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1.5 On PTS There's Hope Yet!


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So 1.5 just went up on the PTS this means that BW is so far adhering to their 6 week cycle. There's probably gonna be a lot of hate (why doesn't it have this... probably just give us more bugs... etc etc) But the most important question is this... Can we romance HK?




What does everyone think of this recent development does it make you optimistic, hopeful?

... or not?


Well this pretty much sums it up:


Unfortunately, we won’t be able to offer the ability to copy characters for this test nor will there be any rewards offered for testing. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.


Here come the massive bugs when this goes live.


I practically never cared about their promise for a 6 week cycle of new content. Honestly I just want a fun game, hell their current output for content was far more pleasing then most MMO's. So no I am more worried about the bugs.

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:eek: They kept their promise? I'm shocked. No, seriously I am actually surprised, I thought they wouldn't have 1.5 ready until mid November.:)


Yeah, I figured they would drop behind, but I'm really happy/surprised by this development. I can totally see maybe the new warzone and space missions in early November, then Cathar and FTP in December.


I've been really pessimistic and negative about the game (ftp especially) but this actually has me quite hopeful that they are on track to really turn things around.

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we just hope 1.5 wont bring us more bugs again,

and re-balance class back to 1.3 is not coming.


Pretty sure every patch for every MMO I have played dating back to EQ brought bugs with it so they are expected.

As to rebalance, they better not, I've adapted and like the vanguard post 1.4 and my merc loves the new changes(bodyguard so no I play the pve dps spec and pvp hates me comments here).

Edited by Draekos
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So 1.5 just went up on the PTS this means that BW is so far adhering to their 6 week cycle. There's probably gonna be a lot of hate (why doesn't it have this... probably just give us more bugs... etc etc) But the most important question is this... Can we romance HK?




What does everyone think of this recent development does it make you optimistic, hopeful?

... or not?


I'm not impressed, you would get better customer service and better quality control from 3 guys in a shed working on a spectrum game. They broke the game, class balance needs addressing, and their approach to their customers needs a total rework, as in fire the idiot who is responsible for the 1.4 farce. Game is STILL unplayable, even if I wanted to jump on.

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