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I have a question about level 40 pvp gear. I see Imperial Assault and Raptor with the exact same stats and look in the preview. What is the difference? And which set would you recommend to use with your spec.


I used the Raptor and still do at level 49 with updated mods. The only difference is color scheme. Control + left click to preview what the armor will look like on you. You can even do this via chat links.


You say you have a lot of PvP exp. What is the best combo if you play with a friend and you are playing your BH hybrid spec?


Honestly, any other class will do. I've grouped with tanks, dps, and healers alike. If I had to choose, I'd say an Assassin. Between guard, taunt, and their ability to stealth, they make excellent partners. If you're looking to start a duo from level 1 and on, you can't go wrong with an Operative or Powertech, though you might have to compete a bit for gear. Even for companions.

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So far I have been picking the same skills in the aresenal tree you have laid out....Doing great dps and haveing a buttload of fun playing BH. I'm mainly in to pvp and pve only to get gear for my toon for pvp. Since reading your post I think I might want to put more points into the healing side then I was planning to. Great Post! /subscribed :)


I do have a question though.....


Do you use any macro's while you play? Like from your keyboard/mouse? I find the amount of keybinds to be a bit crazy in this game. So far I have macroed 6 specials...which took up 6 keys and now have them down to just 3.


Power shot and unload are on one key with unload first...just have to hit my F key and which ever one is off CD it will fire. Same with the two heals I have...just hit X and I heal. I also have my two CC's on one key...Electro dart is first followed by concussion missle. I'm sure there are other combinations and different ways to play it but doing it this way really helps me keep my eyes on the game.


This can easily be done with hardware and is not considered a cheat.



Hi Hadlis, I was wondering how it is that you set up those macros as I have the problem of focusing on my bars a lot also like Bobafetea. Having macros would greatly improve pvp imo, if you could help me to set em up thatd be awesome.

Thx for any help :)

Edited by Synestrous
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My main focus is PvP, especially grouped based in both warzones and open world.
Since you're a fellow PvP'er, what would REALLY help the OP are what endgame gear sets are focused on what spec/class. I've been 50 for about five days now and the champion gear is rather confusing. As an arsenal merc, I'm not sure if I should be taking Eliminator or Combat Tech for PvP. I'm leaning towards crit as our focus, but the gear with power has more endurance hence survivability in PvP. Is it really as simple as glass canon vs bigger hits and more HP?


I've been trying to find a good theorycrafting site for days now and it seems nobody is interested in min/maxing, so trying to find answers has been extremely frustrating to say the least.

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Since you're a fellow PvP'er, what would REALLY help the OP are what endgame gear sets are focused on what spec/class. I've been 50 for about five days now and the champion gear is rather confusing. As an arsenal merc, I'm not sure if I should be taking Eliminator or Combat Tech for PvP. I'm leaning towards crit as our focus, but the gear with power has more endurance hence survivability in PvP. Is it really as simple as glass canon vs bigger hits and more HP?


I've been trying to find a good theorycrafting site for days now and it seems nobody is interested in min/maxing, so trying to find answers has been extremely frustrating to say the least.


The crit gear serves bodyguard and arsenal trees best. You want your damage or heals hitting for as much as often as possible. The combat tech offers a higher average damage, but less crits and more endurance allowing dots to tick longer, so would fit pyrotechs more. The extra endurance would allow them to stay alive a tad longer while kiting and allow those dots to bring the damage closer towards aresenal tree.


I look at is as burst vs survivability. Are you someone that prefers to stay alive as much as possible, running around and kiting? Or someone that wants to put out as much damage as you can before you die?


The armor sets could be looked at as playstyle differences just as much as spec differences.


Alacrity might take over for bodyguard specs down the road, but right now there's not enough to effectively make it better than stacking crit/surge.

Edited by Dvius
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The crit gear serves bodyguard and arsenal trees best.

Just the info I was looking for, thanks! I was only valuing the added HP due to the faceroll classes like scoundrel that if I'm not anticipating or not quick enough, can kill me in the duration of a stun. Now, with more expertise that opinion could change rapidly but more than likely they'll pay their dues just like rogues did in WoW.


I swear people only rolled that class to gank in Ilum because that's all I ever see lol.

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Thanks for all this great info!


So far I have been following everything in the first post because I am unsure on what I want or need.


I am lvl 22, and just curious what is the advantage of tracer missile if you don't take tracer lock?


When I unload 5 tracers and then railshot i see no increase in damage. Right now powershot is doing more damage then tracer, so trying to figure out the advantage?


