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Launch downtime reminder - new servers incoming


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Give players with characters on full servers the ability to transfer to lower populated ones.


I'm sick of waiting an hour to play a character that I've spent considerable time leveling. You are punishing the people who were allowed early access.



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OK finally live and I cant play:( Been sitting in a line for access for over a half hour and am still over 350 on the list. It was one thing when this happened pre launch, but now were paying not to be able to play. I'm very disappointed in how this is being handled. If your servers couldn't handle the volume you should have pushed off the launch until they could.:mad:
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I hit 20 on my BH last week, loved the game and couldnt wait to progress. Server was social and lively, easy to find a good group!


Then the game became unplayable because of queue's, so i rerolled! Now im on a ghost town where its almost impossible to find a group for heroic quests, and dont even both with flashpoints as there isnt any healers.


I guess its nothing that can easily be fixed, but my honeymoon with the game has been ended early. Like others have said i feel punished by early access

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Seems like most people are loving the game ... when they get in. If BW doesn't fix the queue situation within a week, the game is basically torpedoed.


Nobody will stay past the 30-days if they can't play (and to the idiots who keep saying that would be a good thing because it would lower the amount of people playing ... no, that would not be a good thing, it would kill the game). I really can't believe BW hasn't fixed this easily foreseeable problem already!


Good companies know how to follow the money, and I doubt BW will let the game tank this soon.

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I'm sick of waiting an hour to play a character that I've spent considerable time leveling. You are punishing the people who were allowed early access.


Been like this for a while now, we really are being penalized for pre-ordering. Having created our ideal toons on low pop servers initially we now have to wait 2+ hours to get to play with them.


Problem is I could go create another toon on a 'now' lower population server but what happens when the Johnny and Julies all open their presents on Christmas Morning and login and then the server I migrated to ALSO becomes a 2 hour queue.


This is poor planning and poor execution for a game that took so much time working out nearly every kink prior to launch.


I certainly wont pre purchase another MMO if this is what I can expect.


The game BTW when i can play it is excellent! but I'm now on my third 2 hour queue (wit no end in site). Once i return to work playing will be almost impossible if this continues and therefore I wont continue my subscription.


Hey ho - back to the Queue.

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hi wanted to know, if they enable migration from full servers, to low population servers or new servers. thx and bye


Much needed. Getting sick of the 30+ minute wait times, when the servers I picked were low pop during head-start. It seems that new people are flooding into the game, and crowding onto the same servers like bloody sheep. Very frustrating.


If they offer migration, I would definitely take it.

Edited by DarkZenith
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(English Google)


I've been waiting for 1 hour in the queue of a server, and when he tells me to enter the connection is lost, rather than making millions of servers, I think we should expand there, because if you have friends in one, is going to get into that, and it will move from the others.


We pay to play wherever we want, not where we can.




He estado esperando 1 hora en la cola de un server, y cuando iba a entrar me dice que la conexion se ha perdido, mas que hacer millones de servidores, creo que habria que ampliar los que hay, porque si se tiene amigos en uno, se va a entrar en ese, y se va a pasar de los demas.


Pagamos para jugar donde queremos, no donde podamos o nos manden.

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Whit how the launch had started (thinking off log in ques too certain servers) Bioware realy need too add a free char server transfer soon. w8ing in que is no fun and haveing too make new chars every day in order too play the game will make ppl quite pretty fast.


Free char xfers aperently did wonders for RIFT, soo Bioware should look into it:D

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What is being done with the extreme queue times?


When are there going to be more seats added? There was a two hour wait last night to get onto Iron Citadel......


Need more seats or allow guilds and members to move to another server free of charge.

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NEW SERVERS ARE GREAT BUT SOME BUDDY PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME!!! Players who waited to purchase the game on launch day may actually never experience a queue time, while players who have pre-ordered are being punished for being fans and planning ahead. It is completely and totally frustrating, especially for a game that people pay money for monthly, it is unacceptable.


