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Please Completely REMOVE PvP from SWTOR


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just looking at the list of issues they having keeping what amounts to one code base up-and the varius issues that came from 1.4 muchless a SVN system requiring a fork of the source: one for PVP and it's itracices and another for PVE and it's iteracies.and keeping the two in sync for fixes. Not that I speek for EA. Who knows maybie they could do it? maybe the future is the PVP/RP highbred server(S?) it'd simplify things-but then you'd turn off the people disinclined to want to deel with PVP out in the wild.:eek:
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What they should do, rather than completely ruin the game for PVE players without forcing PVPers out, (cause serious.. a game without PVP? that's the studpidest thing i've ever heard of...) is to do a Lotro-esque skill system.


Example: Sorc/Merc stun has 30 yard range... stun becomes 10 yard range upon entering a Warzone/Toggling a PVP flag.


Balance it based on pvp status, not based on entire class... then everyone's happy.

I've been sugesting this for the longest time-

Yes that'd make sense! I vote for this.

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Thank you for your very biased OPINION. Some of us disagree with you though. Since we also purchased the game, we also have a right to express OUR opinions.


And to all you folk who think the combat changes have been about PvP, think again.

- Rez once per "fight" - PVE!

- Heal once per fight - PVE!

- Heal nerfd/reductions - PVE! (Expertise handles this for PvP)

- Commando Interrupt - PVE!


Honestly, PvE has probably had a bigger impact on the BIG changes than PvP has.




PVE has had a bigger impact and it shows.

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What they should do, rather than completely ruin the game for PVE players without forcing PVPers out, (cause serious.. a game without PVP? that's the studpidest thing i've ever heard of...) is to do a Lotro-esque skill system.


Example: Sorc/Merc stun has 30 yard range... stun becomes 10 yard range upon entering a Warzone/Toggling a PVP flag.


Balance it based on pvp status, not based on entire class... then everyone's happy.


Agreed! Now if we can just convince BW! BTW, I pay every month to do PvP. It is REALLY difficult to do with only one hand! ;o)

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Greatest post ever.


Just get rid of pvp.


Catering to the spacebar-mashing pvpeen crowd, at the expense of the pve crowd, kills games. Warhammer online, anyone? Wake-up call, BW... history is repeating itself.


Warhammer, SWG and countless others. This balance, QQQQQQQQQQ, reblanace, QQQQQQQQ, rerebalance, QQQQQQQQQQQ, rererebalance, QQQQQQQQQQQ cycle needs to end somewhere.


Please REMOVE your 4 (LOL 4... I mean really) warzones. Remove PvP. Stick to the reasons people waited 5+ years to buy this game in the first place. Go play KOTOR over again if you forgot why we all wanted to play this game.


Nobody wanted the Star Wars version of MW3. We wanted the online/multi-player version of KOTOR.


Have the courage to do what others were afraid to do. This is the way you distinguish your game from all of the other WoW clone failures. Quit trying to copy and compete with them. Make something completely different and distinctive. Do it...


Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those timid spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.


-Theodore Roosevelt


Dare to be great!

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Sorry but I stand by my OP. I enjoy PvP, I enjoy playing with other players. I don't enjoy having my characters and their skill trees butchered because of all the QQ every time a super l33t d0Od gets pwn3d in PvP. Without PvP BioWare can stick to what they are good at.


With your idea they could stick to what they are good at single player games!

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With your idea they could stick to what they are good at single player games!


Well many of us were hoping for an ONLINE/MMO version of KOTOR. Since BioWare was developing it and it was set in the same time period as KOTOR.


What we got was a crappy WoW clone that gets balanced and rebalanced every single Game Update. So yeah. REMOVE PvP. Stick to what we were expecting.


I could care less about the 16 people killing each other over and over again on 4 tiny maps.

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the most ignorant thread on the entire forums right here.


get real nerd, PvE sucks, and PvP is the only reason the game is still alive.


He's trolling, we all know it...or maybe he's honestly just wacky.


I can't believe this thread is still open. I highly doubt a "REMOVE RP" thread would last as long. Seems to be a huge double standard going on right now.

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He's trolling, we all know it...or maybe he's honestly just wacky.


I can't believe this thread is still open. I highly doubt a "REMOVE RP" thread would last as long. Seems to be a huge double standard going on right now.


No, I'm not trolling. If you want to kill the same people over and over and over again go play Duke Nuk'em 3D. At least that way you'd have more than 4 maps LOL.


I mean really. Let's be honest. The classes will NEVER be balanced. PvP'ers will NEVER stop QQing about "nerf this" and OP that. I mean reeeeeaaaaaallllllly. We've had skill point refunds in the last three straight game updates... and we're only at 1.4 LOL. You really think it's going to get better? Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.


