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Spoiler Warning: Sith Warrior Sevasht Warwiggins (3SWar)


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For quite some time I've had images of a three(ish)-panel comic for a warrior that turned out differently from all my fic and gameplay ones. So now I present Sevasht Warwiggins, sorta kinda sometimes LS...well, mostly grey...Sith Warrior! This unassuming Sith Pureblood finds himself dropped into the action in the Warrior story near the end of Korriban. I think I'll present most of these as descriptions of comic descriptions because I'm too lazy to rewrite old notes and because I'm curious about the format.


(NEW: A PDF with the entire 3SWar run is now available for download!)



An office on Korriban. Sevasht, Vette, and Lord Baras present.

Baras: Apprentice! Your training at the Sith Academy is at an end. I grant this Twi’lek slave as a gift for you.

- frame -

Sevasht: Vette. Aren’t you the convict they sent to help me find the Secret Saber of Aaugh?

Vette: Yup.

Sevasht: Didn’t you mouth off until I buried you under two tons of rock in a tomb half a mile beneath the surface?

Vette: Yup.

- frame -

Vette: You did a lousy job, it took me about ten minutes to get out.

Sevasht: Lord Baras...


Sevasht, resignedly: Yes, master.

Vette beams.



A sunbaked shuttle pad on Korriban. Sevasht, Vette, and Lord Baras present.

Baras: The time has come, apprentice. We must proceed to Dromund Kaas to begin your true work in my service.

- A huge blinged-out yacht lands. A ramp extends in a puff of steam and possibly a strain of music. -

Baras: Until then, luxury and and properly stocked bar await.

- frame: Baras on ramp, turning back to toss a tiny cred stick -

Baras: This should cover the taxi. Meet you there.

- frame: Ship zooms off. -




A sunbaked shuttle pad on Korriban. Sevasht, Vette, and a couple of Sith guardsmen present.

Text overlay: Waiting for the Dromund Kaas shuttle...

Vette: So when do you get a second lightsaber?

Sevasht: What?

- frame -

Vette: You've spent the last hour making vwooping noises and waving two imaginary lightsabers. I only helped you steal one. What gives?

Sevasht: I'll get the other one soon. It'll be a level before I can use it.

- frame: a nearby guard is suddenly brandishing a weapon in a startled Sevasht's direction. -

Nearby Guard: THAT'S A SECRET.

Sevasht: !! sorry

Vette: 'Level'?

Sevasht: Uh, nothing. Never mind.




On board a shuttle. Sevasht is rifling through some cabinets.

Vette: So, uh, master.

Sevasht: Please. Sev to my friends.

Vette: I'm not really your friend so much as your slave.

Sevasht: Whatever. What's up?

Vette: If you do want to be friends, maybe we could start by taking my collar off?

- frame. Sevasht blinks. -

Sevasht: No.

Vette: Come on. Pretty please?

Sevasht: You're the first slave I've ever had. All the other kids at school had slaves, but not me. I'm not giving you up now just because you're a person or whatever.

- Sevasht frowns at the cabinets. -

Sevasht: There is nothing to eat here. I'll order Tionese when we hit Dromund Kaas. Want anything?

Vette: Freedom?

Sevasht: Nuh-uh. Want anything fifty credits or less?

Vette sulks.




Dromund Kaas spaceport. Shuttle coming in.

- Frame: Sevasht and Vette exiting. -

Sevasht : Home sweet home.

Vette: You’re from around here?

Sevasht : Yeah, Kaas City born an' bred.

- Frame: Hangar, armed guards, a few miserable-looking slaves, one guy on his knees being menaced by uniformed thugs. Dramatic lightning outside the window. -

Vette: That explains a few things.











A hangar near Kaas City. Sevasht and Vette approach a shuttle and the soldiers surrounding it.

Sevasht: Your bad*** delivery boy is here to pick up...uh...something. Baras was being dramatically vague.

The soldiers wrestle out a tremendous carbonite slab. It's roughly half again Sevasht's height and also twice his width. -

Vette, arms akimbo, looking up at the frozen man: Welp. Have fun lifting that one.




A hangar near Kaas City. Sevasht, Vette, soldiers, a ship, and a huge carbonite block sit in the middle. Two parties start walking in from opposite sides.

Goon One, a sketchy human: Not so fast. My master wants that block of ice.

Goon Two, a Houk: Too bad for you. It mine.

Sevasht. Wrong and wrong, guys.

Goon Two: Me kill you both.

Sevasht: Whoa, whoa, not necessary. Rock paper scissors?

- Goons One and Two glare at Sevasht. -




A hangar crowded by a shuttle, some useless soldiers, Goon One and his cronies, Goon Two and his cronies, plus Vette and Sevasht. -

Goon Two: Me kill, take carbon block.

Sevasht, facepalming: Any killing today will be by me, of you, so I can feast on your remains. I haven't eaten yet and I'm in a hell of a bad mood.

- frame: Goons One and Two look at each other. Sevasht, visible between them, looks ferocious. -

- frame: Twin puffs of dust and streaks in opposite directions as the goons flee. Sevasht looks satisfied in the middle. -

Sevasht: I love it when that works.

Vette: ...When the threat works. Right? Just the threat?

Sevasht: Yeah, sure. So! Lunch?





A rainy clearing in the jungles of Dromund Kaas. Sevasht and Vette face a small knot of civilians.

Text overlay: Another task for Baras...

Sevasht: Hey, slave-overseer-guy? Rebellion ringmaster?

Ringmaster: That's me. You here to crush us? You'd be the twelfth guy today.

Sevasht: Nah, I just want you to stop blackmailing Lord Baras. He paid you guys to make trouble for his rivals and now you're threatening to tell?

Ringmaster: Yeah. Honestly, we'd be rebelling anyway.

- Frame: The cold face of the Unfinished Colossus. -

Ringmaster: That over there, it's supposed to be Darth Vowrawn. Commissioned by his disciple Lord Qet to suck up. But it's an artistic travesty. It doesn't look a thing like him.

Sevasht: Darth who?

Ringmaster: You don't know who Darth Vowrawn is?

Sevasht: Wait, let me check my codex.

