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The Bounty Hunter story is broken


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LS for pub characters and DS for imp characters are what's largely considered to be canon. They give you the 'option' because the best way to control people is to give them the illusion of choice. It got you to play the game, didn't it?


Also, role-playing is gay. :rak_03:


I really wish people would stop saying that. There is no reason to believe that unless something that only occurs in one path is referenced in the story and sense that has yet to happen in any of the stories, there is no reason to believe that.


Now unless a developer came out and said that every decision a player makes is non-canon and only pure light side Republic characters (which come off as morons) and pure dark side Empire characters (which come off as even dumber and far weaker stories) are the only canons than the statement "the Imp characters are all DS" is just not correct.


Did a developer really ever come out and say that there is a canon story of every story? I simply cant imagine a dev saying something like that. (Saying "We like to assume..." is not the same as "this is how it is")

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I really wish people would stop saying that. There is no reason to believe that unless something that only occurs in one path is referenced in the story and sense that has yet to happen in any of the stories, there is no reason to believe that.


Now unless a developer came out and said that every decision a player makes is non-canon and only pure light side Republic characters (which come off as morons) and pure dark side Empire characters (which come off as even dumber and far weaker stories) are the only canons than the statement "the Imp characters are all DS" is just not correct.


Did a developer really ever come out and say that there is a canon story of every story? I simply cant imagine a dev saying something like that. (Saying "We like to assume..." is not the same as "this is how it is")


Yeah, we hopefully all know what happens when we ASSume.

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  • 1 month later...

Just my 2c, I always read it as a LS Hunter has a code he sticks to. The rest of the galaxy's morality is black and white, but a Hunter's is blue and orange. He's not a traditionally good person, or a paragon of virtue, and he never claims to be. He hunts targets for credits, and when he takes a contract he completes the contract (unless the employer is less than forthcoming or asks the Hunter to violate his code). Yes, he slaughters hundreds, maybe thousands, across his career, but every one of them is armed and awake. The targets he kills are all armed. If they're not, or if an armed target submits and surrenders, it's carbon freeze and taken alive. He's not a murderer.


There are exceptions of course. Sometimes a mercy kill is necessary if the alternative is worse, the Eidolon and Trando on Hoth come to mind. If the contract calls for a kill, make it quick and painless.


Mako and the Hunter put it best after the Nar Shaddaa hunt. What makes the Hunter better than an assassin? The option to take alive. An assassin kills. A hunter hunts. And once you have a contract on your head, you're not a person any more, you're cargo. Saying Dark and Light when referring to somebody like the Hunter or even a smuggler is wrong, because they don't ascribe to traditional right and wrong. Think of it like that.

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Now unless a developer came out and said that every decision a player makes is non-canon and only pure light side Republic characters (which come off as morons) and pure dark side Empire characters (which come off as even dumber and far weaker stories) are the only canons than the statement "the Imp characters are all DS" is just not correct.


They'll never do that primary because it will invalidate some RP'ers decisions and EA knows how temperamental they can be, they'd never start up that *****fest. However, there are other clues. Such as in the comics and the Annihilation story both refer to Darth Nox, which is the final inquisitior title only if you're dark side, and other side references.

Edited by Burgdawg
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They'll never do that primary because it will invalidate some RP'ers decisions and EA knows how temperamental they can be, they'd never start up that *****fest. However, there are other clues. Such as in the comics and the Annihilation story both refer to Darth Nox, which is the final inquisitior title only if you're dark side, and other side references.


I distinctly remember them later publishing an apology and saying that was a mistake on their part, they didn't mean to nail down their canon alignment. But I also can't find something to back this up so I might be deluded and only wish that had happened so strongly it created a false memory.

