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Consolidated Post: APAC/Oceanic Server Concerns


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Yet you're the one saying most of Dalborra is for it when anyone who has actually visited our server since the announcement would know that it couldn't be further from the truth.


Sorry but no you're wrong.


You're pretty much saying the Dalborra server players are retarded by not supporting the solution to fix the APAC population issues (which btw contrary to popular belief is far more important than ping and timezones buddy). Which couldnt be further from the truth


Because anyone who is against the solution is either just plain stupid and/or mentally challenged.

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Huh trolling on forums for most of your day is ?

go team venture


So by informing somebody that PVP isnt the only thing to do in an MMO makes me a troll?


Is it like a new trend or something..When somebody disagrees with someone it makes them a troll?


Uhhh what is life?

Edited by jackdaley
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So by informing somebody that PVP isnt the only thing to do in an MMO makes me a troll?


Is like a new trend or something..When somebody disagrees with someone it makes them a troll?


Uhhh what is life?


Not true, take a frequent poster like soneil and a few others in this thread. They give valid reasoning in a respectful manner and are not deemed trolls and he supports the solution by Bioware. People like him are more than welcome to give their opinion on the subject. It's when people like you who flame others for their views in a disrespectful manner that brings nothing constructive to the conversation - and you wonder why you are called a troll?


Most of us are more than happy to hear other APAC stories on why they think this move is the best for them and their community.

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Not true, take a frequent poster like soneil and a few others in this thread. They give valid reasoning in a respectful manner and are not deemed trolls and he supports the solution by Bioware. People like him are more than welcome to give their opinion on the subject. It's when people like you who flame others for their views in a disrespectful manner that brings nothing constructive to the conversation - and you wonder why you are called a troll?


Most of us are more than happy to hear other APAC stories on why they think this move is the best for them and their community.


So have I, if you look back at my posts but people sadly flamed me and called me a troll, same with Elysiah, So in return I flamed them back!


What is wrong with that?

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So have I, if you look back at my posts but people sadly flamed me and called me a troll, same with Elysiah, So in return I flamed them back!


What is wrong with that?


Oh now your the victim, cute.


Unite against Bioware's final solution!

Save the APAC servers from becoming Alderaan!


Sign the petition: http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/keep-apac-servers-for-swtor-available-and-merge-them-into-1.html

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People need to stop comparing swtor to wow, I have played wow at 400-600ms and it was more playable then tor at 200-300ms. Tor is better looking and requires a lot more resources to run well and the graphic lag is a problem.


The main problems for myself is more about losing my characters and community and lag only comes in when comparing apac players to American. Let us keep a server dedicated to apac area but that does not mean it has to be hosted here, if its Australians and the like playing with each other, we all get the lag and its fair game rather than us having 300ms playing against an American with 55ms Max all the time. It worked for wow and because it won't be hosted in a us, bioware need not spend extra cash AND we can keep our community.


Just a thought:o


Do you play FLASHPOINTS and PVP these people are screwed against people who are actually live in america how does this improve player experience for them.

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Merging the servers will not solve the population problem.


As an example, it is 7pm in Eastern Australia right now so the start of peak time and about when I usually log in. I went to each of the 3 APAC servers and did a head count on the republic side.


The results are as follows.



Vanguard = 48

Commando = 62

Gunslinger = 47

Scoundrel = 27

Sage = 74

Shadow = 79

Guardian = 73

Sentinel = 100


Master Dar'nala

Vanguard = 12

Commando = 17

Gunslinger = 15

Scoundrel = 12

Sage = 22

Shadow = 20

Guardian = 23

Sentinel = 29


Grav Garagon

Vanguard = 17

Commando = 20

Gunslinger = 20

Scoundrel = 14

Sage = 29

Shadow = 24

Guardian = 28

Sentinel = 52


So all up around 900 people playing across all 3 servers.


Now I went back to my US server (The Harbinger) and did the same count. The results are below.

