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Premades are ruining non-ranked warzones


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There is a such thing as "figure of speech". Sounds like you understand what I was implying as it relates to this discussion...

An eye for an eye. A metaphor for a metaphor.


EDIT: Anyhow, I enjoy excrement-flinging contests as much as the next ape, but this ape has more important things to do atm. Ta-ta!

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Rebinding the S key is certainly an exploit!


Also, how do you jump up on the railing on the fleet without falling into the abyss without a backpedal option?


Yup he better stop using that abuse tool.....:rolleyes:



Keybinds should be banned from nonranked warzones....

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An eye for an eye. A metaphor for a metaphor.


EDIT: Anyhow, I enjoy excrement-flinging contests as much as the next ape, but this ape has more important things to do atm. Ta-ta!


Translation: "At least I got chicken"





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Translation: "At least I got chicken"





Translation:"My overblown ego demands that I have the last word"


And yes, I realize how ironic my post is.



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I think when I go f2p im going to gather other f2p players and start the guild <pug stompers>


Now we will only be able to do a few warzones a week so I will say that will be my effort in helping these poor little pug bads out.

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I agree, but in order to have better match making you need a larger pool of players to draw from, this is why cross server pvp ques are essential to this game / pvp matchs.


I completely agree. Give me x servers pvp and I wont care about about solo q anymore. Right now if iwas implented without x server there wouldnt be enough players to go around for premades vs premades ( which is bound to be a better match and source of learning/practice than pugs.


That would end meaning less pvp content for me and my friends to play. Remember pvpers have been content starved since 1.6 so we get touchy when anyone says let change/remove this or that.


And to me, playing with my friends is pvp content. If i am guaranteed an endless supply of opponents and decent queue times then I dont care about solo q. Have it or anything you want for all I care lol :p

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I think when I go f2p im going to gather other f2p players and start the guild <pug stompers>


Now we will only be able to do a few warzones a week so I will say that will be my effort in helping these poor little pug bads out.


May I join?

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Premades still avoiding ranked pvp?


Thought so. :rolleyes:


Wonder what the next excuse is.


Ranked's dead because of two things:


1. Facing other groups takes away their built in advantage

2. Losing that advantage, it goes against their standings.


Solo players want solo queues. This ^ is their (premades') major malfunction, their major malfunction is not our problem. And certainly not a good reason for us to be stuck with them in our queues.


Good, decent, casual premades can cover for the bottom feeders as much as they want but the truth is there are a lot of premades slumming the dregs doing exactly the opposite of what the friendly groups are doing, and using the friendly groups to justify what is basically rape.


I like playing with my friends too when they're on but no way I'm going to give gimmick-spammers a pass, trying to pass off their bottom feeding as social play.


As far as I can tell from the devs comments on cross server (and from the game's performance) they basically are going to hit a point where they need a new/redesigned game engine before they can do cross server queues in some huge overhaul patch, in the mean time, what we're asking for is something they actually can do.


Just want the toggle for a solo-only que. Creates three tiers:

1. Solo

2. Casual Group

3. Ranked.


Firstly, whatever that does to your queue is not our problem. We are more than happy to wait a little longer if it means no 4-mans. Secondly, the queue times argument is BS. There are plenty of premades in non ranked now, there will be plenty of premades in non-ranked then, the only difference is they will HAVE to play each other. And we won't have to play them.

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Ranked's dead because of two things:


1. Facing other groups takes away their built in advantage

2. Losing that advantage, it goes against their standings.


Solo players want solo queues. This ^ is their major malfunction, their major malfunction is not our problem. And certainly not a good reason for us to be stuck with them in our queues.


Good, decent, casual premades can cover for the bottom feeders as much as they want but the truth is there are a lot of premades slumming the dregs doing exactly the opposite of what the friendly groups are doing, and using the friendly groups to justify what is basically rape


I like playing with my friends too when they're on but no way I'm going to give gimmick-spammers a pass, trying to pass off their bottom feeding as social play.