I understand once I get high enough to get tracer lock suppose to make a huge difference with railshot, but i was planning on going hybrid with bodyguard if possible and I dont see tracer lock in your build.



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Thanks for all this great info!


So far I have been following everything in the first post because I am unsure on what I want or need.


I am lvl 22, and just curious what is the advantage of tracer missile if you don't take tracer lock?


When I unload 5 tracers and then railshot i see no increase in damage. Right now powershot is doing more damage then tracer, so trying to figure out the advantage?


I understand once I get high enough to get tracer lock suppose to make a huge difference with railshot, but i was planning on going hybrid with bodyguard if possible and I dont see tracer lock in your build.




If I'm not mistaken it has a stack able 4% armor debuff (up to 20%) so it may not be as noticeable but it is actually doing something.

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If I'm not mistaken it has a stack able 4% armor debuff (up to 20%) so it may not be as noticeable but it is actually doing something.




Thanks yeah i saw that in description, just does not seem to be very noticeable.


Another question, does Tracer scale with level?



For example at level 22 it says damage is 532-583, while powershot is 495-601. I know powershot goes up when I get next skill rank, but what about tracer?



Also should I take powershot off now on my hotbar? Even at my level any reason to use powershot over tracer?


Thanks again

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I hit 38 tonight and got Blizz, dropped my Arsenal and went hrbrid like I was planning.


My buddy is a 42 Sith jug. We went into and ripped through all of Taris 4 person zone duo with companions. Then went and did the 4person Hoth area Destructive something.


I had Blizz in DPS spec got him a bunch of Orange gear and upgraded it with current level blue mods. My buddy used his DPS companion, things were dying pretty fast and I did not have any issues healing.


Heat was pretty easy to maintain, just getting use to my heal rotation took about 15minutes at the beginning, but we are loving the ability to duo 4 person zones so far. Yeah he is a few levels higher, but we should be closer tomarow.


Question, I do not remember reading it here, maybe I missed it. I know our main stat is AIM, but does cunning help us at all with tech crit increase and whatnot for heals?


I am moving my stats on my gear toward power and surge, seeing some decent numbers crit for 2400+ heals so far. Gonna try Coliciode(w/e it is) tomarow.


Dam this game is fun!


Merry Christmas folks.

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I was after some guidance on selecting the right PvP Armor set for each respective BH Spec.


I've saved up 1K points and went to the vendor assuming it would be easy to pick the DPS > Heals > Tank sets.. But I can't :(


I was wondering if anyone had a simple guide or suggestion?


EDIT: Found this after re-reading all the pages.


The crit gear serves bodyguard and arsenal trees best.


Which is perfect cause I can't decide if I'll got Bodyguard or Arsenal for PvP, if I stick with my Merc that is :eek:


(UPDATE: Lvl 21 with my Full lvl 40 set. Time to start hoarding champ bags)

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Which is perfect cause I can't decide if I'll got Bodyguard or Arsenal for PvP, if I stick with my Merc that is :eek:


(UPDATE: Lvl 21 with my Full lvl 40 set. Time to start hoarding champ bags)

A word of caution: the PvP gear (at least champion) has set bonuses (which don't show up until you physically own the item), so don't make the same mistake I just did yesterday in thinking combat medic set will accommodate an arsenal spec. They really made a ton of school boy mistakes with this game and the players pay for their incompetence. I submitted a ticket and all I got back was an automated response saying they'll do nothing for me.


Thanks BioWare, never thought I'd see the day when WoW CS had someone else beat. :\

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I submitted a ticket and all I got back was an automated response saying they'll do nothing for me.\


I just miss clicked an item from the Vendor and submitted a ticket.. Doubt I'll see those points back :(


In regards to the set bonus' I guess I'll have to make my mind up, but in saving that the lvl 40 'set' could be used for both specs while I work on purchasing the lvl 50 PvP set I guess. I'm sure it would be better to make up my mind first :p


Mind you, Assassins are looking mighty tempting these days :eek: I went Merc cause of Aussies pings and not being melee friendly, but Sins look like they have some sticking power.

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I wanted to add that I'm not an expert at all in healing, so take my words with a grain of salt. Trace would know better since he's played with his hybrid healing spec 5 times to 50 in beta. I didn't even mess around with it, sticking with arsenal to 50 once in beta and 50 in live.


Theorycrafting wise, with 2 pieces of PVE gear and 2 pieces of champion i'm sitting at 35% crit and 73% surge, so in the early sets, you'll see bigger crits in comparison to % of haste from alacrity. I'm hoping down the line that alacrity gets to a big enough boost, because even as arsenal, I can see haste making PVP a lot more fun due to increased mobility with faster cast times on tracer.


