated image next to a Jedi Knight, Xerender. Lanklyn is present. Sevasht & co. enter -

Baras: Lanklyn, get this Jedi off the feed!

Commander Lanklyn: I'm trying, sir! He's taken control!

Xerender: I am the best. Neener neener.

- frame: Sevasht walks up. -

Sevasht: Uh, hi, all.

Xerender: Ah, the lapdog returns. If Baras knows what's good for him, he'll muzzle you.

Sevasht: Wow. That's a lot of smarm for a Jedi.

Baras: I've heard worse. But Xerender is a bad Jedi.

Xerender: Nyah nyah nyah-nyah – dammit Fetzellen's trying to climb on the furniture again. Call you back later!

- frame: Xerender's image winks out. -

- frame: Baras raises a hand. -

Baras: Lanklyn…you're fired.





- The Imperial base. Baras is on holo. Sevasht & co. present. -

Baras: Please tell me somebody on that stupid planet has accomplished something.

Vette: Well, we tried to fix a random padawan's mommy issues, but he died before we could get anywhere.

Sevasht: Vette! Master, we got some insights from a completely trustworthy and sane-sounding individual.

Jaesa: He seemed nice enough to me.

Sevasht: Broonmark said that the weapon Xerender is on Hoth to seek is a person. Master Wyellett.

Baras: Great. Not one, but two Jedi Masters who have beaten me up and stolen my things. You will kill them both.

Sevasht: Yeah, I figured.





- The Imperial base. Baras is on holo. Sevasht & co. present. -

Sevasht: …So I don't know how to find Xerender or Wyellett.

Baras: Master Wyellett once stole my lightsaber. I can always track pieces of my broken pride. A moment while I concentrate to find it...there.

Sevasht: You can track your own bruised ego?

Baras: Anywhere and everywhere.

Sevasht: …Wow.





- An ice cave. Several Talz with Republic gear are gathered around a lightsaber hilt. Sevasht & co. walk in. -

Sevasht: So how much would I have to pay you to get-



- frame: Sevasht stands among assorted fallen Talz, holding Baras's old lightsaber. -

Pierce, smiling broadly: Cheap as free, milord.





- The ice cave. Sevasht & co are just leaving. -

- frame: Broonmark pops out of stealth, waving agitatedly. -

Broonmark: KILL STEALER!

Sevasht: What?

Broonmark: We KILL all betrayers of Talz clan! You stole kills!

Sevasht: It's not stolen if you haven't tagged it!

Broonmark: Was my kill.

Sevasht: I didn't even see you! Finders keepers!

Broonmark: Kill. Stolen.

Sevasht: Serves you right for playing a stealth class.

Broonmark: What?

Sevasht: Never mind. Want to just hunt together so you can tag your own damn mobs?





- Deeper on the wastes of Hoth, another ice cave… -

- frame: Sevasht & co. approach Jedi Master Wyellett and his kneeling former padawan, Xerender. The Talz Fetzellen stands guard. -

Sevasht: Hey, guys. We're gonna have to –

- frame: Broonmark charges. -


Sevasht: But-

- frame: Jaesa charges. -


Sevasht: Guys-

- frame: Pierce hefts his rifle. -

Pierce: Just doing my part, milord.

- frame: Full shot of what was a very short fight. Jaesa, Pierce, and Broonmark look delighted. Vette looks faintly annoyed. Sevasht looks…wide-eyed. -

Sevasht: Are you people done?

Broonmark: Our bloodlust is sated.

Sevasht: Wow. …Really?

- frame: Closeup on Broonmark. -

Broonmark: No, not even slightly.

- frame: Sevasht facepalms. -





- The cantina on Hoth. Jaesa and Pierce are seated across a table, angrily arguing. -

Jaesa: Ten seconds' setup, one big load and you're done, huh?

Pierce: Would you rather keep flailing 'til you pass out from exhaustion less'n halfway through the job?

- frame: Sevasht wanders by. -

Jaesa: I always finish what I start.

Pierce: I can finish more'n one at once.

Sevasht: I don't want to know, do I.

Jaesa: His demolitions vs. my lightsaber. He seems to think his crude combat is superior.

Pierce: And she thinks that just because she's skinny 'n' one-at-a-time about it she qualifies as 'finesse.'

Jaesa: I kill just as many people as he does.

Pierce: I don't have to tart it up to lure my targets in range.

Sevasht: Right. I didn't want to know.




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I notice a distinct lack of Quinn in this one.

He's probably shivering on the ship like the whiny tart he is.


Wow, you're right. That might make this my third post ever in the history of the forums to not be about Quinn. :o


How unexpected.


But yes, the mental reasoning behind excluding him from any individual scene was "He's probably shivering back on the ship like the whiny spy he is."

