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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stupid F2P Restrictions


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I'm not understanding what the big deal is about the five deaths. As it is right now, I always choose to rez at the med center after two deaths because after that, the time increase to wait for a rez in the field just becomes too much.


Are you saying that after five deaths you just have to wait for the rez timer and can't choose to rez at a med center unless you purchase a license?

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I think its a good thing that f2p wont get sprint at lvl 1, we used to have to wait till lvl 14. Plus if they can't sprint they will be even easier to gank! ;)


This is the problem.


It doesn't matter what 'used' to happen....games evolve...if you joined a game at one point, and had to do something that someone else now doesn't have to...that's just the way it goes I'm afraid. Is it annoying? Yes most likely, but the way it is. Just because once upon a time you had to grind/wait for it, doesn't mean everyone has to...


Things move on and adapt.


(hope that didn't come across too badly)

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This is the problem.


It doesn't matter what 'used' to happen....games evolve...if you joined a game at one point, and had to do something that someone else now doesn't have to...that's just the way it goes I'm afraid. Is it annoying? Yes most likely, but the way it is. Just because once upon a time you had to grind/wait for it, doesn't mean everyone has to...


Things move on and adapt.


(hope that didn't come across too badly)


Not at all, I agree to a point...but then again I wasn't an Elder Jedi on SWG!

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Honestly it wouldn't matter. You could launch the 'perfect' game and people would still not be happy with it for all the reasons I got into before. Group finder was a HUGE hot topic issue with people at launch, they added it and rather than being satisfied they just started complaining about something else. It's a no win cycle.


Hehe for once..we agree...it really is no win a lot of the time...regardless :)

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This is the problem.


It doesn't matter what 'used' to happen....games evolve...if you joined a game at one point, and had to do something that someone else now doesn't have to...that's just the way it goes I'm afraid. Is it annoying? Yes most likely, but the way it is. Just because once upon a time you had to grind/wait for it, doesn't mean everyone has to...


Things move on and adapt.


(hope that didn't come across too badly)




Everyone doesn't have to. Just the people that play for free and refuse to pay anything. They can sub or pay to unlock sprint. And you still run even without sprint. Sprint is just the "travel form", if you've ever played WOW. It makes you run 30% faster.

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This is the problem.


It doesn't matter what 'used' to happen....games evolve...if you joined a game at one point, and had to do something that someone else now doesn't have to...that's just the way it goes I'm afraid. Is it annoying? Yes most likely, but the way it is. Just because once upon a time you had to grind/wait for it, doesn't mean everyone has to...


Things move on and adapt.


(hope that didn't come across too badly)


Thing is: Getting sprint at level 14 worked for subscribers less than a year ago. The game hardly becomes unplayable for the F2Pers.

And they don'T pay. They can play for free. And that means that there HAVE to be certain advantages for subscribers (otherwise, what would be the point of subbing?). And one of those is just that: Having commodities. Like being able to Sprint at level 1, instead of having to play for 14 levels without it.


The game doesn't become unplayable if you don't have it. As I said: People played that way at release, and were fine with it.


Now, F2P getting the class story for free, but not the other quests, that would be a case of "more than commodity" for me. It's purely a matter of scope: Move at slightly lower speed outside of combat for a few levels, or not having any content to play?

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After your 3rd death I believe you have to wait 10 mins for a rez droid, it's actually faster to just rez back at the medical center and run back then to wait for the timer... So i'm not sure what all the hub bub is about the 5 death issue.


As for all the other arguments about limited FP's and Warzones:


1) We don't know what the prices are, it could be $2 buys you a week of PvP, if you only like PvP'ing and don't Pve then you can spend $8 a month fo run unlimited Warzones... Now if they charge $5 for a week pass then yeah that will probably be an issue... But until we know the pricing it's all a bunch of guessing.


2) New Players are not going to face premade War Hero geared guilds since they play in the level 50 bracket, new players trying pvp in the early level range will mostly be playing against other new people so they shouldn't get face rolled the first time they try a Warzone.


I will say 3 warzone matches a week is a bit stingy, I would recommend to up it to at least 7 free matches a week, that gives F2P players one warzone a night, I know for myself I usally play 3-5 warzones a night so limiting F2P players to 1 a night still gives them incentive to buy the week pass if they really like pvp'ing....


Now with Flash Points, I know for myself I really only do one FP a night so giving 7 free FP's would give most people no incentive to buy a FP week pass.. so 3 seems reasonable from a business perspective...


One thing I will say is if you expect people to buy a Week Pass for Warzones you better add the option for PUG only warzones, otherwise people are going to get frustrated being face rolled by organized geared out guilds who do nothing but warzones on a regular basis, why pay for a pass when your just going to lose all the time due to the whole Pug vs Premade issue that Bioware has still refused to address. From a business perspective your going to want to keep the majority happy vs a few guilds who want to slaughter everyone because there pimped out in gear and play as a group. Given Guilds have Ranked Warzones they shouldn't even be in the normal warzones to begin with. If Bioware wishes to make money on their warzones they will need to address this issue.


3) I agree with people about not liking the "Pay to unlock your gear" this is just plain stupid, If people are already PAYING to do an Operation then they should be able to wear the gear they receive from the Operation without having to PAY to unlock it.... You really need to re-think this one over Bioware...