So these gimmick spamming farmers you speak of. Are the obtaining high level mats from your dead corpse?

Rape? You are allowing gimmick farmers to "rape" you?




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I've only solo queue and I do not want to see a separate queue for solo, how else am I supposed to get my daliy/weekly done? :eek:


Like I said somewhere else, it's real easy to tell which matches are pug vs pug and they are just as painful as pug vs super-q. The best matches that I've been in (probably the closest to a ranked feel that I'll get) are the one's with a 4 man on each side and 4 competent puggers on each.


Seriously, how would you even rank which is a 'casual group' and which is 'hardcore'? Who's going to determine this and what is the measuring stick?

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Ranked's dead because of two things:


1. Facing other groups takes away their built in advantage

2. Losing that advantage, it goes against their standings.


Solo players want solo queues. This ^ is their (premades') major malfunction, their major malfunction is not our problem. And certainly not a good reason for us to be stuck with them in our queues.


Good, decent, casual premades can cover for the bottom feeders as much as they want but the truth is there are a lot of premades slumming the dregs doing exactly the opposite of what the friendly groups are doing, and using the friendly groups to justify what is basically rape.


I like playing with my friends too when they're on but no way I'm going to give gimmick-spammers a pass, trying to pass off their bottom feeding as social play.


As far as I can tell from the devs comments on cross server (and from the game's performance) they basically are going to hit a point where they need a new/redesigned game engine before they can do cross server queues in some huge overhaul patch, in the mean time, what we're asking for is something they actually can do.


I bet you cry yourself to sleep each night.

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I bet you cry yourself to sleep each night.


If you haven't got sufficient capacity for abstract thought, to be able to hold your own in a point v. point, on topic debate, please nonetheless refrain from substituting personal remarks for reasoned arguments.

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Very simple: "Ranked."


So you don't even see the flaw in your argument, then. What do you do with the solo players who don't want to play with a bunch of casuals just looking to 'have fun in a non competitive environment and don't play the objectives? Where does the 4 man casual pve raiding guild pre-made fit in as I'm sure they don't want to do ranked either. And in this fantasy of yours is there a 4 man and solo queue for ranked an option?


Lastly, what is stopping the 1337 premades from still going into regular WZ's under the guise of being a 'casual premade' on alts with no rated ranking?


These are questions that I am having trouble resolving in a system that you would like. I mean this sincerely and with a kind heart, if you don't have thick skin you shouldn't be pvping.

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So you don't even see the flaw in your argument, then. What do you do with the solo players who don't want to play with a bunch of casuals just looking to 'have fun in a non competitive environment and don't play the objectives? Where does the 4 man casual pve raiding guild pre-made fit in as I'm sure they don't want to do ranked either. And in this fantasy of yours is there a 4 man and solo queue for ranked an option?


Lastly, what is stopping the 1337 premades from still going into regular WZ's under the guise of being a 'casual premade' on alts with no rated ranking?


These are questions that I am having trouble resolving in a system that you would like. I mean this sincerely and with a kind heart, if you don't have thick skin you shouldn't be pvping.


Casual is for everyone 4-mans and under who want to play in a premade or in a premade setting. Ranked is for ranked solo is for solo.


Solos first and foremost want solo queue toggle I mean we have 300 pages here. Whatever everyone else wants, I'm sure we'd vote for it, since we care about that solo queue. IF there are solos who want to play ranked, personally that is the only way I would want to play ranked, the folks on here who said they could queue in as substitutes make the best argument in my opinion. And anyone can queue for "casual" 4-man, there are at least 4 other spots on that ops, we call #2 "casual" only to mean, "not ranked" Solo-only is just a toggle.


1. Solo (solo only)

2. Casual Group (with room for solos)

3. Ranked.


I too have thought it probably sucks for casual 4-mans to be still stuck with gimmick-spam 4-mans. Much as I hate for your group to be stuck with their group, that's an occupational hazard for grouping, and it's the gimmick spammers who are ruining it for everyone.

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