Just REMOVE PvP and let those folks go play MW3 or COD3 and QQ over who is more OP or L33t or O0b3r whatever it is nowadays.

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I think everyone can agree that the true issue is not who pve's or who pvp's. The REAL issue is making changes to either group for the benefit of the other.


BIOWARE should have 2 complete sets of coding OR skill tree's...one for PVE and one for PVP. THAT's the only real issue and the problem would be solved.


PVE'rs ( such as myself) then onyl have to deal with changes that need to be dealt with from a pve point of view, and pvp'rs only have to deal with changes that are handled from a pvp point of view.


Trying to cover both sets with the same skill tree's or coding is poor management in my very humble opinion.

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100% /signed.


The PVPers will never, ever, EVER be satisfied with anything the devs do, at all. The sooner that not just Bioware, but the industry as a whole, realizes this and learns to shut out their constant kvetching, tantruming, and ineffectual threats to move on to "the next big thing" and to quit screwing up the PVE game in a vain attempt to placate those shining wits, the better off everyone will be. Except for the aforementioned PVP kiddies, of course, but hey, anything that makes them suffer can't be ENTIRELY bad.

Edited by Raji_Lev
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This game would die instantly without PVP, but they do need to do a better job of separating PVE balance from PVP balance.


Many PVE'ers like to PVP and many PVP'ers like to PVE. It's not an either/or system.


But they need to stop trying to balance everything for both simultaneously, because that will never work.

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What a selfish person you are. Do you think about anyone else but yourself? Let me guess, you got your backside handed to you on a silver platter by other players in PVP and now you want it removed because you suck at it. Well too bad for you. It does not work that way. Besides, this is an MMO not a first person shooter. Some people do not like first person shooters, so you telling people to go play these games is a moot suggestion.


I primarily play games to do the PVE side, but I do also like to play PVP when the PVE gets boring or have done it that many times that the PVE gets stale. I need something else to do in the meantime, or I just leave the game entirely. So no, PVP should NOT be removed. It is part and parcel of MMO games these days, and removing a significant chunk of the game just because you suck at PVP is a selfish reason (Yes I am assuming you suck because what other possible reason could their be?). I suck at PVP too by the way, but I have fun playing it so do not care one way or another.


Now on a better note, I do agree that balancing PVP is a hard thing to do when you also end up messing with PVE skills too, which is why it should be said that they should be doing like what Guild Wars 1 & 2 have done, and that is to create 2 entirely different sets of skills for PVE and PVP. That way any balance changes for PVP will be made for PVP ONLY. Why no one else does this is beyond me. :confused:

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PvE is boring. You fight enemies who's actions are pre-scripted and that you memorize!


BUT... there was a nugget of truth in the OP's self interested rant. PvE has had FAR more resources dedicated to it than PvP and it's 4 maps.


In response, please stop spending more resources on PvE than PvP. This is unfair to the PvP portion of the game community.



Your customer.




I have fun with all aspects of the game, especially PVP. If you remove PVP, you are depriving me and another huge portion of your playerbase from playing anything.

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No, I'm not trolling. If you want to kill the same people over and over and over again go play Duke Nuk'em 3D. At least that way you'd have more than 4 maps LOL.


I mean really. Let's be honest. The classes will NEVER be balanced. PvP'ers will NEVER stop QQing about "nerf this" and OP that. I mean reeeeeaaaaaallllllly. We've had skill point refunds in the last three straight game updates... and we're only at 1.4 LOL. You really think it's going to get better? Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.


Just REMOVE PvP and let those folks go play MW3 or COD3 and QQ over who is more OP or L33t or O0b3r whatever it is nowadays.


No, I'm not trolling. If you want to kill the same OPERATION BOSSES over and over and over again go play a SINGLE PLAYER OR COOP GAME.


I mean really, Let's be honest, PvE will never be hard. Little kids can grasp guess and check problems. PvE'ers will never stop QQing about anything and everything.




It's too bad you can't grasp or enjoy PvP, where content is dynamic, skill is mandatory to survive, and teamwork is a critical component (opposite is true of PvE). But I guess you'd rather just memorize how to play a video game and never stop and have to think.

Edited by UberDuberSoldat
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What a selfish person you are. Do you think about anyone else but yourself? Let me guess, you got your backside handed to you on a silver platter by other players in PVP and now you want it removed because you suck at it. Well too bad for you. It does not work that way. Besides, this is an MMO not a first person shooter. Some people do not like first person shooters, so you telling people to go play these games is a moot suggestion.


