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Vader vs. Spiderman!


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"Commander Nick Fury, sir. Our sensors are detecting a number of large vessels within subspace on a vector approaching Earth. What should we do, sir?"



"Look kid. If we caught this, then that means Tony freaking Stark, Reed Richards, Doom, the X-Men and a half dozen others across the damn planet are already aware of the problem. So we don't gotta do a blessed thing unless one, if not all of the worlds super-heroes, miraculously screw up."

"Ah, I see your point sir."

"Just keep me apprised of the situation. I'm going to get a drink."

"Yes sir."

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Okay Vader vs. Spiderman, well that would be an interesting fight.


On the one hand Vader has the force, but Spiderman has limited precognition as well which enables him to sense danger.


I don't think the lightsaber would be as effective against the webbing, it'd work but it isn't like deflecting blaster fire.


I don't see Vader force choking spiderman because the wall crawler is constantly making remarks designed to annoy his opponent putting it mildly. Vader may have a hard time focusing. Spiderman would have the agility edge, and probably is substancially stronger from a physical standpoint (even with cybernetics being brought into play).


Would certainly be an interesting match, it's tough to see who would win. I see too many variables that we have no values for, such as where this fight is taking place, specifically the terrain.

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Nah you got it all wrong like I said Spidey can hold his breath for 10 minutes so Choke wouldnt works and if vader through his saber well Spidey would just use a burst of his webbing/speed/strength to pull vader infront of his own sword :)



And vader can sense death spidey would lose.

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I'm going to try to stay unbiased here. Spiderman has his "spider sense" and Vader has the force, so both parties has a way of predicting the future/ sensing danger or what have you. So we can consider them equal there, both have a sort of ranged attack ( Spiderman has his webs, can slingshot rocks or other objects. Vader has the Force, he can also throw objects around.) Spiderman obviously has agility on his side, but that's not to say Vader's a completely immobile, he's got his force jump, speed, and could take more hits from Spidey than Spidey could take from Vader. So far it seems mostly equal if you assume that their ranged attacks are equal, and Spideys speed is equal to Vader's strength. For close-quarters, Vader wins hands down, obviously with his lightsaber, but even without his saber, I believe he would still crush Spidey, he is mostly robot after all. Now let's set some scenarios, let's say in an abandoned building. This would fit Spidey well, using guerilla like tactics, hitting Vader a couple times and then retreating into the shadows or behind walls. Vader would likely start brewing down walls in an attempt to stop this, but I believe this would be Spideys best shot at killing Vader. But on a 1 on 1 environment , mono a mono, flat surfaces, just them in their glory, Vader would win. Considering the reflexes of a Sith, any attempts of face-web-blinding would be laughed away with a flick of Vader's wrist. Spideys only chance would be keeping his distance, but using his web would be less than useless. His only chance would be to get in close, try to disarm him and then proceed, but I believe Vader would best him this situation, and most other situations.
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marvel super heroes are pansies and suck... they're tremendously OP yet can't even keep one tiny planet under control or stop some crazy ****** from almost taking it over or destroying it a few times a week


the only comics I liked as a kid was the Punisher... no super powers but at least he was smart enough to know you actually need to kill your enemy not put them in jail so they can escape and do whatever again next week

Edited by Liquidacid
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marvel super heroes are pansies and suck... they're tremendously OP yet can't even keep one tiny planet under control or stop some crazy ****** from almost taking it over or destroying it a few times a week


the only comics I liked as a kid was the Punisher... no super powers but at least he was smart enough to know you actually need to kill your enemy not put them in jail so they can escape and do whatever again next week


There's a lot of Non-Powered characters in Marvel. A number more interesting than Punisher. I like Moon Knight. But anyway you're ignoring the fact that Marvel Earth has to contend with people on a power scale large enough to snuff out the entire Star Wars galaxy with ease. And that Marvel Earth has defenders like Thor who'd utterly demolish the entire Galactic Empire. The reason why guys like Doom can threaten the world like they do is because they are actually Smart enough and have powerful resources capable of contending with these heroes.

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There's a lot of Non-Powered characters in Marvel. A number more interesting than Punisher. I like Moon Knight. But anyway you're ignoring the fact that Marvel Earth has to contend with people on a power scale large enough to snuff out the entire Star Wars galaxy with ease. And that Marvel Earth has defenders like Thor who'd utterly demolish the entire Galactic Empire. The reason why guys like Doom can threaten the world like they do is because they are actually Smart enough and have powerful resources capable of contending with these heroes.



Thats the point. Non-powered characters are way too powerful.

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are you all nuts, lol Vader would destroy spidey in less then 10 secs more like 5 to 6 due to vader would force choke then either way if spidey got the first shot off vader would use the force to deflect the webs like he did with han's blaster. Then vader would force choke then use force saber throw through spidey's chest. OVER
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Guys I hate to show my true nerd here but Spidey once let the hulk think that he had drowned him so he could turn around and get the hulk from behind. My point? Spidey can hold his breath for up to 10 minutes. Force choke would not save Vader my young padawans :) Spidey can also bench something like 10 tons he is one of Marvels strongest super heroes but alot of ppl don't realize that because Spidey almost never uses his full strength.


