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Premades are ruining non-ranked warzones


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If Matchmaking is not available (wrong word I know) except on the 2 major PVP servers, then we basically make it our self on the rest of the servers via. the server forums and then all who wanted to have a competitive environment could sign upon a thread on the specific forum for ranked, ofc going to make a problem if some premades don't want it, but its a solution to the problem, and then let the casual players/puggers have the solo quee and the non competitive groups join that one to, just an idea [/i]


If you check out the server forums there are a few ranked "kick ball" threads.


What occurs is the players show up at the posted time and teams are chosen for ranked matches. So what you get are teams that are, usually, made up of several guilds and solo queuers that want to participate.


They players that don't get picked, for whatever reason, then usually go in into the normal WZs to PvP until a spot opens up on a ranked team.


This does not occur ever night simply because not everyone can always make it. Similar to not being able to conduct operations every night because of personal schedules.

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If you check out the server forums there are a few ranked "kick ball" threads.


What occurs is the players show up at the posted time and teams are chosen for ranked matches. So what you get are teams that are, usually, made up of several guilds and solo queuers that want to participate.


They players that don't get picked, for whatever reason, then usually go in into the normal WZs to PvP until a spot opens up on a ranked team.


This does not occur ever night simply because not everyone can always make it. Similar to not being able to conduct operations every night because of personal schedules.


so you have matchmaking system, now what ppl wants can only be done on the 2 biggest PVP servers since the rest lack the numbers

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You can just repost your idea, since it's so groundbreaking and will open everyone's eyes.


Chances are, it won't.


Also enough with the insults, it's beneath you. Unless you are a pro-premaderoflstomp support then I understand the insults, since that is all you can provide when you face me.


Dude if you want to play the game solo why don't you start playing solo game. If you are stomped every wz you enter and your win rate is 10-20% then the problem aren't the premades. The problem is you. You need to step up your game and l2p.


Speaking from experience, when i solo queue my win rate is 45-55% which is normal. When in premade it goes up to 70-80%. That is because i have 3 less bads to deal with. Also i don't see you complaining about good premades on your team.

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hmm, well, this thread is now thas the most posts in the pvp forum, prob the whole site.


premades <3


They certainly make for effortless easy wins as a pug or nonstop losses if you're on the other faction.


Solution: roll opposite faction and hope you don't get a same faction match.


They did that on Warhammer Online. The game died once the losing faction remained with no players and the winners had nothing to farm left.

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They did that on Warhammer Online. The game died once the losing faction remained with no players and the winners had nothing to farm left.


Factions are op. NERF NAO!

On a serious note, how do you want to prevent good players from being good and choosing a certain faction? The only solution is a match making system, which would be a good thing especially with cross-server ques.

People complaining about friend plaing together are just ... I just don't understand tchem sorry.

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They did that on Warhammer Online. The game died once the losing faction remained with no players and the winners had nothing to farm left.


Thankfully we have same faction WZs available, which means the queues are not dependant on faction balance.


Don't think it would be strategic to limit premades in SWTOR through specific queues for premades.


1) It would reduce the amount of players in WZ queues, thus increasing queue timers. Especially since WZs are currently, and probably will be for a long time, restricted to one server only. You are basically taking a relatively sizeable segment of the WZ population and removing them from the main WZ finder.


2) Playing with friends is one of the key aspects of an MMO - friends and guild communities is what keeps players interested in playing the MMO, especially in endgame. If people would be unable to play WZs with their friends, since premade vs premade queues would take ages, they would be rightfully unhappy.


I know that people often like to ignore this, presumably because they are upset about getting owned by premade X and just want their e-revenge regardless of the actual impacts on the game, but I think the damage of removing premades is larger than the occasional pug team getting smashed by one.

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so let me get straight, solo players are self centered, EGO stroking, stubborn SOBs, who doesn't care for other than themselves?

what your describing and what I just did was PREMADES.

