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1.4 today !


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Can't wait. Finally my comps won't be rainbow coloured. Also shadow changes look good.


I am really really looking forward to my comps looking good in their gear. Have spent a crazy sum of credits on GTN trying to get their gear to match earlier, now this will be a lot easier. Just want my little team to look good!


And the moods, that will be great for me as well. My guildies are mostly looking forward to Terror From Beyonde =)

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I think this patch has a little something for everyone. For me, I'm going log on, jump in a warzone queue and just interrupt every player I see because as a commando...I HAVE AN INTERRUPT NOW! YEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! (In my Lando barely escaping the death star and yelling in triumph voice):p
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Awesome, totally missed that today's patch day.... I'm still a bit butthurt about shortening my sorc's stun distance

for PvP reasons, while I only PvE, but oh well. I'll remember that and use it next time there's an uprising.

Unify companion gear colors is very welcome though. Finally Corso won't look like a clown anymore,

and hopefully if I deactivate Khem's headslot he won't have the metallic voice anymore.

We'll see.

So, when is 1.5 coming? And what will it be? :D

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