The Harbinger

Vanguard = 100+

Commando = 100+

Gunslinger = 100+

Scoundrel = 100+

Sage = 100+

Shadow = 100+

Guardian = 100+

Sentinel = 100+


So there are more people playing on The Harbinger right now than there are on all the APAC servers combined.


It is time to face up to the fact that not enough people are playing on these servers to make it viable to keep them open.



I see 900 for a single server plus the ones that would come back verses 800+

Or did I miss something?

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So by informing somebody that PVP isnt the only thing to do in an MMO makes me a troll?


Is it like a new trend or something..When somebody disagrees with someone it makes them a troll?


Uhhh what is life?


Its not that you disagree, its that you disagree, and, type it in a way as to be a smartarse about it.

for those that only like to PvP it is the only thing to do, same said about those that only PvE, playing both with a lag such as the 340plus I got on the NA servers does cause issue's regardless of what you may think, myself and those others posting have mostly had the experience, and are being forced to go backwards.

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ahahaha you can't be serious can you?


The server merges/ char transfers are talked about nearly every hour on both dalborra fleets..and the majority are all for it.


the only people having a cry about it are the forum lurkers/posters like yourself :rolleyes:


And no 600+ is nothing in the eyes of EAWARE you would need like 10,000 sigs for them to even take a glance. So GLHF trying to get anywhere with it. :rolleyes:


If you dont like the solution...don't play the game :tran_eek:


Haha, it must really bug you that we have that many ppl willing to fight to keep our servers when ur not. Otherwise why would you keep posting here?

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So have I, if you look back at my posts but people sadly flamed me and called me a troll, same with Elysiah, So in return I flamed them back!


What is wrong with that?


The fact that is all you do! You do not take part in any other discussions on these forums.

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Really if you're against the merges and you want to post on the forums either block me or don't post at all because I wont stand to have you affect the population of our new US servers with your illogical propaganda and lies!


let me start by saying i find this part quite interesting when further on you being to preach that the majority of Dalborra players are for the merge. which is completely untrue 1 out of probably all the players are for it. so i really don't know where your getting your facts from, and are even on the right servers?


also as much as i want the singular merge to happen im starting to be more realistic in the sense that nothing we do will change EA/Bio's stand on the issue. they have acted on mi-informed information from a poll that probably only about 60 percent of the player base actually knew about. there are many more other reasons why it was the wrong choice, but personally i think they have really dropped the ball on this issue, and still am hoping they will read more from the APAC players and perhaps decide to do what is logically and player-supportingly right.



another player who perhaps has wasted 10 minutes of their life trying to express their opinion to Bioware / EA

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PVP isnt the only thing to do in an MMO!!


Holy **** is your mind blown?!?


Yep but a reasonable portion of players participate in PvP from time to time and if they are no longer able to do that effectively they will be pretty annoyed and not everyone has the money or the inclination to set up a tunneling service so that they can compete on a level playing field.

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Yep but a reasonable portion of players participate in PvP from time to time and if they are no longer able to do that effectively they will be pretty annoyed and not everyone has the money or the inclination to set up a tunneling service so that they can compete on a level playing field.


I only pVp since the game came out in december of 2011, i have very little issues with the merge because i can easily adapt to higher pings as i have been doing for years, since im not an an american resident and enjoy video games.

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A few of people are for it but they are definitely the minority most of the large guilds and hordes of players want an APAC super server.....


That is my experience as well.


However, the community and Bioware/EA really need to know what the customers (us) really want. If those of us who do not support a move onto NA servers just keep stating that the majority of people on the Dalborra chat prefer a merged APAC server or keep quoting a few examples of the technical issues in this thread, we are not really adding any hard evidence. Those who have the contrary view (or are just mischievous) can assert their case with equal strength. This is because there is no hard evidence.


After all, the suggestion of merging APAC servers with NA ones came from qualitative evidence in the first place; the discussion from the two lower population servers (rightly) asking for better populations. There was silence from Dalborra as those of us playing there had no concerns over the population - why would we read a thread about low server populations when it was not an issue for us?