I'll probably try pyrotech soon, but having played a druid in eq, running around with dots is great for damage over time, but not so great when you need someone dead asap which is often the case in huttball. My server doesn't have the huge imbalance that others do, but we still see our fair share of huttball.

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I've found Pyrotech pretty lackluster both in PvP and PvE so far and stuck with Arsenal. Arsenal provides burst damage and is very easy to get to a point where heat is damn near infinite via crits and a good rotation. Sure you lose a bit vs using Power Shot but you gain it all back via Terminal Velocity and the boosted Rail Shots. That 20% armor debuff is nothing to scoff at either in a group situation or in PVP when you're setting up a burst combo.


I just could not deal with the dots in Pyrotech, the whole spec felt too RNG. Arsenal felt like once I hit above the 30%-35% crit mark that all the RNG was gone. Pyrotech also just does not cut it in a fight where you have to deal with mechanics that have your dots fall off. Once those dots fall off you better hope the RNG favors you and reapplies them fast or your DPS will plummet. In the Operations this happens alot it seems, too much hiding or not hitting the boss.


What worries me later on is how fast the weapon dmg scales at the max levels, one day Power Shot may have so much of an advantage over Tracer Missile that if it is not viable for Arsenal to mix them in that Pyrotech will blow ahead in damage. The scaling of primary stats vs the scaling of weapon damage abilities is something they will have to deal with one day.


Seems like both pyrotech specs are meant to build Crit/Surge as Power feels lackluster and Alacrity is useless unless it reduces the GCD since all our skills are 1.5 anyways.

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I'm not sure if this has been asked or not but I was looking at your spec and I do love it, just wondering about Kolto Shell. It says it heals for ~70 and I am wondering if that is at max level and if so why would you choose it? Or how much does it heal at max level?
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I hope this wasn't already discussed to death but: What's the "best" or at least the most sensible damage rotation for a bodyguard merc? I'm leveling as a healer (Yes, I'm weird like that) and a lot of the abilities I've gotten so far just don't seem to help me a lot.
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Since you're a fellow PvP'er, what would REALLY help the OP are what endgame gear sets are focused on what spec/class. I've been 50 for about five days now and the champion gear is rather confusing. As an arsenal merc, I'm not sure if I should be taking Eliminator or Combat Tech for PvP. I'm leaning towards crit as our focus, but the gear with power has more endurance hence survivability in PvP. Is it really as simple as glass canon vs bigger hits and more HP?


I've been trying to find a good theorycrafting site for days now and it seems nobody is interested in min/maxing, so trying to find answers has been extremely frustrating to say the least.


I've only got the Tech helmet (I think that's the one) that has crit/surge on it. I haven't had the chance to look through all the pieces yet, but generally that's what I stick with. So far I have my crit up to 34-36% and my multplier around 85%. I will most likely pull out any enhancements that don't have crit/surge on them and replace them as they are the stats most benefical to BH IMO. I'll stick with the same set pieces to get the bonus though. Don't quote me on anything though as I still need time to look through everything.


Thanks for all this great info!


So far I have been following everything in the first post because I am unsure on what I want or need.


I am lvl 22, and just curious what is the advantage of tracer missile if you don't take tracer lock?


When I unload 5 tracers and then railshot i see no increase in damage. Right now powershot is doing more damage then tracer, so trying to figure out the advantage?


I understand once I get high enough to get tracer lock suppose to make a huge difference with railshot, but i was planning on going hybrid with bodyguard if possible and I dont see tracer lock in your build.




Tracer Missile does way more consistent damage than any other attack. There are issues with our accuracy that make our pistol attacks underperform. If Power Shot is doing more damage than Tracer Missile for you, perhaps you aren't maintaining high enough Tech power. Which is odd, since aim also increases tech power. What level is your pistol? What is the tech power on it? Look at other pistols closer to your level and see what their tech power is.


I can't afford Tracer Lock with the amount of points I'm using in Bodyguard. If you want to get it, you need to be willing to lose some healing.


At level 50, I use Rail Shot whenever it's up and it does excellent damage when it crits. Even when it doesn't yet comes comes close to the tooltip damage, it's well worth it for the heat cost. This only gets better with Tracer Lock.


Thanks yeah i saw that in description, just does not seem to be very noticeable.


Another question, does Tracer scale with level?



