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hutt balls ending 0 - 0, over and over and over


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we stun lock their ball carrier til he dies. then they stunlock ours til we die. and over, rinse repeat... it comes down to who has the ball as time expires. who the hell thought this was fun, star warsey or a good f'ing idea? gg on your resolve geniuses Edited by Feztonio
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you can't pass when you're CC'd. plus assassins and operatives are running in packs of 2, 3 even more. they focus fire down so fast that heals can't keep up. i am an operative healer and in the 1.8 seconds it takes to cast my main heal somoene's health can go from 85% to dead. it's not a L2P thing, it's a every toon has 5 cc's and each player gets one cc break on a two minute CD. Edited by Feztonio
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i think the player base has learned to play. the current mechanics feature stun lock as the primary mechanic and method of getting the ball. the player base has switched over to classes that have the ability to stunlock and have learned to work together to stunlock in order to acheive the objectives. it's not a L2P .. we did learn. its more of a - this current mechanic system sucks. Edited by Feztonio
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Why are your teammates not using their stuns and mezzes to prevent the focus fire?


Seems like you aren't using teamwork to me.




Your ball carrier? With 30 sec on the clock? You're entire team (even mercs / smugglers) should be blowing their heals / stuns / cleanses. While you (the ball carrier) should blow all your defensive cooldowns and CC breaker.


I haven't never had the situation that the OP is describing. Pass the ball.

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I find that lowbie Huttballs are almost all 0-0 but at 50 they are usually 6-0, very rarely will the losing team be able to score one or more points. It seems either your team understands Huttball, or they don't :p The close, evenly matched Huttball games where both sides are capable of scoring are some of the most fun experiences I've had in any game, however. Edited by Jenzali
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you can't pass when you're CC'd. plus assassins and operatives are running in packs of 2, 3 even more. they focus fire down so fast that heals can't keep up. i am an operative healer and in the 1.8 seconds it takes to cast my main heal somoene's health can go from 85% to dead. it's not a L2P thing, it's a every toon has 5 cc's and each player gets one cc break on a two minute CD.


I've seen the teams of stealthers. Best thing to do to them is to use knock-back and get them off their target. If someone does that, their damage is severely reduced..

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you can't pass when you're CC'd. plus assassins and operatives are running in packs of 2, 3 even more. they focus fire down so fast that heals can't keep up. i am an operative healer and in the 1.8 seconds it takes to cast my main heal somoene's health can go from 85% to dead. it's not a L2P thing, it's a every toon has 5 cc's and each player gets one cc break on a two minute CD.


First off, Huttball is my favorite warzone. And I know for a fact that it's the favorite warzone for a few of my friends. So, maybe it's just your opinion that it's a bad idea?


Secondly - how large are these roving packs of assassins and operatives? You have me worried. Should I be barricading my door? Does their wolfpack have a power structure? Who's in charge? Some sort of alpha male? These are details that need filling in.

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Since we are complaining about huttball...let me throw out a random complaint!


Every single time I play huttball (with my 40 assassin), I inform my team that when the game starts, I'm grabbing the ball from center and a sorc bubble will be a huge help. I am level 40, valor 40 and I've only had someone bubble me 2 times!!! In all those levels!!


But one cool thing is that I have grabbed the ball at mid every single time (yes, 100%, and odd). I don't know why no one really goes for it in pre-50.

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^ i think people are afraid of the ball maybe? seems like when i pass to a random player a majority of them appear to freak out and pass it off ASAP that or they refuse to pass to anyone else and die with people wide open ready for the pass... but the real solution to the original poster would be to get the operatives nerfed, that should fix all pvp resolve issues and pvp in general
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Since we are complaining about huttball...let me throw out a random complaint!


Every single time I play huttball (with my 40 assassin), I inform my team that when the game starts, I'm grabbing the ball from center and a sorc bubble will be a huge help. I am level 40, valor 40 and I've only had someone bubble me 2 times!!! In all those levels!!


But one cool thing is that I have grabbed the ball at mid every single time (yes, 100%, and odd). I don't know why no one really goes for it in pre-50.


First to grab gets focus fired with fresh cds. In a sub-50 PUG, people doubt getting support and do not communicate what they are going to do. When I have had teams, even PUGs say at the start the game plan, we have run the table.

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uhm...team work. Example: if I'm a sniper/gunslinger during huttball I kill anyone even thinking about touching my ball carrier. They have to send someone to deal with me and if you have two range classes following the ball carrier a melee tank guarding and a healer then a stealth hiding in the end zone, all the cc in the world still makes it tough to kill a guardian(jugg)/shadow(assassin) ball carrier.
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First to grab gets focus fired with fresh cds. In a sub-50 PUG, people doubt getting support and do not communicate what they are going to do. When I have had teams, even PUGs say at the start the game plan, we have run the table.


Yea, in 50 WZ the first one near the ball has a solid chance of a quick stunlock death.


