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F2P - 3 Warzones Per Week LOL


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I am a subscriber, but i don't think that's fair. They really should raise the limit to like 15 per week, not 3. I understand that you have to purchase unlimited with cartel coins, but still that's not a way to get F2P players interested in playing warzones.


That is going to make it almost impossible to gain commedations for gear. I hope they reconsider that, not saying they have to make it a high number, but you would think you would want them to experience it frequently to decide if they want to unlock it. 3 Per week is lame if you ask me even for a F2P player.


You have to monetize the game somewhere or the system will go broke. 3 is a nice, small sample. If someone wants more then they have to pay for it. If someone doesn't enjoy PvP the new system is already fine.

Edited by Arkerus
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I am a subscriber, but i don't think that's fair. They really should raise the limit to like 15 per week, not 3. I understand that you have to purchase unlimited with cartel coins, but still that's not a way to get F2P players interested in playing warzones.


That is going to make it almost impossible to gain commedations for gear. I hope they reconsider that, not saying they have to make it a high number, but you would think you would want them to experience it frequently to decide if they want to unlock it. 3 Per week is lame if you ask me even for a F2P player.


Your post shows me that you really don't understand montization of the free side of a dual access freemium model. :)


TL;DR..... life is not fair, and neither is MMO monitization.

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The entire point of the restrictions is to get people to pay for the content if they like it. F2P is more like a trial than it is an actual free game. It is intended this way. You can pay for the content that you want to do or you can subscribe and get access to all of it.
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Precisely! And like someone said, you can still do the weekly. Just takes a bit longer but if you want to do it fast then do it like the rest of us who subscribe.


In the end, for us subscribers, it's not fair if a F2P gets to do as much as for free either.


Not a good policy for a game company to follow. F2P players (which is a misnomer in some respects) are still paying money. In some cases they may actually be paying more than the subscriber who never buys any cartel coins.


I'm saying right now, these Weekly passes are not going to go over well on the F2P players.

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You know, you are right. I never thought about how all the noobs would come in and ruin it. You'll have them standing around. I know that it's just a taste, so if they are to up it i would say 5. That's enough to give them a taste, but then again 3 is not bad. You will have people whining anyway because they want to do more then 3, but that is the point of subscibing.
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seems fine to me... they are giving the full leveling and story out for free and that IS the main attraction of this game...


they are basically giving you the steak dinner for free but then saying you have to pay for refills to your drink and for a piece of pie as dessert

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You have to monetize the game somewhere or the system will go broke. 3 is a nice, small sample. If someone wants more then they have to pay for it. If someone doesn't enjoy PvP the new system is already fine.


It's really the "weekly" pass that's the biggest problem.


3 times for a free player is not great by any stretch of the imagination. (Especially if they are a level 50 player in recruit gear). But only getting that restriction lifted for a week before more money is needed is not that great.

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It's really the "weekly" pass that's the biggest problem.


3 times for a free player is not great by any stretch of the imagination. (Especially if they are a level 50 player in recruit gear). But only getting that restriction lifted for a week before more money is needed is not that great.


that depends on the cost of the weekly pass...


right now we have no idea how many it will cost and even if we did we have no idea the value of a cartel coin to real money

Edited by Liquidacid
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It's really the "weekly" pass that's the biggest problem.


3 times for a free player is not great by any stretch of the imagination. (Especially if they are a level 50 player in recruit gear). But only getting that restriction lifted for a week before more money is needed is not that great.


If you're going to be doing the endgame content, which is what you're suggesting by doing level 50 PvP in order to get PvP gear, you should be a subscriber. F2P was always advertised as being able to play from 1-50 with restrictions, and that's precisely what's happening. They may seem unfair, but hey, making a game that cost several hundred million dollars that people get to purchase cheaply and play for free seems a bit unfair too, don't you think? Especially after it's been patched so many times.

Edited by DarthBandeth
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It's really the "weekly" pass that's the biggest problem.


3 times for a free player is not great by any stretch of the imagination. (Especially if they are a level 50 player in recruit gear). But only getting that restriction lifted for a week before more money is needed is not that great.


