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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Devs speak out LOUD, PLEASE!


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Or they don't see the need to come running to put people here on the head every time they cry. :rolleyes:


Yeah, clearly it would be better if everyone would be quiet about all the bugs. How dare they, say that there are bugs, how dare they!!!

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What they need to do is communicate more with the player base, and let us know that they are "working on fixing these issues". The only time they comminicate is when they need to hype something in the hopes of retaining the player base.


Next time test your patches and updates before you throw on the servers and you won't have a pissed off player base. At the very least get back to us.

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What they need to do is communicate more with the player base, and let us know that they are "working on fixing these issues". The only time they comminicate is when they need to hype something in the hopes of retaining the player base.


Next time test your patches and updates before you throw on the servers and you won't have a pissed off player base. At the very least get back to us.


That's not a developer's job. That's a Community Manager's job.

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One thing to understand is from a well written article from SWTOR-SPY


Not saying EVERYTHING is correct with this but he has more insight/knowledge than we few. But does give a deeper understanding of what is going on.

Sad that a company would do something like this especially with the desire of this game. Simple tweaks, communication and insight can make this a big seller.

Hard to imagine you put ALL that time into something then a little later, dump it.


Just don't get the Corporate mentality these days. Too obsessed w/money, WAY too obsessed........


Cheers, DonK

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  • Dev Post
Hi everyone! Please make sure you're checking the dev tracker regularly. We have posted recently regarding several reports that are being investigated. We appreciate everyone letting us know if they've encountered a problem. Remember that you can also report issues via the in-game Customer Service portal, which will ensure your report is seen. Thank you!
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A statement that comes from an actual developer along the lines of,

"We realize a lot of things that were expected in this patch didn't make it, a lot of things made it into this patch undocumented and untested, and a lot of things got broken. Here's what we're doing to fix it."


Would go a very, very long way right now.

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Hi everyone! Please make sure you're checking the dev tracker regularly. We have posted recently regarding several reports that are being investigated. We appreciate everyone letting us know if they've encountered a problem. Remember that you can also report issues via the in-game Customer Service portal, which will ensure your report is seen. Thank you!


Allison, I like you. For one of the "Yellows" around here, you're at the top of the vocal and visible list.


Now that in mind, telling someone to check the Dev Tracker is almost counter-productive. Why? because of what I said in paragraph 1 above. Checking the dev tracker shows us you and Courtney followed by Jov and Tony. Other than the top 4 of you, I have no idea any other devs name around here. And I think that's what frustrates a few is that is then seen as you four are apparently "Bioware's firing line". The ones who are brave enough to handle it. Or you guys are Bioware's version of Dark Knights. (Remember what Gordon told his son at the end of The Dark Knight to get that one :D )


Also, people may slam Cryptic but one thing they do above all others is STO's EP jumps into the forums regularly even.

Edited by Jacen_Starsolo
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Allison, I like you. For one of the "Yellows" around here, you're at the top of the vocal and visible list.


Now that in mind, telling someone to check the Dev Tracker is almost counter-productive. Why? because of what I said in paragraph 1 above. Checking the dev tracker shows us you and Courtney followed by Jov and Tony. Other than the top 4 of you, I have no idea any other devs name around here. And I think that's what frustrates a few is that is then seen as you four are apparently "Bioware's firing line". The ones who are brave enough to handle it. Or you guys are Bioware's version of Dark Knights. (Remember what Gordon told his son at the end of The Dark Knight to get that one :D )


You see them because they're the ones who go talk to the devs, and then post when they've been given information by them.

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A statement that comes from an actual developer along the lines of,

"We realize a lot of things that were expected in this patch didn't make it, a lot of things made it into this patch undocumented and untested, and a lot of things got broken. Here's what we're doing to fix it."


Would go a very, very long way right now.


What good would that do? Do you think they aren't working on fixing it? Do you really need to be told that they are doing their job?

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Other than the top 4 of you, I have no idea any other devs name around here. And I think that's what frustrates a few is that is then seen as you four are apparently "Bioware's firing line".


You're not a developer are you?


