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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stupid F2P Restrictions


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These threads are all the same.


Why do people assume that if anyone complains about any aspect of the free to play or freemium services that by virtue of that it automatically means they want no restrictions whatsoever?


I have no problem with restrictions, I have problems with STUPID restrictions. If you want to provide subscribers with expansion pack content for free while making free to play and freemiums pay for expansions one at a time like DCUO does I'm ok with that.


If you want to restrict my total number of character slots or bank slots I'm A ok with that as well.


Restricting things like what gear you can wear, the number of quick bars available to you (which depending on the number of viable skills available is potentially game breaking), and the number of instances you can run a week though is ridiculous.


I don't want everything for free. I have purchased 3 game updates, several character slots, respecs, and vanity items for DCUO. Which add up to several months worth of subscriptions that I otherwise wouldn't have paid for because while I find the game fun enough to spend money on I don't think it's worth a monthly fee.


I just don't want the restrictions to seem punitive. I'm more enticed to spend money for a reward than I am to spend money to avoid a punishment.

Edited by sinosleep
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You are still getting the game for free, compared to buying it. You can still level up to level fifty and enjoy the game, while if you wish, you can enjoy it even more by spending CC's. The main thing is, that you are still getting it for free. And the Cartel Shop is definitely going to get a lot more items for those of you that complain about that.
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Yeah a few I'd like to point out that I've not seen in other F2P games before.


A restriction on Death for F2P users, this isn't going to go down well, after 5 deaths you have to purchase a license to stop dying at the nearest point.


Sprint at level 1 disabled?


Purchase a weekly pass for flash points, nobody does flash points enough for you to provide it as a weekly pass?


Emergency fleet pass restrictions, gotta pay money to get an 18 hour cool down, good luck with that.


You might as well start charging people 50 cartel coins to login, or 50 cartel coins to buy an item from a vendor or to be able to sell.


Some of the features are stupid and you will get nothing but public out roar over it. Yes, I'm well aware some people can live without these features.


But i don't like it and im paying user who's been subscribed since release and i think some of these free to play changes are ridiculous, it's gotten to the point that the cash shop won't just be a content / cosmetic feature, but you people at Bioware will force new players to pay for most of the ground up features that are free in other games, so good luck with this plan because if you go through with it, it will most likely fail.


Funny thing, all these people crying about F2P... ITS FREE, its a trail game, its not supposed to be anywhere near the full version, so yes, if you want to do anything but level then get a monthly sub like you should.

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Funny thing, all these people crying about F2P... ITS FREE, its a trail game, its not supposed to be anywhere near the full version, so yes, if you want to do anything but level then get a monthly sub like you should.


Actually, it's NOT a trial, bioware has been very specific about that same with most MMO companies. Wow lets you play to X level for free. Do they say that WOW has gone free to play or that they offer a trial? Back when this game was letting people lvl to 20 for free did they say the game had gone free to play or that they were offering a trial? No, they were very specific about free to play launching TODAY. A trial, and a free 2 play service aren't the same thing and most MMO companies know that which is why they advertise the two differently.

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Actually, it's NOT a trial, bioware has been very specific about that same with most MMO companies. Wow lets you play to X level for free. Do they say that WOW has gone free to play or that they offer a trial? Back when this game was letting people lvl to 20 for free did they say the game had gone free to play or that they were offering a trial? No, they were very specific about free to play launching TODAY. A trial, and a free 2 play service aren't the same thing and most MMO companies know that which is why they advertise the two differently.

What they say and what it is are not necessarily the same. Looked at from the outside this looks like an extended trial to me.

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yeah, it's a scam, it's not near any solid F2P model. action bars, rez droid, purple gear etc. these things should be free, especially for former players who already used all of those core features, that are totally gamebreaking if you don't have them.


This kind of F2P only scare former players away


more like pay2win

Edited by Drom
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yeah, it's a scam, it's not near any solid F2P model. action bars, rez droid, purple gear etc. these things should be free, especially for former players who already used all of those core features, that are totally gamebreaking if you don't have them.


This kind of F2P only scare former players away


more like pay2win


nah there FTP model is more to give a taste of the story content. a few Warzones and such its not to play the game fully its just a taste, if they changed it where they were not restriced at all, why would anyone pay?