I think in order to fix the issue EA/BIOWARE should offer the ability to transfer to a guild to a NEW SERVER! I mean 2 hours in QUE to play is unacceptable! I don't care how patient you are.

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I'm sure they have ideas they are working on now (expanding queue capacity, char moves, copying servers, etc) but they really need to just be flat out honest and share with us.


Nowadays, people can go from angry to mob-like in hours =)

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I think Devs need to look at the actual estimated que time. I went to log into my server last night and it said 1hr 05min que. I started a timer when i started queing and it was almost 2 hours. 1hr 54min to be exact. I've leveld up to 25 on my main, i've played nearly 40 hours already. Im not going to re-roll on another server but man, it really is sad to wait that long. I would much rather A) open up server caps (when there are over 1,000 people in que to get into my server) B) allow my guild to transfer to a less populated server. There are about 30 members in my guild and we would all like to have the issue resolved, im just glad Devs are "monitoring the issue closely". Im still being patient but man, it does suck, even right now at 10:52 AM CT tim, my server is listed as Full already. Making it pretty crappy when i go to log in 7 hours from now. :(
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I'm not sure if this was already posted, or if it is already possible, but my friends and I wouldn't mind jumping to a lighter server, we just don't want to lose our progress. Is it possible to transfer our progress or do we absolutely have to start over on a new server? I know you can switch your entire progress to other servers on other MMOs, but I didn't see an option to do that on TOR. Someone please enlighten me if there is a way.
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I'm not sure if this was already posted, or if it is already possible, but my friends and I wouldn't mind jumping to a lighter server, we just don't want to lose our progress. Is it possible to transfer our progress or do we absolutely have to start over on a new server? I know you can switch your entire progress to other servers on other MMOs, but I didn't see an option to do that on TOR. Someone please enlighten me if there is a way.


I came on here to ask the very same question. In World of Warcraft they eventually set up controlled transfers from high population servers to specific low population servers. Is there any plan in the works to enable a similar thing in TOR? It would really suck to have to reroll because we chose servers during the Early Access period.


As I've mentioned before in other places, this game is on a thirty day trial for me. If I'm still seeing ridiculous queues by the end of month, then I'm not subscribing.

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I'm not sure if this was already posted, or if it is already possible, but my friends and I wouldn't mind jumping to a lighter server, we just don't want to lose our progress.


I - and apparently (judged by reading FaceBook and these Forums) many others - strongly feel exactly the same. You know, in short: "Don't give is E.G.A. and then ask us to forsake all that progress by actually SUGGESTING we relocate to a lighter population server..."


Is it possible to transfer our progress or do we absolutely have to start over on a new server?


At the moment: Not possible.

→ Would need to start over @ new server... :mad:


What MANY OF US not only ask, but DEMAND made possible, is indeed the ability to KEEP OUR ACHIEVED PROGRESS but continue playing without queues. You can decide how you want to go there, here's a few thoughts for reminder in case you missed them being brought up either here or at Facebook:

(They were brought up at both places, and always were supported by others too. Get busy making something happen yes please?)


Option a) Stop accounts that don't already have a character from creating new chars on full servers? (Not viable, will not be made true. They want to enable even late-joining people to play with their friends and all that. And even if this was put into effect, it would only buy time, not solve the issue.)


Option b) Increase the player cap on servers - a possibility, if your "instancing the whole planet" technology is expandable enough?


Option c) Allow FREE character/progress migration to a lighterly populated server. Asap.

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And you failed.




What do you expect when people cannot join servers?


When friends want to play together, come from work, ask "which server", and then they have to wait for hours to play together?


Sorry guys, that's THE No. 1 reason to instantly quit a MMO and never come back again.



Agreed! :mad:

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Why do I have to wait 45 minutes to an hour to get into my server? Why not allow free character transfers from all of the Full/Highly populated servers to all the new servers you just created? This could potentially fix the large server queues. I shouldn't have to reroll a new character when I already put 15 hours or more of my life (which I cannot get back by the way) into my lvl20+ character! :mad:
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