Frame: Back with Sevasht and co. Sevasht has his holo out. Ringmaster is leaning in looking enraged.

Ringmaster: THAT'S A SECRET.

Vette: Huh?

Ringmaster: NOTHING. Vowrawn's a Dark Council guy who doesn't look like that. gestures Let's move along.




Sevasht and Vette stand before the slave rebellion ringmaster in the rainy jungle.

Sevasht: So I'm supposed to kill you all if you don't ease up on Baras, you know, stop threatening to reveal his involvement.

Ringmaster: Huh.

Sevasht: Actually I'm supposed to kill you all anyway.

Ringmaster: ...Easing up on him sounds good. We'll do that.

Sevasht: Thought so. Have fun butchering Darth Vowrawn's visage.

Ringmaster: Refusing to butcher Darth Vowrawn's visage.

Sevasht: Right, that. Bye!



Edited by bright_ephemera
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Continuing Dromund Kaas...




Lord Grathan's estate. A garishly decorated room. Sevasht, Vette, Lady Grathan, and Beelzlit Grathan present. Sevasht is just deactivating his saber as he leaves a fallen guard.

Lady Grathan: Sevasht! I haven’t seen you in ages! How’s your mother?

Sevasht: Doing well, thanks. And yourself? And - your sneaky son, Beelzlit, isn’t it?

Lady Grathan: We're fine, thank you.

Vette: Beelzlit? And I thought "Warwiggins" was bad...

Beelzlit: Wow, he looks like a complete twerp in person, Mother.

Sevasht: I’m, uh, here to kill you.

Beelzlit: Mother! I'm supposed to get first strike!

Lady Grathan: Looks like he studied harder, Beelzlit. I can't do all your homework for you, you know.




Temporarily skipping the Dark Temple because I'm lazy.




A chamber in the Citadel. Lord Baras is lecturing Sevasht and Vette.

Baras: So the spy you brought me has revealed that my old nemesis Nomen Karr has a new weapon, a padawan who can read anyone’s true nature.

Sevasht: That’s easy anyway. On everybody’s permanent record is this blue/red bar that -


Sevasht: Oh.

Baras: She can do it in-character.

Vette: What?

Baras: It's Sith stuff.

Sevasht: Yes, Sith stuff.

Baras: She must be stopped.




Baras's office. Baras, Sevasht, and Vette present.

Baras: Very well. Your mission awaits. I have acquired for you a ship.

- Frame: Spaceport, by the Fury. Sevasht and Vette present; Sevasht is touching an earpiece. -

Sevasht: Wow, master! Thanks!

Baras, via crackly earpiece: You're paying the insurance, child. Don't make me regret this.









- Frame: Balmorra. Vette and Sevasht are mounting the steps outside a Sobrik building. -

Sevasht: This it?

Vette: Yup. Lieutenant Quinn’s office.

- Frame: Interior. Some guy across the room is lifting another guy by the front of his shirt. Quinn's ranting can be heard from here -

Quinn: I could shoot you dead with a clear conscience. Is that what you want?

Victim: N-no, sir!

Quinn: Then focus!

- Frame: Quinn faces Sevasht and Vette. Quinn's right arm is busy flinging his victim off page. -

Quinn: Dismissed. - My lord. I'm Lieutenant Malavai Quinn. I'm to be your liaison here on Balmorra.

Sevasht, pointing: There’s still some froth on your chin, Lieutenant.

Quinn: Ah. Apologies. The frothing helps sometimes.

- Frame: Sevasht and Vette exchange looks. -

Quinn, hastily: Anyway. Moving on.




Quinn: Your next target is the Balmorran Arms Factory.

Sevasht: All right. Details?


Sevasht: ...um. I believe Baras wanted one specific commander dead?


Sevasht: It’s a rather expensive installation to be blowing up, Lieuten -


Sevasht, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring: If you’re so keen on mass destruction maybe you should come do the legwork.

Quinn, meekly: ...I’m sure whatever my lord thinks best will suffice.




Deep in the Balmorran Arms Factory, an open room with Sevasht, Vette, Commander Rylon, and a few corpses.

Commander Rylon: Baras will come for you, too, someday.

Sevasht: Yeah, I know. I still have to do the plot as written.

Commander Rylon: THAT'S A SECRET.

Sevasht: Hey, you know OOC rules, don't lecture me for having to follow them!

Commander Rylon: Stop talking, you idiot!

Vette: Huh?

Commander Rylon and Sevasht: Nothing.




Sevasht strikes Commander Rylon down. A holo beeps.

- frame: Sevasht answers the holo. Quinn appears. -

Quinn: My lord, what was that 'plot limitation' talk all about?

Sevasht: Nothing. News for me?

Quinn: Yes. A Jedi spy saw everything and is en route to the spaceport to escape as we speak. Thought you might like to know.

Sevasht: Huh. Can you arrange transport pickup for me?

Quinn: ...

- frame: Quinn hangs up, leaving Sevasht and Vette staring at an inactive holo. -

Vette: We've got a real winner here.

Sevasht: So. We walk. Uh, really fast.




A spaceport hangar on Balmorra. Sevasht stands, saber drawn, before a wounded Jedi.

Wounded Jedi: You're too late. My report was sent. The padawan will be warned.

- frame: Quinn entering from a side door, smirking. -

Quinn: I'm sorry to burst your bubble, Jedi. ...no, that's a lie. I'm reveling in it.

- larger frame. Sevasht and Vette exchange looks. Quinn continues 'monologue monologue' running in the background. A huge Imperial flag inexplicably ripples on the back wall. -

- frame: Returning to a focus on the party. -

Quinn: ...so I stopped the transmission. The Jedi know nothing.

Sevasht: Are you quite done?

Quinn, pleased: Yes, my lord.

Vette: I think he wants a pat on the head.

Sevasht: For what? Turning off the transmitter while I was sprinting cross-planet to duel a Jedi Knight?

Quinn: I turned it off strategically, my lord.

Vette: Strategic turnoffs: probably a specialty of his.

Sevasht: Hmph. Nice job, Quinn, but earn your own monologue next time.