I came with a solution but your either lack the ability of reading or of understanding the idea, so I can try again and use really small words, this time kindergarten langue.

you sign up on a thread dedicated on your server forum, for the oh so scary ranked quee, to create a simple matchmaking system.

now I know you wont understand it here even with small words so let me try with Einstein Roosevelt bridge. that bridge is in theory design to cover a vast distance of time an space, so when you create that bridge you have a worm hole to another point in the time and space, and now before some minor clever person like the person i'm quoting, then think like this for a moment.

you are a premade or a pugger, you want a matchmaking system but only the 2 biggest PVP servers have the man power to get it, so the rest of us on "small" servers have to deseing a bridge to give us matchmaking, and here comes the worm hole or Einstein Roseenvelt bridge into the picture.


Solo queue on dead servers is going to give you 0 queue pops whatsoever. We'd all love to see cross-server, but that isn't possible with BW's awesome tech. You do realize that every premade on a dead server would just queue sync into your solo warzones, right? No solution is going to work if you don't have people that want to PvP and just offering a solo queue isn't going to get people to hop back in.


I'm not saying that I don't understand your predicament and what people on smaller servers are going to see, but there is no solution for you until cross server unless you want to transfer to a live server. Sorry bout ya.

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Solo queue on dead servers is going to give you 0 queue pops whatsoever. We'd all love to see cross-server, but that isn't possible with BW's awesome tech. You do realize that every premade on a dead server would just queue sync into your solo warzones, right? No solution is going to work if you don't have people that want to PvP and just offering a solo queue isn't going to get people to hop back in.


I'm not saying that I don't understand your predicament and what people on smaller servers are going to see, but there is no solution for you until cross server unless you want to transfer to a live server. Sorry bout ya.


then its because you and your premade friends are so god dam scared of doing anything that can benefit all ppl, but that just make you a coward like the rest of the gang.


but you are so high on your own EGO you don't get the point again. Perhaps I used to big words that you lack the ability to comprehend, but to try again just is a waist of breath and time since you clearly cant or wont understand it, but that's my mistake to use to big words that only 10% of the world population can understand.


so tell me how should I tell you the point so you Can understand it Couse you clearly don't

Edited by weyby
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Man, people have been premading in warzones vs solo players for a year and a half and pvp queues still pop regularly. Perhaps the hyperbole of how its going to lead to dead servers is somewhat inaccurate, as the evidence seems to suggest that it isn't so.
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are you refering to me, or at me? I'll assume to me :rolleyes:


I refer to the poster that your post was directed towards. Your post was excellent, it simply fell in deaf ears because the poster mentioned isn't trying to debate. Don't feed trolls, he'll think he's people. :eek:

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I refer to the poster that your post was directed towards. Your post was excellent, it simply fell in deaf ears because the poster mentioned isn't trying to debate. Don't feed trolls, he'll think he's people. :eek:


Agreed, will try. But I have good heart, and they seem hungry :(

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This one's @Sharee:


Alright, I got distracted by the terrible analogy you offered. Back to the actual argument:


You say making players suffer through something they don't want to so others can have their fun is wrong.


In essence: PuG's shouldn't have to play in warzones with groups so group-players can have their fun.


If that's true, then the reverse of that situation is also true:


Group Players shouldn't have to suffer through sitting in longer queues (and possibly no matches), matches without backfill, or incomplete teams (team of 3+4) so PuG's can have their fun.


It's a no win situation if you try and make a system where everyone is allowed their way of things 100% of the time. Not only is it impossible because fun is subjective, it's simply naïve to think that's how public space works.


Compromise needs to be made.