But in sub-50, I get the ball and bail out (LoS) before even half the other team is in range. I use force run out of the gate, and then use it again right after picking up the ball. I run backwards and to the left to go up the side ramp.


I don't remember ever dieing at this point in sub-50, people just don't know whats going on. I only die on the 3rd force run, near the first fire trap. Either the enemy team focuses me, or I score. I probably score the first goal off the initial grab about 20% of the time which is actually pretty good. If I get a bubble and have a healer, its a very high chance to score in the first minute because no one is back on defense.


Since I'm just rambling on, I may as well throw out another complaint: I play huttball in tank stance the whole time and try to score the entire match. I basically am the designated ball carrier as much as possible. I frequently put up only 50-70k damage, but like 5k or 10k ATTACKER points. But I almost always get 0 MVP votes because my damage total is near the bottom. I wish it said who scores touchdowns so your team knows. Got me over here scoring 4 goals ftw and getting 0 votes. Cmon MAN!

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Since I'm just rambling on, I may as well throw out another complaint: I play huttball in tank stance the whole time and try to score the entire match. I basically am the designated ball carrier as much as possible. I frequently put up only 50-70k damage, but like 5k or 10k ATTACKER points. But I almost always get 0 MVP votes because my damage total is near the bottom. I wish it said who scores touchdowns so your team knows. Got me over here scoring 4 goals ftw and getting 0 votes. Cmon MAN!


I feel your pain. I spend my huttball matches trying to gain scoring position and using my roots and slows to hinder other players. I even score sometimes. I notice certain players who just hack away in the pits, paying no attention to the game.

When the end of the match comes around, the guy slashing away in the pit gets all the MVP votes, because he has the most damage.

Just goes to show that the rest of the team didn't understand the objective, either.


Most of the time I feel like I'm the only player who cares about the objective.

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I find that lowbie Huttballs are almost all 0-0 but at 50 they are usually 6-0, very rarely will the losing team be able to score one or more points. It seems either your team understands Huttball, or they don't :p The close, evenly matched Huttball games where both sides are capable of scoring are some of the most fun experiences I've had in any game, however.


This is so true :)


I love Close matches being in one of the top PVP Rep guilds on my server when we get a pug we walk all over them when we are doing 4's and end up against each other we usually don't touch the ball and just kill each other :) But when we end up against the Top Imp guild we end up having a ton of fun.

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This was brought up before, but lowbie huttballs usually end with zero scores or low scores. This is because there aren't enough tanks and healers to make it to the goal line.


Highly doubt resolve changes made a big difference for # of scores total, especially since the patch removed 30 meter stuns could catch ballcarriers in the fire hazard.

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Your ball carrier? With 30 sec on the clock? You're entire team (even mercs / smugglers) should be blowing their heals / stuns / cleanses. While you (the ball carrier) should blow all your defensive cooldowns and CC breaker.


I haven't never had the situation that the OP is describing. Pass the ball.


this is unrealistic. cleanses (all of them afaik) are on 4s CDs. however, 3 healers on one well geared target can pretty much heal through anything. 2 healers cannot heal through 6 ppl focus firing. asking the rest of your team to cc the other team's dps is asking too much. for starters, that could only ever work in rated with voice to coordinate who's CCing whom. secondly, team A used the majority of their stuns to take down team B's carrier, then team A no longer has stuns off CD to protect their own carrier immediately afterward.


all of that said, I do not see many 0-0 matches, either in 50s or lowbie on the new Jedi Covenant mega server. in reg pugs @ 50, the matches are wholly decided by the number/competence of guardians/juggs on the field, and to a lesser extent the proficiency of healers and control of the middle.


I agree that the new stun mechanics suck, but I do not think they significantly alter hb. hb has always rewarded ppl who use CC at opportune times. since it takes longer to fill resolve these days, that makes using CC easier, but there variables that determine victory/defeat have not changed one bit in any matches that I've participated in at 50.

in lowbie with a pure pug, I do see this scenario play out more often than not. but in lowbie, ppl tend to walk the ball a lot more (fewer guardian leaps, no force push, etc.). thus, the team with the most shadow/sin tanks usually does better. I think the back and forth, however, is more a symptom of slower ball movement in general because of lack of abilis than it is the stuns. the stuns just make the game unfun (nobody like playing against a blue control deck, no mater how bad the deck may be).

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It would be cool if the ball carrier who scored had his name flashed in bright colors ;) I sometimes just don't notice who scores and who doesn't.


I second this. Maybe list the guy who passed it to them too. If nobody, say unassisted. I was definitely annoyed recently after scoring 5 and getting only 1 vote (guildy) because I had no stats (apparently force slow, extricate, force speed, electricute whirlwind and overload don't look good in the game summary *shrugs*). Not that votes matter, but c'mon.

Edited by Larry_Dallas
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