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- Baras's offices on Dromund Kaas. He is briefing Sevasht & co. -

Baras: There is no time to waste. Long have I planned to bring about PLAN ZERO.

- Music: Duh-duh DUUUUH! -

Baras: Now for the part I have kept hidden from my master, Darth Vengean…PLAN ZERO POINT ONE.

- Music: Duh-duh DUUUUH! -

- frame: Quinn looks worried. -

Quinn: My lord, that raises some concerns about the number of significant figures used in previous iterations of this plan…






- Baras's offices on Dromund Kaas. He is briefing Sevasht & co. -

Baras: I have planted my loyal apprentice, Lord Draahg, to work for Darth Vengean for a long time. You will rendezvous with him and destroy Vengean.

Sevasht: I note that no part of this plan has you lifting a finger.

Baras: Lifting a finger to strangle failed apprentices is my backup plan.

Sevasht: Right, then.





- Darth Vengean's offices on Dromund Kaas. Sevasht & co. approach Lord Draahg. -

Lord Draahg: Thanks for the assist! I've spent most of my time so far not attacking Vengean's defenses.

Sevasht: Oh. That's, that's good.

Lord Draahg: After you.





- Further into Darth Vengean's compound…Sevasht & co. have their weapons out as they go. -

Lord Draahg: Wow. You're awesome.

Sevasht: Aw, thanks. You're not half bad yourself.

- frame: Lord Draahg blushes. -

Sevasht: We're still going to kill each other someday.

Lord Draahg: I don't know what you're talking about.

Sevasht: …crud. If you're actually a player character this could be a problem.

Lord Draahg: THAT'S A SECRET.

Sevasht: Jeez, sorry.

Lord Draahg: But I'm not. No worries. Besides, it won't be an issue! We're going to be a great team.

Sevasht: …Was that a strain of ominous music?

Lord Draahg: What? No!

- frame: Sevasht crosses his arms and gives Draahg the stink-eye. -

Sevasht: That was an actual strain of actual ominous music.

Lord Draahg: Why, look at the time. Better go finish the quest.





- Darth Vengean's inner sanctum. Sevasht & company approach alongside Lord Draahg. -

Darth Vengean: You! Sevasht! You monumental screwup!

Sevasht: What?

Darth Vengean: Darth Baras would never have gotten this far if you hadn't listened to him.

Sevasht: Hey, Draahg's at fault here, too!

Darth Vengean: Draahg was pretending to work for me. That makes him very nearly useful.

Sevasht: It's a little late to undo Baras's maniac power trip now.

Darth Vengean: You should join me.

Sevasht: I can't, man. It's not even on the option wheel.

Darth Vengean: THAT'S A SECRET.

Quinn: My lord…?

Jaesa: Something's going on here.

Sevasht: It's Sith stuff.

Jaesa: I'm Sith!

Sevasht: Crud. That excuse won't work anymore.

Vengean: Way to go, genius.





- Darth Vengean's inner sanctum. Darth Vengean is dead. -

Lord Draahg: Nice going. You totally carried that fight.

Sevasht, smugly: I did, didn't I?

- frame: Sevasht's crew all glare at him. -

Sevasht: …right. Sorry, guys.

Sevasht: I'd share credit, but my options for what to say get really constrained sometimes.

Lord Draahg: I'm starting to see why Baras never used you for the jobs that required an ounce of discretion.





- Darth Baras's offices on Dromund Kaas. Sevasht & co. walk in with Lord Draahg.-

Baras: Glorious! Now I take Darth Vengean's seat on the Dark Council!

Sevasht: But…I killed him.

Baras: Draahg did, too. The rank goes to your mutual master.

Sevasht: So if I'd offed Draahg first I could've taken the Dark Council seat?

Baras: No, it's still mine.

- frame: Darth Baras waves dismissively. -

Baras: Go take a vacation or something. I've got some maniacal cackling to do.



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- The Fury. Sevasht approaches Lieutenant Pierce. -

Pierce: Milord. Just thinking about missed opportunities.

Sevasht: Not you, too.

Pierce: Hmm?

Sevasht: Quinn does nothing but assassinate old enemies in his spare time.

Pierce: Assassinations? Sod that, I'm going for the glory.

Pierce: Picked out a building on Corellia. Nice place. Nigh-impenetrable fortress, decent acreage, very good school system. Think I might take my old black ops team and storm it.

Sevasht: …I guess there are worse hobbies. You could be Jaesa.

Pierce: Is that approval, milord?

Sevasht: I really can't stop you.

- frame: Pierce grins. -

Pierce: You're not wrong.





- Darth Baras's offices on Dromund Kaas. -

Darth Baras: Apprentice! I remembered there's a war on!

Sevasht: Oh, that's good of you, master.

Darth Baras; The Republic is up to something on Quesh. Please crush it.

