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Why i dont wanna log on in SWTOR anymore


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My biggest complaint is the ability lag. As a melee character my actions get delayed continuously when the global cooldown keeps refreshing keeping me away from actually playing the game but trying to activate the abilities.


Ontop of that the recent graphical stutter (since 1.4) which is rather harmful for my well being (it strains my eyes and makes me wanna vomit).


in short, even though i pvped heavily, raided heavily and done alot of weeks worth of dailies since the pre-launch, i got fed up with this issue of non-responsiveness.


Now a week passes and i dont even join my guild's progression on the new raid, im not getting any pleasure from the unresponsiveness.

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I enjoy 6-7 man WZ's myself, has to be the best part of the 1.4 update!


I know, I know...it's only been a major game-breaking issue for almost 3 weeks, but man it's so fun!


And yeah, my sub runs out in 4 days or so...terrible dev team is terrible.

Edited by Apaolo
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The ability lag? Do you mean the GCD? O_o most games have a GCD.


Yea, ToR's is a bit longer, but its not too bad once you get used to it. However, it DOES look kinda silly from an RP stand point.


haha! *Stab* ....*checks watch* STAB!.....*scratches leg*.....*STAB* oh oh time out, something in my eye.....*STAB*

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The ability lag? Do you mean the GCD? O_o most games have a GCD.


Yea, ToR's is a bit longer, but its not too bad once you get used to it. However, it DOES look kinda silly from an RP stand point.


haha! *Stab* ....*checks watch* STAB!.....*scratches leg*.....*STAB* oh oh time out, something in my eye.....*STAB*


No, he means using an ability after the GCD has finished from using the previous one, and you get a shortened looking GCD timer on that ability instead it actually firing. It's like the game isn't recognizing the ability being available to use.


There's also a bug where you get an ability with a cooldown not work after using it, and it never did anything other than trigger the cooldown.


I blame most of those types of annoying bugs on their horrible client/server synching. It's the worst synching I have ever seen outside of the late 90's online multiplayer games, and those were mostly clients hosting clients. Though WAR was pretty bad as well, with all the out of range errors early after launch.

Edited by Hambunctious
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There comes a time when you are simply done with a game. It happens to all of us at one point or another. I remember when I sat down to play WoW one day, and just stared at the screen for about 10m when I realized I couldn't find any reason to log into my toons.


the game certainly had its advantages, but at that point (for me), they simply weren't enough motivation for me to keep playing. iwas was pushing myself for a long time to get certain things done. I had gotten them done, and there wasn't much left in the game for me at that point (had played from vanilla - cat). I think i was just....done.


you may be at this point with SWtOR. it's not a crime, though it's prtobably sad for you. I still enjoyed certain aspects of WoW...just couldn't log in and get past everythign else to do them. have yet to hit that threshold with this game. but it will probably happen. I don't think it's a bad thing either.....someone who never gets tired of a game even after years is probably needing to re-evaluate their life :)


But I don't think its anything specific that kills the vibe. Their may be a few straws that break the camels back....but usually it's just a buildup of issues combined with completing your desired objectives...and no new ones on the horizon. this game has enough bugs I could see that threshold being lower for many people though...

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wow, I havnt notice this issue at all O_o


I mean, there was a bit of an issue at launch, but they fixed it a few patches in. I get no ability delays. Is it certain classes or what? I dont see any on my assassin, operative, or guardian.


I have the best PC money can buy. I have noticed these issues. You have to actually pay attention to catch it, otherwise you can easily be oblivious when it actually happens.

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you may be at this point with SWtOR. it's not a crime, though it's prtobably sad for you. I still enjoyed certain aspects of WoW...just couldn't log in and get past everythign else to do them. have yet to hit that threshold with this game. but it will probably happen. I don't think it's a bad thing either.....someone who never gets tired of a game even after years is probably needing to re-evaluate their life :)


Basically your whole post is right on but it doesnt really apply to me. I like to play the game or at least used to (atm even thinking of how alien the *gameplay* is really puts me off loging in), but the ability lag really kills the immersion.


Im a pretty fast keybinding playing and i fire my abilities in order and probably out of instict(?). So it comes naturally but then it comes unnaturally when for example i do my master strike and while waiting for the channelling to end (it actually displays that), the master strike never fired off! I mean is this a Triple-A game? For real?


Or every 2-3 saber strike - at best - the ability wont fire and its standing there like stupid.


Like most of you, i played almost all triple-A MMOs and ive been an avid FPS gamer since Quake1.


I like my game fast and responsive, and thats how the designers designed these games to be. But in the case of SWTOR, for some mysterious reason (probably server-client synch issues) abilities wont fire, over and over and over again.


On the other hand Guild Wars2 playes F-L-A-W-L-E-S-S-L-Y and if you just give no credit to the newer mechanics and the better combat, and focus down on pure ability activation, that game has NO issues at all, even when im seeding torrents with 70kb/s on my flimsy 17mb/1mb DSL line.


I wish the game was not cursed with those delays. I like Star Wars alot and i like my pimp Sentinel aswell and also im rather needed in the guild progression but developers should step up on this and that and really offer quality for the money they charged for retail and subscription.

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I have the best PC money can buy. I have noticed these issues. You have to actually pay attention to catch it, otherwise you can easily be oblivious when it actually happens.


It actually happens on classes with no channeling attacks and fast recycles.


On classes like Sages/ Sorcerers, with channels and ability that dont really activate one after the other all the time (for example on my Sentinel or on my Juggernaut i spam strike, the simple attack and many times slash to dump rage. Its not 1 time spam, its a continous tapping of abilities).