I am. I have been for 12 years. And I am a central developer for a service that has many more customers than SWTOR.


I don't talk to customers. Why?


  1. Because I'm paid to code, not do PR
  2. Because I'm not trained to be cordial or diplomatic with customers
  3. Because, contrary to what many people believe, I don't have the final say over what i work on or when things that I work on get released, and therefore even my statements cannot be taken as an official statement.
  4. Because I'm too valuable to my employer to risk the morale hit of dealing with the selfish/hateful crap that gets slung in public forums.


Now, the funny thing is, this was pretty obvious to me 12 years ago. I'm not sure why so many people find this surprising now. And yes, I did say that the community is a large part of the problem. If you were more respectful, you'd get better interaction from the devs.

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Hi everyone! Please make sure you're checking the dev tracker regularly. We have posted recently regarding several reports that are being investigated. We appreciate everyone letting us know if they've encountered a problem. Remember that you can also report issues via the in-game Customer Service portal, which will ensure your report is seen. Thank you!


Hey, I reported everything in game, and the answer from the droid (yeah a droid) is always the same..... I used a dev post to solve shadows problems , and it worked: so I know that you are working, but we need a person here giving us a regular state of the fixes. I'm a loyal customer, present from beta weekends, happy for what the game is and I ask for CS presence in a moment where we were all expecting something great to give new appeal to our loved game, and the result was a terrible launch of the new update. Make it simple to access to the PTS for the next patches, and give incentive on live servers to play on the PTS,: you will have all kind of players testing your future content and changes.

Edited by NinjaApacHe
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You're not a developer are you?


I am. I have been for 12 years. And I am a central developer for a service that has many more customers than SWTOR.


I don't talk to customers. Why?


  1. Because I'm paid to code, not do PR
  2. Because I'm not trained to be cordial or diplomatic with customers
  3. Because, contrary to what many people believe, I don't have the final say over what i work on or when things that I work on get released, and therefore even my statements cannot be taken as an official statement.
  4. Because I'm too valuable to my employer to risk the morale hit of dealing with the selfish/hateful crap that gets slung in public forums.


Now, the funny thing is, this was pretty obvious to me 12 years ago. I'm not sure why so many people find this surprising now. And yes, I did say that the community is a large part of the problem. If you were more respectful, you'd get better interaction from the devs.


^QFT ...


I want the dev's being devy. :p


I want bugs fixed. The heck with new content right now. Fix the bugs!!! :cool:

Edited by Urael
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Hi everyone! Please make sure you're checking the dev tracker regularly. We have posted recently regarding several reports that are being investigated.


Okay... since you mentioned it... here is an overview of the DEV tracker since the last patch...


1. Two communications about stealth-nerfing BH comms, less comms without being told in the patch notes.

2. One communication about stealth-nerfing simulationious PvP & PvE queueing, without it being mentioned in the patch notes.

3. One communication about secret changes to the last Voidstar room, without it being mentioned int he patch notes (notice a theme here???)

4. Two communications about the GTN, one to say it was fixed, then one right after that to say that it was still broken.

5. The weekly community round-up.


Surely, you do not consider these examples of good communication?!? Each and every one of those posts (point 5 aside) are proof of the FAILED communication!



You're not a developer are you? I am. I have been for 12 years. And I am a central developer for a service that has many more customers than SWTOR. I don't talk to customers.


I fully agree with you. DEVs have a different mindset. Being a project leader myself, I try to keep DEVs as far as end-users as possible. They have a total different mindset.



And yes, I did say that the community is a large part of the problem. If you were more respectful, you'd get better interaction from the devs.


This, however, is nonsense. The problem is not the current players. The game sold 2.400.000 copies. There are only about 400.000 players left (I'm being generous here). That does NOT indicate a problem with the players, that indicates a problem with the game.


It's true, the remaining players may not always be the most civil, but that's what you get when you only copy hardcore-players from hard-core guilds to the test-server and then release a patch that has more bugs than all previous patches together.


What did you expect from us, flowers for a job well done?!?

Edited by Yogol
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You're not a developer are you?


I am. I have been for 12 years. And I am a central developer for a service that has many more customers than SWTOR.