If Bioware/EA would collect some hard quantitative evidence of what the APAC community is willing to accept, we would all be much better off. A poll of the APAC community would provide much better evidence for corporate decision making and allow the community to contribute to our own destiny. It might even help restore some good will towards Bioware/EA.


Bioware/EA, if you are up to the challenge, I suggest you give us the opportunity to vote on a range of viable options including:

consolidate all players onto an APAC super-server within the Asia-Pacific region

consolidate all players onto an APAC super-server located at Bioware/EAs discretion

merge the APAC servers to NA servers at Bioware/EAs discretion

re-locate (merge) the APAC players to servers of their own choosing.


I have excluded the option of keeping the three APAC servers, as this does not seem to have the support of Bioware/EA or the players on Master Dar'Nala or Gav Daragon.


So Bioware/EA - how about it? Here is an opportunity to base this business decision on some quantitative evidence of a specific market, and possibly regain some goodwill with a (until recently) loyal customer base.


In the meantime, I hope that the APAC community will continue to make sensible and constructive contributions to the issue on this thread.

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Folks, I wanted to take some time to let you know that we are listening to your concerns and that they're important to us. Oceanic servers WILL be getting 12 slots, just like the other servers and we're going to implement this change the next opportunity that we have.


Additionally, we've seen your concerns about Oceanic server populations and we're going to be evaluating this in the next few days.


We're listening, and I know you've all been patient with us, and for that, I thank you. As soon as I get any update to this, I will let you know here.


Thanks again.



Good to know your paying attention to this. But other servers in the US might need an overhaul sometime in the future. So much lag still exists in major cities, fleet, and daily areas because of overpopulation. You guys at EAware might want to address this before releasing an expansion that is going to have 10 times the lag we are having now.

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Not even 1,000 signatures on the petition yet. Just give it up.


I levelled a Shadow over the double xp weekend and was lucky to see five people on the later planets like Quesh and Voss and this was on Dalborra. Other levelling planets from about Alderaan were lucky to have 30 people.


So if Dalborra had 5 on the later planets then the other two servers would have less thus a merge wouldn't do anything.


Looking forward to moving to play with our US friends.


I hope they move us before 2.0. The only reason I say this is because I'd like a bit of contingency time to be considered if something stuffs up with the move and my RotHC experience is hindered/delayed in someway because of a miss-transferred character.


So maintenance this Tuesday would be nice. Thanks!

Edited by O_JohnnyBravo_O
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EA don't seem to realise that bad faith and a strong anti-EA sentiment is driving their bottom dollar down, such as their over usage of microtransactions and the Sim City debacle.


They should be rewarding the people who have stuck with SWTOR at it's worst, not punishing us. I'm just sad that as the game seems to be finding it's stride with bug fixes and more regular content updates, that they pull the rug from under the APAC community and triple our latency. Then they tell us it's not to cut costs, it's to help us. BS.

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Clearly we play on different Dalborra servers.


A few of people are for it but they are definitely the minority most of the large guilds and hordes of players want an APAC super server which is a comprise to salvage our great ping and still have a healthy population.


My 2 cents - The view that combining the 3 server we have will maintain a healthy population is pure speculation, If Bioware goes by the metrics they have and come up with this solution, it points to one fact.


Even if there is a surge in population after they do a combine of the 3, there is extremely high possibility that over the cause of time it will repeat the surge than drop off in the population as seen with the APAC servers when they first opened.

This will mean a repeat of everything that's happening here now all over again.

Remember the days when all 3 servers are full and the queue was half an hour long?


What they are doing now is going the way of a safer and more cost effective route of putting us all on servers they know for a fact are healthy and will have no long term issues with population until the game it self dies.


If you where the one running this business would you go with the gamble with less payoff or the safe and secure way even if it means you will lose some in the short term?

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