Force choke = immobilized + saber throw = dead Spiderman

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Thats the point. Non-powered characters are way too powerful.


That's not it. A lot of the non-powered folks get hurt all the time. A lot in fact. Moon Knight in particular has had a number of debilitating injuries over the course of his career. He has equipment and gear, much like those who don't have powers would have to get the job done. Frank Castle (Punisher) just uses guns, more guns, and anything that can explode to wipe out the bad guys, which're usually just street gangs.


Moon Knight broke his legs falling off the roof of a building while fighting with his nemesis/rival all the way down, by name of Raoul Bushman. Moon Knight, knowing how dangerous Bushman is, decided to finish him off this time, by carving his face off and killing him. After this MK would spend a great deal of time not being a super hero, less due to his injury and more due to his mental state, though broken legs would keep him from doing any super-heroing for a while.


Basically, the Non-Powered folks in Marvel aren't powerful at all. They know their limits and work within them to do impressive things. Spider-Man has powers. He's just not among the topmost powerful figures in Marvel. He is, however, very smart and is capable of getting the gist of a number of things outside his specific field of knowledge in the scientific community. And, I can tell you flat out, there is far more impressive tech in Marvel than there is in Star Wars.

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here is what would happen:


spider jumps around here and there, trying to attack Vader with webshots and throwing objects. Vader stands still, deflecting them all with the force, lightsaber still unignited. Spider decides to engage Vader. Vader force-chokes him (spider couldn't counter it- his spider-sense would do next to nothing in this case against the force). Vader pulls spider towards him and impales him on his lightsaber (or cuts his head off). End of story.


And in my opinion force is superior compared to the spider-sense thingy.

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There's a lot of Non-Powered characters in Marvel. A number more interesting than Punisher. I like Moon Knight. But anyway you're ignoring the fact that Marvel Earth has to contend with people on a power scale large enough to snuff out the entire Star Wars galaxy with ease. And that Marvel Earth has defenders like Thor who'd utterly demolish the entire Galactic Empire. The reason why guys like Doom can threaten the world like they do is because they are actually Smart enough and have powerful resources capable of contending with these heroes.



no... EVERY ONE of the marvel heroes and villains are extremely stupid ... not one ever has an honestly original or well thought out plan.... they just repeat the same stupid plans in a slightly different way, and then fail, and then the good guys, being idiots, don't kill them so they can do it all over again next week...

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no... EVERY ONE of the marvel heroes and villains are extremely stupid ... not one ever has an honestly original or well thought out plan.... they just repeat the same stupid plans in a slightly different way, and then fail, and then the good guys, being idiots, don't kill them so they can do it all over again next week...


Your'e generalizing,not all of them are like that,some of them are pro-killing actually(Wolverine,Punisher,Ghost Rider) but they are talked down by the pacifists ones that say stupid things like"that will make us like them" or "we are better than that"(yeah, the thousands of people that they will kill the next time they escape disagree to that).


Take Punisher for example he has no powers and knows he can't let most of his enemies live, so he kills them,and is shunned by the superhero community,another ones like Thor do kills the villains but the kind of villains they fight don't stay dead for long.Of course you have to take plot into account but taking an in-universe look at it it's mostly because the majority and the most influential heroes can't do it.


DC suffers from the same case but it's worse(Ok,Joker, that's the third time I arrest you this month...and you killed ten people... aaand blew up the Hospital...so back to Jail so you can escape in one week and kill even more people again,and maybe threaten the city(Same applies for Luthor))

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I can simplify this argument.



There are no medoclorians in the Marvel universe! Vador could not use force choke on spiderman! Especially if not in their home galaxy! I'm pretty sure medoclorians are native to the galaxy that SW is focused in. Anything from outside would not have any unless I read something wrong. So... Spiderman would have full advantage because unless the air is filled with medocloarians to choke him he could not use them within spidermans body to do anything. He would be force immune!


So think of spidey Vs Vador and vador cannot use any force on spidey that does not involve manipulating things inside or on spideys body. Or nothing external outside of the SW main galaxy!


Vador taken outside of the SW main galaxy(including galaxies in SW universe) could possibly be beaten to death in a gay disco in the middle of New York. Mind you he probably has them in his body giving him super strength so it would have to be a lot of really buff gay dudes in a disco bar to have a chance. So you would have to figure out how much spidey and Vador could lift because they would both be relying on super strength slash speed inherent to their own bodies. that makes it interesting because both have basically the same abilities potentially. Both can dodge are strong and can sense danger. So.... who knows.

Edited by Aital
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I can simplify this argument.



There are no medoclorians in the Marvel universe! Vador could not use force choke on spiderman! Especially if not in their home galaxy! I'm pretty sure medoclorians are native to the galaxy that SW is focused in. Anything from outside would not have any unless I read something wrong. So... Spiderman would have full advantage because unless the air is filled with medocloarians to choke him he could not use them within spidermans body to do anything. He would be force immune!