For example at level 22 it says damage is 532-583, while powershot is 495-601. I know powershot goes up when I get next skill rank, but what about tracer?



Also should I take powershot off now on my hotbar? Even at my level any reason to use powershot over tracer?


Thanks again


Semi answered above. Yes, Power Shot is listed as doing more damage in the tooltip but actually does less. Look at the actual damage when you do both and you will see a HUGE difference. There's been an issue with our pistol attacks for a while now and I have yet to see a dev response about it.


Taking PS off your hotbar is a personal choice. I still use it but not as often as TM. however, at level 50, PS can hit for more than TM when it crits.


Question, I do not remember reading it here, maybe I missed it. I know our main stat is AIM, but does cunning help us at all with tech crit increase and whatnot for heals?


I am moving my stats on my gear toward power and surge, seeing some decent numbers crit for 2400+ heals so far. Gonna try Coliciode(w/e it is) tomarow.


Dam this game is fun!


Merry Christmas folks.


Aim no matter what. It will always benefit you more than cunning ever will. They weigh the same as far as how much tech damage and tech crit they provide, but only aim adds ranged damage/crit and healing power.


I'm not sure if this has been asked or not but I was looking at your spec and I do love it, just wondering about Kolto Shell. It says it heals for ~70 and I am wondering if that is at max level and if so why would you choose it? Or how much does it heal at max level?


Mine is listed at 265-280 at level 50 but heals for around 340-360 and crits around 650-680.


I hope this wasn't already discussed to death but: What's the "best" or at least the most sensible damage rotation for a bodyguard merc? I'm leveling as a healer (Yes, I'm weird like that) and a lot of the abilities I've gotten so far just don't seem to help me a lot.


I've mentioned many times over I don't follow a strict damage rotation. It gets too boring in PvE and not always possible in PvP, especially if you have to keep as mobile as possible. What level are you?

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Tracer Missile does way more consistent damage than any other attack. There are issues with our accuracy that make our pistol attacks underperform. If Power Shot is doing more damage than Tracer Missile for you, perhaps you aren't maintaining high enough Tech power. Which is odd, since aim also increases tech power. What level is your pistol? What is the tech power on it? Look at other pistols closer to your level and see what their tech power is.


I can't afford Tracer Lock with the amount of points I'm using in Bodyguard. If you want to get it, you need to be willing to lose some healing.


At level 50, I use Rail Shot whenever it's up and it does excellent damage when it crits. Even when it doesn't yet comes comes close to the tooltip damage, it's well worth it for the heat cost. This only gets better with Tracer Lock.




Semi answered above. Yes, Power Shot is listed as doing more damage in the tooltip but actually does less. Look at the actual damage when you do both and you will see a HUGE difference. There's been an issue with our pistol attacks for a while now and I have yet to see a dev response about it.


Taking PS off your hotbar is a personal choice. I still use it but not as often as TM. however, at level 50, PS can hit for more than TM when it crits.






Thanks so much for getting back to me. I think you are right about TM doing more damage then powershot, I was only looking at the tooltip, but I paid more attention to the numbers flying by which is sometimes hard to catch all, really wish there was a log to look at it after.


I noticed Powershot mostly hitting for mid 400's. while TM is doing around mid 500.


Right now I am level 24, and both pistols have 153 Tech, and Damage Rating of 58, which seems to be the highest I can find it except I guess if I can find a purple. Also my aim is 416 at the moment.



Also if i understood you correctly, basically Tracer damage will not go up by my level but how much Aim and Tech Power I have? So as long as I keep up my equipment it keeps going up, I guess same for other abilities as well.



One last question I asked somewhere else but not able to get an answer, how do you know if you crit? I cannot tell any different between damage numbers going by except some are yellow, and some are white?

Edited by Denarok
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Thanks so much for getting back to me. I think you are right about TM doing more damage then powershot, I was only looking at the tooltip, but I paid more attention to the numbers flying by which is sometimes hard to catch all, really wish there was a log to look at it after.


I noticed Powershot mostly hitting for mid 400's. while TM is doing around mid 500.


Right now I am level 24, and both pistols have 153 Tech, and Damage Rating of 58, which seems to be the highest I can find it except I guess if I can find a purple. Also my aim is 416 at the moment.



Also if i understood you correctly, basically Tracer damage will not go up by my level but how much Aim and Tech Power I have? So as long as I keep up my equipment it keeps going up, I guess same for other abilities as well.



One last question I asked somewhere else but not able to get an answer, how do you know if you crit? I cannot tell any different between damage numbers going by except some are yellow, and some are white?


