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Premades are ruining non-ranked warzones


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Anyone notice after today's patch the 'full pug always playing a premade' seems to now be more frequent?


Since obviously nobody is playing ranked it's probably time to have two separate warzones for solo and group


Since most the majority of pvp'ers consist of solo players they should be allowed the option to play in an all PUG match or fill in for a Group match.

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in my opinion they have had what they want all along....




Yes, the funnest games that I get are when the opponents lay down and I beat them bear jew style.


I wish players were not terrible, If everyone who queued for a warzone had even half of a brain I don't think this would be an issue. When I solo queue my enjoyment has nothing to do with the other team if they have say two, four man premades, my team just usally sucks as they cannot even muster up the ability to out dps someone using a basic attack for the whole warzone.

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This thread has been picking up steam since October 2012... :rak_03:


Well it kinda died down for a bit but yeah...interesting that no dev has posted anything. Its almost as if this was working. as. intended.

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Anyone notice after today's patch the 'full pug always playing a premade' seems to now be more frequent?


Since obviously nobody is playing ranked it's probably time to have two separate warzones for solo and group


Since most the majority of pvp'ers consist of solo players they should be allowed the option to play in an all PUG match or fill in for a Group match.


If MOST of the queue consisted of solo players, how are you ALWAYS seeing premades. You can't have it both ways bud.

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Well it kinda died down for a bit but yeah...interesting that no dev has posted anything. Its almost as if this was working. as. intended.


They posted somewhere else about working on matchmaking, but I cannot find it for the life of me.


Really, that is all that is needed. You can seperate PUGs and Premades, but people are still going to get placed on bad PUG teams against good PUG teams and get rolled so I fail to see a seperate queue fixing anything while breaking pop times.

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They posted somewhere else about working on matchmaking, but I cannot find it for the life of me.


Really, that is all that is needed. You can seperate PUGs and Premades, but people are still going to get placed on bad PUG teams against good PUG teams and get rolled so I fail to see a seperate queue fixing anything while breaking pop times.


I'm really tired of saying this same thing over and over. The quote is not from the forums, however, it was a Q&A of some kind which is why it's hard to find now. I wish they would just make a dev post so I could move on with my life either way.

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If MOST of the queue consisted of solo players, how are you ALWAYS seeing premades. You can't have it both ways bud.


See this is one of my beefs with this issue, its always a full on pug vs a group of premades. I don't know what these pugs would do if they were to land on a team with a premade...oh wait yeah I do as its usually contribute to losing.

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You are signing away your rights to choose your team and opponents by clicking the queue for warzone button..


Am i?


I can just quit the warzone over and over until i get the setup that i want. What is that if not 'choosing your opponents'?


Of course, doing so is detrimental to the rest of my team, who maybe does not mind facing a premade. I don't want to ruin their fun needlessly, thus im asking for that checkbox that will not put me into their game in the firstplace.

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Or else be at a disadvantage in regs against anyone who did ranked... what a terrible idea.


Well, you'll never see Peyton Manning in the Canadian Football League and there's a reason for that. Let the pros play with pros and the casuals with casuals.


If the casual thinks he can step it up give him a chance to play with the pros. Not the other way around.

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They posted somewhere else about working on matchmaking, but I cannot find it for the life of me.


Really, that is all that is needed. You can seperate PUGs and Premades, but people are still going to get placed on bad PUG teams against good PUG teams and get rolled so I fail to see a seperate queue fixing anything while breaking pop times.


Yeah I remember that as well. Though myself and others swear there is all ready some sort of matchmaking that is in game now because more often than not we face a premade when we are grouped up together, very rarely do we face a full on pug.


Sometimes we think its a pug but then we realize its just a half pug half terrible premade.

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Am i?


I can just quit the warzone over and over until i get the setup that i want. What is that if not 'choosing your opponents'?


Of course, doing so is detrimental to the rest of my team, who maybe does not mind facing a premade. I don't want to ruin their fun needlessly, thus im asking for that checkbox that will not put me into their game in the firstplace.


1) You cannot choose your opponents, only choose to stay in the warzone or not. If everyone left, then you may very well see the same opponents upon requeuing. So you most likely will change opponents, but are not able to select a non premade.


2) Please quit my warzones. If you are so terrible to the point of being paralyzed by fear at the sight of a premade and have to leave, then g t f o and let someone better take your spot. I assume you are the type of person that leaves the warzone because you are getting destroyed more so than because the other side had a premade.


Do you leave as soon as you see two guild tags that are the same or do you leave because they immediately capped 2 nodes at the start? Do you stay in every game that is close? Because there is no way to know there is a premade on the other side short of asking them. If you leave when you see the same guild tags, it could have been random and not a premade. If you stay in a game there could be a premade on the other side that isn't in the same guild. If you leave because you are getting steamrolled there could be a premade or there may not be.


Basically you are saying you leave warzones with premades but have no way to really know if there is one or not. It makes you sound like a whiny quitter who can't win and refuses to take a loss and blames it on premades.