A spaceport hangar on Balmorra. Sevasht, Quinn, and Vette surround a wounded Jedi.

Sevasht: And now, Jedi, you're under arrest.

Quinn: May we kill her, my lord?

Sevasht: No.

Quinn: The Jedi is a menace so long as -

Sevasht: No.

Quinn: Please? It’ll only be a -

Sevasht: Heel, Quinn.

Quinn steps to just behind Sevasht's side and sulks.




A different hangar - the Fury's hangar - on Balmorra. Quinn blocks Sevasht and Vette's path.

Vette: Let's...move on...?

Quinn: I wish to come with you, my lord.

Sevasht: No, thanks.

Quinn: Please? You were great with that mission. And, and you did earn monologue time with the Jedi. I apologize for talking over that.

Sevasht: I'm not hiring.

Vette: He's not even paying his current staff.

- frame: Quinn goes down on one knee. -

Quinn: Pleasey pleasey pleasey pretty please?

Sevasht and Vette exchange looks.




The Fury's hangar on Balmorra. Quinn is down on one knee before Sevasht and Vette.

Quinn: ...and I'll cook and clean and do laundry and strike fear into the hearts of your enemies...

- Frame as Sevasht and Vette exchange looks; Quinn's babbling continues to run in the background. -

Quinn: and file your taxes and change the oil and shoot anything that looks at you funny and...

Sevasht: So, uh, you want to work for me?

Quinn: YES.

- Sevasht and Vette exchange looks again. -

Sevasht: All right. A few ground rules. First, no frothing on the carpet.

Quinn: Er, yes, my lord.

Sevasht: Don't shoot things 'til I tell you to.

Quinn: Yes, my lord.

Sevasht: My word goes. If I say no flaming wreckage, no flaming wreckage.

Quinn: Yes, my lord.

- frame -

Sevasht: Oh, and the Twi'lek outranks you.

Vette: !

Quinn, sweating: Yes, my lord.

Sevasht: Very good. Go on inside, make yourself at home.

- Sevasht and Vette watch him go. -

Sevasht: Well, that's not suspicious or anything.

Vette: This is gonna be hi-larious.



Edited by bright_ephemera
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Sevasht: Oh, and the Twi'lek outranks you.

Vette: !

Quinn, sweating: Yes, my lord.

Sevasht: Very good. Go on inside, make yourself at home.

- Sevasht and Vette watch him go. -

Sevasht: Well, that's not suspicious or anything.

Vette: This is gonna be hi-larious.



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[rolling on the floor looking for her inhaler]

...[hiding it behind his back]

So funny... can't breathe...

You can talk well for someone who can't breathe...

[laughing] F**k you, Quinn.

[grumbles and hits her in the face with her inhaler]

[laughs uncontrollably]


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Sevasht: Heel, Quinn.

Quinn steps to just behind Sevasht's side and sulks.


Quinn: Pleasey pleasey pleasey pretty please?

Sevasht and Vette exchange looks.


Sevasht: All right. A few ground rules. First, no frothing on the carpet.


There are days I'm very glad I work in a quiet empty space. That way I don't get weird looks when I start laughing hysterically for minutes on end.

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I forgot some critically important characterization between Dromund Kaas and Balmorra!!


- On board the Fury. Vette sits opposite Sevasht, propping her elbows on the table and her chin on her elbows. -

Vette: So. Warwiggins.

- frame: Sevasht looks wary. -

Sevasht: Yes.

Vette: Very nice name.

Sevasht. It's a good one, yeah. ...Move along.

- frame: Vette's smile widens. -

Vette: Oh, no. It's just so pretty.

Sevasht: Drop it, Vette.

Vette: Or you'll, what, declare wigginswar on me? Wig the war right outta me? Wiggety wig 'til I stop?

Sevasht: It means 'Killing annoying Twi'leks' in the ancient Sith tongue, y'know.

Vette: Wig wig wigginsy warwig

Sevasht: I'm burying you alive again.



- Spaceport on Balmorra. Vette and Sevasht are walking through. -

Vette: Sooo, my lord. I was useful on Dromund Kaas, right?

Sevasht: Yeah, sure. You only hit me in the back once or twice in combat.

Vette: I'm great. So how about you take off this collar? Out of gratitude?

Sevasht: ...

Sevasht: You've spent the last six hours chanting mocking variations on my name.

Vette: I don't see what that has to do with anything.

Sevasht: You're staying a slave. Jerk.

Vette: Jerkwiggins.

- Vette sulks. -



Fast forward: Balmorra is done! Moving on!


- The Fury's holoterminal room. Baras is briefing Sevasht, Quinn, and Vette. -

Baras: Apprentice. Next you will eliminate a spy on Nar Shaddaa before the padawan can reveal him.

Sevasht: I don't suppose he could just go someplace safe.

Baras: It's too risky. Besides, I like killing my agents.

Sevasht: ...

Baras: I'm sure I don't know what you're disapproving of. Go on, we'll talk when you arrive.



- On the Fury, in orbit over Nar Shaddaa: Vette approaches Sevasht. -

Vette: So, you said I outrank the captain?

Sevasht: You do.

- Vette touches her collar. -

Vette: I figure that means I've been promoted past slave. Right?

Sevasht: Wrong.

- Vette sulks.-



- The Fury's holoterminal room. Baras is briefing Sevasht, Quinn, and Vette. -

Baras: Nar Shaddaa. My agent Dellocon is under the protection of Lord Rathari, who has beaten me at pazaak one too many times.

Sevasht: What?

Baras: Um...I mean he is a dangerous Sith who needs killing.

- frame. Baras gestures threateningly. -

Baras: Kill him and everything he loves in addition to Dellocon. For the good of the Empire.

Vette: Well, that sounds legit.

Baras: You can kill the Twi'lek, too.

Vette: Fine, fine, we'll go.



- An office on Nar Shaddaa. Sevasht and co. walk in to find three men facing down a red-haired woman. -

Thug 1: The Exchange is movin' in, darlin', and that's that.

Sevasht: I think not.

- Sevasht stands between the redhead and the thugs. -

Sevasht: You can back off or you can get acquainted with my lightsaber, brutes.