I don't talk to customers. Why?


  1. Because I'm paid to code, not do PR
  2. Because I'm not trained to be cordial or diplomatic with customers
  3. Because, contrary to what many people believe, I don't have the final say over what i work on or when things that I work on get released, and therefore even my statements cannot be taken as an official statement.
  4. Because I'm too valuable to my employer to risk the morale hit of dealing with the selfish/hateful crap that gets slung in public forums.


Now, the funny thing is, this was pretty obvious to me 12 years ago. I'm not sure why so many people find this surprising now. And yes, I did say that the community is a large part of the problem. If you were more respectful, you'd get better interaction from the devs.


I kind of agree with you, even though you come across a little bit rude. Why though would they have a dev tracker if they weren't prepared to post?

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I kind of agree with you, even though you come across a little bit rude. Why though would they have a dev tracker if they weren't prepared to post?


Hate to tell you this but you are only allowed to be rude to other people if you are an Elite Defender. If you are not, then you can be banned. (been there)


But like you point out, they have a dev tracker. How limited names appear, it should be renamed to the "Allison Tracker with some items from Courtney and Jov and Tony will appear too"

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Expect more of the same guys, the fact that they see nothing wrong with the way they treat paying customers should worry most. lets put this in another setting.........


I rent a car from a company, periodically they upgrade said car, but also break it while "upgrading".......the garage then sends my car back broken, and non-functional. I ask the garage ***? and they then proceed to tell you that, yes there is an issue/s and hang up (seem familiar?). With no info/deadline I am left without a car and non the wiser, STILL paying for a broken car.


Now, if THAT were to go on, I can tell you people would be hammering down the door! But here.............silence is golden :) or NOT in this case..........

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And if the devs were not only showing up at the wrong times saying the wrong things, people would be more respectful to them. We can go in circles all day.


I would rather the devs get on and do what they are paid to do.

They have others in other roles to interact with the doomspreaders, the naysayers and the impatient ones that can are always popping up on community forums.


What is it you expect to hear from a dev that you dont hear from CM team?.... its not like they have a free reign on what they are actually able to communicate out to us, it all has to be carefully considered.


I agree I think communication out to these forums is pretty dire but nothing you or I say will force them to release any more info than they are able or willing to and it certainly wont make any difference to how quickly bugs get fixed so the only one going round in circles is you.


Alison has given you an answer, so act on the answer or not that's your choice, its not like they can jump on every bug to fix at a click of your fingers but I am pretty sure they are aware of what needs fixing and will resolve it and provide info to us as and when they are able.. but via the CM team not a dev.. its not what they are paid to do.

Edited by Bloodstealer
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I don't know why some people expect them to start giving us more information. They have been like this since like......forever heh. You got to come to terms with yourself, EAware isn't going to change the way they do things, you have to either deal with it or more on. They have decided to just have a niche game and deal with that. They work their 8 hours and then go home. It's not going to change guys, the days of this mmo being one of the potential best are long gone.
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Logged in today hoping to see an official post addressing the issues which pretty much make it impossible to play. Instead, yet again, I have to search in random threads to try to figure what's going on.


I did most everything that was suggested - turn of shadows, lower all settings to low, turn of shader, turn off nameplates, and then the worst thing... ...


Tried unistalling and reinstalling video drivers, which led to me not being able to use my computer at all now because I have no video to see what I'm doing. Taking my machine to a repair shop today.


Yes, I'm not a computer person. Bought this top-end Alienware ( i7, 16 ram, eyc.. ) JUST to play this game 3 months ago. Previously I had been mostly gaming on my PS3.


I was afraid to attempt the driver uninstall because, ya, I'm not a computer person, I only did so after people were posting that until we did such there was no reason to be blaming BW for the serious lag issues,


Yup, back to my old comp for internet browsing and PS3 for games. After I get my computer back I hope the game works for me again after the uninstall and reinstall preformed by pros. Hopefully by then there will be an OFFICIAL sticky thread from the DEVs telling us what to do or what is being done?...


p.s. sorry if this post is full of typos.*I'm in a hurry late for work.

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