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Consolidated Post: APAC/Oceanic Server Concerns


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I personally would like to thank Bioware for being the only MMO company to give us servers.


There have been many on other MMO websites asking for this for years. I don't want to lose that! I don't want to be forced onto a US server, and have crap latency, I already experienced that when I started playing. I know people will disagree with me, but I am happy with where I am and I am as entitled to my opinion as they are.


So again, thank you Bioware, thanks for thinking of us. I know it's not cool to like something, well to bad I like this game, and have for a while now. :)

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I personally would like to thank Bioware for being the only MMO company to give us servers.


There have been many on other MMO websites asking for this for years. I don't want to lose that! I don't want to be forced onto a US server, and have crap latency, I already experienced that when I started playing. I know people will disagree with me, but I am happy with where I am and I am as entitled to my opinion as they are.


So again, thank you Bioware, thanks for thinking of us. I know it's not cool to like something, well to bad I like this game, and have for a while now. :)

nice of you to read the thread. We all want APAC servers... and are, in general grateful to Bioware for supplying them... the problem lies in.......


....maybe you should read the thread

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nice of you to read the thread. We all want APAC servers... and are, in general grateful to Bioware for supplying them... the problem lies in.......


....maybe you should read the thread


Maybe everyone should stop complaining? I read people on this thread who wanted us merged into US servers, maybe you should read the thread?

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Just be honest then and I wouldn't need to pop in here, don't drag the pve and rp servers into this. This thread has probably put off a lot of Oceanic people from rolling on Oceanic servers - despite the problem being something that is specific to the pvp server. Let's just make that clear.
you still posting? I have re-rolled on harbinger... maybe you should and youd see how a server is meant to be? Have you looked at harbinger? Compared numbers? None of APAC servers are great ... master d is the worst... I'm glad your content. But you bucko are not the


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you still posting? I have re-rolled on harbinger... maybe you should and youd see how a server is meant to be? Have you looked at harbinger? Compared numbers? None of APAC servers are great ... master d is the worst... I'm glad your content. But you bucko are not the



You're not the consensus, and neither is any of the pvp server people. The consensus lies on the pve and rp servers, where the majority reside, and who are doing really well since f2p...thanks all the same.


That said, I hope they give the rest of the pvp server people a transfer to server of their choice. Don't want to see the pvp server people merged into our server types however, the play styles are incompatible.

Edited by lollie
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I suppose one thing I see is PVP players wanting to either be merged to Dalborra or Gav Daragon, provided they are made into PVP servers, which is wrong, because PVE players and RPers should be allowed to be in the evnvironment they want to have.


Same goes for PVP players. They should not be merged to say Dalborra and have the option of world PVP taken from them.


I just don't see how a merger of the three Oceanic servers is feasible? PVE, PVP and RP all exist in their own little bubbles. RP player think they are the only ones who care about names, well they are wrong. I have seen PVP players say if they are merged to Dalborra then it should be changed to a PVP server and they will gank people out doing quests. That is wrong to the people who rolled on a PVE server. And lastly people roll on a RP server because they want that in their game, and I have seen on occasion, them get made fun of by others who don't understand their RP needs.


So I suppose I don't see how you think this will work, it kinda can't. The three groups of players are to disparate. They just couldn't all get what they want from being in the same place. And I don't think one group should suffer cause another wants something different, and they would have been forced to move to a server that doesn't support their personal way of playing.


My two bits to all this.

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You're not the consensus, and neither is any of the pvp server people. The consensus lies on the pve and rp servers, where the majority reside, and who are doing really well since f2p...thanks all the same.


That said, I hope they give the rest of the pvp server people a transfer to server of their choice. Don't want to see the pvp server people merged into our server types however, the play styles are incompatible.



Since your server is doing so well can you kindly remove yourself from this thread? Thanks.

Edited by Erishumlol
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Since your server is doing so well can you kindly remove yourself from this thread? Thanks.


Like I said, I wouldn't be here if the people posting in this thread would simply be honest and explain it's only about the pvp server, and not the rp and pve servers.


I will post where I like, and have the opinions I want to have - this is a forum, which means we are allowed to discuss things here.

Edited by lollie
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Like I said, I wouldn't be here if the people posting in this thread would simply be honest and explain it's only about the pvp server, and not the rp and pve servers.


I will post where I like, and have the opinions I want to have - this is a forum, which means we are allowed to discuss things here.


I play mostly on the pve server and sometimes on the rp server... i still want mergers as neither of these come close to the experience available on US severs...


You may be content but i am not.. and neither of us knows what the rest of the pve and rp players want



- there is a /ignore function for ******es who are present in any server of any game

- the buggy flagging mechanic will surely be fixed by the time they think about merging us

Edited by laz_AU
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The aggressive behaviour of the pvp server people in this thread is a pretty good indication of why any merge to a pve server will not work.