Sevasht: I'm not just dealing with your past lunch-money vendettas this time?

Darth Baras: That's for me to know and you to wonder, apprentice.





- The Imperial base on Quesh. -

Imperial guy: My lord. The Republic is up to something mysterious in a gas pocket deep underground.

Vette: Well, nothing can possibly go wrong here.

Sevasht: It's gonna be one of those days. Isn't it.

Jaesa: We'll get to kill something, though, right?

Pierce: And then blow it up after?

Sevasht: …At least someone will be happy.





- A deep cavern. Sevasht & co. round the corner to find a squad of Republic soldiers. -

Republic soldier, addressing his commander: Yes, sir. The detonator's ready to go.

Sevasht: Oh, this is starting off well.

- frame: The commander notices Sevasht. -

Republic commander: SITH PANIC *click*

- The Republic commander mashes his detonator. -

- frame: Nothing happens. -

Sevasht: So this is Republic engineering?

- frame: Pierce looks around. -

Pierce: Hold up, I bet I could still blow this place.


Pierce: You, milord, have no sense of fun.





- A deep cavern. Sevasht & co. face a Republic squad. -

Sevasht: So, let's all run for it?

Republic commander: That's surprisingly nice of you.

Sevasht: So move.

- frame: Sevasht pulls out his holo. -

Sevasht: Hold up, guys, holocall.

- frame: Lord Draahg appears. -

Lord Draahg: Well, well. Our Republic plant didn't have the true detonator. I do. Baras's orders, friend.

Sevasht: Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal.

Lord Draahg: Whoa, that's pushing it, meta-man.

Sevasht: They can't possibly guess anything from that reference!

Lord Draahg: Fine. I'll allow it. But only because you're about to die.

Sevasht: Do your worst, 'great-team'-boy.

Lord Draahg: I believe I will.

- BOOM -





- A mostly-collapsed cavern. Sevasht & co. lie around in bad shape. Two creepy Sith stand over Sevasht. -

Servant Two: Creepy creepy.

Servant One: Interesting. Let's just leave him here.

Servant Two: Creepy creepy.

- frame: The Servants walk off. -

Squished-looking Pierce, still laid out flat: The hell was that?

Sevasht: will answer once ribs stop stabbing me

Pierce: Wimp.

Sevasht: You want to tell me ten tons of rock treated you better?

Pierce: Yeah.

- frame: Pierce stands up. Broonmark is already up. -

Pierce: Broonmark, help me carry these guys.

Broonmark: We KILL after?

Pierce: Guaranteed.

- frame: Broonmark slings Vette over his shoulder. -

Broonmark: We go.





- The Imperial base on Quesh. A ragged-looking Sevasht & co. enter and scan the room. -

Sevasht: So, everybody. I'm looking for a couple of very creepy unhelpful people.

- frame: Multiple Imperials jerk their thumbs toward a side room. -





- The side room. Sevasht & co. enter to find two creepy Sith. -

Servant One: You are worthy to be the Emperor's Wrath.

Sevasht: Who? What? Why? How?

Quinn: You forgot When, my lord.

Sevasht: 'When' is now, captain. I didn't hit my head that hard.

Servant One: We are the Emperor's Hand. We oversee the Emperor's will. The Dark Council is too busy flailing.

Servant Two: Creepy Creepy.

Sevasht: What is his deal?

Servant One: Don't criticize.

Sevasht: But he's useless.

Servant One: That is exactly what you sound like to your companions when you compromise the secret, you know.





- Back on the Fury. Sevasht & co. face Servants One and Two on the holo. -

Servant One: Darth Baras claims to be the Emperor's Voice, another critical role you've never heard of.

Sevasht: I'm starting to doubt your credibility.

Servant One: You don't really get a choice.

Sevasht: Figures.

Servant One: The True Voice is missing. Baras is stepping up to claim the role for power.

Sevasht: So? This sounds like normal behavior.

Jaesa: My lord. Revenge?

Broonmark: KILL KILL

Pierce: I could go for punching Darth Baras.

Sevasht: I get no say in this, do I.

Servant One: Nope.





- On the Fury. Sevasht consults with the crew. -

Quinn: So. You're a completely made-up new role under apparently insane total strangers, plus we're opposing Baras.

Sevasht: Don't worry, captain. You don't have to oppose him.

- frame: Quinn looks clueless. -

Quinn: My lord?

Sevasht: Never mind. The rest of you are all right with the about-face under questionable leadership, right?



Pierce: Kill. Yup, kill.

Vette: Frankly this is a terrible idea, but far be it from me to argue with these maniacs.

Sevasht: You're the only sane person here.

Vette: Including you, buddy.





- The Fury. Sevasht & co. listen to Servants One and Two via holo. -

Servant One: Wrath. You can undermine Baras on Belsavis.