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I dunno, it's been a while since I've played a BH, but as I recall Miss 'All about that Creed' Mako tends to go all squishy whenever the acquisition has a sob story. :p


Yes, but she's also not actually a bounty hunter herself. On most of those decisions, as long as you don't insult her (like where you can ask her what to do with Eidolon, then when she says to kill him rather than turn him over to the Hutt Cartel to torture, you can then say "That was a test, Mako. You failed." and she is SUPER MAD. But if you just choose to hand him over, she doesn't care (no approval but no disapproval, if I recall or at least not the extreme amount you get for the "test')


I distinctly remember them later publishing an apology and saying that was a mistake on their part, they didn't mean to nail down their canon alignment. But I also can't find something to back this up so I might be deluded and only wish that had happened so strongly it created a false memory.


Well, the problem there is the same problem that Dragon Age has. While there is no "canon' decisions, there has to be such for novels. When they incorporate the lore of the novels into the GAMES they can make modifications but barring a full on 100,000 page choose-your-own adventure for every novel, they had to decide that Alistair is king, etc.


It's the same way with Star Wars. Unless they avoid any mention of anything that happens during the game and any results of decisions, they have to establish some "canon" events or else they can't write a novel or have a sequel. Like my favorite Revan ending was a female Revan who became Dark Lord of the Sith again and conquered the galaxy. But, they chose to make the Light side Jedi again ending canon, only because that's what had to be done in order to have novels not be contradicting each other based on what each individual author wanted Revan's story to be.

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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Yes, but she's also not actually a bounty hunter herself. On most of those decisions, as long as you don't insult her (like where you can ask her what to do with Eidolon, then when she says to kill him rather than turn him over to the Hutt Cartel to torture, you can then say "That was a test, Mako. You failed." and she is SUPER MAD. But if you just choose to hand him over, she doesn't care (no approval but no disapproval, if I recall or at least not the extreme amount you get for the "test')




Well, the problem there is the same problem that Dragon Age has. While there is no "canon' decisions, there has to be such for novels. When they incorporate the lore of the novels into the GAMES they can make modifications but barring a full on 100,000 page choose-your-own adventure for every novel, they had to decide that Alistair is king, etc.


It's the same way with Star Wars. Unless they avoid any mention of anything that happens during the game and any results of decisions, they have to establish some "canon" events or else they can't write a novel or have a sequel. Like my favorite Revan ending was a female Revan who became Dark Lord of the Sith again and conquered the galaxy. But, they chose to make the Light side Jedi again ending canon, only because that's what had to be done in order to have novels not be contradicting each other based on what each individual author wanted Revan's story to be.


There are ways to cheat around it, for example some classes always do a certain thing (EX: The Inquisitor always gets the Silencer finished and has it as part of their power base) and there are times where it is possible to reference it without really saying what happened (Say that the Emperor's Wrath 'defeated' Baras and it is true whether you chose to kill him or exile him without implying which happened). So just throw in references to these ;definitely happened' and 'can be referenced without giving away what they actually did' stuff.

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There are ways to cheat around it, for example some classes always do a certain thing (EX: The Inquisitor always gets the Silencer finished and has it as part of their power base) and there are times where it is possible to reference it without really saying what happened (Say that the Emperor's Wrath 'defeated' Baras and it is true whether you chose to kill him or exile him without implying which happened). So just throw in references to these ;definitely happened' and 'can be referenced without giving away what they actually did' stuff.


Yes., that works for some things, but seriously how you "cheat' around Revan being a woman who returned to her Sith ways, did NOT destroy the Star Forge, instead contiuning her plans to conquer the galaxy? There is just no way to do that unless they have everyone "forget" the truth about Revan and also don't have Satele or Theron because they're descended from Revan and Bastila. Oh and Revan's takeover failed too apparently... But really the biggest thing is Satele and Theron being descended from Revan and Bastila. The Star Wars Galaxy might be high tech, but pretty sure they don't have high biotech to let them make two lesbians able to have kids (not to mention that Bastila wasn't a lesbian, Juhani was)

