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Stupid F2P Restrictions


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as a subscriber i already find that the game is lacking features - like no possible change of haircut - face (like buy a Sith tattoo ^^) - no real vanity gear - useless legacy perks - hours of waiting for a queue to pop up - tons of glitches and bugs - 50% of playing time spent on running from 1 place to another on a humongus empty map and so on.

i already feel cheated - so how a f2p user will feel about a slice of an already incomplete game ?


i used to play f2p games and spend quite a lot on them - a lot more than a sub - but i was spending money on items i had FUN with (social or vanity) or that were needed for PvP survival. so far i don't see any real interesting offer neither for bored subscribers to stay subscribed nor for F2Pers to buy one - i sadly see more possibilities to milk the cow tho even if that poor cow has been quite dry for some times.


my grand mother used to say "you don't catch flies with vinegar" - but at times we all need to fail somewhere to gain experience and learn and grow stronger (wiser?)


so it'll be a wait and see approach for me but i don't have high hopes.

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totally agree with you. I've seen Cash Shops with things like this ruin some cool F2P games where I spend money on items to get augmented bag space, another char slot, stuff like that. I think the death penalty is gamebreaking enough as it is now, there's no need to mess that up even more.


LOL Death what ? There is not penalty to speak off. Bunch of crybabies.

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I think the death penalty is gamebreaking enough as it is now, there's no need to mess that up even more.


Quite new to the whole MMORPG genre I assume? You should have seen some of the real death penalties from older games (and most players actually found the fact there was a death penalty added to the enjoyment as there was actually some risk involved).


UO - You died and appeared as a ghost. Resurection was possible by higher-ckilled characters or "wandering healers". Whilst a ghost you could not interact with anything. Your corpse was freely lootable, even NPC monsters would steal from your corpse. You could literally lose everything youw ere carrying.


AO - Death meant all XP earnt since the last time your "saved your character" was lost. At later levels you could lose 3-4hrs of play if you were out in the wilderness and didn't want to make the treck back to a town to save and things just "went wrong".


Games of the past are littered with an actual death penalty. You know TOR got it wrong when dying is an actual tactic used by people to get past a point in the game or complete a section.

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Either pay for the game.

Or use CARTEL COINS [which you can earn WITHOUT paying...] to get unrestricted access to the things others pay for.


You don't pay, you better believe you will need to do other things to play like you are.


did I miss something? when did they make it offical that you will be able to get coins without paying?

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as a subscriber i already find that the game is lacking features - like no possible change of haircut - face (like buy a Sith tattoo ^^) - no real vanity gear - useless legacy perks - hours of waiting for a queue to pop up - tons of glitches and bugs - 50% of playing time spent on running from 1 place to another on a humongus empty map and so on.


1. character re-customization has been mentioned numerous times in the suggestion box and i'm sure BW saw it and has it on a 'to-do-list'

2. no vanity gear? there's a bunch of pets, a bunch of speeders, orange sets and legacy gear can be seen as vanity items too as they give u a custom clothing look, and i'm sure the cartel shop will bring us more vanity items so us subscribers can spend our cartel coins (this was even mentioned by a dev somewhere)

3. You may find the legacy perks useless, but i myself love numerous of the perks, for my main aswel as for my alts

4. I haven't got any problems with the queues, not for WZs, nor for FPs, and i queue with healer, tank and dps chars.. dps may take a bit longer, but that's the same in that other mmo

5. I haven't encountered that many bugs and glitches lately, well, no gamebreaking ones, maybe i'm just lucky, maybe i cope better with said issues, but the ones i had problems with got fixed or are announced to be worked on. best advice i can give is do an ingame bugreport, goes faster then a complaint on the forums.

6. give me one other big mmo where you don't run around on big maps. more then half of my played time on my wow char is from running around.. and tbh, i wouldn't call the maps empty, i leveled 2 more alts the last month, and i encountered a lot more people, not only on starterplanets (which had 150+ people on it most of the time) but also the later planets (50+ on Voss, and enough people of opposing faction to kill while questing), so i wouldn't call them empty, but ye, since the maps are big, the chance of not encountering someone for 10 minutes is possible.

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did I miss something? when did they make it offical that you will be able to get coins without paying?


the only official thing i heard is that subscribers get cartel coins every month, and people in the free to play option have to buy them.

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the only official thing i heard is that subscribers get cartel coins every month, and people in the free to play option have to buy them.


yeah that's what I am thinking as well. not that I would .mind. a way to get them in-game; I just don't think it's going to happen... so that claim kinda surprised me.

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If you hover over the last option, item equipping it says the same as Free to play i hope this is a mistake, there's no way I'm paying coins to equip purple items!


I hope they reduce the cool downs on quick travel a lot as there not really needed anyway. Whats the point in limiting how fast we get to an area makes nonsense, they want us to play the game but want us to travel slow?

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If you hover over the last option, item equipping it says the same as Free to play i hope this is a mistake, there's no way I'm paying coins to equip purple items!


I hope they reduce the cool downs on quick travel a lot as there not really needed anyway. Whats the point in limiting how fast we get to an area makes nonsense, they want us to play the game but want us to travel slow?


seeing as it sais the same as the f2p option on hover but for subscribers it sais full access i think it's just a mistake, else full access wouldn't be correct :p

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Why are you complaining OP? You pay a sub you get access to all game. You don`t.. well... you get what you get.


When people were saying nothing is ever free, it got lost in the mix. Now you get what you asked for. Enjoy...

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When I heard SWTOR was going FTP, I actually went and bought a month just so that I could come back into the game and fall in love with it. Now that I see the kinds of restrictions on FTP players, I'm once again facing the sinking, ice-in-the-gut feeling that is one simple fact: The game isn't worth paying to play, and FTP is just going to be a headache.