- The Exchange thugs flee. -

- Sevasht turns to the redhead. -

Sevasht: So, you're my contact and they're anti-Baras, right? Because if I got that backwards this is going to be really embarrassing.



- Halidrell's office. Halidrell, Sevasht and co. present. -

Halidrell: Rathari's hard to find. But if you like storming in spewing threats like you just did, we'll just point you at Rathari's next business deal. Disrupting that will draw him out.

Sevasht: Draw him out? Isn't he in the phone book or something?

Halidrell: His listed holofrequency only gets you his secretary. You'd rather be massacring his business empire than talking to her, believe me.



- Halidrell's office. Halidrell, Sevasht and co. present. -

Halidrell: Maybe after we've won this, we could get to know each other better?

Sevasht: Um...uh...

Vette: Nah, he's too scared.

Sevasht: Am not! I'd love to see you after, Halidrell. - So there, Vette.

- Vette and Sevasht walking away. Vette is stifling a giggle. -

Sevasht: I wasn't going to do that.

Vette: I know.

Sevasht: You're a monster.



- A lavish room on Nar Shaddaa. Two Hutts watch Sevasht and co. walk in to face the apprentice Girik. -

Sevasht: You can back off or you can get acquainted with my lightsaber, brutes.

Vette: Hsst! Brute, singular.

Sevasht: Er, yes. Brute.

Vette: Adjust the speech to the situation, moron.

Sevasht: Hey. I'm the Sith. Shut up.



- A lavish room on Nar Shaddaa. Two Hutts face Girik and Sevasht and co. -

Ybann: Who are you?

Qitakka: We're a little busy here.

Ybann: Wait, he looks rich.

- frame: Qitakka looks down at Vette. -

Qitakka: Rich? Bah. His slave looks cheap.

Vette: Hey!

Sevasht: My master's wealth is, uh, elsewhere. But there's lots, so you should side with him, not Rathari.

Qitakaa: Our spies say Baras and Rathari are equal business. So! Tiebreaker blood sport?

Ybann: Tiebreaker blood sport.

Sevasht, drawing his lightsaber: Fine.


- Halidrell's office. Halidrell, Sevasht and co. present. -

Halidrell: Our next move is to block his offensive against Republic territory. Stop his men in this district.

Sevasht: Won't that mean fighting fellow Imperials?

Halidrell: Rathari's Imperials.

Sevasht: I can deal, but...Captain Empire? Will this be a problem?

Quinn: I'm not so much Captain Empire as Captain The Sith In The Best Position To Kill Me, Also The Empire, my lord. I'm in.

Vette: Huh. Disgusting, yet surprisingly sensible.


- A battle scene on Nar Shaddaa. An Imperial officer confronts Sevasht & co. -

General Kligon: You're Imperials! How dare you attack us? This infighting is unconscionable!

Imperial Grunt: Sir? This one's Baras's apprentice.

General Kligon: Right, then. Kill 'em, boys.

- Ludicrous gun/saber fight ensues. –



- A battle scene on Nar Shaddaa. An Republic officer walks by an Imp-uniformed corpse toward Sevasht & co. –

Commander Naughlen: …Did I miss a memo somewhere, Sith?

Sevasht: Nah, you and I are still enemies.

Commander Naughlen. I…I see. Can our guys just, uh, go?

Sevasht: Uh, I should probably…

Vette: You can go. But you owe us a favor now.

Sevasht: Yeah, that.

- walking away -

Sevasht: A favor?

Vette: Never a bad time to claim somebody owes you.



- frame: A large warehouse. A circle of Rakata are seated around a glowing, floating device. –

Text overlay: A side quest deep in the Industrial District…

Rakata 1: The Revan left us the device that feeds us all. It can create anything.

Rakata 2: You may take a piece for your Empire. It will grow great someday.

- frame: Sevasht looks down at the little piece of the Infinite Engine. –

Sevasht: Anything, huh?

Rataka 1: In time. As it grows.

Sevasht: How long 'til it can make cookies?

- frame: The Rakata look at each other. –

Rakata 1: *blink blink*

Rakata 2: We do not know.

Rakata 1: The Revan always baked them from scratch.

- frame: Sevasht snaps the infinite scrap in half. –

Sevasht: I'll keep half for myself, test it out. Thanks, guys!

Rakatans: Bye!



- Halidrell's office. -

Sevasht: Hey, holomessage!

Rathari's holoimage: Please come to my trap by yourself. We will duel honorably there.

- frame: Sevasht pulls out his holocommunicator to reach Commander Naughlen. -

Sevasht: Hey, want to come to a trap?

Commander Naughlen: Usually not, no.

Sevasht: It's a Sith Lord. We can beat him up together.

Commander Naughlen: …

- A rooftop in Nar Shaddaa. Rathari, Dellocon, and mooks face Sevasht & co. -

Rathari, crestfallen: I was hoping you'd be dumb enough to come alone.



Sevasht: Sorry, Dellocon. I have to kill you now.

Dellocon: No! I served Baras well! I will not be thrown away!

Sevasht: I sympathize. Baras is being a jerk here. I'd fight back too, honestly.

Quinn: Am I the only person here willing to maintain my honor to the death?

- Sevasht and Dellocon look at him blankly. –

Sevasht and Dellocon: Yes.



Rathari: Dellocon's my tool now, not yours.

Sevasht: I got tools, too. Lots of them.

Vette: Also a sassy sidekick.

- frame: Sevasht glares down at Vette. -

Sevasht: Tool.

- frame: The rooftop and all the ready combatants. -

Sevasht: So let's just fight.




- A crowded rooftop. The battle between Republic solders, Rathari's goons, and Sevasht & co. is winding down -

Rathari, wounded: Hold on! Hold on! I'll be nice! Here, as a goodwill gesture for your master –

- frame: Rathari kills Dellocon. –

Vette: That wasn't a goodwill gesture! That was stabbing a guy to death!

Sevasht: Sith. It counts.

Rathari: There. The agent you wanted dead is dead.

Sevasht: Yeah. How about none of us ever talks to each other again?

Commander Naughlen: Works for me.

