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Holiday Themed Events...


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I'm down, I love a Star Wars Christmas. As for the "Immersion Breaking" I'm a Star Wars Lore freak and a Roleplayer, and wookiee life day doesn't break immersion to me, and this game has little immersion anyway, the worlds are dead and static.
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We had holiday celebrations in SWG. You could do some quests to get Christmas hats etc. They even put some snowballs in game so we could throw at each other!


I can't see anything happen in SWTOR though.


I am your father... CHRISTMAS!!

Edited by XaporKux
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I think you are reaching a bit far with that one brother TUX. What I believe that he is referring to, and I agree with, is that these events also do wonders in breaking up the daily grind and do refresh things a bit.


I'm only replying to what he specifically stated, which was:


Ingame holiday event make we want to stay more....having none akes me bored as hell honestly. What's to look forward to each year...? :(.


I look forward to the PEOPLE I play with, the "stuff" we'll do, the "things" we'll fight, the battles we'll have...not holiday events...I spend holidays with my family, I do gaming stuff in SWTOR.

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I look forward to the PEOPLE I play with, the "stuff" we'll do, the "things" we'll fight, the battles we'll have...not holiday events...I spend holidays with my family, I do gaming stuff in SWTOR.


Then you would be a prime candidate to not partake in them.

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What possible reason would the xenophobic Sith-Humanocentric Empire have to observe a primitive rite derived from those walking carpets on Kashyyyk? The degenerate Republic and their Jedi lackeys might wish to humor the big fuzzballs, but why would the Sith give a half-charged lighting bolt about some lame festival that one of their potential slave races wants to celebrate?


Now, it may be feasible for a galaxy-spanning cross-factional observance of the Invasion of Coruscant (Republic commemorates the attack; Sith celebrate the victory with festivities on DK) that would be open to all players that have left their starter worlds, but note that this would be pretty much divorced from any RL holiday observance, unless you want to put it around Memorial Day or Veteran's Day.

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Well, because no matter how much you dress it up in some kind of Star Wars theme; if you make up some holiday when the people of Voss decorate trees and give each other presents, or the inhabitants of Hoth think some magic spring Tauntaun goes round crapping out chocolate snowballs, nobody is stupid enough to not realise exactly what its alluding to.


It is totally immersion breaking.


So true!

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I have no time to look through the whole thread, but I bet someone was clever enough to mention that. They could do LIFE DAY event... You know that wookie holiday which even mr. Lucas is ashamed of :D (STAR WARS Holiday Special - google it. It's real!)

They could do it as a little joke and wink to the silly past.

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Holiday events based on @real-life would be odd for Star Wars, but there could be some events about the events that happened before SWTOR or even before Kotor 1 - 2. The only weird part would be that we're still in a war lol. There's always a war in Star Wars tho, so there must be something to celebrate. ^^


There must be the equiverlent of a 100 VE Days in the Star War Universe already.


Victory over the Sith (5th time) Day etc. :)

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Personally, anytime someone says "You can't do this thing because I don't like it" then that person should automatically be disregarded. The idea that you should restrict the enjoyment of some for the enjoyment of others has never sat well with me. You always have the option to not take part in something but you should never have the option to take that away from someone else.


TLDR; let those who want holidays have holidays and let those who don't ignore them.

Edited by Chromeboom
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