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Thoughts on healing people with the PvP flag


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I really don't understand all the crying about this. So, you got flagged by healing someone in your group, and now you have an icon next to your portrait. It's not like you can get attacked by anyone on the fleet, and even if you do, there isn't even a repair cost.



The annoyance is I have no interest in PvP at all EVER. If I got flagged and attacked I would not fight back. I would just stand there until I died or you got bored since I find no interest in that aspect of the game. I have enough stress in my life between work and school that I don't need more. I play games to relax not to deal with PvP stuff.


If I had realized that I could be flagged this way I probably would not have started playing this game at all. I will likely play for a little while longer to do some of the stories since they are interesting but I won't keep playing long term unless this is fixed.


in EQ1, EQ2, STO, CoH, etc etc I have not seen any way you could get flagged for PvP like this. In those games you have to make an affirmative action and since this game was classified as consensual PvP I assumed it would work the same way. It turns out this game is really only consensual PvP if you are not a healer.

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Is this thread for real you rarely run into members of the opposite faction in heroic areas etc i dont see the big deal about being flagged... -.-


I was on Nar Shadda yesterday and ended up flagged during a group and some 50s where running around killing people in the area.


I just fast traveled out of the group instance to a safe area. However if I had not had to do that I could have done other quests in the area instead of having to run back. So this is a real issue.

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The point of this thread is that we are being forced into PVP. So there's no repair cost, we're still being inconvenienced by some ******e of a lvl 50 who thinks it's funny to flag players by aoe or heals then have a friend attack them or similar action. That's why the community is annoyed. I've been in so many situations where I've seen people leave groups that have taken AGES to form because some inconsiderate DPS player hasn't had the common decency to spend five minutes to remove a flag. I think that PVP on PVE servers should just be limited to WZ's, Open world PVP (such as Ilum or Outlaw's den) and then the flag removed IMMEDIATELY afterwards. If you want to grief players who just want to have fun and play with their friends then go do it on a PVP server for f***s sake
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Is this thread for real you rarely run into members of the opposite faction in heroic areas etc i dont see the big deal about being flagged... -.-


Im with this. Is being flagged really that big deal on PvE servers?


On my pvp server, highlvl rarely gank lowbies. Much more fun to shred lvl50 in the black hole area until they cry for backup on their fleet:rak_03:

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Some people must be really scared of pvp or losing to another person

If you're worried about getting flagged from healing a flagged player

Don't heal them but you will just look like an *** doing that


Also world pvp is pretty no existent on pvp servers as it is

And even less on a pve server so you chances of getting ganked out in the world would be rare

Edited by denpic
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The large majority of PvPers (on PvE servers) don't bother with open world PvP. 90% of the time, the people you see looking for open world PvP are just casual players who just want to mess around.


Just do your quests while PvP flagged. Even if you get ganked and have to run back once, thats still quicker than standing in a cantina for 5 mins.

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Not really. As long as the AOE "feature" is in the game where people can be flagged against their will AND as long as there are players that take advantage of it (and there ARE MANY on SHADOWLANDS that do so (you know who you are griefers)) PvP on a PvE server is far from consensual. :rolleyes:


I think one person's "far" is another person's "near" here. I see PvP on a PvE server as "nearly always consensual" - say, in 99% of the cases. For some people, that 1% is unacceptable.


I also tell people in chat, whenever I hear anyone discussing the AoE bug, that it's considered griefing and may be bannable. I hope it is a deterrent.

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Flagged and Unflagged should just not be able to help each other at all. That way if someone is flagged and I am not instead of me getting flagged for healing them instead I would just not be able to heal them.


The second best solution would be to remove the superfluous "safe zone" requirement for the PvP flag to drop. So long as I don't enter a PvP area or engage in PvP, let the flag expire after five minutes. At least then I can go about my business and it's a certainty the flag will be gone by the time a FP is completed.


However, I'd still like to see that companions can't go derping about and flag me for PvP.


