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An entire game with 3 vs. 5


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I'm sorry, but why is your game getting worse with each patch? Shouldn't it be the other way around?


I just played an entire Civil War 3 reps vs. 5 imps and the game didn't end.


You need to hire more and skilled code monkeys.


I love this game, others don't and are leaving, at some point there won't be any left for me to play with or against.


In the very near future you have to decide if you go on and with full force or just abandon this game for good. Just don't do halfway like you are now.

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Going to refrain from starting a separate thread on this issue, but it's getting ridiculous. I'm an avid solo queuer and I've been getting shafted with 7 v 8 games regularly one after the other. It seems that if the game starts before an 8th player is found, the system freezes at seven and refuses to fill the 8th slot. :confused: So if a person leaves the WZ (which happens quite often) and it turns into a 6 v 8 it will fill the 7th slot with a new player, but the 8th will remain vacant for the remainder of the game. You guys need to fix this, or at least add a second timer to the queue pop that shows when the actual match is going to start since a lot of people milk the 60 second accept timer. (I'm guilty of this myself..) It would be nice to know if the match is about to start or already going so I'm not putting one side at a disadvantage..


Please and :ph_thank_you: ...

Edited by alen
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This is a known bug with the backfill. 1.4 introduced alot of bugs, this one included, so lemme try to explain it to those who don't know why they're a man short the whole match:


You know that pop-up that appears when a Warzone is just about to begin and it has two options: Join Warzone and Leave Que? Well if you ignore that completely, not selecting either option and letting the timer run out, the pop-up dissappears and you are automatically unqued from Warzones like usual, right? No, the bug makes it so if you let the timer run out the game DOESN'T automatically unque you, therefor you stay qued until you manually unque. And since you're still qued, the bug makes the game think you're in the actual Warzone even though you're not, therefor solong as you remain qued you're taking up a space in one of the Warzones teams, therefor preventing anyone else joining that team and filling up that missing space.


So to all you PvPers out there: if you miss a Warzone pop-up please manually leave the Warzone Que, otherwise your team are gonna be a person down the entire match.

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So to all you PvPers out there: if you miss a Warzone pop-up please manually leave the Warzone Que, otherwise your team are gonna be a person down the entire match.


LOL! Then why the game does not see this "player" in away-mode and wont kick him out, but kicks me when i locked behind force barrier? This is a bug + bug? :D:p

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^ This sums it up. Stop queing up and then going AFK. You're just boinking the rest of us. If you're not ready to play, don't queue.


couldnt of said it better myself. Is it really too much to ask for??????

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LOL! Then why the game does not see this "player" in away-mode and wont kick him out, but kicks me when i locked behind force barrier? This is a bug + bug? :D:p


The player isn't in the actual Warzone, therefor timers do not count. The bug makes the game think the player is in the Warzone, even though they're on the Fleet or wherever.

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