I primarily play games to do the PVE side, but I do also like to play PVP when the PVE gets boring or have done it that many times that the PVE gets stale. I need something else to do in the meantime, or I just leave the game entirely. So no, PVP should NOT be removed. It is part and parcel of MMO games these days, and removing a significant chunk of the game just because you suck at PVP is a selfish reason (Yes I am assuming you suck because what other possible reason could their be?). I suck at PVP too by the way, but I have fun playing it so do not care one way or another.


Now on a better note, I do agree that balancing PVP is a hard thing to do when you also end up messing with PVE skills too, which is why it should be said that they should be doing like what Guild Wars 1 & 2 have done, and that is to create 2 entirely different sets of skills for PVE and PVP. That way any balance changes for PVP will be made for PVP ONLY. Why no one else does this is beyond me. :confused:


Well first of all... I don't completely suck at PvP. I'd say I'm just above average. I don't spend every waking moment or even every in-game moment doing PvP. I do my dailies to help level up and break up the activities, etc. I have all of the gear, blah blah blah.


My problem just isn't about balancing trees for the never ending, unlimited, bottomless pit of QQ coming from the PvP community. We've had a number of features, one of which I detailed in my OP that were held back due to PvP. I'm sick of having every new feature required to pass the PvP community QQ test. Who cares if my character can sprint at 300%? I mean really? What concern is it to anyone? But nooooooooooooooooooooooo.... they removed the feature (and countless) others because it would be unfair in WarZones. There are FOUR WarZones FFS. I mean really.

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Actually, what they needed to do was build pvp in heavily from the start, but as with most things in this game the lack of planning has turned pvp into a bolt-on system where you need stupid things like expertise to segregate the community.


Without pvp the cool factor, fun factor and replay appeal of this game would be just above zero.

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I bet you can take 4 PvP players in top tier PvP gear into an operation and do just fine.


Same cannot be said for 4 players in top tier PvE gear in a PvP match. I really enjoy destroying those 27k players with 0 resilience....



I have never seen a good pvp player who couldnt destroy all pve content while eating a samwich and reading or watching hulu on the second monitor at the same time (due to extreme boredom)


Rarely do I find good pve players who can cross the pvp divide and perform with their full array of cooldowns and abilities against another player when they get knocked out of their precious rotations.


Its not even a gear issue. Even though full campaign in pvp is far inferior to full WH+ in pve, its simply a matter of the pvp players being better at controlling their avatars.


A rare few players enjoy both and excel at both, but all things being equal the pvp player is usually superior in all aspects of gameplay aside from number parsing a rotation.

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Well first of all... I don't completely suck at PvP. I'd say I'm just above average. I don't spend every waking moment or even every in-game moment doing PvP. I do my dailies to help level up and break up the activities, etc. I have all of the gear, blah blah blah.


My problem just isn't about balancing trees for the never ending, unlimited, bottomless pit of QQ coming from the PvP community. We've had a number of features, one of which I detailed in my OP that were held back due to PvP. I'm sick of having every new feature required to pass the PvP community QQ test. Who cares if my character can sprint at 300%? I mean really? What concern is it to anyone? But nooooooooooooooooooooooo.... they removed the feature (and countless) others because it would be unfair in WarZones. There are FOUR WarZones FFS. I mean really.


Let me get this straight.....you are annoyed because they held back making you able to run faster? Are you serious?!?!?!?! Instead of whining about that, should you not simply ask the question "Why do they not increase your mount speed so it feels like a speeder and not a slower?". Mount speed feels so slow it is beyond a joke.


From what I see here, it is not the PVP community that is doing the QQ, it is just you.

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Let me get this straight.....you are annoyed because they held back making you able to run faster? Are you serious?!?!?!?! Instead of whining about that, should you not simply ask the question "Why do they not increase your mount speed so it feels like a speeder and not a slower?". Mount speed feels so slow it is beyond a joke.


From what I see here, it is not the PVP community that is doing the QQ, it is just you.


First... Celerity I and II are only one example of features being removed due to PvP QQ. AC Switching, Respec'ing, Dual and Triple Spec, etc, etc, etc were all scrapped in beta to satisfy the whopping 16 PvP soO0per 31337 d0oOds who freaked if (OH MY GOD) someone where to change their spec. I mean... OH THE HUMANITY!!!! One day I'm a Merc Healer and the next day I'm a Merc Firebug?!?!?!?!!? OH MY GOD. I just threw the entire PvP ecosystem into chaos and despair!!!!! I mean really....


Second... Are you really challenging my link-fu when it comes to PvP QQ? You really want to do that? Are you sure? Think about first before you respond. You are saying that PvP'ers don't QQ. You are saying that the game hasn't been altered (read butchered) because of PvP QQ? You really want to choose that battle????

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