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Light side or Dark side Smuggler


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Well think about it this way:


Light side Smuggler: You're a lonewolf but fight for a good cause, and credits of course. You're a free trader and respect the Republic, supporting them will only net you more profit.


Dark side Smuggler: You're a dirty criminal. It doesn't matter in what way you get your money, may it be others left for dead or steal some supplies.


You can go neutral but that's not very efficient as gear is dependant on LS/DS.


Tell me what you think about this!

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Well think about it this way:


Light side Smuggler: You're a lonewolf but fight for a good cause, and credits of course. You're a free trader and respect the Republic, supporting them will only net you more profit.


Dark side Smuggler: You're a dirty criminal. It doesn't matter in what way you get your money, may it be others left for dead or steal some supplies.


You can go neutral but that's not very efficient as gear is dependant on LS/DS.


Tell me what you think about this!


I was looking for something along these lines. I constantly find myself making choices that I think are evil, but turn out to be good/neutral and vice-versa. Especially with the smuggler and bounty-hunter classes (not so much with Jedi Knight, where I think the boundaries are much more clear-cut)

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DarkSide smuggler gameplay is 1000x more fun: beating women, killing kids, shooting in the face anyone who tries to be be a smartass.



The downside is that you cant use green/blue crystals for blasters.

Edited by Descento
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i've been more light than dark so i guess i should keep going that way. i wanted to be more dark but it just sort of turned out that i am too nice. my toon has honor, stands up for the little guy, but doesn't like d-bags and doesn't like being betrayed

(e.g. i shot down whatshername in the warehouse on ord mantel--i was flirting with her but she was into skavek? not ok)


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I've been leaning towards the dark side with the player dialoge. Although there's the option to give a few credits or help the children here or there, I can't help but feel that my player's brazen escapades of carnage through the countryside would likely leave me with a karmic deficit in the grand scheme of things. It's a little bit of a moral quandry.


Then again, I may have to roll a second light side smuggler on another run. Leveraging the character's underworld nature and a bit of obscure rationalizing, we could say that the usual gunslinging escapades are part of a larger racket. It would be a racket to generate destitute families and ravaged countrysides as a means by which to provide opportunities for charity and benevolence.


Though I think I've gone and overthought this a bit.

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I think dark side has been extremely fun, with a few exceptions.


Smugglers are dirt bags, don't kid yourself ;)


I all so gives you a tremendous joy when 3 jedies, in a flashpoint, pick some noble solution, and you as a smuggler choose to blow it all up and win the roll :p

I will never get bored of that

Edited by Sugarray
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I have 1200 LS and 950 DS :rolleyes: Me and my friend are always laughing at smugglers dialog options, smuggler definitely has best dialog =)


I have few rules that I follow:


1) I don't hurt ladies ( I have broke this rule once :()

2) I don't hurt kids!

3) Money talks (I'm pragmatic :cool:)

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Personally I like to be sort of evil. But I don't have any idea crush people and be malicious.

I just think that being a smuggler is sort of criminal activity driven by easy money. And it means I may not have much of moral as smuggler.


Why not go all the way then? I just take easiest route for a smuggler . Most of time it seems to be evil.


Don't care to argue with people? Threat with gun. Not sure is there a loose end if you leave someone alive? Kill. Don't like the guy who forced you to go all that length killing people? Shoot him.


This all doesn't mean that I wouldn't serve republic or I wouldn't care to save rare species in Taris or help settlers(for a credits ofc). Just most of time I try to take most direct route for Republic and money. And not necessarily in that order.


Devs said smugglers are most unpredictable.

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After playing my smuggler for a bit, I really feel like the LS/DS system is a disservice to the class.


Smugglers are, by definition, gray. They do questionable things for money, even if they may have a heart of a gold. Han Solo may have ultimately been a good guy, but I still wouldn't call him "light side" in the same way that Luke Skywalker was.