Sounds perfect to me for the average PvP mindset. They always need something to QQ about. and besides, many of them are threatening to quit every week. Give them focus for their ragin' I say. :p


They will either keep hitting that food pedal in the coin shop OR leave OR more likely ...wake-up and just subscribe. :)

Edited by Andryah
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Sounds perfect to me for the average PvP mindset. They always need something to QQ about. and besides, many of them are threatening to quit every week. Give them focus for their ragin' I say. :p


They will either keep hitting that food pedal in the coin shop OR leave OR more likely ...wake-up and just subscribe. :)


I don't get why people keep making out paying to be such a big problem... subscribing is only 50 cents a fking day... I spend 20 times that a day on smokes and those don't even entertain me... I mean come on subscribing is cheaper than having a cup of coffee every morning

Edited by Liquidacid
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This is the worst possible restriction. Really the biggest complete failure of the F2P model is restricting pvp. PVP should remain a legitimate way to level. Good luck gaining one level in a year with only 3 wz per week.


Unless the weekly unlock is something incredibly cheap like 1 or 2 dollars at most there is no way I would ever pay to unlock pvp.


I know they want to reward people for subbing, but seriously how much would I have to pay just to be able to access a key game feature.


Updating the list and showing how many coins my account has is all a bunch of garbage, when will they reveal the actual numbers of how much real money=how many cartel coins and how much they actually charge for this stuff.

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This is the worst possible restriction. Really the biggest complete failure of the F2P model is restricting pvp. PVP should remain a legitimate way to level. Good luck gaining one level in a year with only 3 wz per week.


Unless the weekly unlock is something incredibly cheap like 1 or 2 dollars at most there is no way I would ever pay to unlock pvp.


I know they want to reward people for subbing, but seriously how much would I have to pay just to be able to access a key game feature.


Updating the list and showing how many coins my account has is all a bunch of garbage, when will they reveal the actual numbers of how much real money=how many cartel coins and how much they actually charge for this stuff.


Except at this point it doesn't look like rewarding people for subbing, because instead of coming up with creative or interesting rewards, what they basically did was say "ok so FTP is basically going to be EXACTLY THE SAME but WAY WAY WAY WAY WORSE!" If you thought the travel restrictions and speeders were slow, if you thought the tele cooldowns were dumb and way too high, if you thought there weren't enough choices in leveling and pvp was kinda bland, well than, nothings changed except we just made the whole game about TWENTY TIMES WORSE!!!"


Honestly. Instead of adding new content and charging for access they just stripped down the entire game and turned it inside out for ways to monetize everything from PUTTING ON NEW GEAR to dying. It's a complete and terrible new initiative, a blatant attempt to nickle and dime, and not a single one of my friends are giving the game a second look because of it.

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4 a day? 90% of PvPers I know ingame manage to do 4-5 WZs a day.


Really? Majority of PvPers I know in game manage 8-12 per day, if not even more than that. On average, I think I play around 15 warzones per day.


I too am really dissatisfied with the amount of WZs that they are offering. I was kind of hoping that the F2P model would breathe some life into the end game, but with all these restrictions... F2Pers won't get a taste of anything. Shouldn't they have gone for a model that causes the player to want more instead of causing the player to think that they cannot play the game unless the pay?


[edit] I made a thread about this subject a while ago: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=538402


Obviously it fell on deaf ears. Not that I'm surprised.

Edited by Majspuffen
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Really? Majority of PvPers I know in game manage 8-12 per day, if not even more than that. On average, I think I play around 15 warzones per day.


I too am really dissatisfied with the amount of WZs that they are offering. I was kind of hoping that the F2P model would breathe some life into the end game, but with all these restrictions... F2Pers won't get a taste of anything. Shouldn't they have gone for a model that causes the player to want more instead of causing the player to think that they cannot play the game unless the pay?


[edit] I made a thread about this subject a while ago: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=538402


Obviously it fell on deaf ears. Not that I'm surprised.


Um...sorry to rain on your parade...but you already hit the point. They cannot experience the full game unless they pay for a pass or subscribe.


That's how a "free" model works. You monetize certain aspects after giving the player a sample. They aren't going to open WZs on an unlimited basis for F2P accounts. That defeats the entire purpose of the free to play strategy.


Free to sample. Buy to continue. If you give them, say 15 WZs a week, there is no incentive to buy. Now for someone who only wants to log on one or twice a week and play a single WZ (or two) then its perfect.