Rathari: Yeah, there's enough awkward here. Bye.

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Vette: Or you'll, what, declare wigginswar on me? Wig the war right outta me? Wiggety wig 'til I stop?

Sevasht: It means 'Killing annoying Twi'leks' in the ancient Sith tongue, y'know.

Vette: Wig wig wigginsy warwig

Sevasht: I'm burying you alive again.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Classic Vette! I only hope I do half as well capturing her playfulness.

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Sevasht: How long 'til it can make cookies?

- frame: The Rakata look at each other. –

Rakata 1: *blink blink*

Rakata 2: We do not know.

Rakata 1: The Revan always baked them from scratch.



My husband has stopped wondering why I burst into sudden fits of giggles, he still thinks I'm weird though :)

Edited by kabeone
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- The Fury. Baras is on the holo, briefing Sevasht & co.

Baras: Excellent work, apprentice. Now we can turn our attention to Nomen Karr and his padawan.

Baras: Your ship is being tracked by a sophisticated sensor not of our design. It must be Nomen Karr's.

Sevasht: Uh, how did you know what crazy tech is hidden out of sight aboard my ship before I did?

- frame: Sevasht and Vette look at Quinn. Quinn shrugs, looking innocent. -

Baras: Lucky guess.

Baras: Go to the space station it sends its reports to. Crush Nomen Karr and his servants.

Quinn: And do stop looking at me like that, Vette.



- A mysterious space station. A technician faces a holoimage. -

Nomen Karr's holoimage: What's troubling you?

Technician: Well, I'm working a job that's pissing off one of the most notoriously vicious Sith in the galaxy, and his apprentice is right, uh, here.

Nomen Karr: Calm your fear, Hirosho.

- Sevasht & co. enter. -

Sevasht: No, no, fear is appropriate.

Nomen Karr: Hi, Sevasht.

Sevasht: Uh, what?

Nomen Karr: Baras and I have been stalking each other forever. I know all about you.

Vette: Creepy.

Sevasht: If you know all about me, then…fair's fair, you should tell us all about your padawan.

Nomen Karr: …………no.

Sevasht: It was worth a shot.



- The Fury in orbit over Tatooine. Vette approaches Sevasht. -

Vette: Hey, before we make landfall...

Vette: I've been on extra good behavior.

Sevasht: I noticed you were intentionally annoying me a few minutes less per day.

Vette: So you can take my slave collar off now, right?

Sevasht: No.

Vette: C'mon, what's it take?



- The Fury in orbit over Tatooine. Baras briefs Sevasht & co. Sevasht is drinking a smoothie. -

Baras: Now. This shadowy war of subtleties must continue.

Baras: Kill everyone the padawan loves 'til she comes out.

Sevasht chokes and spits the smoothie out. -

Sevasht: That's subtlety?

Baras: We do not have enough planet-killers for the direct approach.

Baras vanishes.

Sevasht: This is horrible.

Vette: Not gonna argue.

Quinn: *cough*FORTHEEMPIRE*cough*

- Vette and Sevasht stare. -

Quinn: Er, let's go, my lord.



- Sharack, the old man Izzebowe, and Sevasht & co. consult. -

Sharack: Here is a wise man who may help us. Izzebow, this is Lord Baras's apprentice.

Izzebowe: You seek the padawan who passed through. To find her you must seek the enlightening blood ritual she tried, and follow its trail.

Sevasht: Blood ritual?

Izzebowe: Yup.

Sevasht: There's no other way? Holocall? Aerial surveillance? Minimap tracking?

- Frame: Sharack drops into a fetal position and whimpers. -

Izzebowe: THAT'S A SECRET. She saw it once and it almost snapped her mind.

Sevasht: Oh! Sorry. I didn't know.

Izzebowe: The ritual is the only way to get your answers.

Sevasht: The only way in-character.

Izzebowe: Just go with it.



- A walled hollow in the desert. Sevasht & co. along with Sharack face a large insectoid creature. -

Text overlay: The ritual demands the blood of the legendary sand demon.

- frame: Sevasht and the demon stare at each other. -

- frame: Sevasht and the demon stare at each other. -

- frame: The demon falls over. -

Vette: Huh. That was easy.

- frame: The demon's shell shifts and leaks blood. -

Sevasht: …I broke it. Oh, Force, I broke it. What do we do?

Quinn: Bathe in its blood.

Sevasht:…You are a frightening man.

Quinn: Perhaps, my lord, but I'm right.



- A different desert valley. A round green pond is at one end; Sevasht & co. along with Sharack approach. -

Text overlay: The stink of the demon blood keeps the natives away as Sevasht investigates…

- Sevasht faces the water. -

Sevasht: Um. Hello?

- A SHADOW IMAGE of Sevasht appears in a puff of smoke. -

Shadow Sevasht: You. I'm your darker and cooler aspect.

Sevasht: But…I kinda like peace and kindness where possible.

Shadow Sevasht: Tough. You don't get info until you defeat me, you gormless prat.

Sevasht: Beatings for spiritual enlightenment?

- Shadow Sevasht smiles. -

Shadow Sevasht: The Sith way.




- The valley of visions. Sevasht has Shadow Sevasht by the back of the head and is slamming him repeatedly to the ground. -

Sevasht: Light side is better! SAY IT! Light Side is better!

Shadow Sevasht: aaa sss haagh

- frame: Sevasht standing up. -

Sevasht: That’s more like it. Okay, now what?

Shadow Sevasht, rolling over: Haa ggguusoo aahoo.

Sharack: He was supposed to give you insight on how to continue.

- frame: Sevasht stoops to pick up a tooth from the ground. -

Sevasht: Oh. Oops.

- frame. Shadow Sevasht is lying in a shapeless heap at everyone's feet. -

Vette: At least you showed up that mean ol’ Dark Side.



- The valley of visions. Sevasht is stooping to hand Shadow Sevasht a datapad. -

Sevasht: Just type directions here.

- frame: Sevasht reads. -

Sevasht: The padawan passed the Forbidden Canyon.

- frame: Sharack looks terrified. -

Sharack: The Forbidden Canyon? But that's forbidden!