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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I don't see how the BH story is at all incompatible with a Light Side character. Being a good person doesn't always translate to a law-abiding goody two-shoes. I've played my BH as LS and the story hasn't felt jarring or inconsistent to me. I just view him as a guy who isn't really concerned with politics, or philosophy, or what anyone gets up to on a scale larger than what he personally experiences. He's got a mercenary's attitude and he's willing to kill for credits, because it's a job that needs doing, he's good at it, and he needs those credits to survive. But he's loyal and honorable, and won't let innocent bystanders get hurt by himself or anybody else. He respects his employers and doesn't betray them once he's accepted a job from them. And he cares about his friends and his crew and always goes to their defense and goes after anyone who tries to hurt them.
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I don't see how the BH story is at all incompatible with a Light Side character. Being a good person doesn't always translate to a law-abiding goody two-shoes. I've played my BH as LS and the story hasn't felt jarring or inconsistent to me. I just view him as a guy who isn't really concerned with politics, or philosophy, or what anyone gets up to on a scale larger than what he personally experiences. He's got a mercenary's attitude and he's willing to kill for credits, because it's a job that needs doing, he's good at it, and he needs those credits to survive. But he's loyal and honorable, and won't let innocent bystanders get hurt by himself or anybody else. He respects his employers and doesn't betray them once he's accepted a job from them. And he cares about his friends and his crew and always goes to their defense and goes after anyone who tries to hurt them.


I personally thought that out of all the imp classes, bounty hunter was one where the decisions were most easily related to either dark side or lightside. This is because after certain point in the BH story, things start spiraling out of the BH's control and the world turns against him. He gets gigantic bounty on his head and the galaxy keeps hunting him, save for empire officials who are willing to hire him. Now it imo becomes easy to defend nearly every decision BH makes because of necessity of those decisions. Truly lightside option would be to turn yourself in, end of story, no more BH. This makes a lot of the events believable regardless which route you take.


I personally consider BH to be the second best story after SW out of the ones I have played (missing sage and trooper only).


(I have probably written this already if this is an old thread, but here goes..)

Edited by Karkais
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  • 6 months later...
....But really the biggest thing is Satele and Theron being descended from Revan and Bastila. The Star Wars Galaxy might be high tech, but pretty sure they don't have high biotech to let them make two lesbians able to have kids ....


This comment is just too weird to pass up. That technology isn't far beyond what we can do here on Earth now.

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This comment is just too weird to pass up. That technology isn't far beyond what we can do here on Earth now.


It's not hard at all to take the chromosomes from one egg and put it into another - I think they even did a clinical trial for it somewhere in Europe. But, only lesbians would be able to have children, since no X chromosome at all = miscarriage. And they'd only be able to have girls, at that. Lesbians would need a y chromosome donor to have a boy, and gay men would need an X chromosome donor (who presumably would also be the required surrogate mother).


If we can do it on Earth, SW universe should be able to do it blindfolded and riding a unicycle in a hurricane while shooting a beer can from a dancing clown's hand.

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Boba Fett is the seminal bounty hunter character. I have some confidence in the Wookiepedia community. Boba Fett is described there, "Throughout the many years of his bounty hunting career, Fett developed a strong sense of justice, moral obligation, and adhered to his own code of honor." Later in his life he ended up working with both Han Solo and Luke Skywalker. A character like that would fit pretty well in a lightside Bounty Hunter in SWTOR. From tidbits in the media, I think that fits with the character he's going to be in the new Star Wars movie about him.
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This comment is just too weird to pass up. That technology isn't far beyond what we can do here on Earth now.


Yeah, that was the only part of my entire paragraph worth reading. Not the fact that it was not possible to romance Bastila as a female Revan, not anything else...


It's not hard at all to take the chromosomes from one egg and put it into another - I think they even did a clinical trial for it somewhere in Europe. But, only lesbians would be able to have children, since no X chromosome at all = miscarriage. And they'd only be able to have girls, at that. Lesbians would need a y chromosome donor to have a boy, and gay men would need an X chromosome donor (who presumably would also be the required surrogate mother).