I've already taken some dark side points by just doing what I thought I would do if I were a smuggler. I tried focusing on "live and let live" but that will net you darkside points sometimes. I tried focusing on "love of credits" but that too will net you darkside points. I don't care so much that I get darkside points -- I care that choosing a belief sysetm will make it so that you end up gray.


So other than the 100 darkside points I picked up from doing what I thought I should, I just always choose the lightside option. That, of course, sorta ruins the RP experience of the whole thing but since there's gear based on my choices I feel like I'm stuck.

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Dont choose Light or Dark.


Just decide what drives your smuggler..

- having job done, for first quest giver?

- golden heart ?

- proffit ? (thats easy choice between light and dark)

- overconfident/arogant or admit someone can be better?

- makes justice on his own ?


Little decisions which might take you to either side, when composed togather makes character, which have its own will... not tied to picking always "correct" answer.

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DarkSide smuggler gameplay is 1000x more fun: beating women, killing kids, shooting in the face anyone who tries to be be a smartass.



The downside is that you cant use green/blue crystals for blasters.


I don't want to stumble upon you on the street... :D


I'm playing Neutral so far. More light then Dark, but I'm not a Jedi, nor I want to be one...

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Dont choose Light or Dark.


Just decide what drives your smuggler..

- having job done, for first quest giver?

- golden heart ?

- proffit ? (thats easy choice between light and dark)

- overconfident/arogant or admit someone can be better?

- makes justice on his own ?


Little decisions which might take you to either side, when composed togather makes character, which have its own will... not tied to picking always "correct" answer.

This just isn't true. Choosing credits, for example, is sometimes a darkside choice and other times is a light side choice.


An example is in the first 10 levels when you go to rescue a boy who has joined the separatists and is fighting with them because of stims. His mom is paying me to bring him back, but if I pursue that line then bringing him back will be a darkside choice. My lightside choice is to give him credits which is against my stated motivation. Other times, there are quests where I am offered more money to let someone be and that's a lightside choice. So now choosing credits has made me neutral. =/


It's true that you will build your character by choosing based on motivations, but you will fail at min/maxing your character for gear profession.

Edited by USSDefiant
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I'm currently sitting 1800 LS : DS 1550, and I have some hopefully constructive thoughts for you.


Light Side smuggler is, to be honest, boring when stacked up with your Dark Side options. The DS choices and dialogue are much more fun, IMO, and I'm someone who ALWAYS chose Light Side in KOTOR. But I'm also role-playing slightly, which guides many of my decisions; my smuggler looks out for him and his, and if you cross him, well, gg. But he doesn't slaughter innocents.


I don't want to spoil anything, but Dark Side choices don't often line up with the values of some of your companions. I've taken a number of negative affection hits for my Dark Side choices, and while these points can be won back it does slow down the affection process. So keep that in mind.


I will say I get a sweet sense of satisfaction when I'm in a group of 4 players in a flashpoint dialogue and the other 3 choose the Light Side option and I choose Dark Side and win the roll. Generally the other players say "Oh man, thanks! I've always wondered what would happen if I chose that option but I don't want to tarnish my perfect light side score omg."


Also never choose a Dark Side option simply for bribe money, even on Nar Shaddaa it's nothing more than a couple hundred credits. Pretty lame.



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Note that its been mentioned they are looking at adding a "neutral" set of gear for those that stay in the grey area, my guess is it'll require certain amounts of both light and darkside points or something, so while yes light and dark side have a few cool things they can use now, it might not make a difference in the future.
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Haha, can totally relate to that. I never got around to finishing my evil Shepard. :D


My Renegade Shepard isn't so much evil as rough and tough.


I plan to go lightside with the Smuggler. There's no real expectation for the smuggler to be really virtuous, which makes it more attractive. I plan for my Jedi Knight to be a LITTLE dodgy, and for my Sith Warrior to go light side. I'm all about confounding expectations.

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