Sevasht: Yeah, I got that. How do I get through?

Sharack: Hell if I know. The road there…it's…mi-minimap…no don't go

Sevasht: Oh. That's where you saw…I understand.

Quinn and Vette: You do?

Sevasht: Nothing. Let's go, guys.



- A hut deep in the Dune Sea. Master Yonlach faces Sevasht & co. -

Master Yonlach: You will never reach Jaesa to harm her.

Sevasht: Jaesa, huh?

Master Yonlach: …We must speak freely here.

- frame: Master Yonlach waves his hand. Vette and Quinn collapse. -

Sevasht: Hax!

Master Yonlach: Maybe. I was saying, only narrative requirements made me spill Jaesa Wilsaam's true name. I'm not usually that dumb, I swear.

Sevasht: That knockout would render half my quests trivial. Teach me?

Master Yonlach: You know the law. No cross-class ability training.

Sevasht: Dammit.



- The desert hut. Master Yonlach has fallen over. -

Master Yonlach: zzzzz

- Sevasht hurries to Vette's side. -

Sevasht: Vette. Vette? You okay? Vette!

- frame: Sevasht looks panicked. -

Sevasht: Would the shock collar help jolt her back to –

Vette, jerking upright: NO!

- frame: Sevasht hugs an extremely startled-looking Vette. -

Sevasht: Yonlach sent the call I asked for. Let's go home.

- frame: Zoom out to include a very unconscious Quinn. -

Vette: Uh, the captain…?

Sevasht: Oh. Right, him too.



- The Tatooine spaceport. Sevasht & co. face Sharack. -

Sevasht: Thanks for the tips, Sharack.

Sharack: My cowardice about the Forbidden Canyon shames me.

Sevasht: *idea icon*

- frame: Sevasht takes Sharack's shoulders. -

Sevasht: Sharack, the minimap was a dream. A desert mirage. There's nothing to be afraid of.

Sharack: Really? I…thank you! I feel better!

- frame: Sevasht stepping onto his ship. -

Sevasht: World's easiest 50 LS points.

Quinn: My lord?

Sevasht: Nothing. Let's go.

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- The Fury. Vette confronts Sevasht while Quinn observes in the background. -

Vette: So! Master. Since I was really great back there...

Sevasht: You made loud gagging noises at the demon I subdued, then passed out during my big confrontation. Exactly how were you great?

Vette: You tell me. You seemed pretty freaked out when I was hurt.

Sevasht: Not freeing you, Vette.

Quinn: *snrk*

- frame: Sevasht walks off. Vette scowls at Quinn. -

Vette: Something funny, captain?

Quinn: Your suffering.

Vette: Psht. Get me a sandwich.



- The Fury. Baras is briefing Sevasht & co. -

Baras: Next up you'll murder Jaesa's parents. First you'll have to terrify our contact, Duke Kendoh, into submission.

Sevasht: Is there anybody on this planet I'm not supposed to kill or terrify into submission?

Baras: Nope. Have at it, kid.



- Alderaan. House Kendoh: Sevasht & co. enter a room with Duke Kendoh and a big Sith. -

Duke Kendoh: Buzz off. I'm being awesome.

Sevasht: I seriously doubt that.

Duke Kendoh: Baras can't boss me around anymore. I have my own pet Sith. Hey, pet Sith! Kill him!

FimmRess: You are a funny little man.

- frame: FimmRess waves at Sevasht. -

FimmRess: Hi. I'm a big fan of yours.

Duke Kendoh: …That was unexpected.

- frame: Sevasht smiles. -



- House Kendoh. -

Duke Kendoh: So, this Jaesa Wilsaam. I have a lead, I think. She used to work for Lady Renata Alde. Her guard is…a bit much for us to deal with. Once you have your answers, deliver her here. Heh, heh.

Sevasht: Was that a wave of slime? I think that was a wave of slime.

Duke Kendoh: You'll still do it, right?

Sevasht: No. Leaving now.



- House Alde. Sevasht & co. enter to face Lady Renata and her bodyguard. -

Sevasht: Bodyguard, huh?

Windredd: Yes. I will kill you.

Sevasht: How about we talk about thi-

- frame: Windredd charges. -

- frame: Sevasht runs him through. -

Sevasht: Next?



- House Alde. Sevasht & co. face Lady Renata. -

Renata: Is "please don't hurt me" going to cut it?

Sevasht: Yeah.

Renata: Oh, good.

Sevasht: Can I ask about your old servant Jaesa Wilsaam?

Renata: Huh? She never worked for me. She worked for Gesselle Organa. Kendoh pretty much sent you here to off my bodyguard so he can have his way with me.

Sevasht: Gross. Really? I was afraid of that.

- frame: Kendoh's guards come in. -

FimmRess: We'll take her now.

Vette: The creepiness factor, it rises.

- frame: Sevasht stands between Renata and Kendoh's people. -

Sevasht: Guys. Seriously. If Kendoh's that hard up for a girlfriend I'll buy him a doll.



- House Kendoh. Sevasht & co face Duke Kendoh. -

Duke Kendoh: I am most disappointed you didn't –

- frame: Sevasht punches Kendoh in the face. WHUNK -

Duke Kendoh: Ow! What was that –


Sevasht: What was that? I can't hear you over the sound of what a douchebag you are. If you weren't my sole questgiver…


- frame: Sevasht angrily backs off. -

FimmRess: But for what it's worth, you have a point.



- House Kendoh. Sevasht & co face Duke Kendoh. -

Duke Kendoh: So. Finding Gesselle Organa? She's a brilliant enemy general surrounded by an army in an impenetrably shielded fortress.

Sevasht: So, deathtrap. That just screams "Renata completely made this information up to serve her purpose."

Duke Kendoh: Yes, that is what I would do.

Sevasht: It is what you did.

Duke Kendoh: Oh. Right.



General Organa's bunker. Sevasht & co. face Organa and her officers. -

General Organa: You want information from me? First you'll have to do me a favor.

Sevasht: …what?

General Organa: I'm not going to cooperate unless you're helpful first.

Sevasht: I just wrecked your "impenetrable" fortress and killed half your army. What part of this says "errand boy"?

