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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Paid faction change for F2p


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Since game is going F2P i think its only logical that paid faction change should be introduced....since the whole concept behind f2p is to introduce things that make the game a little more convenient for a small fee...nothing game breaking though....like bringing my vanguard tank over to the imp side...
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Since game is going F2P i think its only logical that paid faction change should be introduced....since the whole concept behind f2p is to introduce things that make the game a little more convenient for a small fee...nothing game breaking though....like bringing my vanguard tank over to the imp side...


Nope :rolleyes:

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Since game is going F2P i think its only logical that paid faction change should be introduced....since the whole concept behind f2p is to introduce things that make the game a little more convenient for a small fee...nothing game breaking though....like bringing my vanguard tank over to the imp side...


It is NOt logical. Your Trooper is a REPUBLIC soldier. It has a storyline. Defecting to the Empire would not work at all. You want to switch sides? Play a BH. But faction changing in this game would not work. It would ruin the game.

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Since game is going F2P i think its only logical that paid faction change should be introduced....since the whole concept behind f2p is to introduce things that make the game a little more convenient for a small fee...nothing game breaking though....like bringing my vanguard tank over to the imp side...


I doubt that they'll ever do that. Or change classes. Not even advanced classes.


The reason is very simple. This game has not enough end-game content, so making alts is Bioware's safest bet to keep players around.

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It is NOt logical. Your Trooper is a REPUBLIC soldier. It has a storyline. Defecting to the Empire would not work at all. You want to switch sides? Play a BH. But faction changing in this game would not work. It would ruin the game.


[spoilers ]well considering how the story begins with the concept of defecting...and since your entire squad has essentially already defecting it would work....[spoilers]



im not lazy its just my vanguard is geared out....and its hard to find a decent guild after my old one kind of fell apart due to inactivity...i found a great guild on imp side...they need tanks....

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I see why you would like this, but don't see how it can be done without breaking the story. What I can see are maybe some mix-faction options for Huttball or a flashpoint where there is a common enemy, like False Emporer. Not everyone would agree with me there either, but I see it as a way that can add an interesting twist to the same battles some have fought numerous times.


Other than that, help revitalize your old guild or join/create another Republic guild, or level a tank in the Imperial guild you found a home in. For whatever reason one may give- rolling alts in this game is an important part of it. Also, unless everything changes, you need characters in both factions for the upcoming HK-51.

Edited by amaresch
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A lot of people wouldn't mind the ability to change ACs for real money. EA could make it the same price as buying a character slot (or perhaps have it increase cartel coins daily like the skill tree trainer does currently with credits). So any money lost from people not buying extra character slots in order to play a different AC would be minimal. Another thought: If access to legacy perks aren't too heavily monetized then creating an alt to play an alternate AC isn't going to cost very many cartel coins since a player could easily equip them with bind on legacy gear from the get-go. Edited by Foobert
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I see why you would like this, but don't see how it can be done without breaking the story. What I can see are maybe some mix-faction options for Huttball or a flashpoint where there is a common enemy, like False Emporer. Not everyone would agree with me there either, but I see it as a way that can add an interesting twist to the same battles some have fought numerous times.


Other than that, help revitalize your old guild or join/create another Republic guild, or level a tank in the Imperial guild you found a home in. For whatever reason one may give- rolling alts in this game is an important part of it. Also, unless everything changes, you need characters in both factions for the upcoming HK-51.


you make a good, well thought out reasonable argument



I guess i can start my own guild, never have before....


would it be better to start a guild for just new people? Because as i understand it if i create a guild to help out other people who havent done the easy endgame content or need gearing, that will be better to create a solid foundation for the guild....whereas if i just recruit people around my gear level just to do sm/HM TFB then it wont work so well because everyone will be greedy and in for themselves...


which option do you think is better?


1. where i recruit undergeared/new 50s and get them going from the ground up or


2. where i recruit geared people like me just to tear up TFB?

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Since game is going F2P i think its only logical that paid faction change should be introduced....since the whole concept behind f2p is to introduce things that make the game a little more convenient for a small fee...nothing game breaking though....like bringing my vanguard tank over to the imp side...


this is, in essence imposible because the powertechis not an exact mirrorof the vanguard. if they allowed faction changes then nearly all characters would be on the imperial side.

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Bounty hunters should start on Ord Mantell, Smugglers should start on Hutta and when they are leaving the planet they should choose (permanently) which side they will be batting for.


They are the only two "gray" classes in game who could integrate well on both sides (and should)

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There are problems with this.


1. Your class story is tied into the republic and in order to change faction they would have to rewrite the story for the empire.


2. There are certain planets off limits to each side.


3. Your ship traveling ability which is tied to the planets you are able to get to.


4. Guilds are faction based. We cannot have cross faction guild members.


5. When you land on certain planets republic and empire land on separate areas so this would create a problem.

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It is NOt logical. Your Trooper is a REPUBLIC soldier. It has a storyline. Defecting to the Empire would not work at all. You want to switch sides? Play a BH. But faction changing in this game would not work. It would ruin the game.


You wrong.. money is stronger than the stupid saga of star wars.. I call it personally stupid because it is not an actual invention, but a disterbed ancient mythology.. story. Very well camouflaged and a good movie to spend ur time..


anyway... Blizz didnt followed the story line also, they made it vanilla and u can play as a kung fu panda, even if the worlds are the most beautiful, game is over I believe.. Everybody excpects TITAN.. then next one.. But blizz allready said is going to be EXTRA DUPER SUPER casual mmo... If they dont add tokens again.. and its mostly world content, i may buy it.


What makes you believe, that you will not be able to do anything in swtor for money in the near feature..


After all, its good to be able change sides with my current role.. lets say that "i am a sold out soldier". or " a jedi who followed the dark paths" ... They have the light and dark faction, but only for items, they could use it for other things to..


It would be great to do it, but they must add a couple of planets, so the deserters move there..

Edited by Oyranos
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Bioware would have to


A- Make a Story Recap on all class's so if someone does do a faction change they understand what happen


B- Or the Player doing the Faction change would have to take into account that they would lose out on learning that story line and Legacy bonus


It would be a very simple prosses and me myself i really REALLY want faction change's so i can get my alts to the imp side i understand this might cause a bit of a imbalance in sides but lets face it, its already imbalance and it really don't matter, They have to put something in when you do a faction change you cant change that character back for another year or 6months or something like that.

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