Also being an old player whos returning your not exactly very important you left once, your going to leave again we dont want and or need you here.

Edited by Gerandar
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yeah, it's a scam, it's not near any solid F2P model. action bars, rez droid, purple gear etc. these things should be free, especially for former players who already used all of those core features, that are totally gamebreaking if you don't have them.


This kind of F2P only scare former players away


more like pay2win


It can't be a scam, as they aren't TRICKING anyone. Furthermore, this won't be the game's downfall. Some people are taking the complaining a bit too far. I think it's a nice module that could do with some improvement, sure, but that is to be expected.

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What they say and what it is are not necessarily the same. Looked at from the outside this looks like an extended trial to me.


From the outside they may be similar but the two have far different goals which is why you can't run a f2p service like a trial.


With a trial or a demo the customer is at no point expected to play the game as such forever, that makes it so restrictions can be far harsher. With a f2p model while the goal is to get more subscribers there is an expectation that the vast majority of players aren't going to sub. You can't run the same restrictions when you have a model under which if nothing else, you need to keep the players on your servers long enough for them to purchase SOMETHING from your store even if they never wind up subbing.

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From the outside they may be similar but the two have far different goals which is why you can't run a f2p service like a trial.


With a trial or a demo the customer is at no point expected to play the game as such forever, that makes it so restrictions can be far harsher. With a f2p model while the goal is to get more subscribers there is an expectation that the vast majority of players aren't going to sub. You can't run the same restrictions when you have a model under which if nothing else, you need to keep the players on your servers long enough for them to purchase SOMETHING from your store even if they never wind up subbing.


It's got a few kinks here and there, but it's a great, great start.

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I dont know, I've had well over 300+ on fleet since the last merge of servers, oh and you FTP players leaving wouldnt effect the profits, your not paying so there not going to lose anymore money.


The game had a decent pop for the amount of servers it had befor FTP your not saving the game infact I'm sure once people got there past Cartel Coins some of them unsubbed and now are playing for free, thus FTP costing EA/BW money not helping.


Not paying a sub doesn't mean not paying smart guy. As I made ABUNDANTLY clear in my first post, spending money is not a problem for me. Spending money on a monthly sub is.


Not to mention, even if we didn't spend any money, guess what, we still increase profits by virtue if population increase. Plenty of people unsubbed due to population drop. If the population increases from f2p and some older subscribers come back in direct response guess what? F2P will have increased profits without any f2players spending any money on their own.


Third, if it wasn't issue, the game wouldn't be going f2p. EA are in this for the money, they're not going F2P out of the goodness of their hearts. They NEED us, if they didn't it wouldn't be an option.

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Not paying a sub doesn't mean not paying smart guy. As I made ABUNDANTLY clear in my first post, spending money is not a problem for me. Spending money on a monthly sub is.


Not to mention, even if we didn't spend any money, guess what, we still increase profits by virtue if population increase. Plenty of people unsubbed due to population drop. If the population increases from f2p and some older subscribers come back in direct response guess what? F2P will have increased profits without any f2players spending any money on their own.


Third, if it wasn't issue, the game wouldn't be going f2p. EA are in this for the money, they're not going F2P out of the goodness of their hearts. They NEED us, if they didn't it wouldn't be an option.



If they remove restrictions from FTP players why would anyone pay? FTPer's should be restricted a ton they are not paying monthly if they want they can buy a pass and remove some restrictions for a week or two thats fine, they paid for that but just giving that away for free? no thats just wrong and as a paying customer(unlike you) I would take my money and go elsewhere.

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If they remove restrictions from FTP players why would anyone pay? FTPer's should be restricted a ton they are not paying monthly if they want they can buy a pass and remove some restrictions for a week or two thats fine, they paid for that but just giving that away for free? no thats just wrong and as a paying customer(unlike you) I would take my money and go elsewhere.


When did I say they should remove ALL restrictions. Quote me, I'll wait.


And for the 2nd time now, for the reading impaired, when did I suggest I'm not willing to spend money. A subscription isn't the only way to be a paying customer. They do have a store now, there's even a link to it on the front page.

Edited by sinosleep
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I understand the whole idea of restrictions, I really do. Those who subbed must have more perks then those who went FTP, or else former have no reason to pay. and latter will never start paying either.

