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Chat Bubbles and the Imperial Hat...


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For those of you, like me, played SWG from day 2, to close remember all too well the nightmare of "The Imperial Hat"


For those of you not blessed enough to play SWG for all it's glorious, and less than glorious years... let me explain.

The Imperial Hat was an item you could buy with faction points you would earn from battle, as an Imperial, as part of the dreaded Imperial Uniform. However, for years, it did not work. You could not put it on and see anything.


For years, the developers promised to fix the Imperial hat... and they finally did. 3 years later. No surprise, it was SOE.


Now, Bioware...let's talk Chat Bubbles....


Are we going to wait months... or years?

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Lol...the Imperial Hat ;) Takes me back...thought I was the bees knees when I first acquired my Imp uniform!!


I'm sure there's an episode title for The Big Bang Theory in there somewhere...just not feeling very creative today :)


"The Imperial Hat Paradigm" maybe :)


I am sure I read somewhere that the code for chat bubbles is already in game, just switched off. Would love to see chat bubbles as I find it really inconvenient trying to have a conversation using the standard chat box. It's just loads easier to see who is saying what or to focus in on a what a particular person is saying with chat bubbles.


It should be implemented with a toggle for those that wish to turn them off, of course :)



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I'm sure there's an episode title for The Big Bang Theory in there somewhere...just not feeling very creative today :)


Oh that's too easy. Leonard and the gang run into Evil Wil Wheaton wearing a hat (sure let's make it an imperial officers hat but Wil's Shriner's hat would work too). Leonard is jealous and wants a hat like Wil so he searches for one on ebay. He finds one from and orders it. The hat comes in and it's too big. So big it pretty much covers Leonard's head. Leonard is mad and contacts the seller but the seller says the hat is one size fits all and can't help Leonard. Leonard finds out the seller has a local store so he goes there to try and exchange the hat. The shop clerk tells Leonard that She can fix the hat if he leaves it with her. Leonard gives her some contact information and leaves the hat. Leonard doesn't hear about the hat so he calls the shop. They tell Leonard that they are still trying to fix it and they aren't sure why it doesn't fit. This repeats for awhile until Leonard just gives up. He goes gets the hat and gives it to Sheldon who it fits fine.

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Oh that's too easy. Leonard and the gang run into Evil Wil Wheaton wearing a hat (sure let's make it an imperial officers hat but Wil's Shriner's hat would work too). Leonard is jealous and wants a hat like Wil so he searches for one on ebay. He finds one from and orders it. The hat comes in and it's too big. So big it pretty much covers Leonard's head. Leonard is mad and contacts the seller but the seller says the hat is one size fits all and can't help Leonard. Leonard finds out the seller has a local store so he goes there to try and exchange the hat. The shop clerk tells Leonard that She can fix the hat if he leaves it with her. Leonard gives her some contact information and leaves the hat. Leonard doesn't hear about the hat so he calls the shop. They tell Leonard that they are still trying to fix it and they aren't sure why it doesn't fit. This repeats for awhile until Leonard just gives up. He goes gets the hat and gives it to Sheldon who it fits fine.


You Sir, win the interwebz for today. Good work :)



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For those of you, like me, played SWG from day 2, to close remember all too well the nightmare of "The Imperial Hat"


For those of you not blessed enough to play SWG for all it's glorious, and less than glorious years... let me explain.

The Imperial Hat was an item you could buy with faction points you would earn from battle, as an Imperial, as part of the dreaded Imperial Uniform. However, for years, it did not work. You could not put it on and see anything.


For years, the developers promised to fix the Imperial hat... and they finally did. 3 years later. No surprise, it was SOE.


Now, Bioware...let's talk Chat Bubbles....


Are we going to wait months... or years?


I'd rather have an imperial hat that doesn't appear, than an imperial hat on my chick who for some reason is now BALD while wearing it.

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Thank you finally someone normal.

I really hope they will never get implemented waste of dev time.


Well from what I've read previously they are already in the code so no dev time required.


Also, as per my original post, I can appreciate that not everyone wants or likes them, hence I stated if switched on they should be implemented with a toggle so that players can switch them off if they choose to.


Whereas you and a couple of other posters in this thread seem to be posting from the "If I dont want it, no one should have it" point of view...pretty sad really :(


Oh and normal is subjective...I dont consider the attitude of "I'm so important that if I dont want something then no one should have it" to be normal but each to their own :)



Edited by ImperialSun
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Roleplayer-friendly updates, like chat bubbles and the facial moods and some of the other quality of life patches (like chairs that you can sit in), are really a smart move by Bioware at this point. Lack of (and missing) content is, from what I can see, the primary reason that most of the players are gone, now, and it will continue to be the reason players leave for other games. When the game goes free to play, BW is likely to see a spike in activity any time they release a new patch before it dies off again when everyone has played that content.