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then its because you and your premade friends are so god dam scared of doing anything that can benefit all ppl, but that just make you a coward like the rest of the gang.


but you are so high on your own EGO you don't get the point again. Perhaps I used to big words that you lack the ability to comprehend, but to try again just is a waist of breath and time since you clearly cant or wont understand it, but that's my mistake to use to big words that only 10% of the world population can understand.


so tell me how should I tell you the point so you Can understand it Couse you clearly don't


At what point in my post did I say that I premade or that I would queue sync into solo queue? I'm telling you what's going to happen. The premades that really want to "pug stomp" are going to take advantage of the system and it really won't be difficult to do on low pop servers. Just another downside to a solo queue, it doesn't even fix the issue of taking groups out of solo queue, much less make the games more even.


Also, re-read my previous posts about proponents of solo queue being self-centered and stubborn, because you just did the same thing in this post. "Scared of doing anything that can benefit all ppl". Explain to me the benefit of solo queue to someone who regularly has friends to play with. You can't tell me that the competition will be higher in the group queue, because I've seen some pretty bad groups in queues. So, tell me how this idea benefits anyone other than the solo queuers and you then you can start talking about how it's universally beneficial.

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At what point in my post did I say that I premade or that I would queue sync into solo queue? I'm telling you what's going to happen. The premades that really want to "pug stomp" are going to take advantage of the system and it really won't be difficult to do on low pop servers. Just another downside to a solo queue, it doesn't even fix the issue of taking groups out of solo queue, much less make the games more even.


Also, re-read my previous posts about proponents of solo queue being self-centered and stubborn, because you just did the same thing in this post. "Scared of doing anything that can benefit all ppl". Explain to me the benefit of solo queue to someone who regularly has friends to play with. You can't tell me that the competition will be higher in the group queue, because I've seen some pretty bad groups in queues. So, tell me how this idea benefits anyone other than the solo queuers and you then you can start talking about how it's universally beneficial.


you are telling me that the small servers will die out of PVP, then I have a news flash for you, the PVP on the small servers are like virus, it wont go away unless you and the premades are finding a cure for it, now you are properly pissed couse you got more "bad" players ad more premades to your server, that's your luck.

but by not accepting the facts as they are, you are among the stubborn self centered SOBs, who cant and wont understand a simple thing. well im done playing nice, I could be all nice and smiling at your lack of intelligence but it to sad really.

I did never talk about a group quee, I TALKED about a matchmaking system, but you haven't gotten 1 single clue since im using to BIG words for your intelligence.


now I will try again.

we are at A. where the premades are stumping all. we want to go to C where the matchmaking is, but to do so- we need to get past the problem which is B since that's the point where matchmaking is lacking. to get to C from A im using the Einstein Roosevelt Bridge since I then can make the distance from A to C shorter and go past B as if it was never their.

Now I hope you have gotten the point else i need to learn you to read ad understand the science im using to explain it

and that's the least of my problems to do

Edited by weyby
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I want a solo only operation. Guilds are ruining pve, they take all the tanks and healers for themselves!


NM Operation 8 man = Ranked pvp 8 man group

HM/NM Flashpoint 4 man = premade pvp 4 man group warzones 4+4 vs 4+4

Solo pve daily = ? No Arena, NO solo only vs solo only warzone queue. FAIL! :eek:


So, trying make solo pvp its like try make solo 4-man group only designed content. No way.

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now I will try again.

we are at A. where the premades are stumping all. we want to go to C where the matchmaking is, but to do so- we need to get past the problem which is B since that's the point where matchmaking is lacking. to get to C from A im using the Einstein Roosevelt Bridge since I then can make the distance from A to C shorter and go past B as if it was never their.

Now I hope you have gotten the point else i need to learn you to read ad understand the science im using to explain it

and that's the least of my problems to do


Slow your roll Mr. Spell-Check.


If I'm understanding you correctly, you're talking about the players (Us) using the forums to communicate, form even teams, and do ranked on the less populated servers as a form of self-regulated matchmaking, in lieu of Bioware's slow response to this "issue."


Is that what I'm reading?

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Slow your roll Mr. Spell-Check.