Jaesa: Can't we just kill him?

Servant Two: Creepy creepy.

Servant One: That means no. Just think of it as a scavenger hunt, Wrath, prior to the prize.

Pierce: I preferred the scavenger hunt where we punked the entire Republic military leadership.

Quinn: That was a good one.

Jaesa: Not enough killing, though.

Sevasht: Jaesa. Please. Shut up.

Jaesa: Would you like to shut me up in private, master?

Sevasht: NO.





- The Fury. Sevasht & co. listen to Servants One and Two via holo. -

Sevasht: So we made it to Belsavis. I hear it's the Republic's token evil so we can pretend at moral parity between factions.

Servant One: lol.

Servant Two: Creepy creepy.

Servant One: That means that Baras is here to free his sister, Darth Ekkage, a powerful former Dark Councillor. She will be a dangerous ally if he frees her.

Sevasht: Your friend is pretty expressive for having a one-word vocabulary.

Servant One: The Emperor works in mysterious ways.



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- The Imperial base on Belsavis. Sevasht & co. approach a pair of Imperial officers. -

Sevasht: I'm here to help.

Colonel Trill: Help…what?

Sevasht: Whoever's looking for Darth Ekkage?

Colonel Trill: Lord Melicoste is handling the search for Ekkage. You're not.

Sevasht: But I'm Sith.

Jaesa: Me, too.

Sevasht: And you're not. So you have to listen to me.

Colonel Trill: I have orders.

Sevasht: Quinn here rolls over for Sith all the time. And he's a model officer. Follow suit.

Captain Oklart: I do like not disobeying Sith, Colonel.

Sevasht: Hmm. You're almost due for a promotion, Captain.

- frame: Broonmark leans in on Colonel Trill. -


- frame: A wide-eyed Colonel Trill points. -

Colonel Trill: Melicoste went that way.





- Outside a vault on Belsavis. -

Sevasht: So he was supposed to have gone here.

- frame: Sevasht knocks. -

Voice from inside: Hello out there. I'm Jedi Master Timmns.

Sevasht: Huh. Wrong house, sorry.

Timmns: You're after Ekkage. The information you need is in here.

Sevasht: Dammit.

Timmns: I've actually been stalking you. I used to be Nomen Karr's padawan. You're Baras's padawan. It seems fair.

Sevasht: There is nothing fair about leaving me out of the stalking party!





- The frame straddles the door to the Belsavis vault. -

Master Timmns, from inside: Let's break down this door and you can get the computers that indicate Melicoste's destination.

Sevasht: Then you try to kill me?

Master Timmns: Of course not. I'm Jedi.

Sevasht: Lots of Jedi try to kill me.

Master Timmns: …Look, you have to get this prisoner manifest anyway.

Sevasht: You're enjoying forcing a Sith to save you.

Master Timmns: Oh, yes.




- Inside the Belsavis vault. The computer terminals are freshly lightsabered. -


Master Timmns, smiling: Yup!


Master Timmns: That's a secret.

Sevasht: Shut up! You jerk! You broke my stuff!

Master Timmns: I've memorized where to go. You need me to find and stop Lord Melicoste.

Sevasht: And you come with me why?

Master Timmns: I don't want him to free the insane Dark Council member?

Sevasht: Oh. I guess that's fair.





- The Deep Prison on Belsavis. Lord Melicoste approaches a stasis-bound Darth Ekkage. Sevasht & co., along with Master Timmns, enter. -

- frame: Lord Melicoste releases Darth Ekkage. -

Darth Ekkage: KILL KILL KILL

- frame: Sevasht facepalms. -

Darth Ekkage: Where's my idiot brother? Better catch up.

Lord Melicoste: My lord, your brother is eager to –

Darth Ekkage: Changed my mind. Bored now. KILL KILL KILL

- Darth Ekkage toasts Lord Melicoste. -

- frame: Sevasht comes out of hiding. -

Sevasht: Was that really necessary?

Master Timmns: Hey, I'm the guy who advocates peace.

Sevasht: I said it first.

Darth Ekkage: Who the hell are you?

Sevasht: The Emperor's Wrath.

Vette: And groupies.

Sevasht: Yes, and groupies.

- frame: Darth Ekkage looks sullen. -

Darth Ekkage: When I was your age, Sith-orchestrated jailbreaks got more than six steps before being inconvenienced.

Vette: You're old. We wouldn't want to strain you.





- Darth Ekkage's prison chamber. Darth Ekkage is on her knees, surrounded by Master Timmns and Sevasht & co. Sevasht is raising his saber. -

Sevasht: She has to die.

Master Timmns: But you're a nice Sith! Why would you want to kill her?

Sevasht: She's insane, incredibly dangerous, and apparently trivial to break out nowadays?

