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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Resolve sucks


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I hear "Fixed in 1.4". What I see is stunned so much I only do 1/3 the damage I normally do in a WZ. Then again we played against a premade that was comprised of a guild that is rumored to use cheats. I didn't bother to queue again. I was in there with other players that I know are great pvper's and they were like..."This sucks". So I'll try again and if it keeps rolling the same way, then I'll decide if the frustration is worth it.
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I know a lot of people will disagree with me...but prior to 1.4, with my sith mara, I would get stunned, grappled, stunned, pushed, and stunned to death. The resolve bar would fill up and drain so quickly that I could easily spend a good 20 seconds stunned until I died.


Tonight., I did not have that problem. I did do less damage and medals seemed to be harder to get (may have been me and not the patch), but ultimately, I spent less time being stunned to death.

Edited by americanaussie
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The major problem seems to be people do not understand resolve even now ten months into the game.



Do not use your CC break on the first stun. Crazy I know, except when you eat a full duration stun and come out, chances are they will try to stun you again. Now your Resolve is White Barred. Use your CC break and proceed to be unstoppable.


Its that easy.


Then 10 seconds later when your resolve drops, they stun you again, and this time you don't have a stun breaker,(my CC breaker is 2 min cooldown) so you end up stunned for 2 ability durations. For the next 2 minutes, this is how you play the warzone. If your lucky the 10 seconds that you were immune, you weren't rooted.


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The major problem seems to be people do not understand resolve even now ten months into the game.



Do not use your CC break on the first stun. Crazy I know, except when you eat a full duration stun and come out, chances are they will try to stun you again. Now your Resolve is White Barred. Use your CC break and proceed to be unstoppable.


Its that easy.


haha, go check the cooldown on the CC breaks and then repeat your nonsense

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Good grief, choking on the elitism of some posts in here.


Just because you don't believe something happened nor did it happen to you.....Newsflash!!! It doesn't mean it doesn't happen!! Take for example Clown Shoes LenrocNewDawn who immediately claims NogueiraA is lying about his Marauder being stunned continously for 16 seconds!! That's funny LenrocNewDawn, were you there were you mate?? No you say?? Can you prove that the Smuggler player in question didn't attack in this fashion?? No again? Then Shut the hell up unless you can prove what NogueiraA said happened to him actually didn't. I accept what he claims, what is so stuck up where the sun doesn't shine on you that you can't?


As for my so called crap pile as the oooooooooh so wise Kweassa says, assumption is the mother of you know what's and you prove it with your up yourself better then thou response. It's no wonder the community in SWTOR is a joke when it is populated with people like you but hey, I respect your opinion even if you don't respect mine. Funny that huh?


The major problem seems to be people do not understand resolve even now ten months into the game.



Do not use your CC break on the first stun. Crazy I know, except when you eat a full duration stun and come out, chances are they will try to stun you again. Now your Resolve is White Barred. Use your CC break and proceed to be unstoppable.


Its that easy.


Heaven forbid!! You instantly assume anyone who complains doesn't know what they are talking about. The elitism is strong in this one!!! I have been attacked by everyone's favourite coward class The Imp Agent in between a CC cool down, Stun knifed me, stabbed with normal knife attack, flashbanged me, waited a few seconds, attacked me with knife, some other attack, manage some offense but then stun knifed again and rinse repeat til death. All done before my CC reset!!


I have seen various other instances where the resolve bar should have stopped me being stunned but alas it did not. And to all those who want to sit on top of their Ego mountains, just because you haven't had it happen to you nor seen it, again, don't be quick to get all haughty and jump on those that do mention instances of it. Now back to the discussion and oh, got my surfboard ready to ride the waves of stuck up player outrage about my post who will tell me I don't know this, what I said is false blah blah blah!!! :D

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Run with friends, ask for a cleanse etc. You don't HAVE to use your CC breaker every time if you que with countering classes or if others on the team, a healer for example, is competent. Understandably it can be trying some games but learning how to manage the Resolve Bar is key.



This is all well and good for organised teams, but when you're solo queuing it's quite often the case that you don't have anyone healing. In fact I've been in many games where I'm the only person who isn't a Sentinel! Or you come up against a team of almost entirely of scoundrels.


There are also too many skills IMO that do not add to your resolve


Basically this may work fine in ranked where everyone is organised, but for those who aren't it's an absolute nightmare

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FIx it.

Too many stuns, too many mez's. Too many knockbacks, pulls, pushes roots and slows.

It's not fun.