General Organa: Look, I'm the questgiver he-


General Organa: Hmph. Fine.



- House Organa. Sevasht & co face Jaesa's parents and a Jedi. -

Gregor Wilsaam: Wh-what do you want from us?

Sevasht: Well, I have two options.

Sevasht: One, I let you live. I send you to Dromund Kaas and my master so he can do…whatever he does…to get Jaesa's attention.

Sevasht: Two, and this is somehow more evil, I just kill you.

Parvin Wilsaam: Dromund Kaas?

Gregor Wilsaam: For Sith hospitality?

Sevasht: Yeah. Sorry.

Parvin and Gregor Wilsaam: We'll take option B.



- House Organa. Baras calls Sevasht. -

Baras: Apprentice. Duke Kendoh tells me you've been slacking off.

Sevasht: What? Me? No! He's a dirty liar!

Baras: Good.

- frame: The holocall ends. -

Sevasht: Vette, if he actually believes we spent most of last night down at the cantina taking the mechanical nerf challenge, I'm blaming you.

Vette: Hey! That was your idea!

Sevasht: You're a dirty liar, too.



- House Kendoh. Sevasht punches Duke Kendoh again. -

Sevasht: And that's for trying to turn my boss against me.

- frame: Sevasht turns to leave. -

Sevasht: Scumbag.

Quinn: My lord…we're not going to let him go free, are we?

Sevasht: You care?

Quinn: He should die, my lord. He is a disloyal servant of the Empire.

Sevasht: He's not a servant of the Empire. He's a neutral-planet civilian we've been strongarming into obedience.

Quinn: That's no excuse for being a bad servant of the Empire.

Vette, jerking a thumb at Quinn: This is the guy who once tried to bring an asteroid up on charges of treason for colliding with a star destroyer.

- frame: Quinn scowls and Sevasht stares at Vette. -

Vette: Just saying, Quinny, your permanent record is some of the funniest reading I've ever had.

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A short post as we approach the end of Act 1 (and the beginning of a bit of an experiment on the writer's part):





- The Fury. Vette approaches Sevasht. -

Vette: Sooo…Sevasht…

Sevasht: I'm not freeing you, Vette.

Vette: You're not even enslaving me right. You never shock me, I get to make Quinn do all the housework…so just make it official and ditch the collar!

Sevasht: I have no other reliable means of annoying you. This is revenge, lady.

Vette: …I'm sorry for addressing you as "my lord Wiggety" in public for most of the last three months?

Sevasht: Too little, too late.





- The Fury. Quinn approaches Sevasht. -

Quinn: My lord. Back when I was somebody, I was tracking a destructive SIS agent. My superiors never got around to catching him…but I have picked up his scent. I must go bring him down.

Sevasht: *blink blink*

Sevasht: This is what you do in your spare time?

- frame: Vette enters. -

Vette: Quinn, the dishes aren't going to do themselves.

Sevasht: Do the dishes, then you can hunt down your old grudge match.

Quinn: I did the dishes an hour ago!

Vette: Really? Because they're all cake-smudged now.

- frame: Quinn glares at Vette. Vette smiles innocently. -

Quinn: Dishes. Then revenge.

- frame: Quinn leans in on Vette. -

Quinn: …Then revenge.





- The Fury. The crew stands around the holo. -

Quinn: My lord, a recorded message…

Jaesa's holo image: Hey, Sevasht. Nomen Karr keeps saying "Don't worry, Jaesa, the apprentice will run out of your loved ones eventually and then you're home free."

Jaesa: Screw that.

Jaesa: Let's talk, okay? Come to these coordinates.

- frame: The holo image vanishes. -

Sevasht: Trap?

Quinn: Trap.

Vette: Maybe not a trap?

Sevasht and Quinn: …

Vette: Hey, you guys could use a dissenting opinion from time to time.





- A strange space station. Two Jedi confront Sevasht & co. -

Text overlay: At the meeting coordinates…

Sevasht: See, Vette? Trap. Pay up.

Vette: Darn it.

Jedi 1: The padawan isn't here, Sith. Now we kill you.

Sevasht: I haven't done anything yet!

Jedi 2: Yeah, but you're going to.

Sevasht: Am not!

Jedi 1: Are too! I get to kill you!

Sevasht: I'm being peaceful!

Jedi 1: Are not!

- frame: Jedi 1 draws his lightsaber. -

Sevasht: You're a terrible Jedi.

- frame: An angry Jedi 1 looks suspiciously up at his partner. Jedi 2 looks disapprovingly at him. -

Jedi 1: Okay, fine. Go away. Spoilsport.

- frame: Quinn, hand on blaster, is eyeing the Jedi while Sevasht turns to leave. -

Quinn: My lord, can't we just kill them a little bit?

Jedi 1, brandishing his lightsaber: Ah-HA!

Sevasht: Heel, Quinn.

- frame: Sevasht & co. walk away. -

Jedi 1, crestfallen: Oh.




(I am seriously tempted to play through counting the amount of approval you can lose for refusing to kill Force users as both Warrior and Inquisitor. Because I think that Quinn rivals Khem Val in that regard.)

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He's very nearly impotent in this story!

I covered that one.

...I'm beginning to think you dislike the man you write about.

Maybe I never liked him. Maybe it's a trap! :mon_trap:

FFFFF - [facepalm]


Sevasht: Hey, can you blame me for disliking him? He's a transparent spy, he keeps trying to murder every non-Imperial in sight, and in fact I'm pretty sure he sneaks out when I'm asleep to assassinate additional enemies of the Empire. Any Light Side non-excessively-formal person who isn't trying to get in his pants could understandably find him annoying.


Still, l33t healz. Top marks on that.

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- The Fury. Baras is speaking with Sevasht & co. -

Sevasht: So master, what does Nomen Karr have against you anyway?

Vette: Apart from the recent concentrated campaign of terror and murder focused on his innocent protégé?

Baras: My association with Nomen Karr is a long and harrowing tale.

- frame: A sunny field spangled with flowers. -

Baras: For many years I knew the Sith Lord Retrost. We were best evil friends.

