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Will we be able to purchase Cartel Store items as gifts?


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Hopefully they who post in gold can help...


Will we be able to purchase Cartel Store items as gifts and send them to other players?


Edit: To add to this... Will we be able to purchase subscriptions with Cartel Coins. Preferably in the 1 month variety and give them as gifts. For instance, it would be cool that if I had a friend who was in a pinch one month and could not swing his subscription that if I could purchase him/her a gift month.


That would be great.

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all i can say is that bioware needs to copy lotro's f2p model as closely as possible where it is indeed (however very tedious and only a small percentage of players actually achieve this) possible to achieve the f2p dream, meaning, you can actually purchase all new xpaks and content via in game currency.
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Probably not. Bind to legacy yeah, give to someone outside of your account, probably not


But I bet you can buy coins as gifts to someone else, either through Bioware directly, or coin cards in merchant stores.

Edited by Andryah
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Probably not. Bind to legacy yeah, give to someone outside of your account, probably not


But I bet you can buy coins as gifts to someone else, either through Bioware directly, or coin cards in merchant stores.


What process makes you speculate that they would allow buying coins for others, but not gifts? That makes no sense.

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What process makes you speculate that they would allow buying coins for others, but not gifts? That makes no sense.


Actually, it does.

Buying coins for others would mean that you would use real money to purchase CC and instead of sending them to your account, you'll send them to another account and they can do whatever they like with those CC. Just like a gift card

Buying things and then being able to send them to others could lead to a lot of exploits - from charging credits and thus messing up the economy to charging real money which would be less than what the CC would cost but still would be an income for you. The latter one I think is pretty clear why they wouldn't want it, but even the first one - charging credits for stuff, not real money - would mess up both the game economy and the whole purpose of actually wanting to buy CC as a FTP player. And the whole point of FTP shops are for the companies to make money, right?

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Actually, it does.

Buying coins for others would mean that you would use real money to purchase CC and instead of sending them to your account, you'll send them to another account and they can do whatever they like with those CC. Just like a gift card

Buying things and then being able to send them to others could lead to a lot of exploits - from charging credits and thus messing up the economy to charging real money which would be less than what the CC would cost but still would be an income for you. The latter one I think is pretty clear why they wouldn't want it, but even the first one - charging credits for stuff, not real money - would mess up both the game economy and the whole purpose of actually wanting to buy CC as a FTP player. And the whole point of FTP shops are for the companies to make money, right?


That is still no different than buying an item that goes straight to another person's account. I am not talking about buying an item, receiving it, then sending it. I am talking about a transaction where the item is automatically sent to another person. EQ2 does it and it works great.

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That is still no different than buying an item that goes straight to another person's account. I am not talking about buying an item, receiving it, then sending it. I am talking about a transaction where the item is automatically sent to another person. EQ2 does it and it works great.


OK let me try to explain this. I don't know how EQ2 does it and they might actually copy their way (if it works as great as you say) but:


You are a FTP player.

I am a subscriber.


1) We are friends. I want to give you a gift so I buy, using my real money, CC in bulk (whatever the CC packs may be - 100,200,300 etc) just as I would if I got you an iTunes gift card for 5/10/20 euros, dollars or pounds. You get your CC and you spent them however you see fit, I spend real money and Bioware gets their money.


2. We are strangers. I run a site selling things to ftp players who want to get things that cost a lot of CC but don't want to pay that much.

a) I, as a subscriber, have a lot of free CC because I get them for free. So you ask me to buy them for you and in return I ask for 50%-60% of the real price you would've paid if you had gotten the CC points yourself. Therefore, you get your items cheaper, I get your real money which I shouldn't have and Bioware gets nothing.


b)Again, I as a subscriber, have a lot of free CC. You ask me to buy them for you and in return I ask you for in-game credits. Therefore,you get your items for free, I get credits for free and Bioware gets nothing.


This is not, of course, something that in the long run can be done by 1 person, but this could be easily done by an average sized-group of people that work together to make money. Similar issues in the past with other games have proven that people always find a way to make money/credits by exploiting small cracks in the system like these.

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OK let me try to explain this. I don't know how EQ2 does it and they might actually copy their way (if it works as great as you say) but:


You are a FTP player.

I am a subscriber.


1) We are friends. I want to give you a gift so I buy, using my real money, CC in bulk (whatever the CC packs may be - 100,200,300 etc) just as I would if I got you an iTunes gift card for 5/10/20 euros, dollars or pounds. You get your CC and you spent them however you see fit, I spend real money and Bioware gets their money.


2. We are strangers. I run a site selling things to ftp players who want to get things that cost a lot of CC but don't want to pay that much.

a) I, as a subscriber, have a lot of free CC because I get them for free. So you ask me to buy them for you and in return I ask for 50%-60% of the real price you would've paid if you had gotten the CC points yourself. Therefore, you get your items cheaper, I get your real money which I shouldn't have and Bioware gets nothing.


b)Again, I as a subscriber, have a lot of free CC. You ask me to buy them for you and in return I ask you for in-game credits. Therefore,you get your items for free, I get credits for free and Bioware gets nothing.


This is not, of course, something that in the long run can be done by 1 person, but this could be easily done by an average sized-group of people that work together to make money. Similar issues in the past with other games have proven that people always find a way to make money/credits by exploiting small cracks in the system like these.


The fact that you have never been around something like this is your first hint that you should probably not try to teach me about it.


IF this Coin Shop goes as similar to the EQ2 one and IF subscribers get coins at a rate similar to that Shop, then you are clearly over reacting. With the free coins subscribers get a month it takes 3-5 months to save up to get anything worth while. No credit/item seller is going to waste their time with it.


When you buy an item for someone, it goes directly to their mail. There is no trade involved. Again, to save up coins to buy something worthwhile takes months. I don't know anyone with any common sense who would fork over millions in credits to someone in hopes that the person is not robbing them and I don't know anyone with common sense who would send a real money item to someone hoping that they are not going to get robbed.

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What process makes you speculate that they would allow buying coins for others, but not gifts? That makes no sense.


When thinking about a feature in and MMO, I always start from the perspective of how can the players distort or break a feature (or the game because of the feature). Becasue that is what a significant number of us as clever humans playing MMOs seem to like to do.


Well, they won't want people selling cartel items on the GTN is why. They could, but I'm guessing they want more lock control over the economy then that. So, the easist way to prevent that is to make an item bind to legacy.


Sure, it would be possible to make an item not sellable on the GTN but tradeable or mailable to others, but that would require them to build a new set of rules and code just for that. Plus that opens the code up to new bugs, errors, etc.


Now.... I know someone will say.. but what about coins... selling those in the GTN. Good point, but currencies are much simpler to code restrictions to then hundreds of different purchasable items. Of course they could go really safe and conservative and say no... but that you can buy a coin card from a store and give the card as a gift to another person... which achieves the same effect, but without them having to redsign stuff under the hood.


That is why I say probably not.

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