I mentioned this a few times...lately I am spending more and more time on the forum hoping something will be done. This generally means I'm about to leave the game because I'm not enjoying it, and really I'm pretty easy to please.

I'm pretty sure others feel the same way if they haven't already quit.


I stopped asking for a solution after 1.4. Instead, I unsubbed after sending in a report to the subscription people. I will play for another 2 weeks but then I'm done if this is not seriously addressed by the devs.


Being cc locked and killed by 2 ranged classes is just stupid. This is why I wanted resolve fixed. What did we get? A mechanic that now works as intended....I've heard this crap too many times.

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I haven't noticed that much of a difference to be honest. Sure, sometimes it seems I get stunned more, but when i look around, so is everyone else. My solution? Kill everyone while they are stunned. If you are the first to be stunned in the group, take your beating, respawn, then kill more.


Seriously, I thought this was going to be a bad change based on the amount of QQing I'd seen, but I mean, come on... its impossible for EVERYONE to be stunned the majority of the time. Most classes only have a handful of stuns, so if you are stunlocked from multiple stuns, then it means there is more than one person targeting you, and you shouldn't live through it anyway, without a healer.

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Good grief, choking on the elitism of some posts in here.


Just because you don't believe something happened nor did it happen to you.....Newsflash!!! It doesn't mean it doesn't happen!! Take for example Clown Shoes LenrocNewDawn who immediately claims NogueiraA is lying about his Marauder being stunned continously for 16 seconds!! That's funny LenrocNewDawn, were you there were you mate?? No you say?? Can you prove that the Smuggler player in question didn't attack in this fashion?? No again? Then Shut the hell up unless you can prove what NogueiraA said happened to him actually didn't. I accept what he claims, what is so stuck up where the sun doesn't shine on you that you can't?


Dude do you believe in ghosts too?:rolleyes: The fact that you lack the ability to recognize bull **** doesn't mean that the rest of us can't do it also. It is possible that those smugglers attacked in that fashion but it's also very unlikely. That plus the claim that he suffered three consecutive CC effects with out getting active resolve make me say again he was lying through his teeth trying to construct the perfect argument to support his QQ. Would I testify about him lying in a court of law? NO, cause there is a very,very slim possibility he was telling the truth, but in an open conversation I will just dismiss his claim as absurd instead of spending time to unravel crap.


If you want to be that mushroom that feeds of bull ****, good for you, enjoy but don't give the clown shoes to me before you try them out first. You might have the surprise of a perfect fit :cool:.

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Don't know why i still care with forums.


People are here to complain, they are not even interested in what they complain about. "Hey look i'm complaining! I'm so Cool!!"


If people were actually trying to get their point trough and were interested in getting this sorted and fixed they would:


1) Read the post

2) Provide useful info. It has been implied many times that all this could be a bug. I even asked if one of you could possibly confirm this (it's really easy, just log in and ask a friend for a duel). If you fraps it or just make some screenshot it would be better.


But no! Impossible! Forums are here to complain and be the cool kid, surely not to be helpful to the game!


Sorry if this comes are offensive, but how the community is handling this issue is beyond silly.

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Resolve works pretty well but I do think they could lower the CC break cooldown.


Or when your resolve hits full it automatically releases you. You could increase the amount it takes to fill the bar to compensate if you like, but that to me would be a much better way of fixing it

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Too much crying. not enough learning how resolve works.


-I have no issues with resolve. its working as intented and its not going to be changed.


If you got hardCC'ed oh well, it happens. It prolly means u should not have survived that encounter reguardless of resolve of not. -contrary to more popular belief you should not 1v6 and win.


On a suggestive note: It happens in every game too, so i suggest you just stop playing games rather than looking for new ones. The grass is never greener just loaded with more fertilizer.


Its got nothing to do with resolve Bio ware dont class half of what is loss of control of character as loss of control there fore does not affect resolve at all. fact is people can be rooted to the ground and can not be healed out of it cause they are killed in 3 hits. the damage boost from expertise is 12 % > then the heal boost from expertise. when it was even every one winged and whined that they couldnt kill any one cause healers were to OP well now its the other way around and healers are quiting the game because there role is useless in th game as they cant healthru the the damage or get away from focusing as we get locked down bye cc that isnt classes as cc so BW fix it before every one else leaves.

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Yes, beyond a shadow of a doubt the resolve system is "working as intended".


Do you guys work for Blizzard????

Or do you just copy paste their automatd replys to our posts.

Resolve may well be working as intended but it is still a fail attempt to make pvp better.