Three flashpoints a week? Outrageous. I run that on a new toon in the Esseles instantly. Three warzones a week? I burn them out in about two hours if that. Limiting inventory space and cargo hold space for cartel coins? Sheesh Bioware and EA, you might as well tell players "here is a butchered, neutered trial version of our game for you" and just get rid of the free-to-play notion.


Gasp...you mean that everything isn't handed to you on a silver platter if you're F2P !!! :eek:


You will be getting WHAT YOU PAID FOR..... :rolleyes:

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I like those restrictions. This game cost $200 million USD and the money has to be made from somewhere. You're getting the most expensive and the key feature of TOR, which is story, completely free (what I dislike). Imo f2p in TOR is properly circumcised and turned into a demo version that still offers you most of the content.
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Well The sprint is kind of really borderline If I think about it. This is the only one though


All others are perfectly in order what I expected.

Keeping a sub though since I do know that Flash points and operations is something I want to know plus the 200 coins a month will take care of my impulse shopping for Fluff :)


Overall this is good job BW it will make money and I think $30 to $40 dollars per f2p account over 6 months.

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correct this applies to players going into the free to play option, nothing changes for subscribers

But it may affect subscribing players indirectly. For example, if you make a group with a F2P player you will then have to wait for him all the time because he can't sprint.

Edited by Aroa
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Yeah a few I'd like to point out that I've not seen in other F2P games before.


A restriction on Death for F2P users, this isn't going to go down well, after 5 deaths you have to purchase a license to stop dying at the nearest point.


Sprint at level 1 disabled?


Purchase a weekly pass for flash points, nobody does flash points enough for you to provide it as a weekly pass?


Emergency fleet pass restrictions, gotta pay money to get an 18 hour cool down, good luck with that.


You might as well start charging people 50 cartel coins to login, or 50 cartel coins to buy an item from a vendor or to be able to sell.


Some of the features are stupid and retarded and you will get nothing but public out roar over it. Yes, I'm well aware some people can live without these features.


But i don't like it and im paying user who's been subscribed since release and i think some of these free to play changes are ridiculous, it's gotten to the point that the cash shop won't just be a content / cosmetic feature, but you people at Bioware will force new players to pay for most of the ground up features that are free in other games, so good luck with this plan because if you go through with it, it will most likely fail.


Then get a subscription. What's the problem?

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My question is, why didnt they just use the method DCUO used for f2p. I started playing that game when it went f2p, where you werent restricted to the gameplay. Because i was able to play through most of the game, i started to support it, buying the expansions which made me a premium member (which gave me more access to things like more inventory space and more room for more toons) and buying things like cosmetic changes to my toons. I also wasnt restricted to not using the gear i earned cause i wasnt paying.


Whats been done here with f2p is they've made this a f2p single player game. The f2p model does nothing for the endgame community. New players are gonna be running around the leveling zones adding nothing more to the game . I dont see the point to it if its not bringing people to the game to play it beyond leveling. I'm not advocating for all access to all for f2p, but what they are going to be doing makes no sense. I've been here since beta, and i dont see this going well when other games are doing it better and are making it more enjoyable for the players.


DCUO may not be for everyone, but atleast they do f2p right imho. They give you choices and let you decide what level of the game you'd want to pay/play for. This seems like a waste of time.

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Yeah a few I'd like to point out that I've not seen in other F2P games before.


A restriction on Death for F2P users, this isn't going to go down well, after 5 deaths you have to purchase a license to stop dying at the nearest point.


Sprint at level 1 disabled?


Purchase a weekly pass for flash points, nobody does flash points enough for you to provide it as a weekly pass?


Emergency fleet pass restrictions, gotta pay money to get an 18 hour cool down, good luck with that.


You might as well start charging people 50 cartel coins to login, or 50 cartel coins to buy an item from a vendor or to be able to sell.


Some of the features are stupid and retarded and you will get nothing but public out roar over it. Yes, I'm well aware some people can live without these features.


But i don't like it and im paying user who's been subscribed since release and i think some of these free to play changes are ridiculous, it's gotten to the point that the cash shop won't just be a content / cosmetic feature, but you people at Bioware will force new players to pay for most of the ground up features that are free in other games, so good luck with this plan because if you go through with it, it will most likely fail.


Only thing that doesn't make sense to me from your list and from the new posted list IMO is the death restriction. That's a little severe and to me seems to be in conflict with the statement that story is unrestricted. Beyond that I find all the other reasonable and fankly expected. I though sprint restriction kinda makes sense (honestly I thought it was really stupid when they made it level 1 at all, why make it ability if you have it from level 1?)

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But it may affect subscribing players indirectly. For example, if you make a group with a F2P player you will then have to wait for him all the time because he can't sprint.


those 2 extra seconds of waitin time aren't going to kill you, besides, i've been in many fp pugs with group finder and there's always a slacker in the grp. (mostly me when healing hehe)

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Only thing that doesn't make sense to me from your list and from the new posted list IMO is the death restriction. That's a little severe and to me seems to be in conflict with the statement that story is unrestricted. Beyond that I find all the other reasonable and fankly expected. I though sprint restriction kinda makes sense (honestly I thought it was really stupid when they made it level 1 at all, why make it ability if you have it from level 1?)


we should already be glad that we have an option to revive on the spot, for me coming from wow that was a BIG bonus, no more endless corpse running, try finding your body again when you fell off a cliff into another zone due to no-flying restriction and have to pass 3 zones to get back to your body, 30+ minute run :)

going to medcenter isn't that bad, sice there are multiple medcenters in tor zones, you will never be far off of where you died.

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