Edited by Arkerus
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Um...sorry to rain on your parade...but you already hit the point. They cannot experience the full game unless they pay for a pass or subscribe.


That's how a "free" model works. You monetize certain aspects after giving the player a sample. They aren't going to open WZs on an unlimited basis for F2P accounts. That defeats the entire purpose of the free to play strategy.


Free to sample. Buy to continue. If you give them, say 15 WZs a week, there is no incentive to buy. Now for someone who only wants to log on one or twice a week and play a single WZ (or two) then its perfect.

QFT. Anyone who's been around the MMO block at least once understands all to well that free to play isn't really free to play beyond the basic (i.e. bare-bones basic) game. Free lunches in MMOland don't exist. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Um...sorry to rain on your parade...but you already hit the point. They cannot experience the full game unless they pay for a pass or subscribe.


They can experience everything but Operations, the question is how much of it they can experience. The argument is that there is going to be too little, which in turn means that people won't feel inclined to subscribe to the game at all.


Free to sample. Buy to continue. If you give them, say 15 WZs a week, there is no incentive to buy. Now for someone who only wants to log on one or twice a week and play a single WZ (or two) then its perfect.


15 Warzones per week is still a very small amount. It is about 2 warzones per day, that's about ~25 minutes of gameplay every day. People that have very little time on their hands might only be able to play for ~25 minutes every day and then they can provide a positive effect to the overall end game community despite playing for free. However, most people I know that play PvP seriously play for much longer than 25 minutes every day. There's the incentive to buy a PvP pass.


But arguing about this feels redundant anyway. The gear gap in PvP is so wide that a fresh level 50 will not be able to enjoy it at all. Going from 49 to 50 is a huge shift. A bit off-topic, but that's what vertical scaling gets you.

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They can experience everything but Operations, the question is how much of it they can experience. The argument is that there is going to be too little, which in turn means that people won't feel inclined to subscribe to the game at all.




15 Warzones per week is still a very small amount. It is about 2 warzones per day, that's about 20-30 minutes of gameplay every day. People that have very little time on their hands might only be able to play for ~25 minutes every day and then they can provide a positive effect to the overall end game community despite playing for free. However, most people I know that play PvP seriously play for much longer than 25 minutes every day. There's the incentive to buy a PvP pass.


But arguing about this feels redundant anyway. The gear gap in PvP is so wide that a fresh level 50 will not be able to enjoy it at all. Going from 49 to 50 is a huge shift. A bit off-topic, but that's what vertical scaling gets you.


See my original post. Same talking points.

You can't give the game away for free and then not monetize certain aspects. Its a great way to go broke, fast. FREE TO PLAY is a terrible name for this system anway. It should be "free to start" or "free to sample".


If you want more game, you have to pay for it. Its as simple as that.

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If you want more game, you have to pay for it. Its as simple as that.


But the problem is that there won't be any incentive to pay for more.


Again, I was hoping they would at least try to breathe some life back into the end game, but if I were to guess they are aiming for more box sales and not more subscribers. Squeeze every penny they can out of the product.

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But the problem is that there won't be any incentive to pay for more.


Again, I was hoping they would at least try to breathe some life back into the end game, but if I were to guess they are aiming for more box sales and not more subscribers. Squeeze every penny they can out of the product.


If person Z likes PvP, (which is a type of end game at 50 whether you like it or not) then they have to pay for it to play more than 3 times a week. Its not hard to understand. Its a consumer centric driven model. The consumer purchases what they want, for a price, that is typically less than a sub. Now over time they might find that they like it enough to justify a full subscription because a full sub actually saves them money. This F2P model gives them that choice. Try it, "rent it", then perhaps full subscribe to it.


Same goes for HM FPs, Ops, etc.

Edited by Arkerus
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Also this is per character as well.


And considering its swtor, when f2p hits a lot of people will join to play and will probably cause issues for servers and this is a way to control it. And due to it limiting WZ it might encourage open world pvp among the f2p play crowd, or more player organized events... which is a good thing.

Edited by VegaPhone
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The F2P option shouldn't give those players enough to do what they need to do every day. It should be just enough to get them interested enough to either sub or pay for the coins. If they gave them enough to do the daily each day, they may not ever actually pay for anything.


When you play F2P MMOs, you are gimped. It's just the way it is. If you want to play the full game, you can sub and have at it.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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