- frame: A much thinner guy in Baras-like armor frolics alongside a mysterious masked Sith. They trail purple-black destruction in their wake. -

Baras: Then one day on Hutta…I learned the truth. Lord Retrost was a Jedi, Nomen Karr, sent to infiltrate deep into the Sith Order and expose our dealings from within.

- frame: Thin-Baras faces off against the Sith, whose lightsaber turns out to be blue. -

Sevasht: So, what you send spies to do all the time.


- frame: A sad flattened meadow. A lone remaining flower has a sad face. -

Baras: Since then I compulsively backstab just about everyone I work with. It's the only way to be safe.

- frame: Everyone stands quietly for a moment. -

Vette: You could just say "I'm Sith, therefore I backstab." It's not like everyone doesn't already know it.





- The Fury. Baras is briefing Sevasht & co. -

Baras: Nomen Karr has contacted me to ask for an honorable duel.

Sevasht: Does that ever work?

Baras: I was thinking you could go.

Sevasht: Darn it.

Baras: Find him. Defeat him. Jaesa will feel his pain and come.

Sevasht: Historically that hasn't worked–

Baras: JUST DO IT.





- A building on Hutta. Sevasht & co. come to face the Jedi Master Nomen Karr. -

Nomen Karr: I came alone, as agreed. Your master has no honor sending you instead.

Sevasht: Does this seriously surprise you?

Nomen Karr: Well, no, not really. But I need to emphasize my moral high ground.





- Facing Nomen Karr. -

- frame: Sevasht and Nomen Karr square off. -

frame: Sevasht hits Nomen Karr with a hard downward strike. -


Nomen Karr: Oof.

- frame: Nomen Karr is helplessly on his knees. -

Sevasht: Wait, really? That's it?

Nomen Karr: I'm kind of surprised myself.





- Sevasht & co. surround Nomen Karr, who is wounded and on his knees. -

Nomen Karr: Time for the panic button.

- frame: Nomen Karr flares in brilliant crimson light. His eyes glow red. -

Nomen Karr: EVIL TIME.

Sevasht: Weren't you emphasizing your moral high ground just two strips ago?

Nomen Karr: FIGHT.





- Sevasht is locked in combat with Evil Nomen Karr. Jaesa steps into the room. -

Jaesa: Master, they were out of the low-tars, I had to – what are you doing?

- frame: Nomen Karr hides his lightsaber behind his back and blinks really hard. It fails to suppress the red glow. -

Nomen Karr: Me? Uh, nothing. Why don't you help me kill this evil Sith who is eviler than me.

Sevasht: Sorry, Jaesa. I have no idea what he's doing. I'm just defending myself at this point.

Jaesa: You stopped going to those anger management courses, master. Didn't you.





- Jaesa, Nomen Karr, and Sevasht & co. face each other. -

Jaesa: So, we should talk.

- frame: Nomen Karr lurching around yelling and glowing red. -


Sevasht: Can we…help him?

Jaesa: He's usually a good guy, honest. Hey, master. Sit.

- frame: Nomen Karr sits and mumbles. -

Nomen Karr: kill kill hate

Sevasht: Can I ask you a personal question, Jaesa?

Jaesa: Yes?

Sevasht: If you can sense anybody's true nature, how the *$#& did you miss this one?

Jaesa: Hey, I'm still learning here.





Sevasht: So…I was definitely supposed to find you. And...here we are.

Jaesa: Uh, yeah. We should probably fight.

Sevasht: Hey, I'm the Sith here. I start the fight.

Jaesa: So do it.

Sevasht: Yeah, so maybe I will.

Jaesa: Uh-huh. Just waiting on you.

Sevasht: Right. Yeah. I'll fight. Right now.





- Sevasht has defeated Jaesa in single combat. -

Jaesa: The Dark Side is stronger.

Sevasht: Wait, which of us was Dark Side?

Jaesa: You.

Nomen Karr: You.

Vette, looking at Jaesa: Her.

Sevasht, looking at Nomen Karr: Him.

Jaesa: Wait, I'm lost again.





Jaesa: The fear you inspire forces truth to the surface. I want that.

Sevasht: Yeah, fear's pretty useful sometimes. I could teach you some tricks.


- frame: Jaesa thwacks Nomen Karr with a lightsaber. -


Sevasht: I'm pretty sure that's not what I said at all.


Sevasht: I…I screwed this up somehow. Hold on, if I hit esc in-

- Sevasht's statement/plea runs off the edge of the comic frame. The cutscene ends. -





- On board the Fury, Sevasht is studying a datapad. Quinn and Jaesa approach. -

Quinn: My lord?

- Sevasht jumps. -

Sevasht: Nothing! Nothing! I…I just…I looked it up. It wasn't supposed to go this way. The pivotal point of that conversation was the galaxy's worst misclick.

Jaesa: My lord?

- Sevasht starts walking away, looking miserable. -

Sevasht: Nothing. Let's go.





Baras: Sevasht. You understand that the only reason she's working for you instead of me is –

Sevasht: It's a secret, I know.

Baras: Yes. Don't screw this up.

- frame: Baras gestures broadly. -

Baras: Also I'm promoting you to lord.

Vette: Nice going, my lord.

Quinn: Congratulations, my lord.

Sevasht: So wait, did that change anything?


Sevasht: Yessir.





- On board the Fury; all crew present. Jaesa finds the slave collar remote and waves it. -

Jaesa: Ooh, Vette, what's this? *press*

- frame: The collar shocks Vette. -

Vette: Hey! Ow! That -

Sevasht: No!

- frame: Sevasht seizes the remote and clicks *release*. -

- frame: Sevasht practically frothing in Jaesa's face. -


Jaesa: I don't know what that means but okay

- frame: Vette is holding the collar, which is now off her neck. -

Sevasht: Vette. Are you okay?

Vette: Oh, yeah. The shock is mostly just annoying.

Sevasht: Wait. Really?

Vette: Yeah.

Sevasht: ...I thought it was somehow harmful.

Vette: Not really. - But now you can't do it anyway!

- frame: Sevasht facepalms. -

Sevasht: Disregard previous order, Jaesa. Please mess with Vette.




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