The closer your gear is to to your level, the more damage/healing you will do as you will generally have better stats. Some blues and purples can last quite a few levels though. As you get higher level and you start to get the orange moddable gear, do your best to keep every mod up to date. After some time, you should learn to do the "shuffle". Basically it's keeping your best items (typically your chest and pistols) always geared to the tee. As you get better mods, pull the ones from those pieces and move or "shuffle" them around to lesser items such as hands or feet.


Pistols attacks do white damage. Tech attacks such as Tracer Missile do yellow damage. When you crit, the fly text will be much larger/bolder than when you don't.

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You'd think after 6 months playing the game I'd have more macros made, but I don't. I only have one set up so far which is basically Rapid Shots + my companions main attack bound on one key. I do have a good amount planned for when I hit 50 though I've performed well without them. As far as yours go, I suggest changing Electro Dart and Concussion Missile on one key. There should be absolutely no reason to have both CC's in the same keybind/macro.


Since you're nearing 50, what are your macros planned out? :p

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The closer your gear is to to your level, the more damage/healing you will do as you will generally have better stats. Some blues and purples can last quite a few levels though. As you get higher level and you start to get the orange moddable gear, do your best to keep every mod up to date. After some time, you should learn to do the "shuffle". Basically it's keeping your best items (typically your chest and pistols) always geared to the tee. As you get better mods, pull the ones from those pieces and move or "shuffle" them around to lesser items such as hands or feet.


Pistols attacks do white damage. Tech attacks such as Tracer Missile do yellow damage. When you crit, the fly text will be much larger/bolder than when you don't.




Thanks for all the help. I was actually going to ask how often should I upgrade, I see there are new stuff almost every level, but it a pain to keep doing it so fast. I currently have orange gear for 4 slots, the problem is I can never find the item mods I need on the market. They always seem to have either really high levels or really low levels.


I tried the planet commendation vendors, and while they have some not all, also I guess this one planet I am outlevelling for example I just hit nar shadda mod commendation vendor and everything there is lower then if I bought all blue equipment from Market.



So that what I did for now, I put all my orange gear in market, and got the latest and best blues for level 25.


I guess I need to start cybertech in order to find these item mods.

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Since you're nearing 50, what are your macros planned out? :p


My first response on page 17 has some I'm thinking of. I need to stop being lazy about them.


Hi guys, i tried to find this information in here but i didnt.


Quick question:


What are you stacking as arsenal for pve and also pvp?


Power > Crit / Surge > Haste ?








Thanks for all the help. I was actually going to ask how often should I upgrade, I see there are new stuff almost every level, but it a pain to keep doing it so fast. I currently have orange gear for 4 slots, the problem is I can never find the item mods I need on the market. They always seem to have either really high levels or really low levels.


I tried the planet commendation vendors, and while they have some not all, also I guess this one planet I am outlevelling for example I just hit nar shadda mod commendation vendor and everything there is lower then if I bought all blue equipment from Market.



So that what I did for now, I put all my orange gear in market, and got the latest and best blues for level 25.


I guess I need to start cybertech in order to find these item mods.


It can be tough in the mid 20's to keep oranges properly modded. It gets better as you get higher level though as some quests start to give mods as rewards. Look at the commendation vendors before picking up any quests to see if there's anything worth farming comms for. If you're falling behind, you can usually buy green mods from the normal mod vendor to keep you semi up to date.


If you find yourself over leveled I'd suggest skipping a planet or 2 by only doing your class quest and perhaps only the main world quest chain (typically the first one you pick up when you land). The next planet you go to after that should be closer to your level and not only give better xp, but have more useful rewards. Completing heroics and flashpoints closer to your level is an excellent way to keep geared. There's nothing wrong with doing a couple FP's back to back. Once you get even level with a planet, do every quest possible and choose comms as rewards unless you really need an item. Some later planets can leave you with 30-50 comms when fully completed.


If you like to PvP, do enough warzones to save enough comms to get the level 40 set. The main pieces are all moddable and should give you a huge boost. I'm still using heavily modded level 40 PvP gear at level 50.

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Werdan do you know if the Setbonus of each PVP Set is different? I cant find anything regarding eliminator Setbonus. I got myself the other pieces with surge and crit but the setbonusses there arent that suited for mercenary? Seems like thats the Powertech dd set to me.

So i really would like to know if there is a site or knowledge from anyone who has an Eliminator Setpiece because i cannot look them up at a vendor. It is not displaying the Bonus until you bought it! What really sucks. I wanna pick the right set :/

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