If we can do it on Earth, SW universe should be able to do it blindfolded and riding a unicycle in a hurricane while shooting a beer can from a dancing clown's hand.


Okay, so then by what you say Theron would be the daughter of Bastila, or the daughter of Revan... but could not be both.


Besides, different areas of technology advance at different rates... it's always been that way in the real world, why would the Star Wars Galaxy be any different? Not to mention that the tech of this game and the tech 3000 years in the future (the movies) is not that different. Why? Because it was always the intent of Lucas to show a world where tech had stagnated... everything is old and used up and there are really no new ideas anymore... So, that doesn't mean that just because we can do it on Earth they can do it in Star Wars.

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YBut really the biggest thing is Satele and Theron being descended from Revan and Bastila.


Ever thought that it might not be Revan and Bastila themself but a couple of their children or grandchildren that hooked up? You'd still refer to the SWtOR day Shans as descendants of those two famous people.

Edited by Spetulhu
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Okay, so then by what you say Theron would be the daughter of Bastila, or the daughter of Revan... but could not be both.

Do they not teach you elementary genetics where you go to school?


Normal woman: XX on the 23rd chromosome pair.

Normal man: XY on the 23rd chromosome pair.


Splicing two eggs, one from each mom of a pair of lesbians, would result in a daughter: X+X = XX on the 23rd chromosome pair, no matter which X you choose from each woman.


There's no Y chromosome to be had from two women, so two lesbians through gene recombination would not be in any way able to have a male child. They would require a male donor for a Y chromosome.


And I dropped the ball somewhat, because two gay men would still have two available X chromosomes (one from each), but they would still require a surrogate mother to gestate the child.


Revan, of course, is a man canonically, so his child with Bastila could be of either gender (but is male; see below).


Besides, different areas of technology advance at different rates... it's always been that way in the real world, why would the Star Wars Galaxy be any different? Not to mention that the tech of this game and the tech 3000 years in the future (the movies) is not that different. Why? Because it was always the intent of Lucas to show a world where tech had stagnated... everything is old and used up and there are really no new ideas anymore... So, that doesn't mean that just because we can do it on Earth they can do it in Star Wars.


George Lucas is an idiot. There, I said it.


It's literally not possible for technology to stagnate for TWENTY THOUSAND YEARS. It's just not. Someone, somewhere, in a galaxy of literally hundreds of billions of people, will think up a new idea.


There's also no possible way for medical technology to lag so far behind space travel. In fact, medical technology is what even allows space travel. While you can argue that humans in the real world aren't sending manned missions to Mars is because the people capable of financing it are too shortsighted and greedy to realize that he who dies with the most toys is still dead (which is true, of course)... the real reason we aren't going to Mars any time soon is because there's no way (yet) to keep someone's bones and muscles from deteriorating to the point where when they reached Mars, they wouldn't be able to lift their own limbs.


If the SW universe has ubiquitous space travel, it has medicine far beyond ours.


If the SW universe can clone, it has medicine far beyond ours.


Incidentally, the technology behind cloning is the same technology behind allowing same-sex couples to theoretically have children with each other. Kamino exists in TOR's time, but it may not have the cloning industry yet. That doesn't matter - Mako is a clone.



Ever thought that it might not be Revan and Bastila themself but a couple of their children or grandchildren that hooked up? You'd still refer to the SWtOR day Shans as descendants of those two famous people.


Revan and Bastila did indeed have a son: Vaner Shan.

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LS makes the most sense anyway as a BH isn't an Assassin, they bring targets in alive and the Mando stuff is very tied into the BH story. We all know that's LS stuff, BH also is established as not having a taste for being manipulated so once again the final choice should be LS as it fits the BH most to get back at the guy they were forced to serve.


