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SW books, comics, etc.


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If you want some good horrible very early EU books and are a Han Solo fan these books were writen back in '79 and cover Han and Chewie back in their smuggling days.


Han Solo at Stars End

Han Solos' Revenge

Han Solo and the Lost Legacy


There is also the Corellia Trilogy which takes place after Han and Lea are married and have kids


Ambush at Corellia

Assult at Selonia

Showdown at Centerpoint

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I like the newest comic series "Darth Vader and Ghost Prison" it's about the first coup against early rule of Palpatine.... And it has really, really great ending.


There is also "Betrayal", about another coup against Palpatine, "Boba Fett:Enemy of the Empire", and my favorite series -3 parts of Crimson Empire"

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My fav series by far, the X-wing Series.


books 1-7. You get to see A LOT more about Rogue Squadron you saw in Empire Strikes back.


Plus you get to see how good of a pilot Wedge Antillies REALLY was.


Luke was good because of the force. Wedge was simply GOOD.


Plus Wraith squadron books 5-7, probably the best of the series. I LOVED Wraith Squadron.


A special ops squadron. EPIC.

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