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Not saying it would make it unplayable...never said that. neither did I disagree about 'commodities'...and trust me, I know all about perks, commodities etc in F2P games...


My point to the other poster was...


I had to wait, so should you.


Well sorry, the game will not be the game it was 6 months ago. Doesn't matter what anyone had to do to get whatever....all that's gone now.

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Not saying it would make it unplayable...never said that. neither did I disagree about 'commodities'...and trust me, I know all about perks, commodities etc in F2P games...


My point to the other poster was...


I had to wait, so should you.


Well sorry, the game will not be the game it was 6 months ago. Doesn't matter what anyone had to do to get whatever....all that's gone now.




You're missing the point. They weren't saying "I had to wait, so should you". They're saying "I did just fine with out it, so if you don't want to pay, you'll do just fine too".


Big difference.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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Thing is: Getting sprint at level 14 worked for subscribers less than a year ago. The game hardly becomes unplayable for the F2Pers.

And they don'T pay. They can play for free. And that means that there HAVE to be certain advantages for subscribers (otherwise, what would be the point of subbing?). And one of those is just that: Having commodities. Like being able to Sprint at level 1, instead of having to play for 14 levels without it.


The game doesn't become unplayable if you don't have it. As I said: People played that way at release, and were fine with it.


Now, F2P getting the class story for free, but not the other quests, that would be a case of "more than commodity" for me. It's purely a matter of scope: Move at slightly lower speed outside of combat for a few levels, or not having any content to play?


Not to mention that it only takes most people a day or two to get to level 14 in order to get the sprint feature... Hardcore players will probably do it in a few hours...

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There will be some things subscribers get that F2P don't and that is the way it should be.


Just because you are choosing to play the game is the F2P subscription plan other than the other one doesn't mean you should get everything a $15.00 subscriber gets. There has to be some differences and in addition Bioware when they first announced the F2P plan they did state at the beginning there would be some perks that the regular subscriber would have that the F2P wouldn't have.


This has always been stated from the day they announced the F2P even though the specifics were not mention.


The ony perk I see that I disagree with is the purple armor as some of that drops as when you are leveling.


Regarding the sprint it was not that big of deal at launch as most of the people had no problem with it and it is not really that important as it does not effect your gameplay. It is just maybe a convience, which half the time I don't even use,.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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And they give you everything for free without the need to ever spend any money?


Some F2P games do in the hopes that you will spend money on fluff items and Pay to Win items....


If Bioware went true Free to play then they would need to add Pay to Win Items in order to make any money, and IMO that would probably destroy the game....

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You're missing the point. They weren't saying "I had to wait, so should you". They're saying "I did just fine with out it, so if you don't want to pay, you'll do just fine too".


Big difference.


Indeed :-).


I have no problem with others getting commodity features I had to do without. I just wanted to point out that some of the 'restrictions' in F2P really aren't a big deal. Others are, but "Not getting Sprint at Level 1" isn't one of them.

Edited by Muesliac
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The ony perk I see that I disagree with is the purple armor as some of that drops as when you are leveling.


Hmmm this just occurred to me concering this subject:


Do they mean ALL purple or specific Purple.


Purple = Artifact (super rare) items, much less common than blue. Schematics for purple versions of blue items can be learned by repeated reverse engineering of the blue version.




Deep Purple = Legendary (super-duper rare).


or BOTH.



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No. But they have fewer/better restrictions, and actually encourage me to spend money.


I've played most F2P games and I completely disagree. Most of those games couldn't keep me interested long enough to want to spend money. SWTOR is giving away the class story lines. That's a way better incentive to play this game over a game like LOTRO, IMO.

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I think it's arguable, but I would say market conditions at least contributed to the losses, and I think any fair assessment would agree with that sentiment.


To what degree I can not say. But telling people not to play if they cant afford 15 bucks...well...isnt that counter to what they are trying to accomplish here?


Again, in my opinion it's pure arrogance. Its almost an expectation that 15 bucks is very little money, when the game wants and needs players. Is it really that difficult to grasp that not everyone has 15 bucks to burn each month and want the best value for their money?


Looking at life through a paper tube isn't productive.


$15 is the flat standard; pretty much asking a company, industry, etc to change a price because X people don't have as much as before. Not trying to be a d@$! but that is just selfish.


It's like walking into a Best Buy (or any store, etc) and asking someone if you specifically can get a lower price on a new TV because you haven't had the greatest year, while those who have had decent enough years could afford the cost.

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Have you spent up to or more than $180 in a years time? :cool:


I have. On one game in particular I spent almost 400 dollars in one year.


We wont mention which game that was....its embarassing enough that I spent that much. Its pretty easy to spend quite a bit when they add convenience features and the like to the store.

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I've played most F2P games and I completely disagree. Most of those games couldn't keep me interested long enough to want to spend money. SWTOR is giving away the class story lines. That's a way better incentive to play this game over a game like LOTRO, IMO.



LOTRO gives away all the epic quests for free (some of the best content in the game), plus all the starter zones up to level ~25. And by then the typical player has earned enough points to buy the level 30-40 area.


I'll say again, I really don't know why they are giving away all quests 1-50 for free. Charging for each planet's quests would be a good way to monetize the game.

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