Master Timmns: Meanie.

Vette: I'll have to go with the Sith on this one, Master Timmns.


Pierce: She has it coming.


Quinn: I'll pretend to approve.

Sevasht: Popular vote says she goes.

Master Timmns: You rule by popular vote?

Sevasht: No, but I'm trying to pile up reasons why I should ignore you.

- frame: Sevasht strikes Ekkage down. -





- Darth Ekkage's prison chamber. Everyone turns to Master Timmns. -


Pierce: He has it coming.


Quinn: I approve.

Sevasht: Do you guys ever talk about anything else?

- frame: silence. Everyone looks awkwardly at each other. -

- frame: Most of the crew is staring at the floor. -

Quinn: …Ship maintenance?

Jaesa: All that sex you won't have with me?

Pierce: Explosives?

Broonmark: …

- frame: Sevasht turns to Master Timmns. -

Sevasht: Thanks for the assist, Timmns. You'd better run for it.

- frame: Timmns runs. Vette looks at Sevasht. -

Vette: You're all right, Sevasht.

Sevasht: At least somebody thinks so.





- The Fury. Sevasht & co. face the Servants. -

Servant Two: Creepy creepy.

Servant One: Baras's supporter is dead. Now we can introduce you to an ally.

Sevasht: My last ally tried to blow me up.

Servant One: Yes, well. No guarantees on this one. Sorry.

Servant Two: Creepy.

Servant One: Darth Vowrawn makes efforts to be relevant on Corellia while preserving his spot on the Dark Council and blocking Baras.

Sevasht: Busy guy.

Servant One: So help him. Go convince Armageddon Battalion to drop Baras's orders and go be useful on Corellia.

Sevasht: My record with military types is...spotty. And likely to get spottier.

- frame: Quinn looks clueless. -

Quinn: My lord?

Servant One: Sadly enough, Wrath, you're the best candidate we have.

Sevasht: We're in trouble. Aren't we.



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- The Imperial base on Hoth. Sevasht & co. seek out Baras's contact, the once-Ensign Commander Slinte. -

Commander Slinte: Please don't kill me.

Sevasht: No worries. I just need to find General Griest and his Armageddon Battalion.

Commander Slinte: I'll get killed if I tell you.

Sevasht: Am I going to have to *****slap every Imperial officer I meet on the grounds that they insist on listening to Baras over me?

- frame: Quinn looks nervous. -

Commander Slinte: Nah. I like you more anyway.





- General Greist's base on Hoth. Sevasht & co. approach Greist. -

Sevasht: Hi, General. We appear to be stuck in a vortex of completely idiotic orders from untrustworthy leaders.

Greist: Right you are. Can I leave this stupid assignment yet?

Sevasht: Have at it. Go to Corellia, it'll be a party.

Greist: Thank you. Thank you so much.





- The airlock over Hoth. Sevasht & co. enter to find Lord Draahg-

Text overlay: Sevasht returns to his ship…

Lord Draahg: Hi there.

Sevasht: Oh, hi. We fight now?

Lord Draahg: Yeah. Baras is right, you're wrong, you're dying.

Sevasht: You're O for 3 on that one.






- The airlock on Hoth. Everything around the metal path is burning. Sevasht is looking up from a defeated, kneeling Lord Draahg -

Sevasht: Uh, guys? When did the airlock catch on fire?

- frame: Pierce looks shifty-eyed. -

Pierce: I have no idea, milord.

Sevasht: Is that even safe?

Vette: I'm gonna vote no.

Lord Draahg: Hello? This is my scene.

Sevasht: Oh! Right.

- frame: Sevasht Force pushes Lord Draahg over the rail into the fire. -


- frame: Sevasht looks curiously over the railing. -

Sevasht: Is that actually going to cause permanent harm? Or just make him yell a lot?

Pierce: Fire usually does the trick, milord. Might take a while to burn through all the smug, though.

Sevasht: Ah. Fair enough.

- frame: Sevasht heads into the ship. -

Sevasht: grumble grumble 'great team' he said grumble 'no ominous music' he said. grumble.




- The Fury. Servants One and Two are briefing Sevasht & co. via holo. -

Servant One: Servant Two detected Lord Draahg on your trail.

Sevasht: Oh? Thanks so much for the heads-up.

Servant One: Baras sent him for you. Baras knows you survived Quesh.

- frame: Sevasht looks at Quinn. -

Sevasht: I'm shocked.

Servant One: Now, we have located the true Voice of the Emperor. Seek him out on Voss.

Servant Two: Creepy creepy.

Servant One: …You're happier not knowing what he said there.

- frame: Vette raises a hand. -

Vette: Well, who's psyched for this one?



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- The Fury. Sevasht & co. are being briefed by Servants One and Two via holo. -

Servant One: Voss is a transparent Oriental first-contact scenario.