Coolstorybro time:



A long, long time ago, back in my WoW days, I was clumsy and was flagged for flying too close to a PvP area. I practically didn't PvP in WoW, either, but I didn't stress over it since all I was after was a gathering run. Lo, not long after I run into a flagged player from the opposite faction who proceeds to attack me.




I proceeded to do absolutely nothing. Well, I think I might tossed some heals on myself though that's scarcely important. The point is that my PvP flag had nearly expired and then it did, before he could kill me. That another player came along and killed the guy who attacked me was a pure win moment.


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  • 2 months later...
Its simple its a crap mechanic which is bugged to hell. Remove the mechanic. If people want to openworld pvp force them to do so on a PVP server. If people only want openworld PVE then thats all they should get on a pve server. At the minimum put in a toggle which stops people from being able to heal pvp flagged players even with targetted or AOE heals. Some of us HAVE NO WISH TO PVP, we arent afraid of it, we just dont want to do it ever. Why is it so hard to respect our choice? And if you cant respect our choice why should we respect yours?
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Honestly I think non flagged pvp players should NOT be able to affect PVP players in any way shape or form!


That means no you cant heal and buff buddyboy (and thus you dont get flagged cause hes to ignorant to join group unflagged)


But that would ALSO mean flagged opponent cant run into your AOE and flag you against your will




Unflagged player cant leap or attack you (when you are flagged) with no warning (They should have to manually flag themselves THEN ATTACK. Why should they get a free attack in for not being openly flagged?)


Just make it unflagged players can not interact with flagged players of any faction in any way (unless they willingly flag themselves).


I know when im on as my healer and doing BH. If I advertise for a PUG I will not join flagged groups or keep flagged players because as a healer I have to interact with them and I just dont want my healer flagged!


Some get mad and say "all you need to do is stand in a cantina for 5 minutes to get it gone"

To which I reply "Well go find a cantina, stand there, and if we still looking when your unflagged you can return to us"


But I really shouldnt have to.

EA said before games released that NO non pvp player will ever find themselves flagged against their will


But thats not really true is it?



Your father, and your father's fathers would not be proud of your post. Never have I seen such cowardice.

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False. With the exception of the bug/exploit that allowed some players to flag others against their will so they could grief them, it very much IS your choice. You chose to heal or buff said flagged player and thus you chose to become flagged. If you didn't notice they were flagged it was your choice to assume all people aren't flagged and heal/buff someone without checking their flagged status first.


If you get in my group and refuse to heal someone cause they are flagged its you that are going to get the boot. Your job is to heal those taking damage, end of story, and if you are too selfish to fulfill that role another player or companion will. Tanks tank, DPS do damage, healers heal and it really is that simple. So do what you are in the group to do or get out and go find people as selfish as yourself to group with cause I ain't one of them.


I would not be in this group, as there are flagged players. Flagged player appears, I quit , that simple. No debate or argument. It is the flagged player who is selfish, not the unflagged player. You can toggle your pvp flag on in an instant when you want...and if it is no big deal to sit in a cantina to remove the flag, the pvp flagged player can do it before asking pve players to heal them.


It's soooo easy to flag players with simple exploits as it is, they have not fixed all the simple exploits that exist, which is pretty bad considering there are PVE servers. On a pvp server, you expect to be flagged I assume. On a pve sever it is not at all outrageous to ask for no flagging at all.


Why this is an issue for flagged players is beyond me. Seriously, they should just roll on PVP servers. PVE players roll on PVE servers...because they don't want to be flagged. This somehow amazes certain people.

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Why this is an issue for flagged players is beyond me. Seriously, they should just roll on PVP servers. PVE players roll on PVE servers...because they don't want to be flagged. This somehow amazes certain people.


I am one of the people who likes to do world PvP on a PvE server. To answer your question why I want it this way:

- My main motivations for playing SWTOR are raiding and stories, and PvP is only secondary (while still important)

- I like the fact people, including myself, can choose to be unflagged. I value consensus a lot.


So occasionally, I wander around the wrong side of the tracks in the Black Hole on my PvE server, fighting those who are flagged. It's good clean fun, because I keep it this way. No chasing the same person for more than two kills, no exploits, no killing people who flag accidentally, no out-of-character trash talking. I'll put an Empire banner on someone's dead body, but I won't sit on their face.