So think of spidey Vs Vador and vador cannot use any force on spidey that does not involve manipulating things inside or on spideys body. Or nothing external outside of the SW main galaxy!


Vador taken outside of the SW main galaxy(including galaxies in SW universe) could possibly be beaten to death in a gay disco in the middle of New York. Mind you he probably has them in his body giving him super strength so it would have to be a lot of really buff gay dudes in a disco bar to have a chance. So you would have to figure out how much spidey and Vador could lift because they would both be relying on super strength slash speed inherent to their own bodies. that makes it interesting because both have basically the same abilities potentially. Both can dodge are strong and can sense danger. So.... who knows.


the force exists outside the galaxy in the star wars universe... the whole thing with the Vong proves that... they were from another galaxy and were "cut off from the force" at some point while in their own... that means that the force existed in their home galaxy...

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Ohhh, I thought it was the opposite. I thought it was they just never had it to begin with and the force was only in their galaxy. I've been thinking maybe it was an invention playing part in their galaxy that maybe had been invented 100+million years ago or something. I guess that is simpler. I guess it depends if they exist in the marvel universe then. 8)
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Spider-man. Most Likely. He has the ability to keep up with a Force User and dish out Ranged Attacks on the fly much faster than most people that go against Force Users in the SW Universe.


Those people saying Vader could force choke Spidey are kinda forgetting that Spidey can get choked and start webbing the crap out of the guy choking him. If regular webs wouldn't work he'd start slinging the heavier stuff. Most of the time those people getting choked in Star Wars don't have the strength or the intelligence to reach for their blasters and shoot Vader in the face. Their to busy trying to stop the invisble hand squeezing down on their neck.


A Saber throw wouldn't really work because if you just watch the movies you can see he can easily catch small objects with his web and and hurl them back much like in Spider-man 2 where he launched himself at Doc Ock and subsequently caught the clock pieces Ock was throwing at him mid jump. Or earlier in the bank scene Doc Ock threw bags of coins at Spidey and he caught them and returned to sender complete with a witty one liner. Also in 3 he easily caught a pumpkin bomb Harry threw at him and hurled it back in his face. Though then he had the Symbiote which enhanced his powers....and made him a douche. Then in the first one he dodged most of those Goblin seeker shurikens in a burning building no less and just received a minor cut from the last one which was basically plot driven so that Norman could find out that Peter was Spiderman..


Basically Spider-man would catch it and return to sender or probably keep it and make some cheesy joke about how he always wanted a lightsaber as a kid.


And that's just the movies lore which doesn't even break the surface on the comic book version who is much stronger.


Also Spider-man has the agility and reflexes to match a force user if not surpass one and his Spidey sense gives him near force sense like ability, though it's up to him to acknowledge it, and seeing that Vader isn't Venom I'm sure he can't just sneak up on Spider-man like he did Luke in Empire on Cloud City.


Not to mention Vader isn't even at his full power because of his amputations....though I doubt a limbed Vader could still compete. Also....how would Vader get all that Web off his mask if Spider-man gave him a "full facial treatment" He'd be visually blind for a short period and relying on the force to see. That's time Spidey could use to his advantage.


My Vote Spider-man.

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I can simplify this argument.



There are no medoclorians in the Marvel universe! Vador could not use force choke on spiderman! Especially if not in their home galaxy! I'm pretty sure medoclorians are native to the galaxy that SW is focused in. Anything from outside would not have any unless I read something wrong. So... Spiderman would have full advantage because unless the air is filled with medocloarians to choke him he could not use them within spidermans body to do anything. He would be force immune!


So think of spidey Vs Vador and vador cannot use any force on spidey that does not involve manipulating things inside or on spideys body. Or nothing external outside of the SW main galaxy!


Vador taken outside of the SW main galaxy(including galaxies in SW universe) could possibly be beaten to death in a gay disco in the middle of New York. Mind you he probably has them in his body giving him super strength so it would have to be a lot of really buff gay dudes in a disco bar to have a chance. So you would have to figure out how much spidey and Vador could lift because they would both be relying on super strength slash speed inherent to their own bodies. that makes it interesting because both have basically the same abilities potentially. Both can dodge are strong and can sense danger. So.... who knows.


In these Vs. Battles. The combatants have everything essential to fight each other at their disposal to make the fight as fair as possible. I.E. Vader has the Force and midiclorians and Spider-man has enough supply of web on him that will last him a month. Otherwise there wouldn't really be a purpose to the thread.

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Evil monster/mouth-breather of a man with a laser sword and a lite-brite on his chest who can choke people with the force


Or a snarky teenager in red spandex who can shoot spiderwebs out of his hands.


Case closed. :cool:


If spiderman could shoot SPIDERS out of his hands, maybe. But seriously, all vader has to do is chop up some webs and throw him at a building.

Edited by snoopdogbaby
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