Servant Two: THAT'S A SECRET.

Sevasht: Whoa, what?

- frame: Servant Two looks shifty-eyed. -

Servant Two: …Creepy creepy.

Servant One: The Emperor body-snatched a Voss Mystic to be the Voice of the Emperor.

Sevasht: And then…?

Servant One: He got stuck.

Sevasht: He…got…you know what? Never mind. Just tell me where to start.





- The Voss countryside. A ceremonial brazier stands; Sevasht is lighting it while his crew looks on. -

- POOF -

- frame: A glowing golden Voss appears. -

Sevasht: …I was kind of expecting the local contact to be…alive.

Madaga-Ru: Why do you seek Madaga-Ru?

Sevasht: I was just wondering. Has a Sith even creepier than me passed through here lately?

Madaga-Ru: …we should talk. Seek me at these coordinates.

- POOF -





A Voss cave. Sevasht & co. approach a live Voss. -

Sevasht: Oh, you're a lot less alarming in person.

Vette: Something about being corporeal is just comforting, you know?

Madaga-Ru: A Voss of darkness did come through. But you must pay for information. A secret for a secret.

Sevasht: …If you just tell me where he went, it won't be a secret. No payment required. Problem solved.

Madaga-Ru: Secret. Pay up.

Sevasht: Fine. So.

- frame: Sevasht's crew leans in interestedly. -

Sevasht: After all this time I've spent with Vette, putting my life in her hands, getting to know her…

- frame: The crew continues to watch, transfixed. -

Sevasht: She still manages to piss me off every ******* day.

Jaesa: I knew it! Does that mean you're availa-

Sevasht: NO.





Madaga-Ru: The dark Voss passed into the Nightmare Lands and the Dark Heart therein.

Vette: Wow. And the award for melodrama goes to Voss.

Madaga-Ru: Seek protective blessings at the Shrine of Healing or you're screwed.

Sevasht: Got it.

Vette: All right, Lord Wigginsworth. Ready to head out?

Sevasht: Vette, what I said was a confession, not a challenge.

- frame: Vette beams. -

Vette: Too late.





- The Shrine of Healing. Voss pass in every direction. Sevasht & co. wander through rooms accosting random staff. -

Sevasht: So, can I-

Voss: Out of the way.

- Sevasht tries another… -

Sevasht: I'm looking for-

Voss: What the hell is wrong with you? This is the maternity ward.

- And again… -

Sevasht: If I could –

Voss: If you're not bleeding out, I don't care.

Sevasht: Who do I have to kill to get some advice?

- frame: Vana-Xo beckons. -

Vana-Xo: I heard of your coming. You want the Blessing of Oneness to protect you. But you are clearly seething evil, which makes me hesitant to help.

Sevasht: I'm pretty sure you're just smelling Jaesa.

Vana-Xo. Oh. You may be right.

Sevasht: So! Blessing?

Vana-Xo: A price must be paid. Offer your life force to heal.

Sevasht: Okay, sure.

Pierce: Milord, weakening yourself for that is stupid.

Sevasht: You big baby. Fine, Voss, take him instead.





- The Shrine of Healing. Vana-Xo stands among bedridden patients. Sevasht & co. stand before her. -

- frame: Vana-Xo extends her hands and sucks brilliant light from Pierce. -

- frame: The spreading light heals patients. -

Vana-Xo: Hmm. Bring in the next round.

- frame: More patients are wheeled in. -

- frame: They're better, too. -

Vana-Xo: Wow. Most donors are only good for two or three.

Sevasht: Roomfuls?

Vana-Xo: No. Patients.

- frame: Pierce looks cheerful and not at all inconvenienced. -

Pierce: You done yet?

Vana-Xo: Are you even slightly tired?

Pierce: Nope.

Vana-Xo: …can we keep him?

Quinn: Please do.





Vana-Xo: The price is paid. The Blessing will be bestowed.

- frame: Vana-Xo sends blue light at Sevasht & co. -

Sevasht: Huh. Minty.

Vana-Xo: This blessing shields you. Now, the key to the Dark Heart is a pendant owned by the soldier Biddeck-Va. Seek him out.

- frame Vana-Xo stares at Pierce. -

Vana-Xo: Are you sure we can't keep him?

Sevasht: Yeah. I'm sure.





- A military installation on Voss. Sevasht & co. approach a Voss commando. -

Biddeck-Va: …Hi?

Sevasht: Hi. I'm looking for a Pendant of Bone?

Biddeck-Va: It's just a trinket. Why do you want it?

Sevasht: To access the far depths of the Dark Heart.


- frame: Biddeck-Va is still doubled over laughing. -

Biddeck-Va: That's your big plan? By all the Mystics, better you than me. Here, take the pendant. Watching you get mauled to death by your own insane crew when you go is payment enough.