If I'm understanding you correctly, you're talking about the players (Us) using the forums to communicate, form even teams, and do ranked on the less populated servers as a form of self-regulated matchmaking, in lieu of Bioware's slow response to this "issue."


Is that what I'm reading?


Yea that's correct.

the problem aren't such a big one that we cant fix by our self.

(and was in a hurry when I wrote the last post)

I know im using a really scientific analogy, to show how to fix it

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Yea that's correct.

the problem aren't such a big one that we cant fix by our self.

(and was in a hurry when I wrote the last post)

I know im using a really scientific analogy, to show how to fix it


That's all well and good, but it's also a pipe dream.


We can't even get people to agree about what's the cause of the issue (PuG vs Groups or High skill vs Low Skill.)


One highly competitive team in ranked is enough to throw off what could be hours of work, unless you queue dodge anyone but the opposite team. At that point you've got 16 people exploiting a system and using it as it was not intended.


On top of that, it's really not our responsibility to self-create matchmaking, and the one who benefit most from all that work are the one's who already refuse to do anything but a modicum of effort: Casual PuG's.


Why spend hours setting up, balancing, and possibly exploiting so that those who won't lift a finger to use the "invite to group" button can benefit from the absence of Team-oriented players?


Like I said, nice thought, but not something that's viable.


Edit: Let's not also forget poor sports. Could spend hours getting teams together, have one match, and lose 3-4 people who decided the teams weren't set up "fair" enough. Then it's back to square one.

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That's all well and good, but it's also a pipe dream.


We can't even get people to agree about what's the cause of the issue (PuG vs Groups or High skill vs Low Skill.)


One highly competitive team in ranked is enough to throw off what could be hours of work, unless you queue dodge anyone but the opposite team. At that point you've got 16 people exploiting a system and using it as it was not intended.


On top of that, it's really not our responsibility to self-create matchmaking, and the one who benefit most from all that work are the one's who already refuse to do anything but a modicum of effort: Casual PuG's.


Why spend hours setting up, balancing, and possibly exploiting so that those who won't lift a finger to use the "invite to group" button can benefit from the absence of Team-oriented players?


Like I said, nice thought, but not something that's viable.


Edit: Let's not also forget poor sports. Could spend hours getting teams together, have one match, and lose 3-4 people who decided the teams weren't set up "fair" enough. Then it's back to square one.


I know its not perfect but its the best by far since we aren't getting anything from BW, and I know its easy exploited as well but still, so far the best we have

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You do realize that every premade on a dead server would just queue sync into your solo warzones, right? .


Why would they do that? After all the premaders on here have made it clear they're not interested in pug farming. Its instructive and amusing how, when trying to use an example t defend a lie, it nonetheless reveals the truth.

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Dude if you want to play the game solo why don't you start playing solo game. If you are stomped every wz you enter and your win rate is 10-20% then the problem aren't the premades. The problem is you. You need to step up your game and l2p.


Speaking from experience, when i solo queue my win rate is 45-55% which is normal. When in premade it goes up to 70-80%. That is because i have 3 less bads to deal with. Also i don't see you complaining about good premades on your team.


I premade but good job thinking I solo queue. Shows that you base things on no information at all.


Any more assumptions you want to add or are you done being a child?


You have been debunked.

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On top of that, it's really not our responsibility to self-create matchmaking, and the one who benefit most from all that work are the one's who already refuse to do anything but a modicum of effort: Casual PuG's.


Why spend hours setting up, balancing, and possibly exploiting so that those who won't lift a finger to use the "invite to group" button can benefit from the absence of Team-oriented players?


Like I said, nice thought, but not something that's viable.


Edit: Let's not also forget poor sports. Could spend hours getting teams together, have one match, and lose 3-4 people who decided the teams weren't set up "fair" enough. Then it's back to square one.


sometimes to get a bit of fairness someone need to chance the rule of the game just a bit, not much just a little. with that in mind you can gain something else by chancing the rules of the game.

Edited by weyby
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