The problem here is exactly the one the title of the thread speaks about. Some of restrictions are stupid.

Forget WZ, forger FP and even limited cash.

Just why is it we must buy quickslots for our skills? That's right, originally there are 2 rows of them available for use, the rest have to be bought. Now, I can't speak for each class, but I know for sure my marauder need 3 rows of icons to play well.

Limiting number of free quickslots is a terrible idea.

Edited by Gelious
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What they say and what it is are not necessarily the same. Looked at from the outside this looks like an extended trial to me.


that's exactly what this is. you think because they let you do level 1-50 that it means it's f2p. false


it's the old bait and switch. they said it's f2p, get people suckered into the game, and then hopefully get them hooked. restricting things like quickslot bar and hide headslot gear is pathetic


they will release more content/levels past level 50. and then it'll be more in line with how the WoW free trial works

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Yep, agreed. Obviously, the f2p players will want everything free, but that would be ridiculous. There HAS to be some benefit to subscribing.


benefit for subscribing sure and they have to make money somewhere perfectly normal they are a business after all, but "hide head slot" "unify colors" seriously (and that's just 2 examples) , that's just milking it to the extreme.

you want to make money, np just do what other ftp games do so well, add great cosmetic items, mounts, great weapon skins, pets etc... you make cool things available and people will want and will buy them, not this nikel and dime BS.

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I give it about the end of the first 24-hr period before we start seeing calls for raid spots and random FPs with the following:


"No F2P".


Why? Because of the UI restrictions to action bars and the cast bar on top of restrictions to use of purple gear.

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I give it about the end of the first 24-hr period before we start seeing calls for raid spots and random FPs with the following:


"No F2P".


Why? Because of the UI restrictions to action bars and the cast bar on top of restrictions to use of purple gear.


Quoted for effing Emphasis here.


That is a perfect example of Pay to Win


Interview with bioware employee

Q: The major question about F2P; when any F2P project is announced or talked about is what’s gonna be in the cash shop? Lets just put this question out there in as plain and as simple form as possible. What’s your stance on Pay to Win?


A: Pay to win is not something that we like. I don’t want to unbalance the game by putting things out on the store that somebody can walk in on day one, buy and be the winner. Having said that, there will be some things that we put out in the store that do enhance power value in some way, but not at the top end. Trying to think of a good example. We may put a medium level blue piece of armor on the cash shop for example. We might do that. We haven’t decided and we’re still talking about this, but it’s one of those things it is like … most players will have something better than this anyway, but if you don’t here’s the way that you can get a leg up to at least make you equal with the normal players. That is kind of where our thinking is at, but we are still discussing it. But we do not believe in Pay to Win.



Looks pretty p2w to me

Edited by AnHero
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From the outside they may be similar but the two have far different goals which is why you can't run a f2p service like a trial.


With a trial or a demo the customer is at no point expected to play the game as such forever, that makes it so restrictions can be far harsher. With a f2p model while the goal is to get more subscribers there is an expectation that the vast majority of players aren't going to sub. You can't run the same restrictions when you have a model under which if nothing else, you need to keep the players on your servers long enough for them to purchase SOMETHING from your store even if they never wind up subbing.


And what makes you assume that the expectation is that they assume the vast majority of players arent going to sub? I really think you forget, THESE PEOPLE ALREADY PAID $60 FOR THE GAME... so maybe your theory would hold true on Runes of Magic, or some free to download game, otherwise what your saying is acutally probably wrong. They are trying to get the most people to sub possible, assuming that people have already spent money to purchase the game, and convincing them (With 50 levels, which could take some people weeks or months) that the game is worth their $12-$15 a month.

Edited by skiibyrd
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I have the digital deluxe edition, downloaded the game, installed, tried to set up my 2nd quickbar and then just deleted the game.




wow your a moron.. Digital Deluxe Edition does not = free perma subscribe... you still have to subscribe if you want full perks.


Anyways, I completely agree that BW is milking this game too much. you dont see other completely F2P games that ARE sucessfull (eg, Maplestory, GunZ, TF2, etc.) milk so much cash that they restrict equipment, UI, and Gameplay Elements.

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