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They posted somewhere else about working on matchmaking, but I cannot find it for the life of me.


Really, that is all that is needed. You can seperate PUGs and Premades, but people are still going to get placed on bad PUG teams against good PUG teams and get rolled so I fail to see a seperate queue fixing anything while breaking pop times.


This is completely true.

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There's no way there's any matchmaking behind the scenes, mostly because matchmaking is a trivial thing to implement correctly. It's something that's been well studied in various other games and it's something that is essentially solved. You can usually find a complete documentation on how a matchmaking system works just from the said game's website since they want to assure you the system actually works, so you don't even have to look very hard to steal something that works. Edited by Astarica
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Well, you'll never see Peyton Manning in the Canadian Football League and there's a reason for that. Let the pros play with pros and the casuals with casuals.


If the casual thinks he can step it up give him a chance to play with the pros. Not the other way around.


Hello matchmaking, which requires absolutely no separation of queues whatsoever. In fact, it is an infinitely better solution in every way for every person.


Side note: Peyton Manning doesn't play in the CFL because he is getting paid 100 million dollars to play for the Broncos. Also, the CFL is a PROFESSIONAL sports league, not for casuals.

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There's no way there's any matchmaking behind the scenes, mostly because matchmaking is a trivial thing to implement correctly. It's something that's been well studied in various other games and it's something that is essentially solved. You can usually find a complete documentation on how a matchmaking system works just from the said game's website since they want to assure you the system actually works, so you don't even have to look very hard to steal something that works.


Matchmaking is not currently implemented in this game. We just have a random dev quote form an interview pre 2.0 that they were working on adding it.

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Side note: Peyton Manning doesn't play in the CFL because he is getting paid 100 million dollars to play for the Broncos. Also, the CFL is a PROFESSIONAL sports league, not for casuals.


People are just racist towards Canada for some reason thats all.

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Yeah I remember that as well. Though myself and others swear there is all ready some sort of matchmaking that is in game now because more often than not we face a premade when we are grouped up together, very rarely do we face a full on pug.


Sometimes we think its a pug but then we realize its just a half pug half terrible premade.


There might be matchmaking of some sort, but it could use some improving at very least. There needs to be a hidden rating of some sort, so even PUGs don't get thrown in with worse PUGs or just 4 DPS guildies who are not that good, do not get put up against half of a ranked team just for numbers sake.

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1) You cannot choose your opponents, only choose to stay in the warzone or not.


Choosing to stay in warzones where the opponents are the ones i want and leaving the other ones is essentially choosing your opponents.

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Matchmaking is not currently implemented in this game. We just have a random dev quote form an interview pre 2.0 that they were working on adding it.


That was in response to the people who claim there's some kind of behind the scenes matchmaking. Yes sometimes it sure feels like there's matchmaking behind the scenes but it's just pure luck.


The sad thing is that matchmaking is trivial to implement. You can look it up on Wikipedia and know 95% of what you need. The other 5% you can go to LoL or any game with a good matchmaking system's website and read about it. Every game with a good matchmaking system has a strong incentive to let you know their system is good, which involves explaining exactly what it does since 'trust us, the system is good' isn't exactly a convincing argument.

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Choosing to stay in warzones where the opponents are the ones i want and leaving the other ones is essentially choosing your opponents.


Indirectly perhaps. But as I said, you could potentially see the same people in the next warzone. You may get another group you don't want to play with/against in the next warzone. So you aren't choosing your opponents. You're choosing to not play. There is a difference.


I also noticed you were unable to provide your criteria for how you choose to stay/leave a match. I assume I was correct that you lose when you're getting stomped and stay when you're not since you have no idea whether a team has a premade or not.

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If you are so terrible to the point of being paralyzed by fear at the sight of...


...and please drop the petty insults. As pointed out earlier in the thread, some of us simply prefer the chaotic nature of PUG vs PUG combat.

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There might be matchmaking of some sort, but it could use some improving at very least. There needs to be a hidden rating of some sort, so even PUGs don't get thrown in with worse PUGs or just 4 DPS guildies who are not that good, do not get put up against half of a ranked team just for numbers sake.


There isn't any kind of hidden matchmaking, mostly because matchmaking is a solved problem. There's no way you'd need to 'improve it' because it's a solved problem. You can basically reconstruct any game with a working matchmaking system just from Wikipedia plus the game's FAQ, because any game with a working matchmaking system has a strong incentive to assure you that their system is good, and that involves giving all the details of the said system.

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Indirectly perhaps. But as I said, you could potentially see the same people in the next warzone. You may get another group you don't want to play with/against in the next warzone. So you aren't choosing your opponents. You're choosing to not play. There is a difference.


No there is not. The fact that i might have to quit a warzone more than once does not change the fact that doing so until i face the opponents i want is essentially the same as choosing my opponents, only more tedious.

Edited by Sharee
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