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It happens to me SO much, and it really does drive me insane. It seems to happen the most when I try and use Assassinate on my Assassin, my character does the beginning of the Assassinate animation but then stops halfway through and the GCD is reset. Has done this since launch.
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the global cooldown reset thing is the most annoying part of this game. its like i have to wait for 2 global cooldowns sometimes. i cant tell how many times i have died in warzones because of it. it happens about every 2-6 attacks, and i have top of the line computer and internet.


i didn't notice it for the first few weeks, and i still don't really notice it in pve since its not as fast paced as pvp. but when your in a warzone, every second counts. and it really messes up my burst attacks and rotations.

Edited by mitchsts
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I have yet to experience a GCD hang and I play on a 2004 Dell XPS Win XP SP3 pos. On my PC a 1 second cooldown takes 1 second. Some CDs are slower than I'd like them to be, but those are simply mechanics to be learned. I used to have problems with the SJ and JG abilities not being available when I needed them because they were still on cooldown. But once I figured out which ability casts effected what, I was then able to play with anticipation and feel instead of clicking wildly and mashing the snot out of my keyboard. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I have yet to experience a GCD hang and I play on a 2004 Dell XPS Win XP SP3 pos. On my PC a 1 second cooldown takes 1 second. Some CDs are slower than I'd like them to be, but those are simply mechanics to be learned. I used to have problems with the SJ and JG abilities not being available when I needed them because they were still on cooldown. But once I figured out which ability casts effected what, I was then able to play with anticipation and feel instead of clicking wildly and mashing the snot out of my keyboard.


This thing about anticipation got me thinking. Usually if i chill out and wait about a full second for each GCD attack (non GCD attakcs are of no issue) i will experience little to no delay.


Looks like the game rewards slow-sluggish gameplay - the way the engine works.


I think they tried to counter their own engine fault by having the option to queue attacks in the options menu. But that only reduces the issue under certain conditions.


The thing is, advanced gameplay, be it melee or ranged, cant really focus on toolbar and line up the next attack as soon as the graphic goes out. You want to have everything on binds, look at the action part of the screen, ready to dodge attacks and counter your opponent. Ability firing comes out of instict and cooldowns are kinda imprinted in you.


When you master strike, a simple eyeing on the toolbar is enough to tell you the ability is off GCD and ready to fire. And then after performing a channeled ability and you move on to other abilities you find out that even though the animation was executed, the ability never fired.


Totally unimmersive gameplay :mad:

Edited by bliapis
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  • 2 weeks later...
My biggest complaint is the ability lag. As a melee character my actions get delayed continuously when the global cooldown keeps refreshing keeping me away from actually playing the game but trying to activate the abilities.


Ontop of that the recent graphical stutter (since 1.4) which is rather harmful for my well being (it strains my eyes and makes me wanna vomit).


in short, even though i pvped heavily, raided heavily and done alot of weeks worth of dailies since the pre-launch, i got fed up with this issue of non-responsiveness.


Now a week passes and i dont even join my guild's progression on the new raid, im not getting any pleasure from the unresponsiveness.


You should quit.

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My biggest complaint is the ability lag. As a melee character my actions get delayed continuously when the global cooldown keeps refreshing keeping me away from actually playing the game but trying to activate the abilities.


Ontop of that the recent graphical stutter (since 1.4) which is rather harmful for my well being (it strains my eyes and makes me wanna vomit).


in short, even though i pvped heavily, raided heavily and done alot of weeks worth of dailies since the pre-launch, i got fed up with this issue of non-responsiveness.


Now a week passes and i dont even join my guild's progression on the new raid, im not getting any pleasure from the unresponsiveness.


Well, I have good news for you! We, as human beings, have this great thing called "free will". It's a beautiful thing because when we don't feel like doing something, or paying for something, we can simply stop doing it.


I know right? Can that really be true? IT IS! I know it's hard to believe but it really is true.


Here is my recommendation. If you feel like you're not having fun anymore, you can stop paying for the game and go play something else. It's cool because if you ever want to play again, you can come back! No seriously, they will let you play again. It's great, I love free will.



Otherwise, if you want to stay, simply make a constructive post about how you find certain features not working the way you expect. I humbly suggest avoiding exaggerating and hyperbole as most folks won't take you seriously if you just claim the entire game is broken.



The more you know!

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Well, I have good news for you! We, as human beings, have this great thing called "free will". It's a beautiful thing because when we don't feel like doing something, or paying for something, we can simply stop doing it.


I know right? Can that really be true? IT IS! I know it's hard to believe but it really is true.


Here is my recommendation. If you feel like you're not having fun anymore, you can stop paying for the game and go play something else. It's cool because if you ever want to play again, you can come back! No seriously, they will let you play again. It's great, I love free will.



Otherwise, if you want to stay, simply make a constructive post about how you find certain features not working the way you expect. I humbly suggest avoiding exaggerating and hyperbole as most folks won't take you seriously if you just claim the entire game is broken.



The more you know!




OH WOW! How fantastic! I also like to use this one thing...oh what was it....oh that's right! Not being a jack@ss



(I know I'll get an infraction from this, but I don't care, some people, like you need to be taken down a peg)

Edited by Darth_Urtani
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This happens to me all the time too(i play a sage). I will hit a skill, the gcd will activate , but the skill never fired. It has been an issue since launch, but I chalked it up to me me being a button spammer. Once my skill activates I am already spamming the next one.
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