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Must see 1v4. Epic fun (HD)


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1v4 takes place at 4:10 in the video.

I understand what takes place in the video so anyone who thinks they can take away from the 1v4 you know you can’t take anything away from the last kill. I still count it as 1v4 and if you notice I didn’t just spawn and run over there with full hp and all of my CDs. I killed several people before the fight started. Anyways back to Mirco homework, so ENJOY!!


/Edit Yes this is pre 50 WZ and yep I pew pewed when I was all out of ammo and backpedaled to LOS. I did not make any claim that this video was Epic Talent, all I said was Epic Fun. That it is good sir, that it is.


WATCH IT IN 1080p noobs lol

Edited by xxCarnage
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Not trying to take anything away from your vid or game play but here are some other comments you will be reading shortly...


1. Sub 50 PvP..... :rolleyes:

2. Those other players are horrible

3. Backpedal much?

4. Objectives anyone?

5. Nerf Vanguards.... :D

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Knew I would see that one in the comments lol. "FOR THE RECORD" <sarcastic tone* I have done 300k+ damage at level 10-12 on over 3 different toons. (Commando, operative, gunslinger) " I said good day sir."


Lol but that would be assuming everyone could pull off those numbers at 11. It was sad though that a full arsenal speced chased you threw that area not using his spec properly, thus causing his untimely death, but that spec is hardly used properly by anyone. Anyways good job regardless of lowbie pvp.

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When I play sub-50, people do things like not attacking ANY node at the start of Civil War. Or allow someone to plant a bomb in voidstar in the first 30 seconds. Or in NC they keep going for 2 on 2 at mid when your team is trying to hold east and west for the win.


All these shenanigans invalidate anything that happens in sub-50. I'm sorry but its true.


Most good players are not in sub-50 warzones. Sure there are the occasional few who are grinding an alt, but that's the exception. Going to a grade school basketball court and dunking on the 6 foot hoop doesn't prove that you have any basketball skills.

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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When I play sub-50, people do things like not attacking ANY node at the start of Civil War. Or allow someone to plant a bomb in voidstar in the first 30 seconds. Or in NC they keep going for 2 on 2 at mid when your team is trying to hold east and west for the win.


All these shenanigans invalidate anything that happens in sub-50. I'm sorry but its true.


Most good players are not in sub-50 warzones. Sure there are the occasional few who are grinding an alt, but that's the exception. Going to a grade school basketball court and dunking on the 6 foot hoop doesn't prove that you have any basketball skills.


But BW balance this game based on the end of WZ scoreboard's "total damage dealt" category only from Lv10 thru 50. So it still kinda matters.

Edited by warultima
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your vids are funny keep it up :D


Exactly! Lots of fun ... i actually had a blast watching it :)


Few things

- Preferences > there is a setting to suppress companion crew mission rewards so they dont pop up like in the vid


- Love that guy that walked into the acid pit on his own ... free kill haha


- 4v1 was epic!


- Acid pit pulls were fun, now you gotta get more "pull when they're about to receive the ball" or "pull the ball carrier to your scrum and gank him" stuffs :)


- I so love/hate huttball and wish i fraps more often ... i get some kooky plays by accident sometimes!

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what is the name of the song in the 4v1?


also, dont listen to people saying it is sub 50 or level 11s. The merc was 40+, assassin was 41, the marauder was 11 and i did not catch the last one, and you were 34. They had unfair advantage in level and numbers. I liked your video and your comments on it.

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It wasn't really 4v1 since you had a gunslinger help you out. In fact the gunslinger got the killing blow on the first one. Then almost killed the afking juggernaut while you were moving in to get the exp buff. And that merc was just horrible. But yeah it was a good show of using LOS to kill bads.
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I dueled three sents, in the 50 bracket, on my sorc the other day (rushed them as they were coming out of the spawn on Novare, wanted to slow them down initially). Killed two of them and had the third one pretty far down when some team mate of mine showed up and finished him.


What I am trying to say is that there are ****** players everywhere. It's rarely a reflction your own skill when such things happen. Had this been Halo MLG settings, where everyone is playing on equal terms, I'd hold those 1 vs X fights much higher. In an MMO with tens of parameters they mean little to nothing.

Edited by MidichIorian
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