Refer to my edit :)


- there is a /ignore function for ******es who are present in any server of any game

- the buggy flagging mechanic will surely be fixed by the time they think about merging us

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Like I said, I wouldn't be here if the people posting in this thread would simply be honest and explain it's only about the pvp server, and not the rp and pve servers.


I will post where I like, and have the opinions I want to have - this is a forum, which means we are allowed to discuss things here.



Have you compared the AP RP and PVE servers to the NA and EU recently? You call standard servers for a FTP fine? LOL

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Have you compared the AP RP and PVE servers to the NA and EU recently? You call standard servers for a FTP fine? LOL


The increase percentage-wise is comparable to some of the US servers (around .25). The ONLY server losing numbers is the Oceanic pvp server.


Oceanic pve and rp servers also regularly hit standard population now during the peak hours.

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The buggy flagging hasn't been fixed since game was in beta...what makes you think they'll suddenly fix it for the sake of one server?


Because I have faith that one switched-on BW employee thinks "hey seeing as how we are merging a pve and pvp server, shouldn't we think about fixing the flagging mechanic?"


If not im sure the CS reps will get several hundred bug reports and complaints from victims.


And if it STILL isn't fixed then i believe paid transfers will be in place by that time and players who are really irritated by it can jump to another server. Not optimal i know but hey still better than playing on a low pop server.. imagine being able to get a group for a heroic on a random mid level planet.. would be amazing


Also: there will be good with the bad. I'm sure some pvp players are not aggressive manaics that derive pleasure from killing lower level toons 24/7. Some will be a valued addition to the communitee

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Because I have faith that one switched-on BW employee thinks "hey seeing as how we are merging a pve and pvp server, shouldn't we think about fixing the flagging mechanic?"


They will not.


All that needs to be done (if any intervention is required) is giving people transfers off to the server of their choice. This will produce the least disruption to the greatest number of people.


In the meantime people could just man up and reroll.

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They will not.


All that needs to be done (if any intervention is required) is giving people transfers off to the server of their choice.


I believe it would be a good idea to offer this to rp and maybe pvp players that don't with to transfer but i fear that if it is offered to all 3 servers, everyone will jump ship to US servers, thus dealing the killing blow the APAC servers


Re-rolling sounds like a good challenge in theory but when u actually go to do it... it really puts u off the game having to run everywhere till u get ur speeder, having no money etc.

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I believe it would be a good idea to offer this to rp and maybe pvp players that don't with to transfer but i fear that if it is offered to all 3 servers, everyone will jump ship to US servers, thus dealing the killing blow the APAC servers


Offer it to the pvp server people - it's only their server that is bucking the trend of increased numbers.


Don't see most people ever wanting to play US servers after having played on a server with great latency - this is the best thing a game company could ever give us, and I for one appreciate the servers they gave us.

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Offer it to the pvp server people - it's only their server that is bucking the trend of increased numbers.


Don't see most people ever wanting to play US servers after having played on a server with great latency - this is the best thing a game company could ever give us, and I for one appreciate the servers they gave us.


Perhaps you're right and the majority of pvp players will come to Dalborra.. I just can't let go of the dream of having one massive server, with low latency and APAC prime times.


Also i think it's important to consider that populations will steadily decline after the massive influx from ftp wears off. For this reason i think its important we consolidate and try and get populations as high as possible so we will be less affected by the attrition of players


Also: maybe it would help if RP players had their own channel with the option of leaving general chat? So those that don't want to deal with the non-rp players can do so?

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This guy must be off his meds. If Bioware would hurry up and merge the servers already, APAC might be able to actually enjoy this game similar to how the people of Harbinger do.


Here is the run down -


There will be a NEW APAC SERVER - Honestly, I don't care what the call it, make it Master Gav Borra for what it is worth - This server will be a PvE server.


All people on Dalborra are immediately moved to this server.

All people on Master Dar Nala are given a choice to move to this server, or move to the Bastion.

All people on Gav Daragon are given a choice to move to this server, or move to (insert West Cost robe and wizzard hat, I mean, RP server here)


Boom, we have an amazing server. PvP queues actually pop in under 30 minutes. PvE dailies are a possibility of being completed as a DPS, no more 4+ hour queues.


Dawww, but I cant RP. Of course you can, /cjoin RP.


Daww, but I got killed by a bad guy. Report them for exploiting a bug. Log off for ten minutes. Go to your alts and set up some crew skill missions. Do something else while they pass along.


Questions? None. Didn't think so.


My last observation, since sped enjoys his percentages, a percentage of the population populating to a new populated server would see the population of the new populated server increases by a preposterous percentage.

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