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CC can't change because of healing


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yeah except whens the last time you saw someone using CC as anything but opening move vrs ANY CLASS


I have to laugh at this because it's true :p


ALL THE TIME I see Assassins opening from stealth with Electrocute, Scoundrels from stealth with their Dirty Kick... it makes absolutely no sense to me why anyone would use their 4 second stun as an opening move unless an objective was just about to be capped.


I don't complain about it though because people who open with their 4 second stun are usually very easy to dispatch afterwards because they just wasted a very valuable tool.

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limit the # of recruit geared players in mah wz's to a maximum of 2/8 and minimum of 0/8.

is all that is needed.


gear count line of code determines the threshold for recruit geared.


If all gear = min xxx expertise

and or -/17000k hp

max # =2/8 min 0/8




unless BW makes a recruit bracket of sorts I skimmed up a few posts and seen another poster is wise to this as well

Edited by mtsr
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CC is what is supposed to take out the healer, because some healing builds are so difficult to kill that unless you stun them you will not be able to do it even if it's 2 vs. 1 or even 3 vs. 1 healer. Also, try to take out cross healers without CC.


It is not really intended that you stunlock every opponent that isn't a healer, but so many people aren't playing with the correct strategy or only care about their kill numbers and winning the warzone isn't important to them.


Stun the healers so you can actually get the kill.


So what your saying is we should base the pvp entirely on CC's like it is now? No thanks! Furthermore, I think that it shouldn't take only one person to kill a healer. I disagree with this notion and think it should take at the least and at the most 2 people to down a healer. 1 person should be able to put ample preasure on a healer to force the healer to put healing attention on himself / herself, thus taking away healing from the rest of the opposing team. If every class could solo healers, and about 2 classes can solo healers now, why would anyone even want to play one? Honestly, you would be better off having nothing but DPS in warzones as at least they would be able to defend themselves better and possibly kill the opposing individual trying to kill them. Posts like this and people thinking they should be able to solo healers is going to put pvp back a step again.

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I PvP on my sage healer hes up to 45 now...gotta update my sig


and I can survive for a good long time against three people....unless they stun me

I kite and heal myself over and over and over.




i'm not throwing heals anywhere else while i'm doing that


The problem with trying to use cc to escape that is simple.

it's cast time.


if it were an instant cast then sure.


cc one

stun one,

run like hell from the third.


of course if they all take turn stunning me then that ttk goes way down unless my resolve pops. even then as broken as resolve is it doesn't work half the time.


The cast time of cc's makes them generally impossible to use as an escape move, even in PvE. so as an opener they work great. which is I would argue their intended use.


The real problem in PvP is that it's become a stunfest.

give the stuns back their 30m range, and give them a 1 minute cooldown. that I think would serve to make them a tactical use option rather than a opener.


I'd happily trade the range for the long cooldown because it make no sense for a ranged class to have to close to melee distance in order to stun someone.


or alternately lets get the best of both worlds make the range 20m and the cooldown 45 seconds.


Maybe you can survive against 3 baddies, but you won't survive against a good pt, murader, or jugg imo.

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A good pt, jugg or assassin is a serious threat to an healer. Or at least it is for operatives, don't know for sorc.


I can out-burst an operative focusing on self healing and kill him if I have my stun left for the 30% lolhealspam that they do.


Dont know about jugg or Sin.

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So what your saying is we should base the pvp entirely on CC's like it is now? No thanks! Furthermore, I think that it shouldn't take only one person to kill a healer. I disagree with this notion and think it should take at the least and at the most 2 people to down a healer. 1 person should be able to put ample preasure on a healer to force the healer to put healing attention on himself / herself, thus taking away healing from the rest of the opposing team. If every class could solo healers, and about 2 classes can solo healers now, why would anyone even want to play one? Honestly, you would be better off having nothing but DPS in warzones as at least they would be able to defend themselves better and possibly kill the opposing individual trying to kill them. Posts like this and people thinking they should be able to solo healers is going to put pvp back a step again.


I'm not saying it's the best way, but I think it's where Bioware is coming from with the stuns.

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It will unintentionally nerf one of the weakest AC in game the operative. To balance it out they will need more damage. But I understand there are still plenty of bads out there that gets beat by dps operatives (coz I do it all the time) on fotm ACs so people would cry anyways.


CC in StunWars aint going anywhere. Deception Assassins would also be affected since they are the Spec with the most CC ever in the entire game of SWTOR.

Deception Sin has

1. 4 sec mezz (Low Slash 4m)

2. 4 sec stun (Electrocute 10m)

3. 2 sec stun (Spike 4m)

4. 8 sec mezz (Whirlwind 30m)

5. 50% slow (Force Slow)

6. 15m frontal cone AoE Knockback.


DEV will not touch CC since it will piss off Sins. And judging by their track record post 1.2, BW is scared of touching the FotMs in any negative way or give them something to make it look like a nerf but really a buff in a different way.



Nerfing Undying Rage by 1 second for an new and oped rage tree.

Take away range from PT but give them even more burst.

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Anyone else remembers that time when healers were unkillable? Resulted to trauma if i recall correctly. :eek:


If you take a moment to check out 1.4 patch notes you will see that there was a significant increase in burst damage on the PTs and Jugs (also i suspec voltaic slash 'sins do loads more damage after the patch, but not having one myslef i cannot be sure as of why).


Obviously the buff on AoE (rage spec) brings lots of pressure to a healer, since, atleast the scoundrel can heal for 5-6k with only 1 ability (underworld medicine) that has a say 2 sec cast and critical is not guaranteed. Obviously haters, there are other ways to heal, just attempting to compare the two "nukes". As for PTs/Pyros from a healer PoV i don't really feel the "nerf", still getting 3.5-5k HiBs. In fact their burst has increased, since they practically got a 2nd bomb. Sure they feel more close quarters, but i doubt that assault plastique and snare nerfs hurt them that much.


Add to those "fail" changes on broken classes the fact that ranged DPS classes got 35m interupts, while my range is 30m and you will understand that healing got a bit harder in 1.4.


Obviously the new resolve system doesnt really help. For those saying that 2 people cannot kill a healer, well they may have a point, but it really depends on occasion, not gonna go any further on this, some DPS combinations mentioned above hurt too much.


Last but not least, when 2 or more people focus the healer they may not kill him, maybe not as fast as they would want to :rolleyes: , but the fact that they will force him to start running around healing himself will probably result in another member of his team dead sooner or later.


Bottomline, those lol DPS that whine about healers still being OP don't really have a point imho. In fact i would like to see some changes in both CC and Classes that would prolong fights, not make pvp a matter of FoTM class stacking (yes i 've joined normal warzones with 3 focus guardians- it gets old really fast) and power stacking in order to increase lmaoburst.

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