Sevasht: That's…not promising.

Jaesa: Didn't we get a blessing for that?

- frame: Biddeck-Va grins and raises an eyebrow at Jaesa. -

Biddeck-Va: That doesn't protect you from starting out crazy.





- The Nightmare Lands. Sevasht & co. approach an ancient building cloaked in gloom. -

Sevasht: So. The Dark Heart of the Nightmare Lands.

Vette: In the Grim Shadow. Of Very Foreboding County.

Sevasht: Shut up, Vette.





- Inside the hallways of the Dark Heart. -

- frame: The hallway shakes. A little dust falls. A disembodied voice yells. -


- frame: Broonmark perks up. -

Sel-Makor: DEATH ITSELF. Jeez, just go away already.

Sevasht: Well, this is the place.





- Inside the Dark Heart chamber. Sevasht & co. approach a red-eyed Voss. -

Voice of the Emperor: Wrath. I am your Emperor.

Pierce: Huh. Cool.

Voice of the Emperor: Darth Baras maneuvered me here to trap me.

Sevasht: Oh, he got you too, huh?

Broonmark: Emperor clan didn't have Talz to drag him out.

Quinn: That's just a failure to plan.

Voice of the Emperor: I must die to escape. Sel-Makor preserves me and will fight you even if I do not. But you, Wrath, can beat him up, I'm sure.

Sevasht: Are you kidding me? The freaking Emperor's going to stand there doing nothing while I work?

Voice of the Emperor: Yes.

- frame: Sevasht and the Voice of the Emperor stare at each other. -

Voice of the Emperor: Well? Any time now.





- The chamber of the Dark Heart. The Voice of the Emperor lies on the floor, surrounded by Sevasht & co. -

Voice of the Emperor: Awesome job, Wrath. I'll be seeing you.

- frame: The Voice of the Emperor gives a cheerful thumbs-up. -

- frame: The Voice of the Emperor dies. -

Jaesa: Wow. We just killed the Emperor.

Quinn: I am badly torn as to whether doing it on his orders constitutes treason.

Sevasht: Well, guys, I think this officially makes us the most bad*** team in the galaxy.

Pierce: Awesome. Checking that off my bucket list.



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Sevasht: All right, guys. We're off to Corellia to meet up with Darth Vowrawn and make our final move against Darth Baras.

Pierce: Took us long enough.

Quinn: My lord, there's a contrived reason you and I must board an empty Imperial vessel alone.

Sevasht: I was wondering when you'd get around to that.

Pierce: Milord, that plan sounds idiotic.

Sevasht: You don't know the half of it.

- frame: Sevasht waves. -

Sevasht: Back soon, guys.





- The transponder station. Quinn stands at parade rest, his back to the door, as Sevasht walks in. -

Quinn: My lord. I've figured it out.

- frame: Quinn turning to face Sevasht. -

Quinn: There are laws. Secrets even Darth Baras will never reveal in violation of those laws.

Quinn: But he can use them. I finally understand why he chose me to spy on you.

- frame -

Quinn: ...did I mention I'm Darth Baras's spy?

Sevasht: We all knew.

Quinn: Yes, good.

- frame -

Quinn: Anyway. Your crew all have one thing in common: ignorance of a natural law. A game, if you will.

Quinn: The crew has something else in common. Within that game, we cannot die.

Quinn: And while some mystery dictates many of our movements and actions, you and your will cannot.

- frame -

Quinn: I don't know what 'griefing' is, why Baras thinks my killing you will contribute, or what happens when I do kill you.

Quinn: I don't know what he meant when I caught him saying that only driving you to 'ragequit' can truly destroy you.

Quinn: But I do know you can't stop me.

- frame. Quinn pulls out a detonator. -

Quinn: Today, my lord, you will die.

- Bursting out of frame in all directions: BOOM. -

- frame: A dusty-looking Quinn looks down at Sevasht's scorched form. -

Sevasht: ...

- frame: Sevasht floats up into characteristic player-revival position. -

- frame: Sevasht faces Quinn, standing. -

Quinn: ...ah. That is exactly what I was hoping wouldn't happen.





- The transponder station room. Quinn is a lightly smoking heap on the floor, his uniform half shredded by lightsaber. Sevasht stands over him. -

Quinn: Ouch.

Quinn: On the plus side, I was right about my immortality.

Quinn: So what happens now?

Sevasht: I take you back on the ship and keep you on the crew. Because I really do have no choice.

- frame: Sevasht, about to leave the room, but turning his head back to face Quinn, who is in the process of standing up. -

Quinn: Will you tell the rest of the crew?

Sevasht: ...no.

- frame: Quinn and Sevasht in the hall.