I am overall happy with how world PvP works out for me on a PvE server.

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I am getting tired of needing to go sit in a cantina or somewhere like that in order to clear that flag. It seems that only healers catch it since other things don't transfer the flag. I don't do PvP and likely never will do PvP.


What do you guys think the ethics are of refusing to heal someone that has the PvP flag in a group?


I love this when I'm doing Section X on my healer. Ask for a group for Long Shots, get one flagged person on your team then you have a choice: A. Act like a petty child and refuse to heal B. Suck it up and hope that the Imperials leave you alone (which I always do). Then I stealth between quests. Still trying to do the Area 2+ while PvP flagged is almost always guaranteed to have an Imperial stab you in the back whilst fighting NPC mobs.


My favorite time was when I healed a group through the H4, got flagged because of someone and got ripped apart just outside the entrance by 4 imperials while my teammates sat back and did nothing. When I asked why they didn't help me, they said they weren't flagging themselves for me. The guy I got the flag from ran away like a true coward.


Flashpoints are OK because there you're not getting flagged if you heal someone. I would tweak the PvP flag mechanism in the open world by not having an /unflag command on a 30-min cooldown maybe. That way I could ask people to unflag themselves before I start healing. Or if worse comes to worst unflag myself at the end of the quest.

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My main is a healer on a PvE server and my guildies love to get me flagged when we run dailies. It doesn't bother me running around flagged because I know they have my back if I get jumped but why do I have to sit around and do nothing for 5 minutes when we're done? Most of the time we're in BH and never even see any imps yet I still have a 5 minute "timeout".


I would like to see the unflag command become instant if you did not engage in combat with the enemy faction while flagged. If you do engage in combat with the enemy or heal a group member who is unflagging would work as it does now. You still couldn't grief people by sneaking up, killing them, and then unflagging when they respawn. But if you flag yourself by accident or get flagged healing a group member you aren't punished by a timeout in the Cantina.

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I would like to see the unflag command become instant if you did not engage in combat with the enemy faction while flagged.


Well, imagine that you catch an imp at 10% of health fighting a mob and kill her. So she wants to get her medical probe and pay you back. In all logic, this is the continuation of the same skirmish. Except you are now out of combat and unflagged. Where's the fun in that?

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Well, imagine that you catch an imp at 10% of health fighting a mob and kill her. So she wants to get her medical probe and pay you back. In all logic, this is the continuation of the same skirmish. Except you are now out of combat and unflagged. Where's the fun in that?


No that's not at all what I'm saying. If you are flagged and actually fight someone then yes when they respawn they should absolutely get to fight back. If you kill someone at 10% you would have engaged in combat with the enemy faction and should have to wait 5 minutes to unflag. If you fight an enemy player at all while flagged you should have to wait to unflag even if not currently in combat.


What I am talking about is I run BH with my guild and get flagged healing my tank while in PvE combat. We finish BH without ever seeing a member of the enemy faction. Now that tanks logs and I want to go solo Section X. Why should I have to wait 5 minutes or risked being jumped on my healer with no backup when I never did any fighting while flagged?

Edited by Thoniei
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What am talking about is I run BH with my guild and get flagged healing my tank while in PvE combat. We finish BH without ever seeing a member of the enemy faction. Now that tanks logs and I want to go solo Section X. Why should I have to wait 5 minutes or risked being jumped on my healer with no backup when I never did any fighting while flagged?


Ahh, so your idea is to count 5 minutes of non-PvP actions, rather than the current system of "doing completely and utterly nothing"? That would be very sweet indeed!

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Ahh, so your idea is to count 5 minutes of non-PvP actions, rather than the current system of "doing completely and utterly nothing"?


Exactly every time you attack an enemy player you would get a 5 min debuff on your buff bar that stops you from unflagging. The debuff counts down as long as you do not perform a PvP action even if you are running around killing mobs or whatever else you are doing. There is no reason to make you do nothing while waiting to unflag especially when open world pvp is so rare in this game.

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