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Server crash?


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I can't help but feel that SWTOR was attacked by someone like the one who caused the massive deaths in WOW.





While I'm on the subject.....can an MMO be hacked to the point where the providers would have to reset all accounts, thereby deleting all Toons, in order to restore the game to functionality?


I know that such a move would surely result in the end of the game as we know it. There would be no way they could financially recover from such a move, even if it criminally occurred.


if it is someone who lost their job at BW they could do anything this is why when system administrators lose their jobs passwords for everyone is changed ... all this is possible but their back up server which also holds this data is not directly connected to network (should not be even) and may only cause a roll back of a few hours or minutes (depending on how they do it ... college networks back up every 30 minutes i dont no about the gaming networks but i guess it is hours due to the time frame it takes them to move data around)


to damage BW/swtor beyond repair you need destruction of main server and the ability to bring down major departments and to no all this you need to no the network very well (every IPaddress of every router/switch/server) their for it could only cause this damage if a former employee ... and my guess is this would never happen

Edited by warriorcat
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I can't help but feel that SWTOR was attacked by someone like the one who caused the massive deaths in WOW.





While I'm on the subject.....can an MMO be hacked to the point where the providers would have to reset all accounts, thereby deleting all Toons, in order to restore the game to functionality?


I know that such a move would surely result in the end of the game as we know it. There would be no way they could financially recover from such a move, even if it criminally occurred.


That's a scary thought.

But I would start from scratches if I would have to....


Edit: This game has so many extreme haters who would love to see this game dead that everything is possible. I hope BioWare is well protected against things like that.

Edited by Evensong
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Agreed... and for the record... doing any kind of system change during normal working hours on something like this is just plain insane. We Sys Admins keep such odd hours for a reason.


I just wanted to throw my two cents in for the "learn to program" and "this should never *ever* happen" crowd.

Personally I don't work in the Gaming / programming sector, but....

In my line of work, I'd never get away justifying that many fck ups with that many apologies.


An oldie but a goodie: get on with it !

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Suggesting one read a book or take a walk requires a narrow view of your fellow man. Since I am dyslexic and disabled neither is an option for me. Further I live with severe pain and my pain meds are late being delivered. Playing this game is usually a wonderful distraction for me, but not today, so if I've offended anyone (except the IT guy) I apologize!


Don't let rude people get to you. There are still *some* human beings out there with ya.

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That's a scary thought.

But I would start from scratches if I would have to....


I wouldn't. If I lost my level 50 and all the other mid level alts i was working on, I would demand a refund and cancel my sub, because BW/EA could not replace all the time I spent leveling those characters, not to mention the characters themselves.

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No, it would not be possible for someone to fully wipe account data in an irrevocable manner.


Backups are generally made in a read-only manner to avoid exactly such situations. In serious cases, there is a two-level backup going on - there are regular digital backups (where data is transferred to a destination that is not normally accessible for writing, but could be under extreme circumstances) as well as offline backups that can be recovered in the case of a total emergency (usually read-only DVDs that are burned and then transferred to some physically secure location).

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i was kinda looking for a simple shoot em up first person, easy stylee


Get on planetside 2 beta its certainly simple, the first was a wonderful game with depth of play, the second is brainless zerg fest courtesy of Smedley, to avoid the furor of SWGs changes halfway through its life hes now applying his dream of simplistic, idiotic play to games before launch.

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came back yesterday after getting bored the end of january and nothing seems to have changed .. same outages it seems as well..


i like this game in a way but really wish someone there would get "their **** together"



Couldn't agree with this post more, came back yesterday, couldn't get into wz, kept loggin me out when i tried to enter wz, was going to try again today and servers are down. WOW, well done BW/EA, you sure know how screw up consistently.

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That's a scary thought.

But I would start from scratches if I would have to....


Edit: This game has so many extreme haters who would love to see this game dead that everything is possible. I hope BioWare is well protected against things like that.


Well, there was this developer who lost an entire game because they had failed to keep backup versions of it. I mean, okay, it was a bit of a Darwin Awards nominee...


I'd say extremely unlikely because I judge the people at Bioware to be competent IT guys. It might be possible to somehow delete the character files on the live servers (might!), but I'd wager my entire stock of first Flush Darjeeling they have a backup, and worst case would be a rollback.

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UPDATE 12:05PM CDT: Thank you for your continued patience. NA and EU servers remain offline, and we have no ETA for when they will be available. We will update this thread again within an hour.




UPDATE 11:10AM CDT: We still have no ETA for when the servers will be available again. We will update this thread again within an hour.


Original message:

We are currently investigating issues that have caused ALL the NA and EU regions to become unavailable.


We have no ETA for when the servers will be available again at this time, but we will update this thread with new information as it becomes available.


To check the status of your server, visit the Server Status page.


Thank you for your patience. We apologize for the inconvenience.


There, fixed this for you Courtney

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No, it would not be possible for someone to fully wipe account data in an irrevocable manner.


Backups are generally made in a read-only manner to avoid exactly such situations. In serious cases, there is a two-level backup going on - there are regular digital backups (where data is transferred to a destination that is not normally accessible for writing, but could be under extreme circumstances) as well as offline backups that can be recovered in the case of a total emergency (usually read-only DVDs that are burned and then transferred to some physically secure location).


Yes it would be possible, it would involve burning down the facility its housed in but its possible :p

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Seeing as how Asia is still up, I find it likely the hacker is some ASIAN DUDE


Let's not misplace our aggression. The problem for the Server Crash is obvious due to the stealth and stunlocking nature for which it occurred. The solution is simple: Nerf Operatives.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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