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Does INFILTRATOR do anything?


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This NEEDS further clarification:


So in BETA it did apply +15% movement speed boost wether you were in stealth or not.


Now people are sayin on LIVE it only applies when in stealth.


This would be stupid, as sprint still boost your speed while in stealth to as fast if not faster than the people that are already in combat.


I mean I suppose if you were stalking someone in open PvP at full sprint speed then its useful, but REALLY...(I can't believe I even just mentioned that...its so utterly worthless)


Basically, if this skill does apply only in stealth it is the most worthless 3 talent pts you could ever spend. If it applies to in-combat its pretty useful to stayin on target, especially if your going Concealment anyway.


If someone else who has the skill will just have a run test with one of the regular movement classes, I would really appreciate it.

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This NEEDS further clarification:


So in BETA it did apply +15% movement speed boost wether you were in stealth or not.



In beta it worked all the time. I remember racing some friends to test it and I always outran them when we both had sprint up. So it did stack with sprint.


Not sure about live, I'd have to race someone again. I think it does though because I do seem to be pulling ahead of people when we are doing open world quests.


It does stack with sprint while your in stealth for live, that I am sure of. It also seems to work in combat.

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In combat = 115%

Stealth = 120%

Out of stealth&combat = 135%


Post sprint and infiltrator.


where on earth are you getting 120% in stealth from.


stealth as standard reduces your speed to 85% of normal


depending on how the talent works (additive of multiplicative) it will EITHER be 100% movement speed (IE normal) or it will be 97.75%.

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where on earth are you getting 120% in stealth from.


stealth as standard reduces your speed to 85% of normal


depending on how the talent works (additive of multiplicative) it will EITHER be 100% movement speed (IE normal) or it will be 97.75%.


I'm guessing he meant in combat stealth is 100%, out of combat stealth with sprint is 120%. But that doesn't make sense either.

Edited by epixhints
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I'm guessing he meant in combat stealth is 100%, out of combat stealth with sprint is 120%. But that doesn't make sense either.


potentially yeah.


But on the topic, ive got a level 37 jedi shadow (identicle stealth and talent) and when i enter stealth i most definatly slow down.


so im assuming it works multipiplictivly with the 35 speed buff. (speed buffs on mounts work this way in WoW, ie crusader aura (20%) on a 310 mount increases your speed to 372% not 330%)


stealth - 85%

stealth with run - 114.75

stealth with talent - 97.75%

stealth with talent * run - 131.9625


as to wether or not the 15% applied OUT of stealth im not 100% someone would need a race.


if so its


run - 100%

run with sprint - 135%

run with talent - 115%

run with talent and sprint - 155.25%

Edited by Aeires
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Infiltrator and sprint DO NOT stack. Stealth = 85% + 35% of sprint = 120%. They don't stack in ANY case. And yes, infiltrator works in combat, so 115% normal run speed. Out of combat & stealth will always be the fastest at 135%. Edited by Reenolols
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Infiltrator and sprint DO NOT stack. Stealth = 85% + 35% of sprint = 120%. They don't stack in ANY case. And yes, infiltrator works in combat, so 115% normal run speed. Out of combat & stealth will always be the fastest at 135%.


Except that sometimes it's a bit buggy and they do stack (which is awesome fun, btw), and sometimes it's a bit buggy and NEITHER applies... which is not so much fun...

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So many people posting random numbers and not actually trying it...


I know it works while stealthed, even out of combat because at one point my assassin friend noted, "hey, why are you so much faster than me?" when we were sneaking around together.


However, when we were both out of stealth, we ran at the same speed.

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I believe that Infiltrator does work when in combat and not stealthed, when chasing other classes in pvp to catch up to them for my melee abilities I was able to catch up to everyone while they were still running, I hope it does apply to out of stealth in combat, since we're mostly melee/short ranged (10m) being able to catch up to our target is a nice little feature. For all I know it could have been lagg or some weird little thing, I tested it multiple times though so i'm not sure, srry if i'm rambling.
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I got no idea why they made this talent so weak. Id rather have the movement speed ALWAYS work and have increased stealth higher up or in another talent. Hell, if I could choose Id choose overall movement speed over the stealth increase. But thats a personal opinion because I hate slow movement in MMOs.
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