After all, they did get that big thing cleared up regardless.

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  • 1 month later...


Now unless a developer came out and said that every decision a player makes is non-canon and only pure light side Republic characters (which come off as morons) and pure dark side Empire characters (which come off as even dumber and far weaker stories) are the only canons than the statement "the Imp characters are all DS" is just not correct.


Pure light republic don't come off as morons, it fits perfectly with Jedi Knight, Consular and Trooper, only the smuggler maybe just because his companions are not pure light, and the story is centered around Risha, gets boring afterwards.


In Essence yes, a BH can be played light side, but never think you're a good Person, this is because the game is not single player and you're forced to siding with the Empire here, so outside some of the class stories and the reasons for you killing some people, well there's always *head cannon but i'll give you some tips on it..


Bounty hunter is easy to play light side, same as how smuggler is light side, you start off doing it for credits you end up as an honorable mandalorian or a ruthless psychotic mercenary, being darkside in the end as a BH is you being in the pocket of the empire, you're a slave to the Sith, no mandalorian would accept that except you know the current boot licking Mandalore.


So you are either honor before money, or money before honor.

Remember Bounty Hunters set their own rules, they don't follow Sith and they Certainly don't give a **** about the empire, hell the only reason my BH is employed for the empire is because he's stuck with the Mandalorians, still waiting when we get to shoot Mandalore between his eyes


Think of yourself as how the Transporter is, is he an evil person? no way, he follows his own rules until they contradict with his moral code, same as Light Side BH.


They never explicitly said it but the default wiki is that of light republic characters and dark empire characters, face it being with the empire pretty much means you're not a particularly good person, end of.

And by kotfe the default lvl 60+ newly created will be similar to that, dark empire, light republic.


All in all a light or dark BH is still a terrorist and a cop killer :p

P.S Mako is a hypocrite, and she's not that lightsided really, Vette is a light side GOOD character (she likes it when you kill EVIL people) Mako likes it when you kill people that are annoying, but not evil (see her - affection when killing thana Vesh or when killing civilians, oh yea -4 for killing civilians compared to Vette AND Malavai who loses -41 lol..)


Lightside hunter is Paragon Shepard from Mass Effect 2.




I hope this is a joke..

Edited by Azareya
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BH is so much the assassin. If they're not killing them themselves, they're capturing them so others can.


Some of the targets are just because "We don't like them" nevermind they never really did anything wrong. Also, to be a Mandalorian, that's all about killing worthy foes. "Yeah, you're a nice person and everything, never did anyone wrong, but you're tough, a hard one to take down, so I'm just gonna have to try now." :p

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I see the difference between a LS and a DS hunter as being the difference between a warrior and a thug. Yes, you oftentimes kill people for money. But honestly? That already puts you a cut above a lot of people in the Empire who kill simply for fun or because they really really hate someone. The LS hunter does not hesitate to kill, but also shows mercy to defeated enemies and doesn't condone torture or dishonorable tactics.


A LS hunter is even called a folk hero to the common people of the Empire during the Rishi quest: you're a force for order and justice in places where there are none, you're the one who goes after the people who can't be caught or punished for their crimes and catches them.

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I see the difference between a LS and a DS hunter as being the difference between a warrior and a thug. Yes, you oftentimes kill people for money. But honestly? That already puts you a cut above a lot of people in the Empire who kill simply for fun or because they really really hate someone. The LS hunter does not hesitate to kill, but also shows mercy to defeated enemies and doesn't condone torture or dishonorable tactics.


A LS hunter is even called a folk hero to the common people of the Empire during the Rishi quest: you're a force for order and justice in places where there are none, you're the one who goes after the people who can't be caught or punished for their crimes and catches them.


Yes, but even the lightside ones go after the innocent. Folk hero doesn't mean they really are heroes.


"Go after this Jedi!" "What he do?" "He saved countless lives that I was trying to kill." "You got it!" :p

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