Sevasht: Everything we saw. Everything you said. It's a secret.

Quinn: And if I talk anyway?

Sevasht: I can't keep you dead, but I can sure as hell make you my enemies' piñata every waking moment from now 'til doomsday.

Quinn: I'll stay quiet, my lord.



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Sevasht: I can't keep you dead, but I can sure as hell make you my enemies' piñata every waking moment from now 'til doomsday.

Quinn: I'll stay quiet, my lord.




between this and making him "rage quit" bwahahahahaha... /gasps for air.

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I don't know how you come up with these things, but I love them. They are frigging hilarious.


I got a glimpse of your unique sense of humor and style of comedy when we first interact back in the Quinn thread, when you described your experience with Quinn. I didn't know you were a writer then. Now I get to see your various work, I am in awe how talented you are.


Thank you for your creations. I've enjoyed them tremendously.

Edited by Soteirian
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I don't know how you come up with these things, but I love them. They are frigging hilarious.


I got a glimpse of your unique sense of humor and style of comedy when we first interact back in the Quinn thread, when you described your experience with Quinn. I didn't know you were a writer then. Now I get to see your various work, I am in awe how talented you are.


Thank you for your creations. I've enjoyed them tremendously.


Thank you so much! I'll confess most of my comedy voice....ever...has come out in railing against Quinn in all his incarnations. We all have our sources of inspiration. :D Exploring the many and varied possibilities of looking at the game we know and love has been an amazing experience, and I'm really glad to have a community who can enjoy it with me.

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It's the early-lunch-hour fic-binge special! Only the first part of Corellia for now...






- The Fury. Vette is slouching over her breakfast cereal; Sevasht sits across from her. -

Vette: Sev. I was thinking. We've been together for a long time.

Sevasht: This is true.

Vette: You've always been here for me. And I've always been here for you, which appears to mostly require shooting things. Which I can do.

Sevasht: And you're good at it.

Vette: So maybe, I was thinking, could you take this slave collar off?

Sevasht: …Vette, I took the collar off months ago.

- frame: A surprised-looking Vette checks her neck. -

Vette: Well, how about that.

Sevasht: And we're out of coffee, aren't we.

Vette: Yeah.

Sevasht: Because otherwise you would've remembered that by this hour.





- The Fury. Servants One and Two are briefing Sevasht & co. via holo. -

Servant One: Baras is sending a trio of assassins after Darth Vowrawn. You must intercept them when they land on Corellia.

Sevasht: All right, guys. We'll split up to catch 'em.

Quinn: My lord, we're on a planet with occupation forces numbering in the hundreds of thousands, many of them loyal to Baras and so usable against Vowrawn. Is there a reason we are concerning ourselves with three of them?

Sevasht: I don't make the dumb orders. I just follow them.

Vette: Your life's work in a nutshell, captain.

Quinn: It really seems that way.





- Outside a large hangar complex on Corellia. Quinn points; Sevasht follows. -

Quinn: The assassin should arrive at a shuttle pad this way.

- frame: Quinn and Sevasht enter a large hangar. -

- frame: The doors slam shut. -

Quinn: My lord, by now you must have realized that only an idiot would settle at a single attempt on your life.

Sevasht: …

Quinn: Baras wants you dead, I'll kill you as many times as it takes.

- frame: Battle droids clank into the room. -

Sevasht: Figures.





- A hangar on Corellia. Sevasht stands over a couple of crushed war droids. His saber is out. Quinn, on his knees, is visible in the foreground. -

Sevasht: Really, Quinn? Another lure-into-a-dark-corner-for-an-ambush? Like I've never seen that before?

- frame: a closer view of Sevasht raising a hand in a dramatic gesture. -

Sevasht: I wouldn't have survived Korriban if I were that dumb! And this is your second try on the same thing!! What kind of idiot assassination attempt is – are you even listening to me!?

- frame: Nearly-dead Force-choked Quinn flails. -

- frame: Sevasht flings Quinn aside. -

Sevasht: Honestly…

- frame: Sevasht goes to stand over Quinn. -

Quinn: Hak…koff…my lord…

Sevasht: Well? What?

Quinn: …the 'idiot assassination' approach already worked once.

Sevasht: You smug son of a…

- frame: Quinn smiles up at Sevasht. Sevasht scowls. -

Sevasht: Hmph. Top marks for job dedication, I'll give you that.




(Edit: Relevant early inspiration for this entire variant on Quinn's relationship with the SW. Sevasht drew from many earlier sources and snarky forum posts.)

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...you've lost me.

Yeah, I'm kind of confused as well... I think bright's going off story-line now.

No, I mean why would he try war droids again? Honestly, the man learns from mistakes and never tries the same thing twice.

...alright. I think the first time he just blew Sevasht up.

Oh, right. Stupid medical revive probes...


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