It's the roleplayers who will continue to log in consistently and well into the game's twilight years (or twilight year, at the rate things have been going) because a lot of them don't care about content, they just want to RP. Regardless of the fact that they're a minority of the game's demographic, they're the group that's most likely to continue playing. Providing a better roleplay experience than WoW or GW2 could keep SWTOR's population at least a little respectable.

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Roleplayer-friendly updates, like chat bubbles and the facial moods and some of the other quality of life patches (like chairs that you can sit in), are really a smart move by Bioware at this point. Lack of (and missing) content is, from what I can see, the primary reason that most of the players are gone, now, and it will continue to be the reason players leave for other games. When the game goes free to play, BW is likely to see a spike in activity any time they release a new patch before it dies off again when everyone has played that content.


It's the roleplayers who will continue to log in consistently and well into the game's twilight years (or twilight year, at the rate things have been going) because a lot of them don't care about content, they just want to RP. Regardless of the fact that they're a minority of the game's demographic, they're the group that's most likely to continue playing. Providing a better roleplay experience than WoW or GW2 could keep SWTOR's population at least a little respectable.



...and sandbox

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Thank you finally someone normal.

I really hope they will never get implemented waste of dev time.


I hope they are implemented for the RP crowd's sake. BUT .. I hope they are an OPTIONAL toggle.


And I predict this thread to be moved to the suggestion forums. :p

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1. Chat bubbles are a complete waste of developer time. If you want to see chat around you vs. general chat (etc.), create a 2nd chat window that only has the local chat in it. Far easier to keep track of conversations around you that way than with inevitably overlapping/hiding chat bubbles. I've done this in pretty much every MMO I've ever played as a matter of course.


2. They did say they had them in in Beta, but it turned out to be a major source of graphic lag/slowdown, so they took 'em out.


3. I *believe* they mentioned back in March (or thereabouts) that they think they figured out why it was causing the frame rate issues. Since I haven't heard a peep since then, I'm guessing they were wrong. Or, sensibly enough, realized they had far more important things to fix, and even spending 5 minutes on bubbles was pointless.


4. If they did make the mistake of wasting time adding them, they would have to add an option to turn them off, so that sensible people can.


5. Yeah, sittable chairs should be a MUCH higher priority than chat bubbles. Hoods down should be much higher priority. Companion head slot hiding should be higher priority. Companion color matching should be higher priority. Rain splashes/ripples in the puddles on Dromund Kaas should be higher priority. Having to take your toon to the bathroom every couple hours so (s)he doesn't make a mess should be higher priority. Heck, can't think of ANYTHING that would be lower priority.

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1. Chat bubbles are a complete waste of developer time. If you want to see chat around you vs. general chat (etc.), create a 2nd chat window that only has the local chat in it. Far easier to keep track of conversations around you that way than with inevitably overlapping/hiding chat bubbles. I've done this in pretty much every MMO I've ever played as a matter of course.


2. They did say they had them in in Beta, but it turned out to be a major source of graphic lag/slowdown, so they took 'em out.


3. I *believe* they mentioned back in March (or thereabouts) that they think they figured out why it was causing the frame rate issues. Since I haven't heard a peep since then, I'm guessing they were wrong. Or, sensibly enough, realized they had far more important things to fix, and even spending 5 minutes on bubbles was pointless.


4. If they did make the mistake of wasting time adding them, they would have to add an option to turn them off, so that sensible people can.


5. Yeah, sittable chairs should be a MUCH higher priority than chat bubbles. Hoods down should be much higher priority. Companion head slot hiding should be higher priority. Companion color matching should be higher priority. Rain splashes/ripples in the puddles on Dromund Kaas should be higher priority. Having to take your toon to the bathroom every couple hours so (s)he doesn't make a mess should be higher priority. Heck, can't think of ANYTHING that would be lower priority.


Facial expressions.

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( I am sat in the corner wearing my imperial hat ( dunce hat ) talking to myself ( speech bubbles) )


In all seriousness though I believe chat bubbles to be great , with a toggle on and off , of course there will be spammers but we all know where the ignore button is. It will help people communicate in a better way , 200-250 people in an instance makes it really difficult to read general chat .


It gets my vote.





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Many players really need speech bubbles to enjoy their game, especially us socializers and roleplayers. It's a must-have feature for us, just like being able to attack other players is a must-have feature for PVPers. Thus it really needs to be implemented.


If you want speech bubbles including the obligatory option to toggle them off, please also post in support in the following thread:




Thank you very much!

Edited by Cave
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Many players really need speech bubbles to enjoy their game, especially us socializers and roleplayers. It's a must-have feature for us, just like being able to attack other players is a must-have feature for PVPers. Thus it really needs to be implemented.



I think a toggle option would be great.

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To the anti chat bubble crowd : This is MMO game and things that make interacting with others players seperates this genre from games like call of duty.


If all you want is content and could care less out about actual player interactivity then maybe MMOs are not your thing. Interactivity does not mean grouping up to finish a questline (you can get that kind of intereaction on xbox.)

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