You spend nearly all your time as melle now stunned/cc.

i was fighting a sage with my mara and he just kept kieting me around. i was cc 5 times in one fight! how is that normal ffs.

You guys need to stop backing BW for this terrible mistake!

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Good grief, choking on the elitism of some posts in here.


Just because you don't believe something happened nor did it happen to you.....Newsflash!!! It doesn't mean it doesn't happen!! Take for example Clown Shoes LenrocNewDawn who immediately claims NogueiraA is lying about his Marauder being stunned continously for 16 seconds!! That's funny LenrocNewDawn, were you there were you mate?? No you say?? Can you prove that the Smuggler player in question didn't attack in this fashion?? No again? Then Shut the hell up unless you can prove what NogueiraA said happened to him actually didn't. I accept what he claims, what is so stuck up where the sun doesn't shine on you that you can't?


As for my so called crap pile as the oooooooooh so wise Kweassa says, assumption is the mother of you know what's and you prove it with your up yourself better then thou response. It's no wonder the community in SWTOR is a joke when it is populated with people like you but hey, I respect your opinion even if you don't respect mine. Funny that huh?




Heaven forbid!! You instantly assume anyone who complains doesn't know what they are talking about. The elitism is strong in this one!!! I have been attacked by everyone's favourite coward class The Imp Agent in between a CC cool down, Stun knifed me, stabbed with normal knife attack, flashbanged me, waited a few seconds, attacked me with knife, some other attack, manage some offense but then stun knifed again and rinse repeat til death. All done before my CC reset!!


I have seen various other instances where the resolve bar should have stopped me being stunned but alas it did not. And to all those who want to sit on top of their Ego mountains, just because you haven't had it happen to you nor seen it, again, don't be quick to get all haughty and jump on those that do mention instances of it. Now back to the discussion and oh, got my surfboard ready to ride the waves of stuck up player outrage about my post who will tell me I don't know this, what I said is false blah blah blah!!! :D



This guy is sooo right.

I fully agree.

I am ful warhero gear but find myself getting beat by people that havent got full BM gear and that is just wrong.

If i was getting beating through the persons tactics or skill i would have nothing to say, but the fact i am stunned most of the fight and when i get out of stun my 20k hp is at 20% max i do not think that is fair at all.

I did not see a problem with resolve before, infact i had never heard anyone even mention they have a problem with it, now i hear it everytime im on fleet.

As i said in a previous post, i will not play this game again until resolve is fixed, period

Edited by jubaiyagu
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Its got nothing to do with resolve Bio ware dont class half of what is loss of control of character as loss of control there fore does not affect resolve at all. fact is people can be rooted to the ground and can not be healed out of it cause they are killed in 3 hits. the damage boost from expertise is 12 % > then the heal boost from expertise. when it was even every one winged and whined that they couldnt kill any one cause healers were to OP well now its the other way around and healers are quiting the game because there role is useless in th game as they cant healthru the the damage or get away from focusing as we get locked down bye cc that isnt classes as cc so BW fix it before every one else leaves.


Not trolling at all mate but yes it has everything to do with resolve.

A lot of people seem to cloud their judgement with technical information that leads them away from the initial point.

Lets keep it simple, the game was fun before 1.4 resolve changes.... and now it isnt. simples!

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This guy is sooo right.

I fully agree.

I am ful warhero gear but find myself getting beat by people that havent got full BM gear and that is just wrong.

If i was getting beating through the persons tactics or skill i would have nothing to say, but the fact i am stunned most of the fight and when i get out of stun my 20k hp is at 20% max i do not think that is fair at all.

I did not see a problem with resolve before, infact i had never heard anyone even mention they have a problem with it, now i hear it everytime im on fleet.

As i said in a previous post, i will not play this game again until resolve is fixed, period


Trololol !!! Priceless comment m8. Do you mind if I used it in my sig? I guess people that are claiming that skill>gear are right after all. But kudos to you for having the backbone to say this here o7.

This thread is getting to be one of the most entertaining ones ever :D.


All the face rolling maras/sents that got instant full resolve from pugs, killed one-two people then escaped to safety are now in trouble cause they need to think before diving into 3-4 opponents. That doesn't work anymore LOL! This is your nerf guys, ENJOY!!!

Edited by LenrocNewDawn
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Do you guys work for Blizzard????


My emphasis. You may have let your frothing rage impede your thinking. Take it slow.


All the face rolling maras/sents ... This is your nerf guys, ENJOY!!!


You make it sound like they found a way to nerf stupid - I'll reserve judgement, but hope springs eternal. Unlike a stunned mara.

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